About the Author

A writer of faith by day and mystery by night, Patricia Raybon is an award-winning Colorado author, essayist, and novelist who writes top-rated books and stories at the daring intersection of faith and race. More at patriciaraybon.com

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  1. Patricia,
    I am guilty as well. I pray, but somewhere deep in my soul I have doubts that things are really going to change – especially if I have been praying about something for a LONG time. Sometimes my prayers become rote with no heart really behind them. Your post reminds me that the Bible tells me that God says to come CONFIDENTLY before His throne. Yes, we need to come humbly, but not apologetically and expecting nothing in return. So many times I have limited God in my tiny, finite mind. Thankfully, He is merciful and accomplishes much more than I could ask or imagine. In one of my favorite books, “Abide in Christ”, it talks about how we are to abide in Christ and to wait expectantly for what He is about to perform. I love the lesson those little alyssum taught you. We can expect big things when we serve a big God. I needed this “little” reminder 🙂
    Bev xx

  2. What a “fragrant” post to read this morning! I have been reflecting much on the phrase “endure hardship as discipline” (from Hebrews 12)…hardship that isn’t pleasant, but painful, because it often leaves us in some aspect of smallness and weakness. Yet, it is often in those storm tossed moments that we hear the voice of our Shepherd calling to us “My child, your are mine and I am here” and it is after those moments that we begin begin to see the flowers of righteousness and peace in our lives as He brings us to a place of rest under his wings while the thunder roars and the lightning flashes around us. In the darkness and our weakness He shows us His grace is sufficient because…

    He is enough.

    Thank you for this beautiful, fragrant reminder:)

    • Thank you, JHLee! And what a beautiful reminder — to see the “flowers of righteousness and peace” in our lives. I’m rejoicing with you that, even in our struggles, He is always enough!

  3. Challenged especially by this: “See God, not your own limits!”
    So often God brings growth out of the place it is least expected–and why do I forget this truth when I’m looking squarely at the vexing “viscissitudes”?
    Blessings to you, Patricia, and on your garden!

  4. As I prepare to welcome an unexpected new friend into my preschool class this morning, God has used your beautiful words to change my perspective. I was quite content with my ten small friends who had all settled comfortably into a great routine. A new small “alyssum” could upset the delicate balance we had achieved.

    God spoke to my heart this morning to “Never count a little guy out.”. He confirmed His calling on my life to teach these little ones through your sweet words that “Kissed by the sweet grace of God, the tiny plants sat up, stretched forth, and fully thrived!”. May I always show God’s grace to all and never doubt His power to make even our comfort zones thrive and flourish under His love!

      • This year began with a Breast Cancer diagnosis for my daughter. After the initial onslaught, I went to my Heavenly Father, and blurted it all out.
        “She has a little daughter, Lord, You can’t let this happen “. And proceeded to tell Him what to do. !!
        Of course He knew already and when I finished ranting, I bowed my head and just said “Thy will be done Lord”
        I didn’t feel anything, but reluctantly Trusted, in His love. That was January, and I see His hand every step of the way. I have wept, and prayed and wept some more, but God hasn’t failed me yet.
        My daughter had a Masectomy, and all the Chemo treatment and begins
        Radiotherapy next week. She is not a woman of Faith yet, but knows absolutely Who is carrying her. And I have had a truly learning curve about love and trust.
        What a mighty God we serve. And thankyou for sharing today about the Allysum plants. That’s what God is doing for my girl Jane. Son- shine ,Watering and tender loving care.My first time to share. Thank you.

  5. This is exactly what I needed to read this morning! Thank you for this great reminder of the infinite awesomeness of the God we serve! Blessings!

  6. When I was much younger I found myself in a pattern of placing super high expectations on people, that they could never live up to, and ran into a lot of disappointment, and low expectations on God because I had not grown to know Him in a close relationship. But as He grew me in my faith, I found the opposite emerged. I lowered my expectations of people to something more realistic and raised my expectations of God because I saw Him work in mighty ways in my life over and over again. He deserves our high expectations!

  7. I could not love this more. Oh how I forget to look up when I’m feeling small and insignificant….when in my current season it feels like there is no hope for ever thriving again. Look up! God spoke directly to me, from His heart through your pen. Thank you for your writing ministry.

