About the Author

Karina Allen is devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building authentic community through the practical application of Scripture in an approachable, winsome manner.

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  1. I sit in the middle of a season of change that only promises to continue for the next several years. My oldest daughter left for college last year, and the next one leaves next fall. So many people are suffering through worse situations, I feel almost guilty for being sad. Life was so busy and chaotic when they were little, and I missed so much of it by just being busy. I know I am blessed, and yet my heart still aches. Thank you for your lovely words of hope.

    • Penny, Don’t discount what you are going through. For so long we define ourselves as moms and then when that starts to change…it really is a transition to begin to redefine ourselves. I think the words “chaotic” and “busy” come with the younger child rearing years…they do pass in a blurr. If anything it’s taught me to try to slow down and be more intentional in my interactions with people. Praying for you through this change…believe me, even when they are totally out of the nest…they still need mom.

    • Penny! Thank you for sharing! Don’t feel sad at all! God can handle the plights around the world as well as your broken heart. You are in a season of loss and change. It’s real and it hurts and it matters to God. Lay it all at His feet and ask Him to see this season through His perspective. Ask Him to give you joy and purpose in the midst of these transitions. It is His joy to do so! Blessings!!!

    • Gonna share something I learned in therapy. Don’t minimize yourself. Your feelings are real, your struggles are real. They are not more or less than anyone else’s. Children growing up and moving out is a huge transition. It is valid. I would encourage you to accept the grieving process, and to simultaneously look for the new joys to discover in this season. God will walk you through it.

    • Penny,
      Nothing to be sorry for. Empty nesting can be hard. You take care of your children for so long and now what?! Take heart they will come back for holidays, breaks, etc. This is a natural part of life. A good read for you would be Kristen Strong’s Girl Meets Change. It talks about all kinds of changes people experience and how to handle them..

  2. Karina,
    I love that when I read this Psalm my breathing actually slows down and my heart doesn’t beat quite as quickly. So many times I get myself worked up over things…and there He is inviting me to come rest in Him. I’ve been in a period of transition…children leaving the nest, being sidelined from work with several surgeries…I am always impatient about what comes next. God is teaching me to wait, be patient, and abide in Him. Sometimes change is a period of transition meant for us to just rest and abide in Him and wait patiently for what He is about to perform through us. Praying for you in your period of change and transition…

    • Thank you Bev!
      It’s amazing how our spirits respond to His Word! I love it! Praying for your season of change. May He provide supernatural rest, restoration and healing. There is purpose. May He make it clear to you.

    • Bev,
      Praying for you in your change season! We humans get impatient and want answers to our questions now, not in His timing! I know transitions or changes are never ever easy! I’ve been on a huge change season with dad and hubby. Waiting is hard! Prayers for your surgeries to heal quickly and for you to abide in Him and wait for His timing!
      Blessings 🙂

      • Thanks Beth…you are such a sweetheart! Praying for you, your husband, and your dad as well! Waiting with you…for God’s timing and leading… xx

  3. I remember 10 years ago when I had to make a difficult public decision that created a lot of backlash and public criticism, I read this Psalm and when I got to the verse “He leads me on the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake,” I cried. It was the confirmation I needed to know that I had made the right decision and it wasn’t about me, it was about HIS name. I’m in a season of huge change right now, we are moving as a family from Europe to Australia, so we need lots of prayer for the many decisions we will be making in the next weeks and for open doors as we start afresh in a new culture..

    • Wow Devi! That’s awesome! Blessings as you and your family obey Christ!

      It’s true. It’s never about us. It’s always about Him. May He make this transition clear to y’all. May there be peace and direction and wisdom. Be expectant, hopeful and joyful. He is good and will lead you into good and abundant places.

  4. Need to receive the healing Jesus died for me to have and yes to continue to tap
    Into his grace very difficult season for hysband and I pray for strength and encouragement for us pain to be brought down and go

    • Kathy, thank you for sharing!
      Jesus, You are our strength! You are our encouragement. We trust in you. We trust that Your timing and ways are perfect. I speak healing to every part of Kathy…mind, body and spirit. Be her joy and peace. Give her immeasurable grace for this season.

