About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. I love this! Praying the Lord continues to bless you and your whole family in the new place you are in. My new place will be temporary as I travel to another country for my Masters placement for a whole six weeks. I’m so grateful for the opportunity God has provided but very scared at leaving my children and husband in two and a half weeks. I am learning to lean into and trust God and it’s not as easy as I thought but He has proved over and over again he is with me. He has gone before me and after me and i am preparing by spending more and more time in his word and in prayer. I really loved your post, thank you for sharing.

    • Jas,
      Praying for you sweet friend. Cling to Exodus 23:20 as you make your move and know I’ll be lifting you up. God has so much He wants to teach you. This program will be a blessing….just you wait and see!
      Love and ((hugs)),
      Bev xo

    • Jas,

      I’ve been praying for you sweet sister!! God has wonderful plans for you. Right now He is teaching you to trust in Him fully. Take time each day to be with your children & hubby. Make sure they know you love them & why you will be gone for six weeks. This journey will be a blessing for you & in turn you will be a blessing to others.


    • Jas, Thank you for your words of encouragement. I will definitely be praying for you as you are transplanted for your masters program. Six weeks is a long time. I pray it will be a time of surprising refreshing and learning for you!

  2. I am in a time waiting for him to transplant me somewhere new, and am ready for change, but he continually leaves me in a place where I am unhappy. I try to make it work but so many of my friends have moved on, and he isn’t bringing new ones in or bringing anyone new.

    I am ready to be transplanted – and desperately need to be – but am losing hope because nothing happens. Nothing on new job front. No moving to more populated area with opportunities. Just nothing but the same and no hope.

    I read your words and am so ready and want to be able to say the same. But am losing the will to hope for being transplanted when the soil where I am is no longer healthy. And He isn’t providing hope or new opportunities or anything – and at my age I can’t keep waiting

    • Shelly,
      I’m so sorry that you have been waiting for so long. Waiting is the hardest thing to do!! I know your heart cry of “How long, O Lord?” When I read your comment, Isaiah 40:31 came immediately to mind: They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. I know in periods of waiting I too often had my eyes fixed upon the goal…my goal… and in doing so I took my eyes off of God. I neglected to seek Him first and then wait for the other things to be added unto me. I don’t know your exact situation, but I encourage you to set the goal aside and simply seek to be in His presence. He knows your heart and He knows what is best for you and the perfect timing. He wants to love on you while you wait upon Him.
      Bev xx

    • Shelly,

      Blessed sister – praying for you to realize how near God is right now. Waiting is so hard. Like Bev I know the heart cry of how long O Lord?. May He send a discerning heart & mind so you can know the perfect will of God in your life. He has great plans for you-plans to prosper & not harm. This may be His way of getting you to lean in closer to Him. To trust Him more fully. Don’t rush ahead of God & please don’t lose hope. Have faith that He will guide you on the path. Try your best to bloom where you are planted. Asking Him to send good friends your way. People you can do & enjoy life with.


  3. Dorina,
    I love your gardening analogy….a good gardener doesn’t just plunk the plants in unprepared soil and leave them unattended. I have made many major moves around the US. Your adjective of “beastly” is a good one for being uprooted and moved about. There is nothing “easy” about it. Exodus 23: 20 is a scripture I have clung to as I’ve made these major moves (and minor moves): Behold, I am sending an angel before you to protect you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. The Israelites were making a major move out of Egypt, through the desert, to the promised land. I take heart in knowing that, much like how your sweet mother prepared the soil, God sends an angel ahead of me to “prepare the soil”. He protects me along the way and is with me in every stage of the move. Knowing that God has already gone ahead and prepared a place for me (a church, friends, a community) gives me great hope. Praying for you in this move….you are smart to wait on God’s timing!
    Bev xx