  8. Wow! Waking this a. m. with whispers from the enemy of being ‘not enough’….doubts about actually reaching hearts for Him after so much work….feeling small in my efforts….THANK YOU for shaking up my day with this on time word, sweet sister! ….Will be hitting my floor with tearful prayers knowing MY GOD is ALWAYS ENOUGH, so I will PRAISE HIM! ……Starting a hashtag with your quote: #nevercountalittleguyout
    Much Love & Prayers <3 Keep Shining

  9. What a timely post! God speaks through your words….a deeper understanding of God brought about by my relationship with him growing day by day….it’s a reminder or like He’s telling me to trust my worries about this upcoming trip to Cambodia, He is GOD and so much greater and bigger than me…He’s got this! Got me and all will be looked after according to His will and His plan! For all of us….He has got us no matter our circumstances or worries, He has us all we have to do is lean in and trust in Him. Thank you!

  10. I love this… it speaks to right where God and I are walking… when I came to the Lord in my 20”s … I lost everything… family, education( I did get to finish college) … God was so big… I watched Him work in amazing ways… but over time… God started shrinking… self effort replaced my childlike trust… over the past 10 years… God has been wooing back to my roots of childlike faith… He whispers sweet truths back into my heart… I became so self reliant … I lost the Him as ABBA… the words he kindly whispers these days… you have not because you ask not!!! I am learning to ask… to go big with God!!! The asking has become more about my heart expanding and less about the outcome of what I am asking for!!!! Thanks for the encouragement today!!!

    • Oh, dear Ro! Thank you for sharing this. I absolutely love that your asking has more about your heart expanding — and less about the outcome. He is what matters MOST. As John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Or in the NLT, “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” Thank you for reminding us of this today!

  11. Patricia,

    We need to realize that God is bigger than our problems. He can & will handle them in His perfect timing. This world says we should be self-sufficient. Only the strong will survive. God says differently. He allowed little David to slay a giant, Esther to save a nation. We need to come boldly before the throne of God expecting miracles. Over the years God has grown my faith & allowed me to witness marvels. I know in my mind that the least of these can be used by God to bring glory. We need to raise our expectations & stop doubting that God can do anything.

    Blessings 🙂

  12. Thank you for this! I love it. My mom is a big gardener as well and there is a lot to learn about how God works when we observe the world of plants!

  13. Thank you Patricia for this beautiful reminder of God’s goodness!

    I think it’s just “safer” for me to not get my hopes up when I really want something… like if I don’t believe God will give me my heart’s desire, than it won’t hurt as much. Not a whole lot of logic there, only self-protection. But in the end, I’m only hurting myself because God is full of extravagance, and He longs to show His children His absolute BEST! When I believe He has a best for me, it makes me live expectantly and trust in the fullness of His character. Plus, it makes for much happier, hope-filled days 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your heart! So needed this today.


    • I’m loving your feedback, Becky! Live expectantly! Trusting in HIM. Then happier, hope-filled days follow. For many of us, that’s a new mindset. But the Lord invites us to trust and try Him. Thanks, Becky, for affirming. Many blessings today!

  14. Loved your illustration of the alyssum plants, Patricia, demonstrating great things from small beginnings. And AMEN to your statement : “As we raise our hopes in Him, He will grow our faith, enabling us to flourish, serve, and thrive.” Praise God for his gracious understanding and willingness to work with us little folks!

  15. Oh Patricia, you have no idea the words of life you’ve spoken over me today. I applied for my “dream job” in May. Never heard back and had counted myself out…walking around like Eeyore all June and July. Then last week I got an email…they want an interview tomorrow…I sat at my desk and sobbed. After the excitement and “thank you Jesus’s” wore off, the devil set about to change me. “You’re not enough. You have less experience. You’re too fat, too short, too this, too that.” Gosh he’s mean. Then I decided to change my mindset. So you know what I did yesterday in prep for my interview? I cleaned my entire house…all the laundry…vacuumed top to bottom…cleaned my fridge, each drawer, shelf and item washed individually. And why? I told my husband I was cleaning as if I will have no time to do it in the coming months as I will be so busy from my full time job. (Last night again, devil…doubt…not enough…too stupid…wash, rinse, repeat. It’s enough to drive you crazy sometimes!) Then I awoke to your message. So thank you. Thank you for listening to the prompt on your heart to write it. Just as the rain was your gift, this was God’s gift to me. I just know it. (And btw, I’m 4’ 10”….NEVER count the little guy out! ) Have an incredible day!