    • Kathy,
      Father strengthen Kathy and help her give her husband the encouragement he needs! Shower her with blessings and mercy! Heal her mind, body and soul! Give them the direction and courage to continue on this journey!

  5. My family has been in a long season of change that now has the pieces falling into place, but not without more change. In Dec/Jan I will be marrying my wonderful fiancé and blending our 6 children. As well, we are moving to a new area of town and 4 children will be changing schools. Jesus is already there waiting for us but I need prayers for endurance and strength as well as peace and joy in our new home. Thank you for your beautiful works.

    • Thank you Kelley! That is alot of change but I’m excited for you!

      Father, You do wait on the other side of transitions and changes in our lives. It is there where we see the purpose. I pray You would give Kelley a glimpse of the good You have in store for her family. Build her faith. Give her grace for this season. May she and her family lean into Your goodness. May they press into Your peace and joy!

  6. I appreciate this. About a year ago I gave my life back to the Lord, but I still find it hard to believe that I am seen admits the billions of others on the planet.. I have a hard time trusting and I wish to change that. As I am trying to incorporate a lot of change in my life at this time I ask for prayer for peace and understanding. Thanks so much!

    • Camille, thank you for sharing! I completely understand!

      Father, You are sovereign and creator of all and yet You know the hair’s on our heads. You catch each of our tears in a bottle and you have our names written on the palm of Your hand. You carefully crafted us in our mothers’ wombs. You know us and sees us and love us deeply. The things that concern us, concern you. I pray in this season of transition, Camille would begin to see herself as Your beloved daughter…chosen and delighted in. She is never far from Your thoughts. You have purpose for her. May You give her wisdom, understanding and clarity.

      In Jesus’ Name. Amen

  7. I lost my job almost two months ago. It was sudden and unexpected. I’m praying that the Lord will lead me to the right job. My friend also lost her job and I pray for her as well that the Lord will lead her to the right job. My mother had a stroke 1 1/2 months ago and my brother has cancer. It sure has been a hard road, but I know the Lord has His hand in all of this. Please pray for us as we travel this road, knowing that the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. God Bless!

    • Jamie, I am so sorry about your job, your mom and brother!

      Jesus, bring supernatural healing and provision to Jamie’s family. Do what only You can do. Come in power. Come in might. Have Your way. Your ways are perfect. You never fail. You never disappoint. You never leave us. Be close to their broken hearts. Breathe new life and restoration into dry and hurting places.

      In Jesus’ name. Amen!

    • Jamie,
      Father God please direct Jamie and her friend to the right job. The one you have picked out for them! Help Jamie to be there for her family-mom & brother! Send your healing touch to this family! Shower them with peace in their minds, bodies, and souls!


  8. Karina Allen, We have been in a season of change for years. It seems that is the only constant. But, I love the 23rd Psalm. Two phrases continually stand out:
    He leads me in the paths of righteous for His Namesake. I know Jesus will only lead me in the paths for my good, and even though I mess up, He still leads me in the paths of righteousness because He is changing me to be more like Jesus and that is His plan.
    My cup overflows. In the Hebrew culture, a host according to custom, would have to fill the cup of the guest, (the guest never filled their own cup) and when a guest is welcome, the host keeps filling their cup. When the cup is filled to the brim, overflowing, it shows the guest is more than welcome to stay as long as they desire. I love the word picture of Jesus showing the welcome of lingering at His table. Do I though? Not as often as what would benefit me, delight me, and delight Jesus.
    Family, my mom has Parkinson’s Disease and it is progressing, my husband and I both have health issues, and our boys still require care, and additional care because of special needs. A praise because our daughter who was estranged is asking to see me and spend time with me. It’s in another city, but it is worth the extra time to visit. I don’t know because of adoption attachment issues if this will be long and permanent development, I pray so, but any progress with my daughter is an answer to prayer. She needs prayer, and too much to get into now. God knows what it is.

    • Joanne, thank you for sharing!

      Jesus, You want to take this heavy burden off of Joanne’s shoulders. May she freely give it to You. May she trust You in every area of her life. I pray healing of family members and restoration of broken relationships. Redeem all time that has been lost for Your glory! Show her how to live out of rest, how to cap in Your presence and linger at Your table. Be her strength, peace, foundation and provision. We trust You in all things, in all seasons.

