Faith is tidy and neat for some, never unwavering and always so sure. And maybe that’s how you used to feel, but now your once-sure beliefs are less certain, the prescribed faith of your youth no longer enough.
Perhaps life isn’t turning out like you thought it would. Heartbreak and challenges stir doubt. Sunday school answers fall short. God seems distant.
If you’ve grown up in the church or identified as a Christian for any length of time even, there’s a good chance you’ve wrestled with doubts or questions. Maybe right now you, or others you care about, are struggling in faith and life but longing to believe.
We hear you, sister, and we’re with you.
That’s why we’re so thrilled that our newest book, For All Who Wander, by (in)courage writer Robin Dance, is now available.
For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God is Better Than Knowing it All is ready for you. It’s ready to sit with you while you grab a cup of coffee, pour another cup for a friend, and open your heart to the waiting world. It’s ready to be read by a book club, wrapped up in a birthday gift, stashed in a purse for a carpool or waiting room read. It’s ready to have a place in your life, and to help give you hope for your future.
If what you know in your head isn’t aligning with the gut-level truth of your heart, For All Who Wander is the book for you. As you walk through Robin’s story with her, you’ll find out for yourself that sometimes wandering is the path that leads you back to God.
We are so excited to hear how Robin’s heartfelt stories and Biblical encouragement impact your heart. For All Who Wander is now available at Amazon, DaySpring, LifeWay, and wherever books are sold. When you get your copy, be sure to snap a picture for Instagram and include #forallwhowanderbook in your caption so we can share in the fun!
Friends, this book? It’s for you, in the same story-sharing way (in)courage is for you. This book is for all those who want to recognize and operate out of their true identity in light of who Christ is. It’s for those who want to abandon the guilt and shame attached to having questions or doubts, and consider the factors that have led to this season of wandering. And it will reassure you that God is working whether or not you sense His presence.
Order your copy of For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God is Better Than Knowing it All today!
Thank you, Robin, for allowing God to use you to bring us wanderers back and help us get rooted in the truth. This book will be a great help to so many.
Thank you, Kerry!
Happy Launch Day!:) Big congrats once again!:)
May God use this book to bless and encourage many many lives!
May God’s name be continually glorified in all of our lives. Amen.
Love & Blessings:)
Yes…all focus on Him! Thank you, Bomi!
Congrats! Today is THE day!! I’ve been blessed to be on Robin’s launch team for this reflective memoir that Robin has penned. I love her humor-infused writing as she tells stories that we ALL can relate to. I, too, grew up in the church and it took a LONG time for my faith to take that “18 inch journey” as Robin calls it – from my head to my heart. I have especially enjoyed the Journey Guide as it has challenged me to take a long look at MY spiritual journey. Sometimes we really need to look back to see the Ebenezer milestones of God’s faithfulness, in all the peaks and valleys, to take us confidently and courageously into the future.
Blessings and cheering you on, Robin!!
Bev xo
You’re the best, sweet friend. Thank you for your wonderful help and encouragement!
I would love to have this new book! Thanks for the chance to win one!
I can’t wait to read this book! It is exactly what I need in my life right now. Hits right at home to what I’ve been struggling with in my walk with Jesus.
Hi Lori,
I’ve prayed for two years this would encourage the Wanderers. I’m praying today, too :).
Congrats! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.
This looks like a book I need in my life right now. I’m definitely in a season of wandering and am trying to find my back. Can’t wait to read this!
This sounds like something I need to read right now!
So exciting!! Looking forward to reading this book!
Happy Book Launch! Would love to have a copy of the book!
This is coming at a time when I need it. Can’t wait to receive the copy I ordered. Thank you.
Ann, I’m so thankful for God’s timing!
This is exactly where I am at! You always speak right to my heart. Can’t wait to read this book!
A Godwink, perhaps?
Sounds like a wonderful way to start the New Year! I have had faith struggles recently, and see so much heartbreak around me. I need a renewing of my mind and soul.
May the Spirit lead, guide, and draw you close.
Congratulations Robin! I love the description of the book. I do not even remember telling you of my struggles and those of a few close friends, but you have written a book just for me/us! 😉
All the best to you and to all of us who navigate this beautiful world and hope to not feel alone.
Even today, it’s so encouraging to know I’m (we!) aren’t alone!
