Emily T. Wierenga
About the Author

Emily T. Wierenga is the author of eight books including the new memoir, God Who Became Bread. In 2014, she was used by God to establish the nonprofit, The Lulu Tree. She loves to paint, play guitar, snowboard, and lead Bible Study at a local mental health drop-in center.

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  1. Congratulations Emily on the birth of your daughter, Aria Hope. The image of God searching the horizons and running towards each of His children because He loves us so much brought welcome tears.

  2. Emily, these were precious words to me today. Thank you. My girls’ Oma and Opa sound similar to yours: I love watching them with our girls. I continue to struggle with a very low self-worth…I’m always beating myself up internally…and so it’s easy for me to start doubting God really loves me too, but you are so right and it is in watching my girls and also in the beauty of nature that I see that love in abundance.

    • Anna, I struggle daily to love myself. I understand this completely. It’s a journey, isn’t it? Love to you…

  3. Hi Emily
    I guess I have yet to smell the rain. My Dad died this past January at the age of 82. Never in my life did I actually hear the words, ‘I. love. you,” from my Dad, and I am closing in on 59 years of age. I’ve been left struggling with all the little girl feelings, all over again, that I thought I had long ago forgiven. My heart does not grieve at the loss of my father, but only for the lost opportunities, the lost years, the loss of my last shred of self-esteem. It grieves me that I, along with so many other grown women with little girl longings, weep over the lack of a real “Daddy”, even though we have the Lord. Our Dads are “supposed” to be Jesus with skin on to their searching daughters, yet so many of us search the world we know over, looking for that one who will love us unconditionally and always. Instead, we look for love in all the wrong places and are left even more “hollowed out”, scarred, broken. Yes, I now have Jesus, but I’m still having trouble transitioning from the head to the heart. That HE loves me unconditionally and always.
    Thank God, Emily, that you and Trent, along with the generation before you, have learned your own lessons well, now giving Aria all the love and affirmation and self-worth she will need to grow up as a secure and confident young woman, knowing Christ, the very Lover of her SOUL. The One thing that makes all the difference in the life of a little girl.

    • Anonymous,
      I’m sorry for the loss of your dad! May God bring healing to you heart, mind and soul! I pray that you feel and know how much Jesus loves you unconditionally! You are a beautiful creation made completely in His image!
      Blessings 🙂

    • Oh sister. I get this, I really do. I have tears in my eyes from reading this. I’m praying you smell the rain… Zephaniah 3:17…

  4. Emily,
    Thank you for a great post! I love the image of being held by a loving father who smells like rain! That brings tears to my eyes!
    Blessings 🙂