    • What a testimony, Cynthia! Oh, my goodness. I almost didn’t write this “little” story because I’d shared the photo already on Facebook. But the Lord knew it would bless and encourage. Thanks so much for your exciting feedback. Now, go get that job! Much love and warmest regards!

  16. Patricia,
    This was a pleasure to read and your garden sounds lovely. Thank-you so much for sharing. I think also that small things are God’s reminder, that no matter the size, everything/everyone serves a purpose none less than the other.
    Have a blessed day all,

    • Thank you, Penny! So well said. I think it was Dwight Moody who said “small numbers make no difference to God. There is nothing small if God is in it.” And, as you say, we all serve a purpose no less than the other. In this day when comparisons seems to be everywhere, that’s a great reminder for each of us. Thank you!

  17. I wonder why we expect so little of God? Do we squelch our expectations out of fear of disappointment, fear that He won’t come through? Your post reminds me to thank God for even a mustard-seed faith and believe that He can make so very much of my little. Such a joy to read your encouragement today, Patricia. xx

    • So true, Becky. It’s amazing, really, what He can do with our little. In fact, I just shared this Dwight Moody quote with another reader: “Small numbers make no difference to God. There is nothing small if God is in it.” Great encouragement for our mustard-seed faith! Blessings and love to you today!

  18. So true, Patricia. — I’ve been reading the life of David this past month, and it makes me think of Him. He seems to have never considered the size of his opponent or problem a deterrent to success. His eyes appeared ever focused on God. — Thanks for sharing, and I love your garden. 🙂

    • Thank you, Brenda. And thank you for sharing your insight about David. He slayed a giant ! But he kept his focus on God. May we all walk in this same way. Blessings and sincere thanks!

  19. What A Beautiful Thing TO remember when we are struggling! ONLY because this IS OUR FATHERS Will ♥️ Thanks SO MUCH for Sharing it , And It HAS such CHILDLIKE quality G-d Bless ♥️

  20. Wow! Thank you for this inspirational message and confirmation for me. Just yesterday, I was talking to a plant that was dying. It’s a stump. No leaves. But a little green in its stump. I tried everything. It had flourished for over a year and now it’s dying. The soil was recently watered and still moist. It has access to light in my kitchen. But it’s dying. In my desperation over a plant that is supposed to survive all odds- I placed y hand around that stump and prayed. It’s in God’s hands to make it grow and flourish.

  21. Lovely, Patricia (as always)! Oh, how God loves the “underdog” and the day of small beginnings. He notices the least and the lost. Oh, for His power and mighty grace to transform!! This reminds me of when my brother, who had no money and shouldn’t have bought me a Christmas gift in the first place, purchased amaryllis bulbs for my gift. Yes, he got a big hug from me and an audible thank-you, but down deep (the real Lynn) thought, “Why have you wasted your money on such a silly gift?! Now what on earth am I going to do with some ugly, stupid bulbs… and you know I don’t have a green thumb on either hand!” That’s what I thought, and kept my big mouth shut. Very long story short, the growth of those bulbs to shoots to staggeringly tall and sturdy stem to leaves to tight-closed blooms, both fascinated and astounded me (they grow very rapidly). And glory of glories, on the day of my great-aunt’s funeral, on a day drowning in sorrow, yet suffused with joy over her death-bed salvation, those bulbs opened wide into crimson trumpets–three of them, like the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost–and this was God’s confirmation to me that Aunt Mart lived! And my brother, in his financial lack, yet widow’s-mite generosity, gave me the best Christmas gift I had ever received. The small, the ugly, it’s nothing to God. In fact, He treasures these things. Might we also. Your beautiful essay reminds me so deeply of this.


  22. Once again, I had to lay flat on my face and admit my helplessness before him. I had a meeting with my boss today and HE delivered me once again from my own follies. No, we can never count him out. HE does amazing things with the tiniest seeds.