  9. I haven’t been over to incourage for a while but I clicked over today. I’m glad I did. There is a lot of uncertainty in our life right now. We’re living week to week. There has been so much stress in our life the past two years and especially the past few months. Just this past summer: 1. We filed for bankruptcy. The medical bills from my husband’s battle with chronic pain over two years did us in. 2. I totaled our good car just a few days before the bankruptcy filing, and sustained a pretty serious concussion that is still affecting me months later. 3. I had a major depressive episode. I’ve battled with depression for years and everything coalesced to send me to the tipping point and I spent five weeks going to outpatient therapy at a psych hospital Monday through Friday. I haven’t shared that with very many people. Unfortunately I have found the majority of people I know do not truly understand clinical depression. It’s not just a phase, it’s not something I can just snap out of or just get over. It is a monster that I battle every single day of my life. My brain just functions differently in a physiological way, and I don’t know if that will ever change. And that is a hard pill to swallow. I finally understand why I have always hit a wall and stopped whenever I start something. Will I ever be able to conquer that? I don’t know. And I hate that feeling. I’m processing a lot right now.

    Now my husband texted me and said he’s been called into an urgent meeting of an unusual sort later this morning. We know layoffs or “restructuring” is coming at his company so we’re a wee bit concerned. We cannot afford a lapse in pay or health insurance. I keep repeating to myself that God has never failed us before in the job arena and he won’t fail us now. But if it does turn out he’s getting laid off, I think I will have to put that on pause and throw a brief fit because it would be nice to catch a break after all we’ve been through.

    So. All that to say. God must have known I needed this reminder today. He is our shepherd. We shall not want. He will walk with us through the valley. He is with us. Goodness and lovingkindness will follow us, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Nothing can change THAT. It is the rock on which we can stand.

    • Melissa,
      Unless you have personally experienced clinical depression, you just don’t “get” it! Like you said, it IS an illness…it just happens to be a chemical imbalance in your brain. If was as simple as just think happy thoughts…that would be peachy, but it’s not reality. So sorry for your episode. All the stress you are under also depletes your brain of serotonin. As much as you can, be good to yourself. I am lifting you and your husband up right now for all you are dealing with. God will walk with you THROUGH the valley…He will not leave you stuck there. Praying that you would feel His grace and comfort!!

      • Thank you for reminding me to be good to myself. Self-care is usually the first thing to go out the window in times of stress for me.

    • Melissa, dear one! Take heart my sister! God is WITH you! It’s what He does and who He is. So glad that He brought you here today!

      Father, You know every need before we do. Holy Spirit, come and do what only You can do. Move on Melissa’s behalf in the unseen places. I speak supernatural healing you and your husband in Jesus’s name. I speak alignment in y’alls minds, bodies and souls. God, You provide like no one else could. Come and meet their needs in abundance. You are a lavish God. Provide over and above what they’re expecting, all for Your glory! You are good and faithful. Help them trust when they way seems impossible. You are a way maker! Give them grace for each moment. Be their rock and refuge. May Your Word be their foundation. You are beyond trustworthy Jesus!!!!

  10. Hi! Thank you for your hugely encouraging blog texts – this and many more. I have graduated half a year ago, moved back near my hometown where I never really wanted to come back to, left a lot of dear friends and a loving congregation behind, started working as a primary school teacher, tried to balance with the enjoyment of coming up with ideas for the classes and getting a life outside the school as well and finally struggling with a virus that made me loose my voice for a bit and now thinking whatever I can do for other people now when I can’t be at work atm. Now reading the words that I can just let Christ do the work and rest in him gave me such a peace. God knows what he’s doing better than I do. So thank you.

    • Thank you Anna-Mari!

      Father, I speak healing and peace to Anna-Mari’s body. May You restore her mind, body and soul. Bring strength, peace and purpose. Surround her with Your presence a sweet community. Show her her purpose in all of this transition. You are good and trustworthy.

