About the Author

Karina Allen is devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building authentic community through the practical application of Scripture in an approachable, winsome manner.

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  1. Very well written :). There is a friendship I feel God is callings to. It’s one I haven’t wanted to pursue because of a history of friendships with not so good experiences where I hurt them and they hurt me. And I guess my fear of being the one who causes the hurt is what is holding me back from being a friend to someone now. The timing of this blog is so perfect for me because it is time for me to be Brave.. Because He is with me and He has put in me all that I will need to be a good friend. And, his heart is for people, even when they break his heart…. And I cannot affect people Or let them affect me unless i let them in. It’s time to be Brave

    • Amen Kristen! I am so excited for you! You are BRAVE, braver than you think or feel! I pray that the Lord brings healing and restoration on both sides. He is a way maker. Trust Him to lead and guide you. He has God ordained friendships waiting for you that will speak life, encouragement and hope in to your soul. Be blessed sister!

  2. Karina,
    I thought I knew what God was calling me to…but that didn’t pan out the way I thought it was going to. So, I guess you could say that I’m kind of in a waiting stage…waiting to see what God would call me to next? Thank you for the reminder to let the facts about God lead and not our feelings. This was a timely reminder!

    • I am so glad Bev! I sure have been in that waiting space too. in some areas, I still am there. Look around in your sphere of influence and start there. i know the Lord has some work for you to do in those places that will prepare you for what He has next for you. Have a blessed day!

  3. What a great perspective-shifting post, Karina. I was just thinking on this yesterday. God’s given me writing. I’ve finished my third rough draft but never taken them much beyond that stage. He’s been showing me I am fearing rejection. In writing and in life. I need to trust Him and do the work.

    I love the “firm foundation” you shared in your post:
    Go in the strength you have.
    I will be with you.
    Do not be afraid.
    You are mighty.

    God is always there to equip and strengthen us to whatever He calls us to. Thanks for this reminder!

    • Jeanne, thank you for sharing! God’s timing is perfect! I love that God has given you writing. The world needs your words. I am praying that confidence and boldness fill you up. I think the fear of rejection is one that we all can relate to. One of my pastors always says that “Feelings make lousy leaders but they make great followers.” May you learn to do things afraid. Watch God honor you and bless your obedience. Have an amazing day!

  4. Wow, Karina. Thank you, so much, for this timely post. I’m much like you — practical, logical, and a deep thinker when given a decision to make (who often prides herself in being able to see a thousand sides to a given situation — blessing and curse, right? πŸ™‚ ). But God has been calling me for the last 2 years to be “brave”, too. Actually, His word for me is “audacious”, and given me Deuteronomy 31:6 as my verse.

    He has set me before many decisions and situations to broaden my heart’s boundaries. All of it is an opportunity to increase in faith, but, of course, it’s uncomfortable and can be so hard. Right now, He’s calling me to bravely live intentionally each day (sometimes the mundane things require bravery too!) as I wait on Him for this next season of my life, which will involve stepping into some dreams He’s put on my heart my whole life. It is and will continue to be scary, but it’s so exciting, too.

    I pray He gives us both such joy and peace in His presence that no matter what path we take we are confident in His love and walk audaciously πŸ™‚

    • Athena, i love the word ‘audacious’! May the Lord increase wisdom and discernment as you make decisions for His glory. Trust Him to lead in His perfect timing and ways. he is faithful and good. be patient and faithful with where He has you. know that He has great things in store for you.

  5. Karina, This was a well written post and thank-you for your perspective.

    There was a time when I thought you had to be a firemen or policeman in order to be brave. But as I grew to learn from my mother it is n’t so. And for me it’s a comfort knowing that whatever situation is calling us to be brave He will be with us every step of the way.



  6. Hi Karina,

    I can so identify with Gideon. I used to say I could identify with him because he was a chicken and so was I. Actually now I would call him doing what God told him to do anyway even though he was afraid, because that is truly what Gideon did.

    Really just to live my life as a Grandma/Mom when we would be an empty nester, be thinking about a different stage of life, and our lives are so different than what we imagined, planned for, and feeling like I’m not enough to manage two boys who active when my body just does not do what it used to be able to do. Being the oldest mom in my son’s 4K, and wondering how I’m going to be able to keep up.



    • Joanne, you are doing a mighty work dear one! Lean into Jesus. Let Him be your strength and refuge. Let Him be your sure foundation. He is equipping you. Blessings!

  7. That’s awesome Penny! Yeah, sometimes, it’s the everyday that requires bravery. Yes, He is with you and will equip you. You are called, mighty one!

  8. Thank you for your post and for your question! God called me to write a Children’s book, HOW CAN I CHOOSE?, which is rooted in Christian Faith. I know it is important for me to “be brave” enough to share it as GOD’s message… Not mine. He is the creator and to him be the glory!! Lord, may I be brave enough to get out of my on way. Amen

    • That’s good Robin! I know that He has given you a message for this moment in time for His purposes. Keep your eyes fixed on Christ and you can’t go wrong sister!

