Michelle S. Lazurek
About the Author

Michelle S. Lazurek is an multi- genre award winning author, speaker, and literary agent for Wordwise Media Services. She has been published over 150 times in places such as Charisma Magazine, Ibelieve and Gifted For Leadership. When not working, you can find her sipping a latte at Starbucks and collecting...

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  1. Michelle, I love it when God orchestrates the right words, pointed like an arrow at my heart, at just the right time. Thanks for sharing the uncomfortable today.

  2. Michelle, I LOVE this post! Such a visual and personal reminder that we are who God says we are! I wallpaper my mind with Ephesians 1, in Christ, I am blessed with every spiritual blessing, accepted in the beloved son of God, adopted as a child of the King, chosen before the foundation of the world, redeemed by His precious blood, forgiven by His grace and mercy, and loved with an everlasting love and underneath are the everlasting arms, a love that will not let me go. Many blessings to you ❤️

  3. Michelle,

    No one is perfect. Pastors’s wives are just human beings doing a hard job of helping their husbands. They are just like everyone else. They have their flaws, trials & tribulations. My pastor’s wife went through breast cancer & is dealing with an aging parent five hours away. To me she is just another person like the rest of us. No big pedestal. This world has a way of putting people on pedestals or making us feel insignificant. That is just the devil’s ploy to make us feel down & depressed. We need to fight those flaming arrows with the truth of God. He made us in His image. We are flawed, imperfect, loved & forgiven Children of God. We must remember who we are in Christ, acknowledge our position as daughters of the King & not slaves to the lies of the devil.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. Thank you Michelle for sharing this VERY needed story… my heart needed it badly today. I get caught up in the opinions of others so easily, and before I know it, I’m measuring my worth based on social media likes, neighbors’ smiles, and ministry wins, etc… And then I slowly start to apply that people-pleasing to God. Like I can earn more of His love or favor by doing more for Him or being a “good” Christian wife, mom and woman. Ugh!
    It’s posts like yours that help reel me back in. So thank you again, Sister!

    All of God’s love to you,
    Becky 🙂

    • you are welcome. Thank you for sharing your story. So glad my story could help you in some way.

  5. Amen! Amen, Amen!! We all need reminders to lean into God and our worth is found in him, it blows my mind sometimes when I think about how awesome, amazing and perfect as God is would love and want me!?! And if He wants and loves me so much to send his son to earth to die so he could offer me an eternal place with him and for Jesus going through all that humiliation and unimaginable pain, give up his life for the same reason, for me, none of the superficial stuff matters. It reminds me to stop looking for my worth in other people’s opinions and look to God. We are His masterpieces and we are made perfect in Him.