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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. (in)courage friends,
    I signed up for the 25 days of Christmas Promises reading plan. It’s hard to believe that it’s already Dec. 1st??!! If anyone would like to win a free copy of “Women of Courage,” I’m giving one away at my blog: https://walkingwellwithgod.blogspot.com/2019/11/a-personal-story-of-gratitude.html

    I love this scripture – a “Who’s Who” of the lowly are specifically called out in the lineage of Jesus. In biblical times, women were not highly regarded, yet the Bible gives them prominence in this holy family tree. The first people Jesus appeared to after His resurrection were women. Christ came into the world via the womb of Mary. Knowing this gives me a glimpse of how highly God regards me and if He used these women, He can surely use me.
    Advent blessings,
    Bev xx

    • Jesus from the very beginning loved in a way we all are accepted, and forgiven, and given mercy and grace. How could we refuse to serve, and love others, with so much given to us?

    • Mighty Women – they were special to Jesus then and, just like us, they still are. We, as women, must “own” our responsibility to spread the good new to our children and others in this sad and anxiety filled world. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

    • Bev: I signed up for the 25 days of Promises. Its hard to believe this year is almost gone. It has been a ride for sure. My counseling is going well and my time with gone has been well spent. I cannot thank you and the Incourage staff for all you do. I identify with Rahab. I was a lack for a better word permiscuous (sp?) in my younger years and in early adulthood. Once I found my true love in my husband there was no looking back. We found love in Desert Storm amongst a war of all places. I was a struggling Christian and he was no one at all. We married in 1992 and it was not until 2007 that he came to know Christ. However we both continued to struggle in our walk in every way possible. My mental capacity was not what it should be and it was rough. Finally, the Lord grabbed us by the reigns in 2016 and brought us back to Him. Thank you for listening and thank you for your posts and devotionals. I participated in the Gratitude reading plan and now the Promises plan. I do not know Gods plan for me, but Im ready for the ride He has for me. Many Blessings to you all. Kimberly

  2. I knew the four women in Jesus’s timeline but had not considered them in quite this way. Thank you for this reflection which deepens my understanding of God.

  3. Merry Christmas everyone! I am still young at heart. I truly enjoy the Fall time of the seasons. Beautiful colors, warm clothes, kind smiles, children being extra mindful of chores and the atmosphere of giving. Some people enjoy baking, some enjoy decorating, and some enjoy seeing blessings abound. Be thankful everyday no matter our challenges.

    Last year I received a breast cancer diagnosis, but our Creator took my body and made it well again. What a miracle for me and my family. I will always have that testimony. No one can take that joy from me.

    I love you all.

    Your Sister in Christ

  4. It’s already December 2. This year is flying by, I’m so grateful to God and for the birth and death of Jesus. Jesus’ birth opened a doorway, a path to allow us to walk through and spend eternity with God and Jesus in Heaven.

    There’s a lot I mean a lot I don’t know or understand but what I do know is having a deep relationship with Christ, with God is where I am happiest and most content. It gives me safety and security. God used these women and he uses all of us for his glory. I pray that I will do him justice, do his plans justice as I walk with him, being led and guided by him!

    • You left out Bathsheba in the lineage of Jesus. Her name isn’t mentioned, but it is implied as she was Uriah’s wife.

  5. The hope of Christmas is about salvation first and foremost, but how encouraging to see another hope represented in the lineage of Jesus, through these four women–the hope of usefulness for God’s glory. Both hopes are guaranteed to be realized, because our God of all truth has promised (Philippians 2:13). Hallelujah and Merry Christmas!

  6. In Courage,

    “God doesn’t call the qualified He qualifies the called”. He continually uses the most unlikely people to achieve His goals. Imagine a prostitute in the lineage of Jesus but there it is in black & white. The first People He appeared to after His ascension were women. The people society called lowly-not highly regarded. Yet God highly regarded these women-in fact their deeds in the birth of Christ are recorded in the Bible. God doesn’t do things the way society thinks. His is an upside down theology. So glad He allowed women to be a part of His birth. I don’t feel qualified to do His bidding, yet I know He will give me the strength, endurance & knowledge to do just what He wants done.

    Happy Advent.

    Blessings 🙂