About the Author

Grace P. Cho is a Korean American writer, poet, and speaker. She believes telling our stories can change the world, and desires to elevate women of color’s voices in the publishing industry. Learn more at @gracepcho and gracepcho.com.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Grace,
    This line in your prayer hit me: “We want to be like You and love like You do. ” I can blab on til the cows come home about God’s love for another, but actions speak much louder than words. Jesus spent more time showing love than just talking about it. Jesus was the flesh covering over what defines God – love. In order to be Jesus’ hands and feet in this world, I need to step outside my comfy circle and be vulnerable. Vulnerability is scary, but look what there is to gain. When we widen and expand the circle here on earth, we potentially widen and expand the community in heaven. Way to go room mom!
    Bev xx

  2. YES!
    We exand the circumference of our hearts when we invite more people into our circle. And in doing so, we put on display the love of God which is always reaching out in welcome!
    Blessings to you, Room Mom! My husband is a teacher and recently moved to a new school system with no room parents, and he feels as if he’s lost an arm!

  3. you are right about reaching out to build community. I have been both in life.. I have been a bible class teacher weekly that reached out to many parents building a community but also I’ve been the person who pulled away to myself.
    it takes real inner strength to build community but that’s exactly what Jesus did as he travelled spreading his ministry !

  4. In my school days I was the same kind of student as you. Afraid to speak or take up room. Thankfully God helped me join in and be in community. Yes, we need to be aware of the circles we draw and include others. Always. More people are looking and wanting to be included than we think.

  5. Grace,

    God made us for community. He expects us to include others in our activities. We should never exclude anyone for any reason. This country is becoming kind of inclusive. People only getting together with their own kind. Not sure if they are afraid of other races or just prejudiced. God sure isn’t. He loves everyone & wants us to do the same. Talking about love is easy. We need to do the hard work of showing God’s love to this sinful world. Our actions speak volumes. People are watching us-especially our children. We should model community every chance we get. Show/teach them to include the newbie & others of various races. Let’s put bigotry & racism aside & start modeling God’s love in community. I try to do that by encouraging others at work. Often say thank you to cleaning crew, stockers & CNAs for the job they are doing. May God bless your efforts Room Mom!~

    Blessings 🙂