  9. I like your post. Being brave is frightening to me because I am afraid of failure. But my relationship with God gives me courage to be mighty for Him. I home school and blog. Home School is a brave thing for me because my children’s success in education is my responsibility and I don’t want to mess up. Blogging is being brave because sharing my life with the world is a vulnerable place to be. I’m pretty honest on my blog posts and this takes courage to be real so that others can be encouraged to grow too. Thanks again for your post.

  10. I’m writing a first draft of a book, with the help of my critique group. At times I feel it is futile to keep writing, but then I hear God’s quiet voice, encouraging me to keep on and write this story. I’m learning and stretching in writing as well in other areas of life as I trust the Lord to give me wisdom, strength and courage. I cling to the verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Thank you for your encouraging words to “be brave.”

    • Kathy, that’s great! It’s His story that you are writing. He will equip you with much needed words for this dream. He will provide you with strength, wisdom and courage. He is for you! Be blessed!

  11. Karina, your post spoke to me today. This was the second post I “happen” to read today about being strong and courageous. I feel like Gideon because I feel weak, scared, as unsure of where I should be at this season in my life. I don’t want fear to captivate me and cause me to miss the next adventure God has designed for me. I have been out of a job for awhile now, and I feel anxious about getting out into the workforce again. I even feel nervous as I am filling out the applications, fearing rejection. I agree about having a firm foundation to stand on. I pray that I will step out in faith, believing that God is with me, I will not be afraid. I will go in the strength I have and God will equip me to find the job that is right for me. Thanks for your encouraging words today. My life is in His hands.

    • Deb, I love it when the Lord confirms things to us. Know that you are brave and mighty! i know how it feels to be without a job. Praying that the Lord meets your every need in over abundant ways. He is your source. Trust Him. He is good and He loves you. I am praying for freedom and strength. Be at peace sister!

  12. I feel very much like Gideon hiding in the wine press. I have an idea for a ministry, one I have sort of started over the last 3 years as a volunteer. I have developed an art camp for elementary students at a low income high risk elementary school. Many if these children have never had some of the simplest art experiences. They don’t have a place to go safely on early release days. So the art camp provides both experiences for them. My son said to me that we are sharing Gods love by helping children connect to their Creator in finding their own creativity! Financially it is a struggle for my family. But at church on Sunday, I had the idea to keep it going I need to take what I have developed and present it to child care centers as a school out activity and charge the full price including my time. The art camp is funded mostly by local churches and the students who can paying $1.00 per session. However I have a mental list of “but I am not…”. And fear of failure, rejection whatever that is keeping me from moving forward. If I could build this ministry to a combination of more paid in full classes and more free classes. I could help more at risk children. I need to be brave.

    • Royale, this beautiful! This is such a God dream! I am praying for supernatural provision and leading from the Holy Spirit. He is faithful. Trust Him. Obey Him. He will bless this!

  13. God is calling me to be brave to believe that I can take care of myself and my children by myself. Seven years ago my husband walked out on us for another woman (two weeks before Christmas). A week later my Dad had a heart attack, so my children and I moved in with him to help take care of him. He had to go into a nursing home in January, and since he was on Medicaid and Medicare, they are taking the house we are living in. I am having no luck in finding a new place to live as the housing situation in my area is not good right now. I am also the executor of his estate which puts an extra burden on me. I am putting my faith in God and believing the He will make me “Brave” to get through this storm.

    • Sweet Carletta! I am praying for some supernatural doors to be opened for you. God loves you beyond all reason and wants to provide for you. He is your Heavenly Father and best friend. Let Him be your strength, comfort and peace.

    • Carletta,

      Sister I’m praying for God to do miracles in your life right now! Asking Him to open doors and give you some kind of housing and the strength to endure these trials! May God bring friends to help you with your current needs.

      Father God,

      Please help Carletta. She is in a hard place now. Give her and the children a place to live and money to pay bills. She needs to feel your loving arms and know that you are there for her. Give her strength to endure these trials. Shower her with friends who will assist in any way!


  14. Thank you Lisa! The fear of failure gets me too. God is most definitely using your hear and words to bring knowledge, and encouragement to those around you. Be strong! Be brave! In Jesus’ name.

  15. Brave, courage, grace. Big words that have been flashing in my life like neon signs! Iam terrified by my career. I have fought, cried, screamed, demanded that God would open other doors for me. No answer yet just continuos messages like yours! Thank you for words, for sharing hope with Gideon’s like me…

    • Linda, thank you for sharing! I understand about that kind of terror. My 40 hour a week job is not even close to the calling that the Lord has placed on my life. I, too, am praying for open doors. May we both be faithful where He has planted us and eager hopeful about where He is calling us. Stand strong and tall on His firm foundation sister!

    • Linda,

      Seven years ago I left a job and went into a different field–one I thought I would like. It was good for a few years. Now I find myself not liking the job or the field of work at all. Wish I had never gone into it!

      I am being brave to continue working, doing my best to be happy and please God. Perhaps one day He will open doors for all of us!