I need this book so much in my life! I’m definitely struggling and need (in)couragment to return from my wandering
This sounds like an awesome book. I would be honored if I were to be chosen as a winner.
This book sounds like the perfect book for those of us who are living life knowing there is more but not quite knowing how to find that fire.
Happy Launch Day!
This book looks like it will be a great inspiration to many, including me. I am looking forward to reading it one day!
Congratulations on the launch of the book!!!
Congratulations on your new book bday! Thank you for sharing from your heart to help us heal ours. God bless you and your writing journey ❤
Writing was a simple obedience and God’s redemption of a hard season….Thanks, Kathleen!
Congratulations! This looks like a book for me. This is a season of wandering and I need God to show me the way home!
I can’t wait to receive my copy. It’s just what I need after my period of doubt and feeling forlorn and forgotten. Thank you for writing this book. I already know I’m blessed by it
((hugs)) Kathy. I’m so thankful for the word “after” in your comment :).
This is such an important message.
Wow! What a great giveaway. I would really put it to good use if I won, I would share with my friends. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to enter. Thanks
I love the subtitle of “Why Knowing God is better than Knowing It All”. I am always happy to read book to help with anxiety and fear. I think everyone fears something in life at some point and could use a reminder that not only is God with us and for us but that He is the reason we should not fear. And also a reminder that God knows all and better than us. Congrats! And it is so nice of you to have a Celebration day giveaway.
Hopefully, the entire book points to God’s faithfulness. It was my heart in writing it. xo
Congratulations on the launch of this book! May it reach the hands and hearts of those who find themselves wandering.
Thank you, and YES!
Happy launch day, after reading this post I have added it ti my to read list! Hopefully I will win a copy. I feel like I need to take this journey first, but have a few people in mind that need this also.
Walking it out together would be wonderful….
How exciting!!!! You knew what I needed. It is all a journey as a Christ follower. Knowing other often have a quiet period allow me to exceed on this journey. We are in this together gratefully
God knew :). I just tried to keep up with Him…:)
Thank you for the sample and Happy Launch Day!
God is gracious in His timing of what I need. I’ve been wandering in the desert for several years and I can’t wait to read Robin’s book.
I hope you find Him within my story….
Looking forward to holding a copy of this book! Times are tough but our GOD is real! Happy Launch Day! 🙂
I have a friend who is strong enough in Christ to admit that she feels exactly this way. She keeps persevering and pursuing. She keeps worshipping. But she’s wrestling with the questioning of what it’s all for and if it’s all real. I would love to be able to give this book to her!
I’m so glad she has YOU to share when she’s struggling!
This book sounds absolutely amazing! Congrats to Robin! I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you!
Congratulations, Robin! I’m sure this will bless everyone who reads it! Thanks for this opportunity!
Congrats! I would love to win and read this!
As someone who has recently returned from her wandering, this looks to be like an amazing book. The ex pets were amazing.
I’m trying to figure out that typo, Hope :).
Rotfl. Excerpts. The excerpts were amazing.
Oh. My. Excerpt. That’s what I wanted to say. Now all I can think of is ex pets
Love this! I would love a copy ❤️
Books sounds interesting. Would love to win a copy!
I’m looking forward to reading For All Who Wander. It’s good to know that when we go through times of doubt, we are not alone.
We all have our wandering times, our feeling like we are in the desert of our faith. The book will validate and inspire us to see that our wandering is shaping us and that God is with us in those wandering. Thank you for sharing your writing to encourage us all
Yes! God is USING our wandering!!
Happy launch day!! I think we all wander at some point in our lives. Thinking this book may be a great one for our Jesus Loving Girls group. Thanks and blessings to you 🙂 Julie
“Jesus Loving Girls…” Oh, that is fantastic!
Hello! Since we all tend to wander at some time in our Christian journey, this book will be of great benefit to many people. Thank you for writing it. May God bless you and the people who read it!
Happy launch day! Sounds like a great challenging read! Excited to get a copy!
I am excited to read this great book.
I can’t wait to read it!!
I’m looking forward to reading For All Who Wander. This is the perfect book for me to share with my grandson at this time when he has so many doubts. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I have enjoyed receiving my daily messages from incourage and would love the chance to win a copy to read and share with others. Thank you for the uplifiting words and daily dose of encouragement!