      In Jesus’s name. Amen

  11. I made the decision in January to take a full-time job at a start-up and place my then two year old daughter in full-time preschool. My eight year old son was in school full-time and I convinced myself it was the right time. Nine months later I never saw them, family meals disintegrated; I became a tired, exhausted shell of myself whom I barely recognized. After only nine months, I chose to return to my family and resigned from the job in September. Not great for my LinkedIn profile, but best for my soul and my family. It’s been six weeks, and I am only now starting to feel like myself again. My daughter attends a Christian preschool six hours a week and otherwise we spend our days together. I am more available to my son who comes home now rather than spending three hours in an after-school program. The difference in my entire family is remarkable. The challenge of outside job offers continues — I feel blessed and confused. I’ve turned down at least three. I wonder if I am being a silly woman. The most recent is a work-from-home situation of only 10-15 hours a week. I feel this is a season of being NOT doing. But I realize I don’t really know how to just BE. I need to trust God that He will continue to provide all we need. That I won’t miss anything that He has for me. Please pray He makes my path straight. That I can find the true blessings in this down time. That I am able to discern what’s from God and what’s not. Thank you.

    • Kate, this is beautiful!

      You have obeyed God’s leading. I’ve noticed if we follow the peace, He will never disappoint.

      Father, thank You for Your leading. If we get still and listen, You will always speak. Remind Kate that “not now” doesn’t mean “not ever”. This season requires her to be present for her family. A later season may open doors for opportunity outside of the home. She hasn’t missed Your calling. You have purpose in every season. May she learn to function out of rest not striving, truth not emotions. Whisper peace to her soul. Continue to show her who she is in You and all the greatness You have in store for her in Your timing.

      In Jesus’s name. Amen!

  12. Katrina, I sure could relate to your devo. I have been employed at my current job for 13 yrs., and for the last bit my heart just isn’t there anymore. I feel as if God has been getting me ready for a new thing, a transition (I can’t tell u how many times lately He has brought Isa 41:10 to me). I’m just not sure what to do, where to go etc. Fifty seems late to be doing a complete upheaval, however, I am no longer passionate about where I am or the circumstances I find myself in. I am in ministry and would like to continue in such, but am having a ROUGH time leaving my comfort zone. I have been crying out to God for light & leading, but this darkness is so thick, nothing forthcoming. So I just keep praying Isa 41:10, where He promises to help and uphold.

    • I love that Mo!

      Father, You lead and guide. Thank you! May Mo lean into Your still small voice and be obedient to Your call. You are good and faithful! There is no retirement in You until we are with You. Remind her that she is never to old to dream a new dream in You. You are always doing a new thing!

  13. Yes, yes, yes!!! One of our pastors was speaking a similar message yesterday. We don’t have to do anything but receive the salvation He died for! Hallelujah. !

  14. I am so uncertain about my future. My husband and I are both unemployed, I was recently retrenched, he has been unemployed for a while now. I am not sure what the future holds, I am trying to get my coaching practice up and running but in the mean time I am looking for another job. I am trying to patiently wait for God to answer my prayers.

  15. I am in a season of change with my job and the expectations are very demanding as are the principal and other staff members. I am in this constant movement that when I do have. Agee minutes to sit and rest, I can’t. I am trying to figure it out and let it go and lean into God

  16. Karina,
    Change is never easy! I have been in a state of change for 1.5+ years. It began with my aging dad moving into assisted living, his many illnesses (falls, dementia, etc.). In the middle hubby has worked 3 different locations for same company. Through all this I had to quit my job to be more accessible for my dad. Ready for normal and rut!
    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, may the Lord be your firm foundation. He is unwavering and faithful. May you lean on Him and the truth of His promises for you. He loves you and will never fail you.

  17. Wow, love this, thanks for writing it, KArina. So soothing to my soul, especially when I spend lots of time beating myself up. I love how you linked Dad’s “correction” to “instruction”…really helps me rest more in what He’s doing than wrestle.
    And I love this: The Lord’s instruction prepares us to carry His anointing in the midst of uncertainty.
    Wow, what an encouragement.
    Love to you from Holland,

    • Thank you Jasmine for sharing!

      I beat myself up too. i know that His heart for me is to learn from Him and rest in Him. He is a good and loving Dad. He has good for us. I need to trust that more often than I do!

      Love to you sweet girl!