Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. This just might be my favorite line: “His faithfulness is new every morning in a hundred different
    ways. On the stormy days as well as the mild ones. It’s the one thing
    that doesn’t change. ” Thank you, Lisa Jo. I needed this reminder today!

  2. Thanks for the reminder to NOT worship my To-Do List as a very real and threatening idol. I enjoy your writing style; more, please. And yes, His mercies ARE new, every morning! Praise Him!

      • Side-note: I’m now following you on twitter. Yay! ( I’m @oilpaintlover ) Off to enjoy your website…{{hugs}} to a fellow Sister in Him ~ Happy Blessed Sunday tomorrow!

  3. What a blessing this is to me this morning. Thank you. Great is our Father’s faithfulness!

  4. Oh my goodness you are right, Lisa-Jo. Thank you for this this morning. I have to remember, He is faithful Even when I’m not. I do have everything I need and He has provided it all. I am going to keep missing it if I keep focusing on the “why, Lords?” and the have nots. Father, forgive me for thinking I should have a different kind of life. For not loving my life. You have given me the exact one for me to bring you the most glory. Show me how to settle in and not park my mind in disappointments or broken dreams.

  5. So true and so hard to remember… We can’t let the devil take our days away minute by minute…. God’s live and mercy is stronger!!!

  6. Needed this in so many ways today. When we focus on his new mercies each morning…especially in a quiet place…..the overwhelming starts to find its proper place and perspective. Thanks for sharing!

    • Yes, it’s such a relief that compared to the size of our God, nothing needs to feel daunting or overwhelming. I’m amazed how often I forget that.

  7. I no longer refer to the hymns as the old hymns. I prefer to say the classical hymns. We never say that old music when we refer to Mozart’s music or the other “CLASSICAL composers” who are far older than those who wrote the great classical hymns. When we allowed those great hymns to be referred to as those old fashioned hymns, we lost so much in keeping those hymns in the worship cooperate worship time. We allowed the younger generations to be robbed of the music that will always be classical music.

  8. Thank you for this. I really needed to “hear” these words this morning. My mornings have been filed with “to do” lists and worries with getting our youngest ready to move to college this weekend. I needed to be reminded of His faithfulness and that all will be provided. I just have to trust and breathe.

  9. Lisa Jo,
    That hymn is very soothing and thank-you for such a comforting post.. I commented on here yesterday and at first it felt like a stormy day. A sweet lady left a kind reply, later I took my son and dog for a walk to the park. While my son picked fresh berries a sweet little boy invited him to play.Then a lady went out of her way to introduce her dog to mine. That night I noticed how well the vegetable garden was thriving after a fire storm and a drought. These are just a few of the things that reminded me of His faithfulness on what started off as a stormy day.They are what matter and I’m going to try not to worry as much.


  10. So it’s 6:30 pm and I’m sitting bemused and befuddled that you know what I do in the morning. And before I sleep. I thought we virtual list makers were safe. We get things done, make people happy, and it’s all good. I taught our tinies to go to sleep thinking of all the people who love them. Great list; starts with God,mommy, daddy, etc… ends with Jesus!
    How did I miss the mercy list? In the morning?! Are you crazy? You are crazy certifiable Christian. Before coffee? After cold stretching in bed? You, know you have just wrecked my morning routine! I can’t believe it.
    So, tomorrow morning, which is my first day back to work at a school (staff) there is a new routine. Wake up. Pray thank you. Then list.
    The mercy list. Faithfull God. What am I not getting today that I deserve? What am I getting because you are merciful to me. Oh sweet Jesus.
    I Can’t wait. In the routine of first day back to school you added the excitement I needed for this year. Thank you. Seriously thank you. And Jesus. And God. Cause He is full of mercy.

  11. Lisa-Jo,
    Sorry I missed your post yesterday…I was in surgery for my knee, yet again. I so needed this post THIS morning as I look ahead toward my recuperation/rehab. I know now, more than ever, that I truly need to take it one day at a time. What a blessed reminder that His faithfulness and mercies are new each and every morning! Praying those mercies will kick my worries to the curb. Love this old hymn!!
    Blessings and ((hugs)),

  12. Reading this a day late because I’m on vacation, and having moved exactly a month ago, myself, I can’t resist commenting. Thank you Lisa-Jo, for this wonderfully concrete example of counting blessings instead of worries. We moved out of our first “owned” house into a quite fabulous (from my perspective) rental an hour’s drive away. It’s a lovely drive, it’s taken my husband a while to fix things in the new place (or call the plumber to do it) and my daughter also really misses her friends (at 14 it may be a more intense missing, but the movie Inside Out helps us talk about it, have you seen that movie?), and even though I love the kitchen and the lemon tree (and lime and orange and apple which aren’t ripe yet) in the back yard, it’s WORK to pray and remain hopeful, joyful. Good work, God work.

  13. I too am I life-long Sunday School girl. Some of the old hymns speak to my soul and I find myself singing a phrase now and then. This hymn is a favorite. Great writing Lisa-Jo, great encouragement and a great reminder of how Great is Our God.

  14. so good to remember! I just posted about my desire to pray for my kids….really for them. Most of my praying turns into my mom worry syndrome.

  15. Lisa-Jo

    Thank you for a great insightful post! God’s mercies are new daily~ He will always provide for our needs! Great writing!!
    I can so relate to the worries. Last June I woke up daily with knot in my stomach worrying about my aging dad’s medical issues, my job I dreaded and my hubby possibly losing his job. He ended up back at hospital on a “crappy shift” but
    was able to leave the hospital for a better day shift job with same company. My dad had a bunch more medical issues causing me stress and problems with work. This past June I quit my job to be more available for him. My hubby is fearing his future with this medical office due to possible merger with the other medical company in area. I keep telling my hubby and reminding myself “All I have needed thy had hath provided”. Has God ever not provided what we needed? We should just pray about the situations and see how He handles them! For He knows the plans he has for us!

    “Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”
    Morning by morning new mercies I see;
    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided –
    “Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!
    Blessings 🙂

  16. I love the numbering of your thankfulness. God’s faithfulness is great—thank you for numbering these so I can see my thankfuls in my own life.

  17. Thank you for this. I’m right there with you: an expert worrier— different issues, same emotions. Every once in a while, like in your post, I get a reminder of God’s mercy and faithfulness; and it always seems to be when I need it most. THAT is part of His mercy and faithfulness too. Thanks again. Be blessed.
    Keri Lynn Siegel

  18. …Thine own dear Presence to cheer and to guide. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow- blessings all mine with ten thousand beside!
    My favorite hymn! Thank you for this wonderful reminder!

  19. Worry about the sink—kids will live thru first week of school—things will calm down—the pond will take care of itself—no need to feed fish—might have to clear out some of the vegetation—but a lot will die back come winter—fish will live even when frozen just punch a hole in the ice—love the hymn and the beautiful photo—and thanks for reminding us of his constant love and mercies.

  20. I find myself quoting that scripture too, it gives me the courage to move forward.