Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. This site has blessed me because I’ve seen the everyday grace and mercy God gives women just like me to get through each and everyday. I love how applicable and relatable posts and am thankful for this site!

    • I am not one for commenting on a lot of blogs but I would like to take the time to express my gratitude to everyone who posts and leads this blog. Everyday I make it a habit to check out this blog to see what new piece of knowledge and encouragement is shared. Not only has it been a great source of inspiration for me but I have seen how it has been a blessing to many people in my world and to others connected through social media. Thank you for being such a willing vessel for God to work through and shine light into our darkest places. God Bless.

      • Oh awesome God…you have blessed everyone reading the comments made here. The Ebenerzer is something bit..where I lived in a cabin at a camp—there was the first built cabin by the swimming area and I was a lifeguard. The Ebnerzer was always in my head AS THAT IS Gods TRUE NAME THAT IS SPOKEN TO ALL OF US. May the peace which passes all understanding be with you now and forever. Amen.

    • My God is an awesome God and i am so glad he used this site to be my deliverer, my strongtower, my strength giver,my mind regulator. My shelter from the storm. Nobody can do me like Jesus, he is good all by himself and he send special people into our lifes to provide the the word that is needed at just that tine I am soooooo grateful for this site. It has encouraged me ,uplifted me and carried me through me through many valleys and mountains and I thanks God for you!!!!!!!

  2. I am so grateful for this blog. I hardly ever comment, but I read the posts every morning. I feel as if I know each of you. I so appreciate how you display your faith and love for Christ in real genuine ways. It always feels authentic and is always so very encouraging to me.

    • The encouragement I have received from all of you has been so wonderful! Thanks to all contributors.

  3. Incourage was birthed in the midst of my walk through an ugly messy divorce. An extra marital affair and the learning of how to be a single mama. 5 years later The Lord has brought healing. Taught me how to love. To trust. To find community and friends. And to give grace. And so much of that He allowed me to learn here. With you. Thank you for allowing Him to use you to help me.

  4. So thankful for the bloom book studies that have planted seeds of wisdom and Gods word in my soul!

  5. This site has given me the great opportunity to read truth during my workday. Whether it’s before the day even gets going, or on my lunch break, it is always a welcome retreat from the busyness that surrounds us into a place where I am reminded of Gods grace. Thank you, and happy 5 years!

  6. Last year I was really struggling with believing in God. I’m a lifelong Christian and have never doubted God before, so the experience of doubt was unexpected and frightening to me. I tried to read my Bible and pray harder and better, but that just seemed to make my doubts worse. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone in my real life much of what was going on. I didn’t want to alarm my family members or alienate my friends. What helped most for me was to read blogs, including the (in)courage blog. I appreciated the reminders of other Christians who were walking a daily difficult Christian path, not necessarily struggling with unbelief, but struggling with all the many trials that Christians face. At a certain point I remember sitting on my bed and saying, both to God and myself, “I CHOOSE to believe. Maybe I don’t FEEL like I believe, but I choose to.” I chose to align myself with the other women of (in)courage, with all the bloggers who were reminding me that I WANTED to believe, and that, in the end, I DID and DO believe. That was a real turning point for me. The battle lessened once I simply decided which side I was on.

    After that, I felt God meeting me and showing me ways to grow my faith. I began to allow myself to look at faith rationally, which I had never done before. I had always thought faith had to be something that I felt or that just happened to me. Allowing myself to choose, to approach faith with logic and rationality rather than only how I felt about it, was a big turning point for me, and now I see that God was using my time of struggling and doubt to open new doors that have allowed me to develop a new faith, not just going back to the old but building something bigger and better. I can’t say I never have doubts anymore, but I am developing a toolbox for how to deal with them now. I am learning to look at the hard questions in life as the mystery of God’s story unfolding rather than as proof that God does not exist.

    My turning point was my choice to align myself with the women of (in)courage and the other Christian bloggers who were inspiring me every day. Thank you, (in)courage, for your encouragement to me!

  7. Lisa-Jo (and the (in)courage sisterhood),

    I have been chomping at the bit to leave you a message since 5 am. but the site would not cooperate :(. I join with you all in raising an Ebenezer to God’s faithfulness through this ministry. I wish I had found you sooner, but in the couple of years that I have been a part, you have blessed me beyond belief! You saw me through a painful divorce and a couple of surgeries. You gave me encouragement to dream again and begin my blog which has been such a blessing in and of itself. My quiet time in the morning is not complete without grabbing my coffee and settling in with y’all for some truth and refreshment. You are all so gifted and talented at making the Word real and relaying it in a way that many women can relate to. I can’t say enough good things about you!! Congratulations and prayers go with you as you/we embark on an exciting future that God has in store!!
    Love and blessings,

  8. I’ve loved new infusions of courage and hope each new day. Encouragement in marriage, mothering, and just plain being a woman (although we all know there’s nothing plain about that!) has been so welcome in my inbox. Thanks, (in)courage ladies!

  9. When I found Incourge… I was in the process of recovering from a very painful shredding of a fellowship and life long friends… which included family… Incourage breathed back hope in regards to relationships… words here encouraged me to be willing to risk again… I have found healing here… in the blog world… and I have found healing IRL friendships.
    Secondly, I love how this space champions women… a space not to compete but to encourage and grow so we all can be world changers no matter where life finds us… no matter our age!!! blessings and grace for many many more years!!!!

    • I, too have struggled with a broken family. My son is an alcoholic, and because I and my one daughter chose to stand by him, my other 2 children, withdrew and have had very little to do with me, and nothing to do with my daughter. My son, now has 14 months of sobriety, a good job and has reconnected with his children and grandchildren.
      I pray daily, that God will open their hearts, and we can be areal family again. So many days, the words of In Courage, seemed to be just what I needed.
      God Bless and I look forward to another 5 years of comfort.

  10. Many times the words of fellow sisters in Christ are salve to my soul or a challenge for my mind or a confirmation for what God has been teaching me. Thankful for the ways God uses His people here.

  11. This website has become a huge blessing to me in this new season of my life-I just had my second child three months ago. As fellow mamas out there can relate, finding time to do devotions in this busy season of many feedings and diaper changes- amid a lack of sleep is a very big challenge. It is awesome to find such encouraging words; such relatable wisdom at the click of a button. I always walk away with my heart touched. The writers truly feel like sisters- or best friends sitting across the table sharing their wisdom. I am thankful to my friend for sharing the website with me!

  12. (In)courage has helped me see that we’re not alone. We will have storms, but this community reminds us that God is still in control! I’m so thankful for this community!

    • In the midst of an ongoing storm involving my husbands constant 10 yr downhill health problems, I know, just spending a few minutes a day here, Sometimes only once a week, Gives me the boost to my faith that I can’t find any place else…Thank you with all my heart.

  13. It has been a great source of wisdom and encouragement….for me and for me to share with others! THANKS!!!!

  14. incourage was a big catalyst for helping me find a brave voice in writing, in social media, in life, especially about my faith. Happy birthday, incourage! I’m grateful for this space and these brave voices!

  15. (In)courage has introduced me to an interactive social community I can trust & know that other women are caring for THE BRIDE & it has introduced me to women all over the world that spur me & others on in a way I didn’t know to ask for. Thank you Jesus for (in)courage we needed it!

  16. This site says what it does – Incourage is encouraging from the inside out! So many times I’ve read what I needed to hear at the right time! We are all ordinary women led by Christ to do extraordinary things! xxx

  17. In a season when I felt all alone, a sister in Christ who lives half way around the world shared (in)courage with me. Every morning i get on, and some days it is what i need to hear. But whether it resonates personally or not, it always reminds me that i am not alone in this world, this struggle of living out everyday life.

  18. Celebrating with you today! I am honestly not even sure how I came across your website years ago, but I will say I think it was God’s leading. InCourage has played a significant role in my walk with the Lord and I am so grateful. I have been encouraged by the inRL conference and particularly by the online book clubs. Being in the book clubs & having that input gave me courage to branch out and lead groups of women from my community. I had been in a discouraged place for far too many years and somehow God used the work you do here to cause me to take steps of faith once again. The ripple effects of doing these studies in my own life & in the lives of women in my community goes beyond what I ever dreamed or imagined. (Wish I could give you the full details!) So, so grateful! I look forward to seeing how God will use & bless this ministry in years to come!

  19. Happy birthday, (in)courage!! (in)courage has been such a gift to me. I’ve met so many incredible women through this site, both in person and online. So often, God has given me a post here at just the right time. inRL and the community groups helped me to find fellowship I didn’t even know I needed. As a working mom, I’ve often felt left out in the church, but through my community group last year I found so much acceptance and understanding. Thank you for all you do!!

  20. I’m so thankful for the sweet devotionals from real women about real life! Look
    forward every day to what the Lord will teach me each day through your writers. Thank you!!

  21. I have been blessed by the Facbook groups which have helped me to connect with fellow writers and have been a real encouragement in so many ways! Thanks to all who make this such a welcoming place and to God, who is using this space to build up the Body of Christ!

  22. I am thankful for all the encouragement that Abba Father blesses me with here so that I can go out there with courage. On the days I want to stay home and hide. On the days I fear the worst. On the days that I can’t see where to place the next step or find my heart. On the days where I am just afraid. Thank you for lifting me up, Jesus, through the words of your beautiful women here.

  23. I found (in)courage about 2 years ago when I was being called to lead a moms group for our church which was (and still is) way out of my comfort zone and what I thought wasn’t a gifting for me, but through (in)courage I brought what I had and in my weakness God supplied the words. Thank you for all of your words that gave me courage to step out and actually dream that I can be a writer someday and be a voice for God to a small group of women. 🙂

  24. Oh, how I love y’all! This place was one of my first stops when I started blogging almost four years ago after we’d just returned from the mission field, and it’s hard to even put into words how much it means to me. I’ve found community through (in)courage…friends, sisters, and a place to call home, no matter where my feet walk. Blessings and hugs to each of you who have been part of it…I’m so thankful for you. 🙂

  25. I am blessed because {in}courage helps me see that I am not alone. God tells us/me we are not alone but when other women say it…well, it reaffirms it. I am thankful to The Lord to have had the opportunity to write here once, to spread His love.