Congratulations Robin! No matter how much you believe in everyone’s life there comes a time when we question if God even knows we are here. Why would God care about this small speck on the big planet? Does God hear me? Why is this happening? It is a tough valley to walk through. And one that is hard to share with fellow Christians. What would they think of me? Will my wavering faith turn them away from me? Thank you for writing about a subject we all go through but seldom talk about. Would love to bring it to my bible study group.
Can’t wait to read!
I thoroughly enjoyed the 5 e-mails and would love to win a copy for a friend. Definitely ordering my own copy today!
Congrats on your launch day! Love the title !
So glad this book is being published. Very timely for me in this season, I can’t wait to read it.
I can’t wait to read it. Looks like an amazing book.
Read the book and was blessed and encouraged by it. I’d love to win a copy to give away!
Congratulations Robin! I am excitedly waiting on my ordered copy. I have so enjoyed the emails I have been getting and can’t wait to get started reading.
The title alone speaks to so many of us on a deep level. Looking forward to reading it!
I would love a copy, I know this book will be amazing
I can definitely relate to the unexpected twists and turns of the journey. It’s great to hear stories of fellow wanderers.
Congratulations, Robin! So excited for you!
(In)courage blesses so many with great books from great writers.
It is thrilling to know readers again can be challenged and changed by Robin’s insights from God’s Word and work in her life. What a gift it is to learn and grow by stories God weaves in a writer’s heart.
Robin, Thank you for sharing your faith journey with the rest of us.
What. a wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much for this opportunity to win such an awesome gift!
Happy Launch Day! This book sounds fantastic!
Happy launch day! I am very excited to read this new book and share it with my bible study group. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this drawing.
I’m a wanderer!
Looking forward to reading
Happy Launch Day! Congratulations!
This is a much needed book! I hope to win it!
Congratulations on the book launch! It sounds like a helpful resource.
Congrats on the book and thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Great idea to expound upon in times like these!
The topic of this book speaks so loudly of where I am right now, wandering. I would love to have this book!
I will have to add this book to my reading list❤
“All that wander are not lost,” however if you are wandering without God, you indeed are lost❤️
Happy Launch day!
This sounds like just the book for me. I’ve been struggling with doubt and thinking it was just me. I’d love to read it.
Happy Launch Day! Looking forward to reading this book!
So excited about this book. I am a wanderer and would love to read the book and find my way back. It becomes such a struggle to not know what I should know after all of these years. Thank you for writing the book and journal and giving women hope.
Happy Launch Day! Thank you Robin for sharing this with us! This is going to bless so many.
Congratulations Robin! I am excitedly awaiting my ordered copy. I have really enjoyed the pre-emails and can’t wait to start the book and journal.
I feel like I have been wandering. Looks like an excellent book.
I would love a copy of this book. I definitely fell like I’m wandering at the moment.
Robin chose one of my favorite quotes from the Lord of the rings, “All the is gold does not glitter. All who wander are not lost”. I’d love to read what she does with it in an overly Christian context.
So looking forward to this book!
Congratulations on the book launch. I know this book has been on your heart for a long time! I’m just like you. Been in church most of my life. Identified as a Christian because “I go to church”. Didn’t have that 18-inch journey till many years later. It wasn’t till after I married & started going to Blue Springs Christian that Acts 2:38-first gospel message sank in! I’d been sprinkled as a baby. On a Wednesday night I decided to take the plunge. Now I have a true relationship with Christ! Another biggie is we take communion each week. Having a communion meditation then taking of the emblems. Repetition is your best teacher. It sinks in deep just what God did for me!!
Congratulations Robin 🙂
Happy Launch Day! Congratulations! May you be blessed as your ministry is a blessing to others!
Happy Book Birthday!!!
It sounds like a wander-full read!!!
I really enjoyed the 5-day email series that Robin and (in)courage provided. Can’t wait to get my hands on the whole book!
I am excited about getting this book for some of my daughter’s dear friends, who are trying to understand what faith in God looks like when you are “out on your own” in the world. Thank you for sharing this story that God put in you.
Happy Launch Day!!
I would love to read/win this book! Such rich words that we all can learn and grow from. So happy for you!
Melinda S
Congratulations! It sounds like something I need to read and look forward to it. I have had a really rough, but at the same time blessed couple of years which have taken my heart to places I thought I would never go. I pray it will bless many more women than you could ever imagine.