      Blessings πŸ™‚

  16. I have moments of bravery that lead me to reckless abandon, but then once I’ve done “it” I can start to get this cyclical second guessing of myself. “Well, maybe I’m not reeeeallly cut out for this…maybe what I thought was God calling me, was really just in my head.” What it comes down to is, my learning/practicing not to care so much about what people think. Goodness that’s a hard one for me. Surely I care way more than “the people” I’m obsessing over. πŸ™‚

    Good encouragement and reminder – thanks!

  17. Chelsea, thank you for sharing. That is an easy, vicious cycle to get caught in. I am praying for some supernatural freedom over you from the fear of what others think. You are chosen and approved by God. you are His mighty daughter! He is for you and He is faithful. He will equip you. Trust Him. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit is the biggest adventure of our lives. May you always follow Him with reckless abandon sister!

  18. I love you girlie and I am so proud of all the ways that you are being Brave this year! Here’s to all the New and the Not Yet… praying for you this week/weekend and so thankful for your words here, friend!

  19. I find Yahweh calling us by the description HE calls us to be simply amazing. Gideon was by far a fear(full) man, yet God called Him Mighty Warrior. There are numerous examples throughout His Word. He calls us the opposite of our weakest attribute, and uses us for His Purpose.

    Katrina, I too have wanted to write. I look forward to reading everything you’ve written. I’m in a very dark place mentally at the moment, barely hanging on, and what I Need at the moment God puts before me. I had planned on taking my life on Friday, however I’ve known from past dark periods He will rescue me as only He can.

    Thank you for writing this At This Time and thank You Father for placing it before my eyes. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    • Lucy,

      Prayers for you sweet sister! May God deliver you from your dark place and bring light and happiness back into your world. I pray you feel His loving arms surround you holding you tightly whispering “you are beautiful and loved”.

      Blessings πŸ™‚

  20. Oh Lucy, sweet girl! I adore your insight of God calling us the opposite of our weakest attribute! That is so true! I pray that you would be overwhelmed by the love and peace of God! He loves you beyond all reason! Never doubt that! May Jesus bring freedom to your mind. May He fill you thoughts with the thoughts that He thinks about you. You are chosen, beautiful, redeemed, holy, strong. He is your source. He is your everything. Trust Him. He is faithful. He has good in store for you no matter the circumstances. The Lord values you and wants to be in relationship with you.

    If you need anything, please let me know. Do you have family or friends to support you?

  21. Karina, this post is absolutely beautiful and comes at the perfect time!
    “I also honestly don’t know if we will ever truly feel brave. And really, I don’t think it matters. We are not called to live based on our feelings. Our feelings come and go. They are highly unreliable.”
    These words really spoke to me. According to dictionary.com, brave means to be ‘fearless, unfearful, undismayed, and lionhearted’.
    This led me to consider ‘fear’. Fear is simply a feeling. While it can sometimes overpower us and stop us from stepping out and living wholeheartedly, it is a feeling nonetheless.

    As you said: “We are called to live according to the Word of God..His Word that never changes. It stands the test of time. It holds true for us regardless of whether we feel what it says or not.”
    This is such a beautiful promise! We have His unfailing Word to hold onto, when our feelings and the feeling of others fail us (which they most certainly will).

    This brought to mind (1 Timothy 1:7) “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

    Thanks so much for this timely reminder to always rely on God’s Word and not our feelings. I will pray that God will call you to be brave on your journey. With Him walking your journey with you, how can you be anything but?


    • Thank you for your encouragement Donna! And thank you for sharing! Amen to all of this! May we learn to walk out brave, bold faith. We are brave because He says so, not our emotions. Be blessed!

      • You’re welcome, Karina! Jesus is in our corner and He promises us He’s sticking with us, no matter what. So let’s step out and live fearlessly. Let us be women of courage. When fear creeps in (and it will), let’s look to Him. Let us not dwell on our abilities (or our inabilities), but on the Lord’s ability! He is ABLE.

        Have a blessed weekend!

  22. I guess for me being Brave looks like going to a job that I don’t like and don’t feel good at anymore. I find it hard to get motivated to keep on keeping on. Problem is it has good pay and benefits.

    What I would like to see happen is that God open doors for me and place me in a totally different job! Now my brave is to wait and see what God has in store for me and continue to do my best!!

    Blessings πŸ™‚

    • Beth, thank you for sharing! I am praying for God’s perfect timing in your job situation. He has purpose for you and will bring it to pass. May you be brave and patient in the waiting.

  23. Ahh, Karina, from one Louisiana girl to another, beautifully written. I am the queen of over-thinking so I understand how you feel! It is hard to be brave when we try to foresee every possible scenario. I’m glad God sees bravery when I see sweaty palms and shaky knees.

    Thanks for sharing!

  24. Karina, thanks for sharing your heart and your honesty!! I think you are VERY Brave!! Thanks for your friendship! I so enjoyed hanging with you at Allume last weekend!


    • Thank you DeAnna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a blast with you and your church! God is doing amazing things and I cannot wait to hear all of the testimonies that will come out of your faithfulness there! I love you sister!!!