About the Author

Bonnie Gray is the author of Sweet Like Jasmine, Whispers of Rest, wife, and mom to two boys. An inspirational speaker featured by Relevant Magazine and Christianity Today, she’s guided thousands to detox stress and experience God’s love through soul care, encouragement, and prayer. She loves refreshing your soul at...

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  1. Bonnie,
    Wonderful thoughts and tips here. Yes, these are difficult and stressful times, but now more than ever, we, as Christians, need to be ready to give the reason for the hope that is within us. Darkness does not drive out darkness, but just a little bit of light can chase the darkness away. I love the quote by Billy Graham that says, “I have read the last page of the Bible and I know that everything turns out all right.” May we all cling to that eternal hope and perspective and meanwhile know that God holds us with His righteous right hand and He will not let the waters sweep over us. Great encouragement for trying and stressful times!!

  2. In the midst of a crazy election, I’m so glad that you offered us God’s promises from His Word. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He answered with Scripture. We can argue and debate with others. But God’s Word cuts to the heart. I will certainly vote and I already mailed in my ballot. But now I can rest on God’s Word no matter the outcome. He is my shield. He will never leave me. Thank you Bonnie.

    I’m looking forward to hearing about your new book and reading it of course. 🙂


    • it’s great you voted…! may we all rest in the whispers of Jesus — just as you wonderfully reminded us Jesus himself did. Thank you, Debbie — It’s so sweet to my heart to have friends like you welcoming the new book with me, coming next Spring!

  3. Thank you for your words of encouragement, faith and love. To just rest in the security of God’s amazing love for us is a gift beyond compare. May we all become more awakened to know more of Him bringing us to new levels of joy and purpose. He is our strength, healer, deliverer, shield, fortress and so much more!!!!!

    • Hi Gail, so happy it encouraged your heart — and what beautiful names you’ve whispered of who God is to you! Have a wonderful day, touched by His presence!

  4. I can’t thank you enough for this. My heart has been tormented day in and day out for months, and I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the escalating panic and anxiety I’m dealing with is related in part to the election. Thank you SO MUCH for this perfect reminder as we head into the home stretch.

    • Hi Amber, thanks for sharing! I think it helps to know that the negativity of the election does affect us more than we think — and we are not alone. And then to take action to do things that are helpful to bringing us calm and peace — as we remind ourselves God’s powerful promises. We belong to Him! God’s love is our calm in the storm.

  5. God’s Word, so full of promises that we can take to heart every day are very comforting and uplifting. So thankful He is a Sovereign God!

    Thank you for this great post of encouragement!

  6. This is such a much-needed devotion…i wish everyone in our Country could read it. I probably don’t feel as stressed as some–but what you wrote gives me comfort and perspective. Thank you, Bonnie, for your words of His Love, Power, and Protection.

    • Hi Marilyn, it makes me smile knowing the promises that have comforted and encouraged my heart — has brought the same comfort and encouragement to you! have a wonderful day, touched by God’s whispers!

  7. Thank you ever so much for your message today. I have felt so much fear lately. So grateful for these verse from His Word.

    • Hi Vonnie, for every fear, God has a continual flow of promises that we can hold onto. May you feel God’s loving arms wrap around you with each gentle whisper of His loving words. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Great tips Bonnie. As believers we are encouraged by His Word and by others, and you have done a superb job of doing that.

  9. Thank you so much for these words and Scriptures of encouragement today.
    I’m not thinking of the election today…but instead saddened by the news that my brother passed on to Heaven this morning…
    Some of my very favorite Scriptures here.
    Bless you.

    • I am so sorry for your loss. I am lifting you and your family in prayer today. May you fee God’s comfort as you grieve.

  10. I loved this! I am not stressing about that but for basic needs of paycheck that was messed up and wondering where the money will come from or if the bills can wait while we get it straightened out. Thank you!! These reminders helped to calm me and focus on THE Provider.

    • While so many of us are stressing about politics, many of us are also dealing with very tangible day to day worries that have nothing to do with the election. I appreciate your reminder of that. I am lifting you and your finances in prayer today. May God show you his provision and grant you his peace.

    • Katie,

      Praying for a quick solution to your paycheck problem. May God provide the needed money-plus some peace and calm to your weary soul!

      Blessings 🙂

  11. Thank you Bonnie for using God’s Word to help us…indeed the most effective anxiolytic for the soul and best motivator. The outcome of the US election will have global effects but the direct effects will be felt so much more by Americans. Hugs and prayers for all living in the US…from Australia.

  12. What a beautiful and calming article! I have been conscious of feeling election stress and during my prayer time God has been offering me peace, but I struggle to hang onto that. I appreciate your tangible suggestions and inspiring scripture passages. You have really been “the hands and feet of Christ” to me with this post and I appreciate it!

  13. Thank you for this. I have been full of stress and doubt, praying for guidance. In the end, God is in control. Bless you.

  14. Bonnie,

    This election more than any other I can remember is negative. All you hear and read is the candidates bashing each other. I basically don’t look at social media & 24/7 news feeds. I watch CBS This Morning and when the election stuff comes on I just fast forward. Don’t need to upset myself. I have already cast my vote and now all I sit and pray. If asked by others I will give my opinions, but I prefer not to discuss politics. I would rather shine the light on the goodness of God and what He’s done for me!
    Whoever wins this country is in trouble, I feel. Praise God for us Christians the end is clear and we win!!

    Blessings 🙂

  15. Once again Bonnie Gray finds the words I feel deep in my soul. This blog doesn’t just apply to election stress, it’s a keeper for other seasons of stress in our lives too. Thanks.

  16. It is the day after the election and I found myself seeking comfort and encouragement, and I am so glad that God led me to this website! Bonnie, the scriptures used in this article and your words hit me right in my heart and I’m sincerely grateful for your post. Please keep posting and know that you are being used in an awesome way!