Maggie Johnson
About the Author

Maggie is a working mama who lives at the intersection of sacred and secular. As a pastor's wife and a business owner, she believes the best kind of ministry happens in ordinary, unexpected places. Armed with blunt truth and tender care, there is nothing she loves more than helping others...

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Maggie, this is so true and so relevant in our culture of isolation. When I see my people stepping out in brave faith, God becomes bigger and more trustworthy in my eyes. I want to do that for others, as well.
    Blessings to you in your courageous mothering life!

  2. Maggie,

    God made us for community. He doesn’t believe in isolation. That’s why He made Eve for Adam. He didn’t want him to be alone. He created a helper & friend. He expects us to connect with others-especially those different from us. When we connect with those people around us we can start to create community. Community should always welcome newcomers. It can be scary to take the first step to connection. Going up to someone & starting a conversation. That is what is takes-courage. Everyone of us has been the new person on the block or in school, etc. Trying to fit in is hard. You want people to like you. Start by taking that first courageous step & go talk to someone. You just might make a friend.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. What a wonderful essay. In this time of division in our society and with the rise of social media, we need face to face connections to help understand and build each other up, not tear each other down because of race, gender, lifestyle choices, etc. How else do we learn to be followers of Jesus unless we reach out like he did to the Samaritans in our communities?

  4. Hey Magpie!!!
    Absolutely loved this!! Certainly was a word in due season!! Miss you sis❤️

  5. This is beautifully stated Maggie. Your daughter is fortunate to have a mother who is so bold and so courageous

  6. Wow, very well written doll! Thank you for this unique encouragement. I didn’t know I needed to expand on my courage until now, thank you! You are wonderful and loved ♥️