  26. I’m so great flu for how (in)courage has helped me to find so many beautiful friends. When I stumbled over to this site 4 years ago, I never dreamed of the community I would discover here. What a beautiful Gift!!

  27. I’ve so enjoyed “meeting” so many like-minded sisters in this place, all dedicated to bringing glory to God through their words and stories. Thank you, (in)courage, for making all of this possible!

  28. Where do I start?? (in)courage has drawn me out of my little circle into a wider world of sisterhood, where I can sit with friends and just be. It’s opened my eyes to the fact that there are people out there who WANT to know me and are safe to let inside my world. It’s given me courage to stand up and be bold in what I believe about Christ, both in speaking it and living it. And it’s given me hope for my own and future generations. The (in)courage groups are fantastic places to learn and grow and make friends too!

  29. Each and every morning I look forward to what your writers have to say through their wonderful devotionals. I love their vulnerability in sharing their hearts and how God meets them and shows me that it’s ok to open up and share. The beach house is my morning retreat and starts my day off on the right foot, sand and all. With my coffee in hand and encouragement in my heart, my day is started right. Bless you all.

  30. This site and the pure excitement of looking forward to reading each post every morning. My children-alive, breathing, healthy, happy, loving lives, my life-and the gift God gave me to experience it ALL!

  31. As a part of the awesome in(RL)MN group, my life has grown and expanded with new community. We can meet, perhaps awkwardly and unsure, but we always end in laughter and joy.
    incourage has brought me community.

  32. The first time I dropped in to the beach house was about 2 years ago and have enjoyed the view ever since then! This past spring I was blessed to co-lead a Facebook community group, A Feathered Nest – everyone was so comfortable in that little community we are continuing it until (in)courage announces the new venue.
    Not only are the posts encouraging and beautiful but the camaraderie of sisterhood is extravagant – just like the love of our awesome God! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and here’s to FIVE MORE!

  33. (in)courage has been a great reminder to me that I am not alone – I love that there are different voices sharing about their faith-journeys in a real and honest way.

  34. This site has introduced me to so many amazing Christian bloggers that I read and relate to every day. I’ve also loved participating in the various (in)book studies; they’re what first led me to the fantabulous Jen Hatmaker. I thank God for this site and what it has opened my eyes to. Keep up the amazing work; you’re changing lives.

  35. Happy Birthday incourage! I look forward to staying with you and waking up each morning excited to see what new and beautiful words will touch my heart, open my mind and heal my soul. Thank you so much for this amazing site!

  36. Through the women of (in)courage I have been able to find a spiritual side of myself that has lay dormant for years. Raised in the Catholic faith I have always known Jesus, but through the stories here I have been able to find ways to celebrate and love Him without boundaries. I love this site … what a gift for women!!!

    • Like you, I was raised in the Catholic faith. (in) Courage has helped me to strengthen my faith by reading the bible more and developing a stronger relationship with the Lord. I read each excerpt carefully and have begun a spiritual journal. I have started to take all my worries/concerns to Jesus during a quiet time and just listen. Thank you!

  37. (in)courage has given me hope that you can be vulnerable when you write, and a community with which to share my joys and challenges. Because of co-leading an (in)courage community group, I now have a great friend and mentor who I never would have found otherwise. We are so different and on separate continents, and yet God saw fit for our stories/journeys to come together. I am blessed because women dreamed about a ‘place’ where women can be themselves.

  38. I bend, and bow in gratitude for the women He has placed in my life through my obedience to His calling. I’ve learned that age makes no difference in the Sisterhood of Christ, that the love of God connects all with an unseen tether that neither time, distance or fear can sever, and I’ve walked through darkness and doubt all the while feeling the hands of these blessed women reach out to me and grasp each part of my being to hold me high. I’ve poured over words here that I’ve torched on my heart, and listened and prayed alongside my sisters as we fight for one who’s sunk down in depths they cannot fathom. I know that with the click of a button, I can find a community that welcomes me in, regardless of what baggage I drag along with me, then helps lift those burdens free so I can resume the consumption of His joy in my life. {in}courage has blessed me beyond comprehension, and I praise it’s reach and love for us all, willing the next five years to be as fruitful as the last.

  39. Thank you Jesus, for this website full of LIFE-words that come to me day after day like a fresh breeze on a scorching hot day. You are the LIFE in these ladies and their words and in me. How beautiful You are Lord…may You continue to bless us with You!! xoxoxo

  40. God has used (in)courage to introduce me to encouraging, Godly women whose messages have influenced my walk with the Lord. And I’ve been blessed to lead an (in)courage small group, which has created new friends and provided an outlet for like minds to share. Thank you for what you do for all of us!

  41. Often, I’ve come to the (in)courage site and felt as if the words were written directly for me. (in)courage has helped me realize I am NOT alone on this journey.

  42. Thankful for the great variety of writing everyday to use as my daily devotional on my phone! On the days that I get time to read, I miss it.

  43. Incourage is just what I need at the right time… always on time!! Thank you to all the writers.

  44. Many times when I have been low, this site has helped me focus my eyes on Jesus & the eternal and lifted me up. Thank you so very much. God bless this ministry.

  45. Incourage has helped me in some very hard times, reminding me of God’s love through others stories. I have been uplifted and encouraged and look forward to every emailed Incourage I receive in my inbox. Thank you for this ministry. It is appreciated.

  46. It seems like (in)courage always has words for what I am feeling. There have been so many occasions where I have been struggling to feel hope, to carry on, to keep my head up. I will open my emails, and read a post that speaks directly to my heart. It is just a balm for my soul! I am so grateful for the (in)courage family and the way your words lift us up.

  47. I am relatively new to (in)courage, and I am so thankful that I discovered it. I appreciate the daily reminders that no matter what I am going through–I am not alone. Christ is using you to make a difference in the lives of thousands of women. Thanks for all you do!

  48. Every day of the week I am inspired and incouraged through this community. When I found you, I was desperate. The posts have corresponded to my life events on so many occasions. My life is better through the words echoed here.

  49. The last few years I have tuned into the InCourage blog posts via email, and they have given me so much encouragement and given me things to consider in my daily walk with God. Occasionally I will send a link for one of your articles to a struggling friend, and they have been encouraged by them as well. Thank you for allowing God’s love to flow through you for the last five years. You have touched so many people in ways you will never know.

  50. I have always struggled with feelings of inferiority and that I wasn’t enough and wasn’t doing enough. This site has helped me realize “I am enough” and I just have to give what I have to offer to God and be a part of community and share in that community. Thanks for being here for us!

  51. brings a smile to my face when it pops up on my email – like a visit from an old friend who knows well the battles, the victories, the graces that following Jesus brings. I am so blessed by your ministries – it’s as comfortable as being home!

  52. In courage has helped me a lot by giving me incouraging words every day. congrats on 5 years.

  53. I am a pastor’s wife and have dealt with many ministry hurts over the last 4 years (as I’m sure many have). This year, however, God really spoke to my heart about some changes I needed to make for my own personal healing. He opened up the world of art journaling to my soul…a healing way of praying and talking with my Father. I was also “pressed” to say goodbye to Facebook….what a relief! And I simply asked Him one day to fill that cyber space with something better for my heart and my hurts….seriously, the next day, I “stumbled” across your website and knew it was a gift from Him. I have only been with you 5 months and not 5 years, but it has been life-giving and I recommend your site every chance I get. THANK YOU!

  54. God sent me (in)courage five years ago when I was in the deepest depths of post partum depression. He used these precious women and their words as a balm to heal my brokenness. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this place means to me.

  55. God used (in)Courage, specifically the (in)RL conference to teach me to trust again. To trust Him and to trust other women. He has used this place to bring me out of myself and into community with other women who love Him! I’ve cried tears and laughed big huge belly laughs with other women who share experiences and a passion for this life that He has gifted us with. So thankful for you all today!

  56. I can’t put into words how much this site has blessed me. It truly is a God-send on days when I have lost my way, my hope, and my joy. Thank you all who contribute and touch so many lives.

  57. The thing I love the most about in(courage) is that it always seems to say exactly what my heart needs to hear every single day. No matter what my struggle may be, I always feel God is speaking directly to my heart every time I read! THANK YOU!

  58. I have been blessed every day by in(courage) – not just spiritually & emotionally, but even visually with relevant pictures that leave the “take home” message imprinted in my mind & on my day!

    Thank you for helping heal my heart towards community again.

  59. I have been a reader since the beginning, and give thanks for this online space of encouragement and sharing. So often I would read a post that spoke to a situation I was in or a feeling I had and I felt less alone. That is the best thing about this space.

    Can’t believe it’s been 5 years already! I hope for many more.

  60. I love reading your blogs daily. The message of hope and encouragement are so helpful while navigating life. I love the messages about marriage and parenting. The wisdom shared through this site is such a blessing.

  61. happy birthday (in)courage! i’m SO thankful that God led me to this blog/site. 🙂 God uses each post daily to point me towards true hope only found in Him. I love the realness of all of the ladies who contribute and their true heart for this community and for encouraging other sisters in our journey. may God bless (in)courage with many, many, many life-giving years to come!

  62. (in)courage has given me hope that I’m not alone. Regardless of miles or years or life experiences that separate us, there is (at least) one thing that binds us all together, and that in Jesus. And He is enough.

  63. reminding me of the “bigger picture” of God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and His continued working in my heart – so much has happened in the last 5 years! I found incourage shortly after it began when our oldest was a few months old (crazy to think she and the site are the same age!) and it’s been completely entwined with my mothering 🙂

  64. This has been such an encouragement. Always beautiful writing. These beautiful morning messages have led me to some gifted authors that have even furthered my journey of faith and walk with the Lord. So thankful!

