About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Dearest Dorina,

    What a beautiful telling of a loving, enduring friendship that started with a glass of water. Jesus says that when we even give a cup of water, you do it to me. Imagine that out of that cup of water drew springs of everlasting water unexpected, that has quenched the thirst of sorrow in grief. What an unexpected tapestry in your life weaving of your husband’s unexpected departure to Heaven. It is such a beautiful blessing- the gift of friendships. Today, I was reminded of Hebrews 13:2 as well: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained strangers unawares.” What a beautiful blessing to call a onetime stranger, friend. I pray the Living and Loving Lord will bless you with more friendships and also, your beloved children. May He Lavish you with His Love and Peace. Janine in Toronto, Canada

  2. How delighted I was to read your post tonight. I just finished sending off dozens of emails trying to find a practicum as part of my Masters in Peace & Conflict Studies to NGOs in the US, UK and here in NZ. I don’t know where God will send me but I know he has cleared a path for me to be even doing this Masters a career change he has blessed me with a scholarship, given me energy and time to get to where I am when it all feels so overwhelming and stressful at times. Balancing 3 children, a husband and this I want to give up at times but then God appears in messages like yours. He reminds me I am on this path for him to glorify his name and spread his love. It’s taking the opportunity with a lot of faith to dive into community with others that creates change and we all have something to offer and it starts with a simple act of hospitality like a cup of water. Thank you!

  3. Oh, this is so good on this Monday morning!!!!!

    When we open ourselves up to His plans, we often find unexpected opportunities to love others as well as being loved. I’m so grateful that He loves us so!!

    I am always in awe of God’s goodness and extraordinary miracles both big and small because we say “yes”. He puts the exclamation mark in our stories where we would have put a period and lavishes us with His love through others when and how we need it to keep going!

    Thank you for sharing your life with us so we can enjoy your journey of hope we can all find in Him ♡


  4. Thank you for sharing this lovely testimony of God’s faithfulness in showing you the way to begin a friendship and a way to reach the heart of another whom you don’t know. Only the Lord can give us this kind of so special wisdom and opening our hearts to another. Blessings to you as you continue to grow in this truth

  5. I love what God does when we’re willing to take a risk, show up, and reach out! May we all look for opportunities to offer a cup of cold water…and be bold enough to accept one when it’s offered to us. xx

  6. Thank you Dorina for sharing your story. I loved everything about it and it took me back to a recent trip I made to Guatemala–a trip I will never forget! Also, thank you for reminding me to push through the awkwardness of meeting new people and being open to what may come next. Blessing!

    • Silvia, I love Guatemala! I went on a trip there in college and the people made such an impression on my heart! I know it’s hard to face the awkwardness but it’s always worth it in the end!

  7. What a beautiful story, Dorina! I love how God uses the simplest things to teach us profound truths… it doesn’t get much simpler than a cup of water. Hospitality certainly starts with the heart, and yours was evidently open wide. Thanks so much for sharing! ❤️

  8. “Embrace the awkward and discover what we have in common”
    And this is such an act of courage! Thank you for sharing how this worked for you as you crossed cultural and linguistic boundaries (Wow!) to make a friend and to make a difference..

  9. Dorina,

    God can make friendships happen with simple acts of hospitality. We just need to be

    • Dorina,

      Hit wrong button. We just need to be open to His leading & plans. You never know who you will befriend if you act courageously. Get rid of stereo types, division & love everyone as Christ would. Send people smiles, texts, encouraging emails, etc. Let them know they are loved. Offer a simple cup of water or some food & just let the Lord do the rest!

      Blessings 🙂

  10. Hi Dorina! My favorite part of this story is how you prayed for an open door, the Spirit brought something to your mind, and you acted on it, leading to the next steps of God connecting your hearts. How often do we pray for God to do something or to lead us, but then we don’t pay attention because we aren’t really expecting an answer right then? I love how faithful God is to speak – in the simplest of ways – when we are listening. Thanks for the reminder to trust the simplest of directions. We never know what God will do with the smallest acts of obedience. He is always at work! Trusting Him with you…

  11. Sounds a lot like living water flowing, even through language barriers and heartache.

  12. Dorina,

    What a simple challenge for us to connect on a human level; need meeting need, and ending up with mutual benefit. Water brings life and makes thing grow, and to apply that to a friendship brings new meaning :). This is such a good reminder that seemingly small gestures are huge in the Kingdom of God; look what happened with just a little bravery!! Such a lovely telling of this story. xo