Carina Alanson
About the Author

Carina Alanson is a writer, life coach, and course creator who is passionate about helping women live with purpose and grow in their relationship with God. She lives in the subarctic town of Fairbanks, Alaska, where she enjoys scenic drives with her husband, nature walks, and reading by the fire.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Peggy says

    Thanks for the reminder that God listens to us, loves us, and doesn’t need a tragedy, to hear and answer prayers!

  2. Dawn Ferguson-Little says

    It is the same. God showed me over you Carina over the coffee you got more than you thought you would when you asked the shop assent that day. You where not affraid to ask about your brand of Coffee. Had they more coming in or more in the store. How often don’t we ask God for things he like us to ask for. God showed me something through your coffee where does the coffee come from. I said God it come from Coffee Beans. There are lots of coffee bean to make up a Jar of Coffee. Well God said Dawn one Coffee Bean that is picked from the Coffee plant could be me picking your unsaved and your unsaved Husband Family and saving them like the Coffee that you see in the coffee jar safe that you buy in shop to take home and make into a cup of coffee. It is safe. So I will if you trust me and keep praying like that coffee bean and all thoes beans that are your unsaved Family members and Husband unsaved Family that are not saved. Turn them like the coffee bean is turned into coffee turn them one day in my perfect timing into saved people for my kingdom. So don’t stop praying for them and don’t stop believing for them all. Like the Coffee beans are turned into coffee. I can turn your unsaved Family and your Husband unsaved Family to get Saved. I God will. KEEP BELIEVING. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little

    • says

      Wow, Dawn, thanks for reading and thank you so much for sharing this! It’s so beautiful how God spoke to you in this way as you read the article. Isn’t He so good? I love your faith and dedication to praying for your unsaved family members, and I am joining with you in praying that they will have life-changing encounters with God’s love and turn their hearts toward Him. He takes the raw material of our lives and turns it into something beautiful. Blessings!

  3. Beth Williams says


    Our society is focused on dreaming big dreams. Doing, achieving & having more. We believe that God can help us with those dreams. It is the mundane trials of everyday life that we struggle alone. Thinking we must handle them ourselves. God says to come to Him with everything. Nothing is to small for Him to handle. Children have a test you’re worried about, what to make for dinner, your drive to work, what college to attend & major pray about it all. He cares about us so much. Next time you want something no matter how trivial you think it is pray to God about it. He just might surprise you with more than you expected.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. Maura Michael says

    What a wonderful essay. I often think I can’t “bother” God with small things. But that is me putting Him in a box where he doesn’t belong. Small moments are all that life is about. Lord, open my heart so that I can share all my moments with you.

    • says

      Thank you, Maura, and thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. Your prayer, “Lord, open my heart so that I can share all my moments with you,” is my heart’s prayer too! Blessings!

  5. Rachel D says

    I love this! It reminds me of what a pastor I sat under once said when preaching on Philippians 4:6. “The real question isn’t whether anything is too small to pray about. The real question is whether any of it ISN’T small to God!” Even though some problems seem big to us, they aren’t big to Him, and as you said, He cares about every facet of our lives.

    • says

      So glad this resonated with you, Rachel! So true, even the problems that seem big to us are small to God. I was just reading Zechariah 8:6 this morning where God says, “This seems unbelievable to you—a remnant, small, discouraged as you are—but it is no great thing for me. ” Such an encouraging thing to remember! Blessings!

  6. Trista says

    I already believe that God cares about the small things, but it’s so good just to stop and think about that this morning. Thanks Carina!

  7. Margy Southern says

    Thanks Carina, all the way from South Africa
    I so enjoy your writings & your timely reminders of many different things, especially that our God really does want to be included in every part of our lives – how blessed are we to have such an intimate relationship with the God of the universe.All praise to Jesus, our King of Kings.
    Love & blessings.

    • says

      Hello Margy!
      Thank you so much, I’m so glad that you’ve been enjoying my writings. God is so good, and what you said is so true, we are so blessed to have relationship with Him! I hope you’re keeping safe, healthy, and at peace over in South Africa!

      Sending love and blessing from Alaska,