  65. I’ve followed incourage from the day of its launch and have been so grateful for the online friendships, love, and encouragement I’ve received. I’ve taken part in several product reviews, because I really LOVE their products, but, more importantly, I’ve been part of incourager communities, both as a leader and a member. Incourager community groups have created online friendships for me that are such a blessing to me. I’ve also been part of the launch team for Bonnie Gray’s new book and I can’t even begin to describe how much of a blessing both her blog and book have been to me in the last few years. Happy five years, incourage! I am so grateful for this space to be loved and encouraged right where I am.

  66. In the 5 years since (in)courage launched I have become a single mom. So many posts (and comments) have encouraged me in this new season of life.

  67. Each day god opens my eyes to something new through incourage.I learn something new about him through incourage! God bless you all at incourage!!!!!!!!

  68. I have been blessed by God thru Incourage so many times. Me and my family have been going through some very difficult trials over the past few years. The trials don’t seem to be going away, they only seem to be getting bigger. But each time a new and bigger trial has come along, I have been encouraged through this website, newsletter, and thru others who have left comments to keep on striving, to remember that even though the trials are getting bigger, our God has and always will be greater. I have been encouraged to remember that He will not leave or forsake me, and that the fight is not mine, but His. I am so very thankful and blessed beyond what I deserve.

  69. I scroll through this post… this site – and I see so many faces I adore. So many women who have become friends and I realize I had no idea that Incourage was so ‘young’! I just thought ya’ll have been gathering here forever and I only just stumbled upon you a couple of years ago! As a long time blogger who was simply answering a call, I had no idea that there was such authentic, loving, and real Community available… I had no idea how much I was in need of support and encouragement until I found it here!

    • I’m scrolling through and reading all these words and just like you said, loving so many familiar faces, such community, but so encouraged by a ton of new faces (to me) too!

  70. Thank you so much for this site. (In)courage has been a new hope for me on days when just the right post came out. I can’t thank you enough for the time and energy you all put into this–it is refreshing, uplifting and such a blessing!

  71. This site has helped me know I’m not alone in the difficult times, and has reminded me that God has a plan even when I can’t see it. Thank you for sharing and encouraging and supporting me when I need it.

  72. What a blessing this blog has been as I’ve dipped my toes into online community. Through the inRL conference, it turned into real-life community. So thankful for the daily encouragement and all these beautiful women’s souls!

  73. I’ve been encouraged and challenged by the posts on this site personally, but there has been an added blessing, as well. After sharing some of the posts with my 18yo daughter, she started subscribing for herself and now often will send me posts that encourage her. Love that we can share God’s love and grace with each other via this site!

  74. (in)Courage has been a HUGE blessing to me this year. At times I’ve been pulled in so many directions that the stress has been overwhelming, but God has used the daily email devotions from (in)Courage to strengthen me at some of my lowest moments this year.

  75. I found (in)courage during a very dark and difficult time in my life. This website helped bring light back onto my life and brought me back closer to God. I will forever be grateful for everyone here.

  76. I first met Lisa~Jo at a retreat where she invited me to sit at her table one night for dinner. Being a relatively new blogger, I had never heard of her so she didn’t know she was giving me a first impression.
    Her smile and genuine interest set me at ease immediately. It was then I found out about (in)Courage. Had Lisa~Jo not been the “real deal”, I would’ve never gone home and even looked it up.
    It has been an honor to participate in the (in)courage ministry by way of leading one of the groups.
    The daily encouragement I get from the blog so very often speaks to something directly going on in my life that day. God bless the ministry of (in)courage!!

  77. Stumbling onto (in)courage has been nothing short of a gift to me. I have developed so many wonderful friendships over the last year that I can’t even imagine what it would be like had I found it sooner. I look forward to this (in)couraging time each and every day as familiar faces pour out their hearts, share stories and words of (in)couragement. I have had more growth in the last year than in my 36 years prior and the (in)courage community has been with me along the way. I am amazed at how much they lift me up.

    Humble. Loving. Blessed. Real. Those are words that come to mind when I think of this community. I have never been more grateful…

    Happy Birthday, (in)courage! And may those candles stay burning for many years to come!

  78. This community introduced me to Sara Frankl and used her life and words to prepare me for a crisis He knew was coming in my own chronic illness journey. Then when it came and I couldn’t leave my house except for medical appointments for 6+ months, this place brought Christian community and encouragement to me, where I was. Thank you, (in)courage!

  79. I can only begin to thank you for the hope you have whispered into my weary heart. As one who pours encouragement into others, cheering them on their recovery journeys, my own soul was quickly becoming an empty well. And then you. Heartbreaks and heartaches and heart-mendings and heart-fillings. Your journeys have poured into me daily. Thank you for your transparency, for your willingness to be wounded healers and hope-givers.

  80. Thanks for all you and your staff do to keep this devotion coming. I look forward to my emails each day. I use your inspiration and share it with those around me who need a boost of something positive. Your emails encourage me to seek out those who are down or sad. I have your ebook Best of the Beach House and have highlighted all the things i want to remember from each story. We all have a story inside us and I just try and remind other ladies I encounter that God has given us all unique qualities and we need to use those qualities to encourage others. We can build others up or tear them down by our words. I want to lift them up to be all God has intended them to be. I struggle with self esteem issues so I tend to notice that in others. God made us in His image, so I remind those I talk with of this. Thanks to you all for building us up!!! I look forward to the next 5 years with you all!

  81. (in)courage has been the daily reminder to say thank you, God or to ask for help when I get too wrapped up in the worldly worries that don’t really matter. I’m grateful for this place and all its contributors.

  82. I look forward to opening my email everyday for what God always has in store for me through (in)courage. God has brought me through many tough dark days with just the right words waiting on me from everyone. I finally realized i was not alone

  83. I am a daily reader of this blog. It sustains me, nourishes me, encourages me. The message of the day always seems to be just what I need to move me into my day.
    I am the leader of a group of women who gather twice a year in retreat for spiritual growth. In the time we have met we have become a group of spiritual sister, seeking deeper relationships with ourselves, each other and our Lord. This blog has been shared and discussed and has provided such good food. I am thankful for the past 5 years and look forward to 5 more! Blessings on what you bring into our lives.

  84. I came across incourage during a time in my life when I was walking through depression, and thought I was all alone in what I was dealing with. As I read the soul touching words of honest women, who were walking through their own journeys of faith, hope and love, I was given the courage to put words to my own journey of faith, hope and love. A journey of questions, wonderings, pain, joy, tears, of wondering if there was something wrong with me, instead I found that many women struggle, and I want to give voice and encouragement to their journeys. Thank you incourage writers for giving me hope and a voice.

  85. I’m so thankful for this blog helping me get into a great mindset each week. I’ve been encouraged, comforted, and challenged by the truth that is written here.

  86. I really appreciate (in)courage. I love seeing your post in my email box, and can hardly wait to see what treasure I will find for that day. Thank you all so much for being willing to share and allowing God to use you to encourage others. Blessings.

  87. The past few months have been filled with many trials, and it was in the past few months that I began reading (in)courage daily. Reading about women in similar circumstances or just with similar emotions has been a grace-filled blessing for me. I appreciate how real the writers are. I feel like I’m sipping a cup of coffee with a close friend, talking about life, every time I read. Thanks for all you do!

  88. A few thing that resonates deep, in my soul, about; -how God has used this space to gather women from the four corners of the earth. As we have come to this beautiful space, you all have allowed us to be, who we most genuinely are, and then you helped us reach a deeper place, where we love Jesus and each other, in profound ways. Thank you.

  89. This site seems to speak to me at the right time with what I am going through. It helps to lift me up out of the deep holes at times and offer words of encouragement. Thank you and keep the blogs coming.

  90. Every time I read from this blog it has blessed me. I’ve been in a waiting room for 2 1/2 years. My family has been fractured. A daughter “on her own”. Missing grandchildren. A hope restored in each reading. A time of peace with my Lord. Thank you isn’t enough.

  91. I have gotten so much inspiration from reading my daily posts, and the biggest blessing has been being part of the one of the Facebook groups, meeting some amazing other women who have become dear friends to me. Thank you for creating this special place!

  92. Reading your posts has been a wonderful blessing each day. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the the world. Happy Anniversary!

  93. Community! I have had the opportunity to meet and develop friendships with women via(in)courage community groups! What a blessing!

  94. This website and its honest, real, Christian women writers opened up my life when I stumbled upon it a year ago. It introduced me to writers I didn’t know before. I read their blogs and ordered many of their books, and it changed me. All this changed me. The Holy Spirit has been working through (in)courage in me. I began a new women’s Bible study at my church, something I’ve never done before. So I praise and thank God for you all!

  95. I am grateful for the nuggets left in my inbox from incourage! So many days, it’s like they were my personal messages from God! Thank you for being transparent with your everyday life & showing me that I’m not alone in alot of the struggles I face!

  96. I have nothing profound to say, just that I need every bit of encouragement I can get and your posts help provide it.

  97. I’ve not only met so many encouraging friends, but the words I read here at Incourage always seem to be what my heart needs. I cherish this community of women at Incourage.

  98. (in)courage has helped me to see that I am not alone and that there is an online community where I can find encouragement whenever I need it.

  99. incourage has been a wonderful resource of encouragement, wisdom and Joy!! What a fabulous community of women.

  100. Happy Birthday!

    I have so enjoyed being apart of this community. The words shared are always so awesome and I love sharing them in return.

  101. I love the incourage blog for the nuggets of wisdom and Christ-honouring encouragement I receive from this wonderful community.

  102. (in)courage has blessed me by provided a safe sounding board to be encouraged and to encourage these past three years. I have been able to step out of my comfortable little “home” blog and reach across cyberspace to hug more lovely women with my words.

  103. Me again! Thanks for introducing me to some great authors through the book club over the past few years. I can’t do twitter, pinterest and instagram as my internet is limited in Kenya, but I have so enjoyed reading the blog posts and participating in the things I can.

  104. When I open my daily (in)courage email, it is amazing how many of the posts are exactly what I need to hear. (in)courage has lifted me up on days when I needed a boost. Reading what others are feeling and going through makes me feel like I have hundreds of sisters out there walking through life with me. Thank you (in)courage and happy celebrating!