  4. Thank you Ms. Dorina for posting this. You have no idea how timely this was for me. During the middle part of July of this year I recently moved to Virginia from WA State. For a while it had felt like God was telling me it was time to move. The opportunity presented itself through my brother and his family. My sister-in-law helped me apply for an apartment in VA and I got it. At first I hated the traffic here. Back home where I lived was kind of out in the country but not quite so the traffic here was definitely something to get used to. It felt like last Sunday God said in life group that I was being “rooted and established in love”…I’m pretty sure that was God because that’s in the Bible and boy was I excited to read your post this morning because it totally confirmed it!:) Thank you so much for using your words to be led by the Spirit! I would love to be able to read more of your writings and Bible study that you have! It’s been hard for me transitioning here because I don’t have a fulltime job here and I spend emotionally, etc. I’ve been able to pay my rent but unless my current job(s) give me more hours I may have to leave those jobs and find ones that pay better. I would appreciate your prayers please in the area of finances. I don’t know how to budget as I don’t work fulltime and I also live paycheck to paycheck…it would be nice to find some CLOSE friendships too. So if you could please pray for that as well I’d appreciate it! Thanks again

  5. Thank you for this article. The title caught my eye. I am a transplanted person 4 times as a child to teen and seven times as an adult working for the military community. In the midst of this we adopted two Chinese girls (requiring two separate trips). Transitions have always seemed to be a part of our lives. Our daughters’ transition from one language and culture was inspiring. On top of this we asked them to transition again. Maybe not so wise but life has a way of taking us to new places. We grieve, we cry and then we find joy again in new friends.

    Digging into a new area has been challenging. We grieve for the lost of friends, culture and community. Yet God always seems to provide a group of friends, colleagues, and mentors I was always meant to meet. I have been privileged to supervise students in my job and it is a pleasure to see their growth. Had we not met, what would have happened in their lives and in mine? Less joy, less life and less fulfillment. We were meant to be there. God has a master plan.

    Sometimes I wish God would let me plan it my way so I would never have to leave anyone. But in HIS wisdom HE says “no” I have got you and your family covered. I continue to trust that HE always provides. Weird how that works.

    • Thank you for sharing your heart! I can definitely relate. My late husband and I were missionaries in Haiti and we spent a lot of time moving back and forth. My girls learned to say a lot of goodbyes at a very young age. I am SO glad God does not do everything according to my plans. He has the whole master plan for the garden in mind! God be with you, sister!

  6. Thank you for this! I am currently in this situation and I think these seasons are the most difficult at times. These changes are needed and we feel lonely and unsure that this was the right path.

  7. The thought that jumped out to me from your post today was the importance of protecting those fragile roots so they can become strong and bring nourishment to the plant. This is a priority, and I’m grateful for this word of wisdom–I want to remain rooted and grounded in God’s love and Truth.

    • Michele, I love the way you framed that. There is great the importance in protecting those fragile roots. I’m learning to name the places where I feel fragile and give myself time to grieve and nourish well!

  8. Dorianna,

    Just loved the gardening analogy. Moving to new areas can be exciting, but also scary. We tend to want to stay in our comfort zones. God has other plans for us. When being “transplanted” we must remember that God is with us always. We can talk to Him & seek His guidance. We should prepare our hearts & minds as we make these transitions. Knowing full well that He has prepared the way for us to go. He is guiding us along the path He has for us. Just like He did the Israelites when they left Egypt & Joseph during his trials ending up in Egypt. Before making any transition we should pray for God’s guidance & wisdom. Sometimes there is no transition. He simply wants you to stay put. Praying for fertile soil for all dealing with transitions. May everyone get deep roots in their new places.

    Blessings 🙂

  9. We just went through a huge season of transition also. New church, new part of town, new house all followed with our new beautiful, perfect baby boy (which has been new also— two girls and now a boy!) it was tough at first to adjust to it all but now, I feel like this is exactly where we need to be.

  10. Dorina,
    Thank-you sharing, this was lovely.
    As a gardener there are times, just as in life, I feel as though I have failed. And while I establish my own roots or those in the garden, permanent or temporary, it is ‘He the Master Gardener’ who helps me (us) grow (in) all things.
    Have a wonderful blessed day all,

  11. Thank you for sharing your heart. The timing(God’s) of you sharing on transitions is spot on for me! God has truly encouraged me through you-thank you again for allowing God to use you to encourage.❤️

  12. I’ve recently become an empty-nester, and have begun looking at many new opportunities! But your article reminds me the importance of being still in the currently stirred up soil of change. Putting too many seeds into one pot can crowd out growth and make a mess!

    • Lynn, I LOVE the way you said that. Yes, I’m in the soil learning to be still and wait for the Master Gardener to show me where and how He wants to grow me! Praying for you on this too!

