Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo,
    I needed to hear this this morning…yesterday was one of those days that I fell into bed exhausted and feeling like a huge failure. So thankful that I have a Heavenly Father who is compassionate, caring, and loves without limitations. Letting the truth you’ve beautifully laid out here seep into the cracks in my heart today. May I then go, and remind someone else that God loves them unconditionally and be a balm to their hearts like you are to mine…

  2. Lisa-jo, I especially like reading your posts, you always seem to be on point to where I am. Again tonight your words ring true..thank you for the reminder I am worthy of Gods love. It is sometimes hard to wrap my head around why God chose me, when I constantly fail him and break promises, “this time I’ll do better” type of scenario. But He blesses me continuously, I pray I can feel his love always and be a good example of showing that love to my own three blessings (children). Thank you for showing me Romans 8:39. Jas

  3. Praise be to God for this message today. He always knows what is needed and thank you, Lisa-Jo, for bringing this beautiful message here. It was a refreshment to my soul 🙂

  4. Such a needed word for this mama who tends to measure my ability to mother on how I seemingly measure-up. Thank you, as always, Lisa-Jo, for your heart poured out in your words. Truth we all need. <3

  5. Lisa-Jo,
    This is spot on! So often I feel like your daughter–unworthy of being loved. I know in my head the God loves me, but getting that into my heart isn’t always easy! Some days I actually cry and question if people love me-due to small or big failures that day. Each Sunday our church does communion. I often find myself crying and asking “God How in the world can you love little old me so much?” It is mind boggling sometimes.
    Blessings 🙂

  6. True, one thing I recently learned from Him, for I’d said ” Lord I lose whatever I am given, they take it from me, to which He replied after many months, “one thing they can never take from you is my love for you.” Those deep resounding words from Him when I least expected is what increases that deep faith that your salvation is eternal. Man can be persuaded , spiritually manipulated to turn against you , God’s never.

  7. Lisa-Jo,
    I’m weary from a long stretch, and the phrase: All you have to do is receive the gift Just receive it like the tired cried out toddlers we are. And even though I truly know this the phrase God’s love knows you by name, not by your lists of mistakes or regrets. But by your name. So beautiful, and you writing the Truth of this is used mightily today for me. Do not give up or grow weary of doing good. Good medicine for the soul!

    • I agree with the “cried-out toddlers” analogy. Yesterday I cried so much that my head was exploding with pain. There was Paris, there was the pressures of adulting, there was an almost 4-year-old son who is pushing every limit and being sassy to the point of anger…everything. It’s a refreshing way to think of the Lord–as a Father that tenderly wants to hug us and let us cry into His chest. Thank you for sharing this devo, Lisa-Jo, and thank you for your thoughts as well Joanne. <3

      • Yea it’s been a hard year for this world that we love and all it’s families, hasn’t it? And we ache and cry and it’s such a relief to know that God can take it. And He holds us through all of it and never, ever quits loving us.

      • Millenial Mom, This is my second round of children, grown children and now littles again. I have to remember, but so easily forget and use my feelings when I’m weary and overwhelmed, that the climate when the New Testament was written is the same human heart and climate we have here in our world today. The technology we have is new, we have more people and faster news, but the condition of the human heart without Christ and climate is still the same. God our Father, does love us no matter what happens. If we ask Him and even before we ask according to Isaiah, He moves in. When it’s dark, as under the wing of a hen with her chicks, He’s loving and comforting and very close to those who weep, and who mourn, and those who are broken hearted and contrite. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but especially since I have more than grandchildren, but children who are little, moms with young kids are close to my heart because I live it too, and even though I have experience, it is just as challenging living it again.