  105. I love reading here everyday because it reminds me I’m not alone and that there is a community of women just like me trying to faithfully follow Jesus every single day.

  106. Goodness, I honestly don’t believe I’m able to list. All the ways God has impacted my life as a woman, a wife, a mother, a teacher at home, an (in)courager, a writer, and a liver of intentional life. (in)courage is real, genuine community and the edification found here within its pages, from all your hearts, and resources to aid in our growth and belief, is like breathing clean country air in the cool and peace of Autumn. Just, thank you.

  107. Oh my goodness where to even start! As a homeschooling Mom of 2 special needs boys the constant encouragement to rely on God has been an immense help and joy to me. In addition, because of (in)courage I have been encouraged to start to pursue the dream God has given me – to go back to grad. school and take classes to become a Christian counselor. Through wise words God gave the (in)courage team I have been blessed mightily as I came through hard times and depression int he last 5 years and am victorious because of God!

  108. Not only have I found encouragement here, but I have found courage to be myself, to live out God’s will for my life, to have more hope in seemingly hopeless situations. I found a community of like-minded women who have similar struggles, prayers, hopes and dreams. I found new friends. A place where we are safe to share and grow and love. Happy Anniversary Incourage! I am grateful for you!

  109. Incourage has been a tremendous life line for me. I look forward to all of the new articles that come out. I am a Pastor’s wife, so Incourage has helped me to many time. There are not enough words to describe how much I love all of your writings. Blessings.

  110. The Lord really speaks to me through (in)courage. I found the site while I was going through a trying time. For me, (in)courage really has been an Ebenezer stone of help which God led me to and provided for me. At first, I just read the blogs and devotions which always seemed to reach right down into my heart. Then I commented occasionally and then God did a really big thing for me! He led me to become more involved by being an (in)courage online community group leader. What a blessing that has been! My heart sings with praise and thanksgiving over the friends and real encouragement God’s provided through (in)courage. Happy Birthday, (in)courage! Be blessed!

  111. Incourage has blessed me many times with that timely word. In particular this year, I was introduced to Bonnie Gray and Ann Voscamp whose writings have ministered deeply. Thank you.

  112. This past year has been so horrible for me, yet God has helped me each day. When I think I can’t find Him on some days I see a post from you or Dayspring that fills my heart with joy. God is so good to me!

  113. wow…I am a newbie to (in)courage, probably just not even a year in. But wow, what a blessing it has been such a blessing. I discovered that authors tweet /fb message/comment back. 🙂 🙂 like you all are real people. 🙂 Even though we aren’t friends IRL you all act like we are.

    Have been blessed o be introduced to Inscribed studies….oh i can’t go there…so many, so much GOOD stuff.
    I wish I could just hang with you all over coffee, tea and chocolate. And maybe when i stopped fangirling over THAT….i could glean and learn from all of you.
    about life, writing and everything.
    I also realize i am saying this to women who are at least 10 years younger than i . 🙂
    such amazing encouragement, life breathing words into my life, even if i have had to say ‘ouch’ a time or two. (or a dozen or more).
    So glad i discovered this/you all. So pray that the next 5 years are amazing for you all as well. And more women are blessed and encouraged. Thank you! Happy 5th Birthday!

  114. This page has been so encouraging (or “in-couraging”) and I look forward to reading, and sharing, the words of encouragement everyday. It has helped me keep a positive attitude in my day-to-day life and my work. Being able to encourage others is a blessing that also blesses us! Thank you for the encouragement, wisdom and truth that you share every day! Happy Anniversary! God Bless you!

  115. This site has provided me with much-needed encouragement, introduced me to some amazing authors and bloggers, given me something fun to look forward to in my inbox, and imparted countless reminders of God’s grace to help me release the burden of expectations and breathe easier in His love.

  116. This is the first time I have ever encountered this website, and I am so glad I did! I am going to bookmark it so I can keep reading and being (in)couraged!

  117. So thankful for (in)courage. The resources are wonderful! I have been encouraged and have been able to encourage others through your resources. Happy Birthday!

  118. I can’t tell you how many times your encouraging words have spoken directly to whatever I am struggling with at the moment! Thank you for speaking faith, hope, love, encouragement into my life as well as many others. Please continue the great work, which glorifies our Lord Jesus in such a special, personal way to women!

  119. (In)Courage has been an inspirational tool in my everyday life. What an awesome community of woman all over the world! When my FB and emails are clogged with overwhelming despair of the world’s weight, you send out notes of encouragement! The hope we have in Jesus. Thank you for for all you do.

  120. I have had some major life changes in the past 5 years. It’s amazing that as I struggle with something I would get my incourage e-mail and the blogger would be talking about what I am struggling with. Seriously, how did they know I needed that 🙂 I also joined an incourage group for special needs moms and that has been a huge support system. The past 5 years has shown me that I need female friendships and to open up to real life community. Thanks for the encouragement.

  121. Thank you, (in)courage, for ministering to the hearts of women! Thank you for 5 great years! I have appreciated the online community I have found through (in)courage. Being home-bound, this is just what I have needed!

  122. There are days when I receive your daily email that I jump to read it and then there are days that I am so busy that I feel like I am rushed so I wait to read it later because I am not sure I will receive the full blessing that God has intended for me that day through the reading. By doing this, I feel my compassion and patience for the children that ride my school bus have grown. I have many underprivileged elementary children that need someone to love them and hopefully make their day a happier one!

  123. I have been reading (in)courage blogs for about 1 1/2 years, and during that time I participated in the 2014 (in)RL get together and am so energized and ‘raised up’ (emotionally), encouraged and more at peace through everyone’s words. This site has given me such a wonderful sense of community, and I feel so blessed to feel this way when so few of the writers and readers are actually here in my community. While going through a great period of brokenness, this site has helped me repair and raise my spirits and rediscover the needs deep within my soul. I can’t imagine life without (in)courage. Thank you for your great website and for all the ways you bless our lives!

  124. Happy Five Years! I am so grateful for {in}courage! I have the posts sent to my work email address and always look forward to Monday mornings and checking out the Sunday verse. Always so encouraging!

  125. There are days when I am sure that I am the only woman who deals with this or that. Just me. My issue alone. What is my problem? And then…God. He has used incourage to gently remind me that I am not alone. A post, a comment and I am grounded again. More than grounded. Encouraged. Inspired. Motivated. Thank you for the vessel you are!

  126. Happy birthday (in)courage. Your site has helped me since day one of my Christian walk (& I consider myself a newbie). I love the women I’ve met and connected with as an incourager. God is in this place!

  127. Daily God reminds me I am not alone…often through your posts and often through friends. Beyond the blessings, you also challenge me to grow–to step out of my comfort zone and into new places. You give me new ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and for this I am grateful!

  128. I would say thank you to all of you for the wonderful encouragement shared in this space and the love it brings forth inside of me to want to encourage others. Praise God! He is doing wonderful things in this space.

  129. I’ve been blessed by incourage because it has opened me up to a world that I wasn’t familiar with before. It’s nice to know I’m not alone with some of the issues I have in my life and I love reading all the encouraging emails every day.

  130. In the darkest days of my son’s battle with cancer and his eventual home going to heaven last year, I could count on opening my e-mail and seeing something that would speak to my hurting heart from (in)courage.
    You have been a great blessing in troubled times and continue to be as I am journeying from mourning to joy again.

  131. I have found myself in a position that has left me bereft of physical friendships. You know the kind you sit across a table drinking a cup of coffee with and either laughing your fool head off or crying your heart out. But and there’s always a but, having incourage sisters has been my saving grace. Thank you. Through the reading of the devotionals to the reading of the comments of others I have had been reminded of the truth that once you know the destination (heaven and eternity with our savior) we can and should sit back, relax and enjoy the trip. I recently read that we should be grateful for the bad and hard times since they have opened our eyes to the good things we may have been ignoring. So thank you to all of you that live your lives each day learning to lean on the everlasting arms of Christ just like me. Makes me feel loved and accepted warts and all

  132. (in)courage has been just that! a bit of encouagement to persevere, challenge to continue to grow, and assurance that what I experience, though uniquely mine, is not so different than what others experience too! Thank you for all you do! Eager to see what God will do in and through you all and those you reach in the coming years!

  133. This blog has been a blessing through 1) helping me hear the stories and perspectives of sisters so different than myself and yet so similar and 2) helping me not feel alone in my own journey. The constant little bits of joy mixed with expressing very real pain has encouraged me to be so much more real with my faith and my relationships.
    I’ve also been introduced to people who have become some of my favorite authors!

  134. (in)courage has blessed me so much since i ran across it probably only about a year ago.
    i don’t take the time to read every post, but every time that i do take the time to read one or two, i wish that i had time to stop and read every. single. one. because they always bless and uplift my heart and encourage me to keep trusting and waiting on the Lord, knowing that He truly does know what He’s doing, and that He is good all. the. time.
    thank you ladies so so much for sharing your hearts with us – you have such a blessed ministry to so many women across the globe! <3

  135. In courage saved my life and brought me closer to Jesus than I ever thought possible. My boss at work threatened my career and caused me to literally have broken heart syndrome with a subsequent heart attack. It caused me to lose my nursing profession as well as my faith. But as I read your daily emails to me, my faith became stronger and stronger and the bible has become part of my life. I have a small joy room where, every morning I take the Lord by the hand and we enter it together and enjoy quiet time, communication, prayer, thanksgiving, and of course joy. Thank you all so much for your stories, love, and faith sharing.
    God bless you all and happy anniversary. 5 years of love and caring.

  136. I’ve been able to encourage non-Christian friends by sharing messages from the (in)courage blog. I’m not always sure of the impact, but I’m thankful for the opportunity and have to trust it’s in God’s hands.

  137. This site has been such an encouragement to me over the years. I’ve been able to make a friend through the (in)courage and have greatly enjoyed learning more about each of the voices that I’ve gotten to know over the years. I love the prayer request times when we are able to share our needs and then reach out in love to others that are hurting. Thank you, and thank God!

