About the Author

Grace P. Cho is a Korean American writer, poet, and speaker. She believes telling our stories can change the world, and desires to elevate women of color’s voices in the publishing industry. Learn more at @gracepcho and gracepcho.com.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Grace, this message is powerful. Necessary. To be sung to Christians from the highest heights. And in the With in the low places. Thank you for raising a Hallelujah to where we are, when we stick together. God is there in our midst. I NEEDED these words. It’s something He’s been revealing to me while birthing a more fulfilling mission.

    • Wow. I am struck. Everything I have been feeling for so long seems to be written right here for me. I am so encouraged by your honesty, your faith, your generosity in sharing these raw emotions. To know that others are feeling, thinking, facing these seemingly endless barrage of loss and ache as you say has shown me that I have allowed myself to feel alone. I am not alone. I thank God for you and for the words He has given you and you have given me. I will dwell on your encouragement. I am ever so grateful.

  2. Grace,

    Oh…friend…the weight of these words–gripping, compelling, and beautiful. You’ve shared thoughts that give pause, stir reflection, and more than anything, point to Jesus with great hope. “We don’t have to know what to do next, but we can keep our eyes open, holding room for the stories to be shared, bearing the weight together — each person holding a corner of the cross.” There’s a certain freedom in letting go of the need to know what to do, in order to know what we CAN do. I’m grateful for the way you’ve slowed me down to again consider how to love well. xo

  3. Amen Grace!! I feel so much like you and some days I want to hide in the closet!! Yes it’s better to show up and stick up for the abused , hurting and lonely.. this is the will Jesus has and we should have.. blessings to and through you \0/

  4. Thank you Grace. It’s almost been 3 years since my grandson has been gone. He choose to take his life at 17 and go to his eternity home with God. It hasn’t been an easy road for any of my family. It breaks my heart everyday. It is hardest on my daughter and grandaughter. But as a family we have that love that sticks together as best as we can to survive everyday. We include my grandson in all we do and we talk about him no matter what. His memory has to be kept alive. I want to ask everyone to please keep my daughter and family in prayers to give strength and love to keep on surviving .

  5. Thank you, Grace, for these words. Yes, we need to come alongside those who suffer. Lord, please help me to see where I am needed and put myself there.

  6. Grace, thank you for this beautiful reminder of the value of Presence. When my little one was suffering—and eventually died—from a cancer-type disease, it was the Body of Christ that sustained me. They served our family, loved on all of us, prayed, cried, and even questioned with us. And now, years later, as friends and I face all kinds of hardships, knowing we’re walking through life together, embracing one another in our pain and carrying one another to the feet of Jesus, we are able to keep on keeping on.

    • Lord, have mercy… thank you for sharing your loss with us here, Tammy. I love how the Body of Christ came around you and how you continue to do so for one another. This gives me so much hope.

  7. Grace,
    Your words have deeply touched me this morning, and have helped immensely, thank-you. True love is unconditional and yes we might be pushed beyond our own set of boundaries and what we thought we’d ever endure or be capable of. I have been learning this over the past months in a way I thought I never would. It’s also taught me not to say “never” because we don’t know what we’ll be faced with and how God has helped us to be prepared when we are. But with the Lord there to comfort us and guide us we are capable of overcoming it to forge ahead.
    I hope that you all have a blessed day,

  8. Grace, thank you for this beautiful reminder of the value of Presence. When my little one was suffering—and eventually died—from a cancer-type disease, it was the Body of Christ that sustained me. They served our family, loved on all of us, prayed, cried, and even questioned with us. And now, years later, as friends and I face all kinds of hardships, knowing we’re walking through life together, embracing one another in our pain and carrying one another to the feet of Jesus, we are able to keep on keeping on. And as my urban community strives to serve the disenfranchised and the hurting, your words are a powerful reminder of my own responsibility to “hold a corner of the cross” while crying out for God’s mercy.

  9. Grace,

    I imagine God in Heaven weeping for this world as He did for Jerusalem. He knows how it will all end. I fear we are becoming like Sodom & Gomorrah. Everyone doing as they please-living like tomorrow never will arrive. They don’t want to hear about a resurrection morning when we give account for all we’ve done. The news is so bad that I don’t watch it much anymore-I do stay informed. I’ve come to the point many days that I look up & ask God to come back now please. End all this suffering down here. Meantime I try to be like Job’s three friends. They came & sat with him for seven days weeping & empathizing with him. We would do well to follow that example. Suffering people just need others to help carry their load. We need to be inconvenienced a little in our lives & help those needing our assistance. You stated this beautifully: To love someone means being inconvenienced. It means having boundary lines redefined, having family and community be reshaped. I know for me I have been inconvenienced to the point of quitting a good job to care for my aging dad-it’s what you do!! In the end we will get jewels in our crown for doing all these things. We will hear those immortal words “Well done thou good & faithful servant”.

    Blessings 🙂

  10. Grace, thankyou…there is such a challenge of truth here…YES, we are to be the hands of Christ…either helping hands or praying hands. I see so many people turning away as getting into the situation costs too much time and emotion. Life so about SELF these days and ..thoughts like ..”let someone else” or “I have had enough”.. God is committed to us as we should be to our sisters and brothers in Christ.
    Bless you Dear One…Mizpah (Gen.31:49)

  11. Thank you for this beautiful description of love. I help lead a group of women who pray for our adult children with struggles. This is a perfect definition of what we seek to be to one another. We were designed for community and we experience Jesus to a greater degree by entering into the sufferings of others. God bless and thank you Grace.

  12. Wow. Thank you for your bluntness, for not shying away from these truths. And also, thank you for acknowledging so perfectly the way it feels to be barraged by all the decay around us. Jesus is the hope, and He will give us the strength to bear one another’s burdens. Praise God for His love and plan in the midst of the chaos!

  13. Grace, Thank you for your beautiful words to stay in it, when I feel like turning away – “Instead, we can make the choice to lay down our privilege like Christ did. We can make space to hold the agonizing pain of others even when we don’t understand its breadth, its origins, its long-lasting reverberations.” Lord, have mercy…