Happy Launch Day! I pray this book goes in the hands of someone who could really benefit from it!
I cannot wait to read this book! This will go along perfectly with my word of the year!
This sounds like an interesting exploration of faith on the edge. I’ve certainly had my own share of doubt through the years and asking why things happen. I hope your book is a huge success, Robin!
I am excited to see this book and I would like to do a reading with my girlfriend who is really struggling at this time. Best wishes for this launch day. Thank you Gina
So excited for this book! And for Robin!
Happy Launch Day, Robin and all who helped you get to this day! It’s a blessing to know I am not alone on this journey. Praying your words reach those who need them most ♥️
Blest Launch Day, Robin!
I am Wandering and wondering thru many valleys of life; many created by Autoimmune Illnesses. I sugar coat words, telling all “I am fine.” Fearful of expressing my doubts — where is God in all this — will that make me less-than? Once strong in all, I’m weak. And, rambling. Definitely in need of your book.
Thank you for writing it.
Blessing to all.
Can’t wait to read this book, it speaks to the place I am !
Thank you Robin for bravely sharing your story and providing encouragement! Your release comes at a pivotal time in my own walk with Our Lord, and I have been hoirified and ashamed that I had such doubts and holes in my faith….. I look forward to reading your story.
This looks like a great encouragement that we can all use at some point in our Christian walk. Thanks for the opportunity!
What a great day. Such a good book.
I love reading yours (and all of the (in)courage writers) posts. They give us hope. In whatever season we are in. I am looking forward to reading and studying your new book. Congratulations on your Launch Day.
Julie T
Looks like a good book, would love to win one.
I’ve been wandering since my divorce from a 25 year marriage. Maybe this would help.
I have followed Robin for years and am excited to read more about her journey. Faith is not easy but it is always worth the effort.
This book sounds amazing! I have struggled with my faith the last few years. This book sounds so full of hope!
I’ve been acquainted with the awesomeness that is Robin Dance for years, and I’m SO THRILLED for her!!!! EVERYONE READ THIS BOOK. Because Robin is wise and beautiful and a sincere servant of God.❤️
Happy Launch Day! This book sounds so relatable…I cant wait to get my hands on it!
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win!!!!!!!! This sounds SOOOOOOO good!!!!
I love the encouragement that you offer! I’m soooo looking forward to reading and learning more about growing my faith and the journey!
Happy Launch Day! This book looks so encouraging, Id like to go through this with my daughter. Thank you for the opportunity to win a giveaway!
I love the bumper sticker that says “All Who Wander Are Not Lost”. You have stirred a lot of hearts with this new study. Looking forward to new beginnings. God Bless!
Thank you for penning this! Several friends come to mind…perhaps we could form a small group long-distance and journey through this together. God’s blessings in this ministry!
Loved meeting you Sunday. Would love to win a copy of your book.
I enjoy Robin’s devotionals so much & pass them onto many friends that I try to encourage. I was not raised in the church but found Jesus when I was just 16 years old. I married a wonderful man who had just accepted the Lord 6 months before we met & we raised 3 wonderful children in the church. I appreciate the weekly devotionals so much & use them in many creative ways including with my Good News Club teaching the children true lessons of Christian love.
Congratulations on this new book & Lord bless you all richly for His kingdom!!!
I love the title and the cover picture! I am looking forward to reading this! I hope I win!
Thanks for giving us a chance to win. Sounds like a amazing book.
Happy book launch day! Thank you for the chance to win.
Happy Launch Day, Robin!
Look forward to wandering
with you and God.
I know that I am a WANDERER and I need to follow the one and only correct path. I also know that I cannot do this by myself. There is help available and I will begin my trek back to where I should have been, all the time.
YAY, I love Day Spring give-aways; you are always so generous! I’d love to win one!! I have already pre-ordered the set, but I cold give away this copy to my daughter!! PICK ME!☺️
Would love to read this! Our son recently”left the faith” might give me some insight to help in the processing.
Can’t wait to get my hands on this one!
This is right on time for me. I’ve been struggling some in my walk. My son has epilepsy and has been struggling for the last 2 almost 3 yrs with seizures in his sleep. He has anywhere from 50-70 seizures a month. We’re waiting to see if he qualifies for surgery. More than anything right now my faith needs to be strengthen. I pray all the time, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief!” I would love to win this bundle. I need this bundle!! Thank you!
