About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Dorina,
    What a testimony of God working through your grief to bring you joy in the morning after weeping endured for the night and to bring glory to Himself. So true that we can either let pain and struggles refine us or defeat us. For many years I have felt like I was running uphill in the dark. Struggle after struggle takes it’s toll. I go for three MRI’s here shortly to see if a 6th surgery is necessary. I know, however, that whatever the outcome, God will see me through. He has been faithful in the past which gives me hope and courage for the future. Just like God built resiliency into the plants and trees in the forest, He built that resiliency into us. If we but rely on Him, He can bring beauty from our ashes as well. Beautiful post!
    Bev xx

  2. Thank You Dorina! My dear husband had a serious stroke 5 years ago that left him partially paralyzed. It took this tragedy for me to fully understand what it meant to love the Lord and allow the Lord to love me. I love your incredible testimony. Praise God!

  3. Dorina, thank you for sharing your story and a reminder that beauty can be found as a comfort on the journey forward from grief. God Bless you!

  4. I’m deep in the singed forest of grief as I walk the path of now being a single mom as my now ex-husband pursued a divorce over the last 2 years. Beauty from ashes has been His promise all along. Trying to continue breathing in that promise. Thank you for this beautiful picture of the journey we can find ourselves on and for the encouragement of the life and new beauty that WILL come!

  5. Dorina,
    This was beautifully touching……thank-you for sharing your story of courage.Moving beyond grief is not easy, but with God’s love we can overcome it, and enjoy the beauty.
    Have a blessed day all,

  6. Dorinda, God had blessed you with a gift of words eloquently written to the hearts that can’t yet express the darkest hours, the fires that scorch and burn, leaving devastation and new life in its path. God is truly there and gave me strength to do the ” challenging run and work” for my brother and parents..burdens and blessings, ashes and beauty. Grace beyond grief. Our God is an awesome God!

  7. I’ve followed your stories through Hopewriters and your faith is so inspiring. I love the parallels between running physically and running emotionally for God’s glory. There are so many things to stumble and fall over, but the beauty and strength from those ashes are beautiful. Pieces of heaven glimpsed on earth. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Dorina,

    Great testimony to God’s faithfulness. He is there with us in the dark places & gives us beauty for ashes. I went through dark times of dementia with both my parents. My dad’s illness got so bad he was hospitalized twice. God & prayer were the only things that could get me through those days. The second time I also turned to Christian music. Listening to & praising God through Stephen C. Chapman songs like “Dive”, “Let Us Pray”, “Live Out Loud” * “Love Come Over Me”. He didn’t make it out of hospital second time. Like you said those experiences have built a resiliency in me. I’ve gotten stronger in my faith & not much shakes me. Not even my FIL’s Stage III bladder cancer diagnosis. I knew God could heal him. He did bring FIL out of surgery & allowed him to enjoy his 90th birthday. Nothing is impossible with God!

    Blessings 🙂

  9. What a wonderful testimony, I’m sure your husband would be proud, grief is a terrible thing, thank you sharing this.

  10. What a visual read!! Thank you so much! I was inhaling and exhaling along with you as we ran. I too have been stepping over the ashes, feeling the weight of an uphill journey, many times almost breathless. My precious husband of 41 years was swept Home on his way to work after a morning workout, 2 years ago now. Suddenly only to us, not to our Heavenly Father, has brought wave upon wave of changes and transistions in our family that feel at times like an inferno. But oh the clearings, when they come. The beauty from loss can be breathtaking! Not a wanderer but a pilgrim on a journey Home where the best is yet to be!

  11. Dorina, this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your uphill journey and the glory that is promised at the finish line. Stopping by from Hope*Writers ❤️

  12. I spent one college summer working and doing ministry in Kings Canyon National Park, and I remember learning about “growth by fire.” Seeing the huge fire scars on giant sequoias, marveling at the way destruction and pain can give way to beauty and strength. Thank you for reminding me of this all again. Your life is a beautiful illustration of God’s faithfulness. Thank you for letting us see some of the glory through the ashes you have walked through. xx

    • I’m forever in love with the way God transforms all things for His glory and our good. I love that you worked in Sequoia, friend. I didn’t know that! I appreciate your encouragement and that we get to journey together!