  138. I have just recently found your postings, but I love the encouragement that they give. I am a new believer, so I find that I need all the help I can get to make it through each day. Thank you for being there for me each morning and making my days easier to ease into.

  139. So I haven’t been with {in}courage for 5 years, but for the last year and a half it has brought me MUCH encouragement through REAL LIVE friends! What a wonderful group to be part of. LOVE {in}courage and ALL the ladies who partake. Thank you – now here’s to another 5!

  140. I found this site soon after we moved to a new town and I became a SAHM. It encouraged me on days when loneliness threatened to swallow me whole. Thanks and congrats on 5 yrs!

  141. God has used your words on a daily basis to encourage my heart and keep me focused. The past few months have been difficult at best. It seems each time my heart needs to hear something I found Gods word for the exact situation in one of your posts. Thank you and may God continue to bless each of you and your gift for words.

  142. I have grown so much through (in)courage. It *feeds* some of the deepest places of my heart. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it…the book club, the authors and their books I’ve learned about and read, the blog posts, the beauty. Thank you.

  143. This website — and, more importantly, the people who make it what it is — has encouraged me in everyday faith. Some days are hard, others are nothing like we expected. Even so, God is good and he’s worth sharing and praising.

  144. Happy birthday, (in)courage! You are a blessing to me. I followed Lisa Jo, our Gypsy Mama, here several years ago. Probably a link from her page? I really enjoy listening to women’s voices raised in community, encouraging me to press on, to share my story, to know I am not alone. I must say that my favorite thing about the blog is also my least favorite – the Sunday scripture. True confession: On Sundays I am briefly disappointed that I don’t hear the voices of my (in)courage blogger friends. Then I am truly blessed to here the Word of God and am reminded that you are all singing His Word to me. Your voices are lifted together to raise up the name of Jesus and proclaim His truth. And the presentation is lovely, and really a moment of sabbath rest. Thank you for the reminder that it is all about Jesus. And our stories are about Jesus, too, which is what draws us together here – in courage to encourage the Body of Christ. So thank you DaySpring and thank you, Jesus! God bless us, everyone:)

  145. Incourage is the One email I never delete from my inbox without reading! The writers always seem to know just what I need to hear every morning. It’s my daily dose of spiritual vitamins. Thanks!

  146. This blog walked into my life when, for the last 2 years, I had been having Job experiences that seemed would never end. I felt utterly alone…my face fell to the floor, as I had done many times, but the only sound I could make was deep cries of despair. Finally, all I could say is ” Lord, all I want is you.” Deep in my soul I heard him say I am here. Those few, words sparked hope in my Christian heart and I stumbled across this blog. Even though many of the difficulties that have led me down this road are still present, God is still good and others have walked similar paths. This blog was, a, stream in my desert.

  147. I think the biggest thing I can say is that the site and the writers here helped me more fully embrace the active presence of Jesus in my everyday life. No higher compliment can I give than that!

  148. Where do I begin?? It seems every time I need encouragement or wisdom (in)courage posts a blog entry, word image, or word right when I need it! I’ve also used (in)courage to connect women to a community that they may not have had otherwise through the Bloom book studies, (in)RL, or just sharing a post via email or text. Thank you for all you do and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  149. I subscribe to a number of other blogs as I enjoy reading, however this is certainly my favorite blog site for Christian women. The writings provided are of excellent quality and always encouraging, inspiring or thought provoking in some way. Some sites I delete without looking depending on my time limits, but not this one – always worth the time to see what is being offered. I have been blessed also by the Bloom Book Club and the community group which I joined for the first time in the spring of this year. It may be somewhat difficult to find like minded people in a small town, but with the internet our opportunities for connection are so multiplied. Keep up the good work. You are all such a blessing!

  150. Yea for turning 5! I would have guessed the site was older since it seems to operate so well and is so widespread! I’ve been finding myself here more and more often.

  151. I have been getting the InCourage weekly emails for just about as long as InCourage has been in existence. However, I had hesitated through the first two facebook group sessions. I felt “okay enough” with the emails encouragements. Then, I felt that tug of needing community. I had just been put on disability due to a genetic disorder and found myself with a little part-time job working with homeschooled students. It was isolating. My first novel had just been published and I was dragging through the second, so I joined one of the writing groups. WOW! Within days I was inspired and in weeks had made connections and had links to great sites to help. I was in a chronic illness group too, but just didn’t fit too well. The next session the group disbanded though, so I jumped over to Refuge in the Storm and it became a lifeline. Wives Without Children had been catching my eye too, so I tiptoed over. God loves the tiptoeing because it gives Him a great chance to push you into a run. I now co-lead the group! It is home and I love all of the women there! Some of the connections have turned into real friendships. Also, being part of the Leaders group led to the most important connection. Jenni. Jenni has EDS just like me and she knew of a support group. I have made more improvements and learned more about Ehlers-Danlos from that group than anywhere else! and it all started with InCourage and a weekly email…

  152. Thank you so much for this site and blog, what a wonderful group of women. I’ve been facing grief and depression and your posts have touched my heart so deeply. Some days when I’ve been so down, your words have blessed me so deeply. Thank you for caring.

  153. Today happens to be my birthday too! I’m do thankful for the gift (IN)courage is in my life. Also thankful to my friend Sarah who told me about the community groups. I’m loving having a place I can go and talk about being single. Something so holy about finding those who can say, “Me too!” Happy Birthday (In)Courage! You are one of the greatest gifts a girl can ask for!

  154. I lover to read the (In) courage blog. It has really been an encouragement to me in many ways. Also, I love to share many of the blogs with other friends and family. Beautiful writers challenge us, support us, and encourage us. I am so thankful that this ministry continues to thrive and grow. Looking forward to the next year! Happy anniversary. 🙂

  155. What I absolutely adore about incourage is how many of the wonderful women contributors run charities. I’ve discovered so many beautiful causes that I otherwise would not have without the outlet. Thank you!

  156. I am new to the site (last month or so), but I have loved seeing the encouraging posts and thoughts! Thank you.

  157. I have welcomed two face to face meetings this summer with ladies I met in my (in)courage group. I live in Virginia, they were from New York and Texas. I felt as if I had known both of them forever. Last winter a mutual (in)courage friend commented to me and another of her friends that we would soon be neighbors and should know each other. We became Facebook friends and talked online for several months before she moved here in June. A wonderful connection was made and we have also met face to face. Connections are made here that are real and God ordained.

  158. This site has (in)couraged me to get real about real life community. I have used multiple ideas for real life community with my small group of women, and I finally have a community where I feel a real sense of belonging. It has also (in)couraged me to ensure that everyone finds a place where they feel “home” with women.

  159. Congratulations on 5 years. It is so important now a days & what is happening in the times that we live in, to have voices speak truth & life during times that maybe rough or hard. Continue to shine your light in the midst.

  160. It seem just like yesterday that we celebrating your fouth yr. HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY! I been bless to have my sister’s speard encouragement to women all over the world. It has truly inspired me over the years thank you so very much.

  161. I am so thankful that each morning this blog shows up in my inbox, & I have something to look forward to during my lunch break! It’s definitely a great break from all of the work I’m doing to read some (in)couraging words!

  162. Happy Birthday! I have only discovered (in) courage within the past year. However, you all have made me realize that through all the physical pain and the ups and downs of family life-I am not alone. You all have helped me realize that I can have the courage to blog and move forward with my writing. I cannot do what I once did, but that does not mean I am finished! Thank you for that.

  163. All the ladies of (in)Courage are like old friends that provide encouragement, love, and inspiration right when you need it most!

  164. I “stumbled” across (in)courage about 4 years ago. Where to start?! I feel like you amazing women are my friends. I have rejoiced with you as your books have come out. I wept when we said goodbye to Gitzen Girl. You all have been there through many difficult times over the past few years. You encouraged me to finally start a blog – something I have been wanting to do for years. And you cheer me on in this journey of writing and mothering and being a daughter of God. Happy Birthday, (in)courage! I love coming to the beach house for a daily dose of sisterhood!

  165. (In)courage has daily handed me spoonfuls (sometimes bucket-fulls) of courage in my understanding of Abba’s forever-choosing and always-delighting in me, His child!
    I love reading many of my favorite authors in this place, and am excited over the new voices you introduce me to!!
    Thank you for your ministry!

  166. It seems that I turn to (in)courage and read exactly the words of comfort I need in that moment. this is strengthening, and it feels like the active work of God’s grace. feeling less alone, I sometimes notice women as I go about daily business, and think to myself, she, to, might need encouragement. God grant that she may find it.

  167. (In)courage…how can I put into words the way YOUR words have lifted my heart on dreary days, on days when I needed an extra “push”, on days when my heart longed to see the sunshine. Here’s to the next 5 years, and countless more “remembrance stones” as we continue to raise this Ebenezer!

  168. For the last 4 years or so, I wake up every morning and read (in)courage on my iPhone with bleary eyes before I get out of bed in the morning. It starts my day and reminds me that I am not alone in the struggle. I am so thankful for this space that has encouraged my spirit during a very difficult season.

  169. (in)Courage provided me with the opportunity to co-lead a group of Step Mamas. Sounds simple enough, but truly, my heart has ached for the past seven years, as I hungered for sisterhood relationships that could embrace me on my step mama journey! in(courage) provided the platform, the means and the encouragement to put my hurting, yearning heart out there & find community in a way I never would have imagined! I am forever grateful for the body of believers that surround me on my journey! THANK YOU for all you do-you ladies are truly amazing! ♥

  170. I have found this online community, a healing balm to my heart, mind & soul.
    I am not super involved due to what I’ve experienced that led me
    to be churchless since 2009. And other things have happened
    since I was born till I was born again in the Holy Spirit till now.

    I am on a healing journey. That feels like a long lonely road for
    the most part. But your online community has been an encouragement
    when I found none around me. Had more people let me down and
    make me withdraw than want to be part of a community.

    I do have a christian counselour. But pretty much otherwise I only
    contact christian ministries online. Three heavy personal issues have
    been the reason for my issues in relationships, which affects all of my

    It would be fair to say I am afraid of been hurt again by words and
    attitudes that liked to point out my faults, but did not always help me
    focus on Christ and my need for His grace to grow and move onwards
    in my faith journey.