Our oldest grandson lost his battle with depression and took his life three days before Christmas. We are trying so hard not to wander and to cling to Jesus.
This book would be perfect for my daughter. She is struggling with her faith, and she still asks me to pray for her. I am hopeful. Thank you for bringing something for our loved ones who are questioning.
I am so excited to get an opportunity to read this book. I have definitely felt lost lately and searching for answers to no avail. I feel like this book would be a good guide for me. Congratulations on the launch and appreciate being considered for the gift of this package. Blessings to you!
This looks like an amazing read! Can’t wait to get it!
Big congrats on your book. May this book be a blessing to the community of (in) Courage.
*We are eternally LOVED ~ No matter what we lose or what we gain, Your love remains. It is the reason for who we are and what we do. Keep us in your LOVE, and help us show Your love to those around us. * Prayer from If Equip website to share.
Robin Dance Congratulations on the launch of your first book! I am so elated for you! For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God Is Better than Knowing It All is an excellent book! I have never been one to see myself as a wanderer. However, after reading the book, I could look back and see that certain situations and scenarios in my own life caused me to wander away from God and my relationship with Him. It can be a natural response to look to ourselves for answers rather than going to the One who knows it all. Robin Dance is an authentic voice of wisdom. Through the sharing of her personal stories, you begin to see, reflect and understand that as humans, we don’t know it all and that truly knowing God is better than becoming a wanderer. For All Who Wander has encouraged me to find hope and healing in my own life’s challenges and I am much better off for having read your book. Thank-you for your heartfelt words! They have encouraged me beyond measure!
What I just read, hits home. I would love to read this book.
Congratulations to Robin, I have so enjoyed reading her work for many years. The book will help so many people.
I’m excited to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway.
This book sounds like what I need right now! Can’t wait to get the sample to begin reading it. Thanks so much for sharing your heart with ours!!
Am so excited to read this new book. It is good to really know that I am not the only one that Wanders…
I’m a wanderer ready for Robin’s insight & guidance! Praise & blessings always!!
It’s hard to not question God and His love and faithfulness when life seems to fall apart. 2019 has been the hardest year of my life but I can still see the ways in which God was working, despite my painful circumstances. This would be a great book to have!
I love to read all the (in)courage posts and I love my (in)courage Bible. I think that we all have doubts at times. I know I constantly have to read my Bible and other readings to maintain my faith. I have enjoyed reading the sample entries “For All Who Wander” and I congratulate Robin on the release of her book. God Bless you Robin. You are helping others!
Congrulations! Just bought a copy and looking forward to reading it.
I don’t know many authentic Christians who can’t relate to “wandering” at some point in their journey. I’m really trying to get closer to Jesus this year because I struggled (am struggling) with the “why’s?” Of life.
Wow! This looks like such a great and timely read! Putting this to the top of my “to read” list! Good luck on the launch! Praying for a great start!
Happy Launch Day! This book sounds like a good way to get back to being the self you”re meant to be rather than the “public face” frequently shown. Best wishes.
I have wanted to read this since I first heard about it through your emails. Due to a ministry salary and going from December with extra Christmas money to January where it is mostly gone 🙂 this is a true treat to have a chance to win. Hope it’s a wonderful launch day for you, Robin! Thank you for your generous giveaways, (in)courage, and most importantly, thank you for your ongoing ministry to each of us.
O. M. Goodness! So many in my life are wandering without a navigator. I would love to share this with them!
SO exciting!! Looks like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the subtitle, so I’m sure I would love this book as well!! It would be such a blessing to win!
What a thought provoking and interesting article especially in the climate of today.
Looking forward to more in empowering messages in the future so, keep up the good work please!
This comes across as a book that can bring great comfort to many – many people go through times of struggle and can wander and want to find their way back.
I preordered them gem and I’ve been dying to get my hands on it ever since I hit complete order. I cannot wait to dive into these stories!
Can’t wait to read this book. It is what I need now
I am certain this book will help a great many who have doubts and questions. It would be great to have this in our church library.
I am sooo looking forward for this book. I wish everyone who preferred a copy of this book will be encouraged and flourish your life shine fully. God bless you and God loves you !