  13. I needed to read this. Perfect for this time in my life. We determined to leave the church we had committed to more than 20 years ago. It was difficult for us but sometimes God has a plan and we MUST follow through. We have not found a new church because we are still grieving and processing.

    What a blessing it is to know others face the same situations we do.

    Blessings to you and yours!

    • Marie, I’m journeying with you. God’s been teaching me a lot about the difference between loyalty and obedience. Give yourself time and permission to grieve. He is right there with you.

  14. I recently started attending a brand new church plant in my area. My former church is a “sending” church for this new plant and, while I had no plans to leave there, over the past year, as I got to know these church planters who were working out of my old church for the year, I felt God opening up this invitation to me. It’s been a shift going from a well-established church of thousands to a plant of fewer than 50 founding members. We meet in an elementary school and have to cart everything from chairs and coffee pots to toys for the nursery in and out every week. But the community we’ve already built has been so beautiful and far beyond what I could have expected.

    • Christina, I’m praying for you as you are being transplanted. I’m encouraged to see how you are jumping in and being led to new ministry opportunities there. God be with you in the growth!

  15. Our transplant came 6 years ago with a sudden move halfway across the country. It was an exciting adventure with a tinge of challenge thrown in to drive 3 teenagers, a toddler and a dog in a minivan with all the essentials of life for 2 weeks until the moving truck would catch up to us. Only time has revealed the scope of friendships left behind and family relationships written off, so it has been a mixed blessing. But the new friendships, the new community bonds, and the consistent promotions from Heaven – grace upon grace tells me we are where He wants us. Three of our children have graduated and left home, and we have our first grandbaby. I am finding that fresh starts and other major life events are like fertilizer in the garden of life: they sting a bit going down, but they produce beauty. 🙂 Thank you for reminding me that whatever comes … comes *through* and *with* Christ.

  16. Transplanting is a major GOD-theme in my life. Early in my life, it was made clear to me that transplanting is fundamental to my growth. It is uncomfortable and I don’t like it; but each time I am uprooted and secured into new soil, I thrive in a new way. In new soil, I am multiplied immeasurably. In new soil, I can more easily identify my maturation. In new soil, I can more clearly see GOD in the center of the process making things grow.

    Thank you dear friend!

    • Lucretia! I love that! Thank you for the encouragement of what can come in this new soil. I have experienced the grief, but I am also eager to see what God is growing in this new season. Grateful to be journeying with you!

  17. Thank you for the encouragement. I was having some of the same feelings. The gardening was very good as we move about planting seeds you never know where God will transplant you. We just have to continue to keep adding nutrients to keep growing in His word and walking by faith.
    Lucretia all I can say is Amen Sister ! I just got a new job and I see God all over it.

    • Shirley, I’m praying for you as you are transplanted to this new job. I love how you are already seeing the Master Gardener at work!

  18. Dorina, thank you so much for this post. I am behind on reading and just got to this. Life has been all about transplanting since we moved 27 times between first grade and high school graduation. It teaches so much. The ability to adjust, to meet people easily, and to learn that change can be very good. I wonder where my next transition will lead me as I prepare for retirement. I am looking forward to what God will do with my time and talent. Patience is NOT my strong point and so I am constantly telling myself to not run ahead and fill my time with busyness. I am struggling with that but sincerely want to sit back and wait for God to show me where/what is next.

    Blessings and thanks again.

    • Hi Donna,
      Thanks for taking time to read my essay. WOW! That’s moving and transplanting a lot of times!
      I will be praying for you in this new season. I know it’s so easy to fill my time with busyness. I have to be intentional to carve out space for grief and rest.
      Flourishing Together,

  19. I just now gotten around to reading this post. The subject matter is very timely as my husband and I are relocating closer to family after 16 years. I have always hated change, and I have been filled with mixed emotions for months now–grieving about leaving my job and friends while waiting impatiently for a buyer for our home so we could get the moving process started. We are now 10 days away and I am finally feeling at peace about everything. I can see how God’s timing has worked out perfectly for me to leave my job in good hands, and he has provided a job for me that might not have been available had we moved sooner. I also now feel that it is the right time to leave our church and find a new place of worship. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!