    Thanks for been the example I need to encourage me that one day
    I will be able to be strong enough again in Christ to rejoin a faith
    community. It’s just going take time. One key word God is using.
    Learning self-discipline. The hardest one for me of all His Holy
    Spirit Truths. Specifically speaking in those three areas of my life.
    Do have some discipline. Need more^^*

  171. It is (in)couraging me to be a better all around person through Christ. Being a wife,mother, and full time employee I need all the help and knowing who to go to is a tremendous stress reliever.

  172. Congratulations on 5 years. The site is uplifting and a remarkable testimony to the beauty that takes place when godly women gather around the Word of God. Thank you for the tremendous work that you do and everything that you pour into the site behind the scene.

  173. There are so many things this amazing group of women have given me, but overall? The most profound difference to me is that you have all taught me this: I am ok, just as I am. God loves me, just as I am. Overweight, messy house, don’t feel like even for a moment I have it together and it is ok. I am not alone in my struggles yet I am ok. Thank you for that, thank each and every one of you!!

  174. I have been encouraged by reading the words and hearing the hearts of my sisters. It’s helped me through lonely patches and hard days with my boys.

  175. What a blessing (in)courage has been to me and my family! God’s timing is always perfect, and without fail, He would speak to the depths of my soul through your divinely-timed blog posts. Whether I needed encouragement, affirmation, inspiration, or a dose of joy, the Lord always provided exactly what this dream-chasing girl’s soul needed – through you! May He continue to bless and expand your Kingdom reach for His glory!

  176. I can’t believe it’s been five years. I am pretty sure I found the site sometime in 2010. I have been so blessed by the bloom book club and love the (in)RL conferences. Congratulations!

  177. I read (in)courage blog posts weekly. I love the variety of posts and how uplifting they are. Through (in)courage and (in)RL I found Which has given me a network of prayer warriors and a focus on God on a daily basis.

  178. Thankful. Yes. So thankful that every day there is an email telling me I am not alone and that the crazy, extravagant love of God is real. Every day, for me.
    thank you.

  179. i am so thankful for the posts that arrive in my email every morning. They have given me hope, inspiration and a place to know that I am not alone. Thank you for building into my life.

  180. They (in)RL conference was such a huge blessing for me. It really encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone to do what God has been asking.

  181. I found this site “on accident” about four years ago during a time when I desperately needed encouragement and was unable to ask for it in the setting I was in. The articles I read were seemingly exactly what I needed to ‘get by’ on many occasions. God knew I would need you ladies to be the balm that I needed, be the words I needed, be the affirmation I needed to know that I was ok. that God was working. that the bigger picture was removed from my vantage point but was soooo awesome! You cannot know how God has used y’all and continues to with every post.

  182. This site has brought me into community with other Jesus lovers.
    I have read books with the Bloom community also. Many days it has
    helped me really experience God’s personal love for me and encouraged me
    to fix my eyes on Jesus.
    Thanks ladies. And especially ….thanks and praise to God!

  183. (In)courage has been for me God’s love shining through the words of every story, thought and experience of each writer. It takes courage to (in)courage others because it requires complete transparency to share the intimate details of God’s process towards wholeness in our daily lives. I praise Him for the Grace extended these five years ( five is the number for favor ) through (in)courage and I look forward to more of His glory!

  184. (in)courage is a blessing!!! I have enjoyed reading the encouraging messages from fellow sisters in Christ! It always speaks to my heart. Here’s to many more years of this wonderful ministry!

  185. I always look forward to reading this (in)couraging message each day. I daily need to read of God’s faithfulness and His working through many men and women to bring spiritual light and life. Thank you for the words that minister to my spirit and give me wisdom and direction in all that I do and say.

  186. (in)courage has done just that!! IN-couraged me! I am blessed by your blog, your posts and your heart!! I love sharing what you share and contemplating what you write!! I believe it helps us busy moms to take a min and breathe!! Praying for many more bdays for (in)courage!! Thank you for your dedication and commitment to us! WE all appreciate it! Happy Birthday!!

  187. Thank you for sharing your hearts. I’m often hesitant about showing vulnerability and putting myself out there for scrutiny. inCourage has helped me realize that I am not the only one. I can be weak and God can use me in ways that I never could imagine.

    Happy 5th birthday.

  188. I am fairly new to (in)courage. But the messages I receive each day were wriiten just for me or for someone I know. So I forward it on and blessed another Jesus Girlfriend. I open these first before I start working and it makes me smile and is a great start to my day. thank you for being here everyday for me and my sisters in Christ. You are a bellsing and a God send.

  189. I’ve only been aware of (in)courage for a few years…wish I had found you sooner! You have been such an encouragement to me to keep writing. I have discovered so many wonderful women bloggers through your site…as well as wonderful products that (in)courage me in my walk with the Lord daily! I have been (in)couraged to dream big and keep going when I wondered if my words were being used by God. I have loved getting to know so many sweet sister’s in Christ and the (in)courage fb groups have been a lifeline…as a pastor’s wife, and in particular a church planting pastor’s wife it has been a blessing to have women outside of my own local body to be there as a sounding board and as an encouragement in my ministry. Thank youThank you…I raise my ebenezer, my stone of help, in remembrance of what you have meant to me over the past few years! I pray God’s continued anointing and blessing on your ministry!

  190. God used in(Courage) to get me through the difficult time following my second miscarriage, before he gave us our miracle girl. 🙂 In particular, the Bloom book club and posts by Angie, Ann and Jessica have ministered to me throughout the years. So thankful! 🙂

  191. Possibly I am the oldest lady, 86 years young, who is so grateful for the ministry of in(courage). At the Lord’s direction I share your encouraging words with a group of computer friends. I am sure that this 5 year old ministry multiplies many times over so your affirming words will reach out to so many people needing those words of encouragement to just get through their day.
    Stand firm….you are needed and a blessing to me and so many other people! Thank you!!!!!

  192. I’m so thankful to get these emails every morning. It is good to see Gods blessings through your ministry. Happy Birthday!

  193. Thankful for in(Courage)….just when I get to a point when I want to give up or quit…there is an encouragement posted, and for that I’m thankful. My heart gets pointed back where it needs to be. My heart….

  194. Happy Birthday Incourage! Your posts encourage me to keep going every day through some of life’s challenges. I also appreciate your prayer days when we can pray for each other. And the book club has given me a group to share reading with and help grow with. I appreciate it all and all of the writers.

  195. This community has brought insight, wisdom from God’s word, and great people into my day (even thought I don’t know them in real life, I feel like I do! Haha. That is community). Can’t wait to see what Zhod does through you all in the next 5 years (and beyond!). Bless you!

  196. One of the best articles I’ve ever read was one Robin posted about a year or so a go, it was about choosing to forgive… I have re-read that article many times ~ “When people you love make choices you hate”
    I love you all and am very thankful to be apart of this community of women

  197. Words read. Words that a searching, sometimes bruised heart could relate to and cling to. Together with His Word they have been a life line is this tempestuous year.

  198. I just recently discovered (in)courage and have loved the way it continues to inspire and keep me going through out my hard times.

  199. Hurrah Praise God for 5 wonderful fun years! We’ve all grown and been challenged by the writing on this blog! God has done such amazing things!

    When I get down & think I’ve got many problems–You post How can we Pray for you?. I’ve read many stories of women in much worse situations than myself and God whispers to me that I need to encourage them and pray for them, which I do. I also realize that my problems are nothing compared to theirs!!

    I get all kinds of encouragement from you ladies. Plus I get to vent my problems here and tell others how I feel. That makes me feel a little better.

    Blessings to you all and a Happy 5th Birthday!!

  200. Reading stories of women who have gone through what I have been has been a blessing. Having that connection of me too. Thank you.

  201. I came across (in)courage YEARS ago when Ann Voskamp came out with her “One Thousand Gifts” book. IT CHANGED MY LIFE! My outlook and perspective in life, and especially during a time in my life where I was completely covered with guilt, shame, and a surreal dark cloud, totally changed! Another highlight was the book study on “Bread and Wine”! I fell in love with reading books all over again! So good! I am so grateful for the community I found here. I haven’t read every post, but the ones I came in contact with served the purpose for which it was written. So many times I would open my emails and find the exact (in)courage post I needed for that day. Deep encouragement. Loving reminders. Truth. Scripture & quotes. And more recently…. OH… Bonnie Gray and her Finding Spiritual Whitespace book! I am FOREVER CHANGED because of her! So, so, sooo grateful for (in)courage!

  202. I want to hug and respond to all of you but oh. my. word. you’ve all just made me a teary mess. All of you, here in the comments? Loving on us when all we want to do is love you? This is why I adore this community of women.

  203. Thanks to (in)courage, I stopped worrying about the rip in my sofa, the stains in my carpet and opened my home to others and gone beyond the church walls to connect with my sisters in Christ.

  204. I thank God for opening my eyes and showing me that I’m not alone in this journey of being a wife, a mom, a woman saved by grace. You guys are an awesome support and encouragement to me-and many, many others. Thank you!

  205. I only discovered (in)courage almost two weeks ago, but immediately knew I would be blessed to follow along. Any opportunity to connect with other women to push each other on to know Him more is an opportunity I don’t want to miss. I love that through social media we can see scripture and comments anywhere we are and be reminded that our focus is not on the things of this world. It is easy for me to feel overcome by stress at work or home, but (in)courage has been a great reminder throughout the day to know how loved I am by my Father and what a great mission we have in this life. Thank you for what you are doing!

  206. Book studies but mostly just the encouraging word I need to hear. I’ll never forget one that reminded me that God is pursuing me like her child playing hide’n seek with her hiding in the shower!

  207. (In)courage has inspired me to lie a fearless faith. Being a part I this community has helped me to be “ok” not being like everyone else. I have been encouraged to dive into the internet world and meet people in real life that share the same ideas as me.