Congrats on your launch! I could use this book as my faith has been wavering! This will be a great and helpful read!
Congratulations and Happy Launch day. I am really looking forward to reading this book. I have added it to my 2020 reading list.
Thank you for this awesome giveaway
I would love to read this book. Thank you!
I would love to read this book!
Love Robin’s voice and I’ve missed it lately, so can’t wait to read this new one!
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this book and the journey workbook!! Just a few days ago, my 23-year old daughter talked to me about her doubts regarding her faith.
This is so timely as I wanted to find a resource for her grounded in God’s truth.
I love all the books that (in)courage has out for women to read! You guys are my favorite! Would love to dive into this book.
So exciting! I like that it’s a set that helps you process the chapters as you go. Plus, what a fun bonus in the giveaway that you get to shop!
Happy Book launch day!!!
How exciting for you Robin! I preordered and expect my book Thursday…can’t wait to dig in!
Also you’re bonuses are awesome!
Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging others. God bless you.❣
Can’t wait to get a copy
Would love to think this could be something my kids would now read! Praying for years for them to come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to read this!
This is awesome! And as I tell my husband, all who wander are NOT lost! ;o)
Happy book birthday!!
This sounds like a wonderful and needed read. Looking forward to getting a copy (if I don’t win). And asking a few women to read it with me.
I would love a chance to get this bundle! This blog has helped me through some of my deepest valleys!
This would be a good read for me now at this stage of wandering in my life.
Congrats and thank you for this opportunity!
What an interesting book. I would love to win a copy and the journal to start off the new year!
These books sound amazing and I can definitely relate to the message. Would be so excited to receive and be able to dig in!
This book sounds like it was written for me. I’ve been in the desert and lamenting for so long that, as Nehemiah wrote, my strength is like water. Thanks for having the giveaway!
Hi! I am most curious about this brand new book. I think that once I have read it I would like to pass it on to someone who needs it. That, or purchase it as a gift for a friend. Thank you for the opportunity to win this beautiful bundle. God Bless You and Yours. Sincerely, Cat
What a perfect topic to write a book about! I would love to read it!
Thanks for writing it!
This book sounds perfect for me. I hope I win, but will probably buy a copy anyway. I’m just on a spending freeze.
Hey! Massive congratulations on your new book! I am so looking forward to reading it! I love the fact it has the journal guide to go along side it! Thank you for taking the time to write it! Excited to read it! Bless you.
Happy launch day!! Congratulations!! Im looking forward to reading it! God bless!
Happy Launch Day! How fitting it is that as I’m currently struggling in my faith that I happen to come across this book in my social media feed through (in)courage! God knows what I need. Would totally be a blessing to win a bundle, but I am for sure purchasing if I don’t win! 🙂
As one who has wandered and still sometimes wonders, I’m always interested in another’s story. .
Hello and thank you so much for the giveaway! My friend Lyli shared a post on Facebook recommending your book and then boom I’m here reading this post. I’m looking forward to reading the sample today.
Hi everyone, thanks for always having the desire to encourage women and people through wonderfully materials as it is. Congrats Robin.
God and I had a very long talk yesterday about this very topic. I can’t wait to grab a copy and read this book. Perfect timing for this season of my life!
Great way to start the new year
Can’t wait to read it!
I am beyond thrilled for you and this book. It just arrived yesterday and I have your beautiful words (and exquisite cover!) and lovely Journey Guide sitting right next to me as I type this. I’m so excited to get to dig into the story of a sister I’ve known for so many years, but to get invited into the very heart of your story through this book. You’ve championed so many for so long that it’s now such an honor to get to celebrate you and this good, good work.
Stopping here today to make sure you know I see you and I celebrate you!
so much love
Congrats! Entering to win & share with a friend! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you for writing this book, Robin. I know it will truly minister to many people. Please pray that my daughter is among them.
A giveaway!! What a wonderful way to celebrate your book launch. May your book be a blessing to all who read it:)
This is a book I need to read! Thank you.
Just coming out of a sabbatical time and this could be just the thing … sounds like a great read. Would be thrilled if I won. Lol.
I could really use this book, this message. I thought that when I reached this age, 60, life would be easier and I’d have all the right answers. But no, it’s not and I don’t. I think this book would help me in many ways.