  208. congratulations incourage on your 5th year birthday. kudos to you for continuing to inspire and lead women on a faith filled course. May your ministry, ideas, and love for others continue to bless you in your journey ahead. encouragement today and everyday.

  209. So very thankful for my (in)courager group. These women have spurred me on to freedom in a place I had no words to express until I met them. Happy Birthday to some of my favorite writers, bloggers and friends! I love each of you!

  210. I often feel blessed by the Sunday scripture. Many times I use them for wall paper on different devices. Thank you for all the God inspired content!

  211. I found you all about a year ago. Thank you so much for being a lifeline for my soul. Thank you for encouraging me even when I did not know I needed the words. Thank you. God Bless you. I pray you have many more years in His service.

  212. Brought me real life friends!!! Thanks to (in)RL — I have spectacular, beautiful women to connect with every month when we meet!!

  213. I am fairly new to this site but love the encouraging messages and read them every day. I have shared several with friends and family and they too have been encouraged. Thank you so much for having this site!

  214. In courage, encourages women like myself who God has placed a calling on, that He will bring this to fruition. To keep eyes on Jesus & know that because these things are impossible for me, it’s how I know without a doubt, He stands with the doors wide open & ready! Thanks for living that example & helping to set the stage for all of us being ushered in. Xo

  215. This site gives me truth and inspiration daily! Thank you, incourage, for being here and building my friend relationships stronger! Love inRl!!!

  216. (in)courage has been a great encouragement to me, especially through some difficult times this past year. I want to become more involved this year. Thank you for sharing your lives.

  217. Incourage has brought so much encouragement to me! There have been days when I have read a post and thought, “wow, that was written just for me, straight from the Lord!” So thankful for all of these creative sisters that are vessels of God! Very blessed!

  218. To see women being honest about their struggles and where they find the love of Jesus reminds me that every day in the Kingdom is extraordinary. Thank you!

  219. Giving thanks for this place- this space where I have “met” dear friends and encountered Grace, Love and Joy. Thank you (in)courage for being a home in this big neighborhood of words.

  220. I stumbled upon the website and found the Bloom book club at the right time in my life. I have learned so much from reading Pursue the Intentional Life.

    I get inspiration everyday when I come visit (in)courage. Thank you for opening my heart further to God’s love.

    You are truly remarkable ladies!

  221. (In)courage has brought me encouragement more times than I can count and put me in contact with resources to grow in my walk with The Lord and those around me!! Happy Birthday!!! So thankful for you!!

  222. (in)courage has been such a blessing to me! It seems no matter what I am struggling with their is a message of hope and God’s love!

  223. [in]courage has been that breath of fresh air that I needed, it’s been the lifeline when weathering heavy storms. Hearing women share and be bold about their stories and relationships with God has pushed me to pursue a deeper connection. And so it’s through these posts that I have found that reassurance that life does not have to be calm. That it can be messy and raw, that God is hear for me, and I don’t need a script to talk to him. i am so grateful for all these women who choose to be real and share their beautiful stories. So encouraging!!!

  224. I’m so grateful that y’all have chosen to share your faith & God’s faithfulness through your inspiring words. Special thanks for being real with us. As I go through a very difficult time, your words encourage my heart to not give up. Thanks to God for the gifts and talents He’s given y’all; and for nudging me to come to the beach house at just the right times.

  225. I am forever thankful to God for the true Sisters of the heart I have met though (in)Courage. These women are my kindred spirits and mean so much to me. The encouragement I get through the posts here are so timely. Thank you for following God’s leading in your lives, for stepping out on faith to create such a special place. <3 Heart Hugs, Shelly

  226. This bunch of women inspires me to be brave with the one life God has given me. I love sharing the things I learned from you on Facebook and Twitter.

  227. I have loved the words I’ve received to keep going, keep looking up, and most importantly, encourage others to do the same.

  228. So thankful I stumbled upon this blog one day. I feel encouraged to be a part of a group of very real, honest women, seeking Jesus, and learning grace.

  229. I just discovered (in)courage a couple weeks ago. I so needed it. I was struggling with so many things including questioning my faith. Was it strong enough? Am I worthy enough? If my Faith was strong why am I going through the things that I am? Why am I questioning You Lord ? So you see finding you has helped me so much. I enjoy, need, the inspiration and truth that you share.

  230. I am so grateful to learn from other godly woman who wish to be there during the pain and joys of life. God is faithful here’s to 5 years and more to come!

  231. (in)courage has helped me with my daily struggle as a woman, wife, mom. It has helped me and encouraged me when I am feeling like I have no strength to face another day at home with 3 small children. It has also helped me to reclaim my lost faith.

  232. Encourage has been just that to me for several years now. Through divorce, remarriage and becoming a step-mom, Encourage has helped me keep my eyes on the One who orchestrates it all. Thank you!!!

  233. Incourage has given me a lovely group of writers to follow and learn grace from and a few new friends from the incouraging writers group. I love it. And all of you. Thank you.

  234. I started following you guys on Instagram and on of the things that has really made an impact on me is the way God uses your daily “incourage”ments to confirm what He’s been trying to get across to me. One day you posted a word about remaining faithful even when all else seems chaotic, then another day one about how our ‘faith is built on immeasurable need.” Going through a couple of miscarriages this past year and then trying to get pregnant has been a huge test of my faith. Being encouraged by you thoughout the day at the most randoms times when I log in lifts my spirit and helps me regain focus when I need it the most.
    Thank you for sharing your gift of encouraement through such fun mediums as Instrgram and blogging. 🙂

  235. LOVE all the words of (in)couragement, the daily devos, the book club…thankful and grateful for all the women who make this site what it is – incredible!

  236. I have found a network of online women that have BEEN there. They have been what I am going through, may go through, and have gone through. These women’s stories and testimonies and funnies and tears have resonated into my soul with a balm that only the Lord can provide. I am so grateful for these (in)courage women and thank them for their willingness to be open, raw, real, and relate-able. Thank you for putting words to feels, and actions to words. Together in Christ, Jill R.

  237. Incourage encourages me in my everyday spiritual life and I often translate a bit of the email I receive to help some of my friends in everyday life.

  238. I’m thanking God for encouragement, community and helpful reminders in my faith for over a year through (in)courage! thank you guys! And thank you God. I’ve really grown more mature in this time <3

  239. This site has blessed me with the reminder of how important our friendships & community of women are in our lives. In the busyness of life, sometimes we lose track of one another, and I have reconnected with several old friends and renewed our friendships.

  240. I stumbled up the (in)courage community a little over a year ago. Just when I needed a community such as this. I was surrounded but many, but still felt alone. Here is where I found the words that resonated with my heart. I sometimes even found words to express what I hadn’t even realized in myself yet. I’ve also be privileged to share the love and messages of (in)courage with my loved ones. Thank you, ladies of (in)courage, for your diligence. For your faithfulness. For your love. Happiest of Celebrations to you and all of my sisters in the (in)courage community.

  241. Each post or email has come at the right time. He has pursued me and my desire to know Him has increased!!!

  242. I am a new sister to (in) courage, I stumbled into the beach house just before the conference last year. I searched for a group I could join and when I could not find one almost gave up. I read and re read all of the blessing that I could expect and decided I would host the event in our area. I invited several people and worked hard bringing it all together. In the end two women came and we spent a fun filled afternoon watching the videos and sharing with each other.

    I have been blessed beyond my own understanding by the posts, encouragement the LOVE I have felt from the writers and those that leave comments on this site. I look forward to the next 5,10, 20 years as a sister with (in) courage. Thank you all for your faithfulness!! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, HAAAPPYYYYY BIIIIRTHDAAAAYYYY dear sisters, happy birthday to you!

  243. This site is always encouraging. It reminds me, daily, how loved I am, for being me, by God. Each and every blog post touches my heart in some way. Thank you!!

  244. Early last year, I found (in)courage after following Lisa-Jo Baker and participating in FMF at my other site, Soon after, I began participating in the community groups and have found them to be so freeing and supportive. Through (in)courage, and it’s writers, I have found hope. I have found peace. I have found friends. And, I have heard from Jesus. There is nothing greater.

    Thank you for this site and all you offer. It has truly been a ministry to me and a place I do feel is a restful break from my daily routine. Happiest of birthdays and may God continue to bless you as you build up women for Christ.

  245. I love this (in)courage community. I come here every day to have my cup filled up and I always walk away with just what I needed to hear and feel. Thank you for being here and pouring out your hearts and souls to those of us that need it. It makes sitting at this computer all day long just a little easier!

  246. I am so thankful I found this website! I am always encouraged and feel like I am hearing from friends. I have grown more confident in my walk with Christ and feel more confident sharing with others. Thank you for your service and Happy Anniversary!!

  247. Through (in)courage, God has called me out from being a wallflower to being a vessel that holds and overflows his beauty to others through community. I’ve become brave here. I’ve become less like an introvert and more like someone who says “Just as I am…” as I answer His call with a yes. I’ve become a part of something when I used to believe I would never be a part of anything. I love each of you dearly and am so very, very grateful for you. xoxo

  248. Although I have just recently discovered (in)courage, I am so grateful for it’s existence and have such hope that it will help me find the community I desire and help me keep the focus on God.

  249. Incourage has been such a blessing in my life. The inspiring blog posts and book studies have encouraged me in my walk with Him. Thank you for authenticity and encouragement.

  250. I have absolutely loved the incourage website and all of your contributors. I find such solace and encouragement every time I log in. You all are doing a great work and making a great impact in the lives of women around the world. I personally thank you and aspire to be a light that shines as brightly into this world for Jesus as you do each and every day! Blessings for another 5 years of amazing abundance!

  251. Blessed by The Lord showing me that I’m not alone in so many things that I think I am as a woman.

  252. God has brought me a community that I can trust to love me even though I am not perfect. This is so appreciated.

  253. Yay!! Happy birthday, incourage!!! 🙂 Well I am going to keep it short and sweet: through incourage, God has given me encouragement, inspiration, hope, footsteps of faith to follow, and friends both online AND inRL. I’m thankful!!

  254. God has used encourage to lift me up when I have been down and to remind me
    of His faithfulness & goodness. He has reminded me that I am not alone. He has
    given me opportunity to pray for sisters even though I will probably never get to
    meet them on this side of heaven. He has brought me laughter and cleansing tears.
    Happy Birthday!!!

  255. Just positive Christian encouragement when I start getting bogged down with life! You keep me going! 🙂

  256. It is because of (in)courage that I made it through my first year as a working mom. I felt alone and overwhelmed, and then I discovered the (in)courage group for new working moms. Just like that, I had a band of sisters in Christ who understood my struggles and joys. I was blessed to co-lead that same group for two sessions as well, and some of those women I now count as friends. What an amazing gift.

  257. What has God done in my life through (in)courage that we can give Him thanks for today? (in)courage introduced me to some amazing online friends (some of whom I’ve met in person) who, through their blogs, Facebook posts, Instagrams, and tweets have motivate me, kept me in check, and comforted me over the past two years. God has used the (in)courage ladies to speak directly to me, by flipping through their latest books or turning a page on my Daybrightener calendar. (in)courage is a sisterhood where we can seek our Father’s guidance and grace together. And for that, I give Him thanks today… and everyday!

  258. I’m just out of hospital from being treated for migraine… I was feeling sorry for myself this morning, because I can’t really fellowship with anyone since so many scents trigger the migraines. And then I opened this e-mail and realized at least I can be encouraged through cyberspace. It may be too hard to do fellowship in Real Life, but what would my life look like if there were no inCourage? It would be a lot more bleak. I’d love to have more in real life fellowship, but at least I can look forward to eternity where I’ll one day be able to enjoy all the beautiful scents our loving God created. In the meantime, I have a wonderful husband who loves and cares for me, a most gracious gift from the Lord. In His grace, Kay

  259. (in)courage has brought me encouragement, introduced me to new authors & books, challenged my thinking and blessed my heart as the writers bared their souls & opened up their hearts. Thank you for always drawing us back to God & His Word – what our lives should always be centered on (but tend to wander away from). Thank you and Happy Birthday!

  260. Happy 5th! Thank-you so much for the ebook. It will be kept dear to my heart as a reminder of all of the ways you have extended your love and support.

    I have much to thankful to God for and the many ways he has carried me…
    Thank-you all for providing a space in which we can be supportive, be supported and connect with one another….

    Love & Blessings to all,


  261. Incourage has been a very special place for me to visit and find life giving words. Especially in a season a few years ago when I was working several hours at home every day and also going out to work full time this was my go to easy to access quiet time resource. It was and is such a blessing. Thank you for all that you do!

  262. This site/sisterhood launched in the beginning stage of my family’s relocation saga… even through the sadness of leaving friends and communities during a several moves, I’ve found a constant here.


  263. Happy 5th Birthday (in)courage! So thankful for this space where women can just be real. Where we can share our lives and the up and downs that come with that and encourage one another! Mostly, I’m thankful for the spurring on to follow and be more like Jesus just where we are.

  264. {IN} courage has given me a place to breathe words as a guest post just starting out, and the opportunity to read words when my own words fail me. It breathes life into my heart everyday and has awaken again the dream to write for His Glory. Thank you for that.

  265. Through infertility struggles, and now parenting a little girl, this site has helped me to feel not alone! I am so grateful for the encouragement of like-minded women.

  266. This community has opened my eyes to how not alone I am. All of my struggles are being shared by other women. This community is teaching me to feel beautiful in my skin, confident in God’s love for me, motivated to do the job He’s given me, and hopeful when it all seems to be falling apart. Every post is a whisper of grace and I love every one.

  267. I don’t post often. I read the words. I feel the emotions. I share the joy. I share the pain. I obsess with all of you and pray hard for you and with you. The things that have opened in me because of this site, because of your hard work, because of God’s blessing. They matter. You matter. You have helped shape me and change me for the better. Keep up the good hard work and I will follow behind and support and enjoy!

    Thank you!!!

  268. I love the prayers we have for each other and the encouraging words we give to each other as sisters. I love when you pop in my mailbox. Thank you for blessing my heart.

  269. InCourage has been an important stabilizer for me during the past 15 months as my daughter has undergone the devastating effects of Crohn’s disease. Even though you are geared mostly toward young women, the words of your writers touch every woman’s heart, both young and old. I’m so grateful for the courageous, transparent women who faithfully share their ups and downs with us. May their bravery and faithfulness be richly rewarded.

  270. This site has brought me in touch with some amazing Christian women. It has been refreshing to read encouragement from women so like myself, with the same struggles, challenges, and (thankfully) joys and victories in living life as a wife, mom and now grandma. Thanks for being in my inbox every day!

  271. In a world full of mommy blogs, I am super thankful for a place where truth is spoken, where grace is poured out and God is known and celebrated. Thank you for standing firm on truth, on Jesus – the steadfast anchor of our souls.

  272. I feel like I have learned a deeper sense of community because of (in)courage. It’s led me to pay attention more to how my relationships are around me. To love people more & to really understand others. It allowed me to jump out of my comfort zone by being a leader for a Facebook group, and I am so grateful for that. Thank you (in)courage!

  273. I recently came across (in)courage through Holly Gerth. Looking forward to reading more. 🙂

  274. Dear (in)courage friends,

    I stumbled upon (in)courage recently and I’m glad I did. I have been going through a painful wilderness experience in a strange land away from home for a year and a half now. I lack the physical presence of my friends and sister with whom I could fellowship and be strengthened. I have come to realize the great need of community like never before — I can feel the pangs of that yearning in me almost all the time. I’ve been through scary phases of doubts and thoughts of quitting, fear and lots of questions. Where does (in)courage figure in in all of this? Community, that’s where. I need, in this time. a community of IMPERFECT sisters talking to me about how to rest and live in our PERFECT Saviour’s bountiful grace. I need that the most at this moment. Not to be held to a standard of perfection. Not the whispers behind me about my failures and faults. I need brothers and sisters who live out the gospel that’s truly good news for the down and out and the sinners. Not the kind of community where you fear to take off the mask and reveal your true self — faults, blemishes and all — lest they find it too hard to digest while you turn red as a ripe tomato hoping the ground would swallow you up at that instant.
    (in)courage — its writers, sisters, mothers — lets me know that I’m not alone in my imperfection and the everyday is the hardest place to live out the gospel in. Falling and failing isn’t the final state of affairs. True sisters pull their sisters out of darkness, fight demons on their behalves and listen in to their heartaches. I see (in)courage doing that as each of the writers bring their vulnerability before us and relay a message of hope and healing. These aren’t a pulpit-to-pew talks but a heart-to-heart sisters talk. And that is what I love most about (in)courage.
    And to God who has been persistently pursuing me through my heartache and rebellion: Thank You for the timely messages through (in)courage (as well as other places).
    P.S. : Just today I read Bonnie Gray’s ‘Sparkle Again’ and I was amazed at how closely those words depicted my life. I was thankful to God for letting me know that I am not the only one going through things.

  275. God is so good! I just recv’d word today that I start a job on Mon. I’ve waited 4 months, with no income coming in at all, for this prayer to be answered. For any of you that are struggling or suffering, God does answer our prayers, on His timing and in His way, not ours as we’d like. So blessed & encouraged by this site. Let’s also all support those around us that are in need. .

  276. thank you so much for being there when i needed a pick me up, for writing something i needed to read. (in)courage has been a friend to me, i don’t get out often so reading the posts everyday something a do regularly and often. Thank you again ladies, all you ladies, God bless you and your ministry.

  277. As a 50 something widow, sometimes I am short on friends. Everyone is coupled up and busy with family. it’s been nice to find some sense of community here and nice to be able to encourage others, as well. No one has a “perfect life” and we do need each other to give a hand up, a pat on the back, encouragement to run to God. Thanks for being the “friend at odd hours”.
    Blessings, Liz

  278. So encouraged by the community, words of hope and wisdom and knowing others have the same ups and downs as I do.

  279. This blog has been a daily refuge for me since I discovered in courage a few months ago. I love tuning in each day for a smile, a tear, and always good scriptural information and encouragement.
    Thanks for what you do for us!

  280. Happy 5th Birthday (In)Courage! You have been a friend and encourager in all of these 5 years. You speak truth and life to so many hearts and I know you will continue to be a blessing for many more years to come.

  281. Incourage has served as a source if great inspiration for me during some of my hardest struggles. I always find encouragement in a community filled with so many women who are so wise and hungry for God’s word as I am.

  282. I have found a support system that cares and women that understand brokenness. I have been a subscriber only a few weeks, after an attempt at suicide. I come to (in)courage daily and always find love, comfort, truth, and a friend. Thank you for all you do for me and others that come as they are.

  283. (In)courage offers me a safe place to be real. Something I desperately needed in my life. Thank you.

  284. (in)courage helped me find community when I was struggling to find it in a new place. I was out of work for a year, came to a new place to take a job where I wasn’t accepted, and had difficulty making friends. (in)courage helped me to realize that I am valued and loved! Thanks to all!

  285. I have only recently round the (in)courage community. However, I feel that my spirit is lifted when I am reading the blog or pursuing the site. It is a wonderful way to feel a connection.

  286. Congratulations on 5 years! What a testament to God and His glory! 🙂 Thanks so much for using the talents that He has given each of you to be a blessing and inspiration to so many of us. To Him be all glory forever!

  287. I’m always amazed at how the writers can put into words what I am feeling, but don’t know how to verbalize it!! I’m thankful they heard God and take the time to write down the words. I know they are busy, but they are tools in God’s hands. Only by letting God use you, will the next five years be even better! Congrats!!!!!

  288. I’m incredibly thankful for (in)courage. You have made such a difference in my life. Your contributors are real and brave, for they allow themselves to be vulnerable in order to encourage even one hurting heart. The subjects are relatable, relevant, and truthful. It’s so good to know that I’m not alone! Love you ladies! 🙂

  289. (in)courage has been a reminder of things worth fighting for, a voice of encouragement and a presence of community without judgement.

  290. I would like to say one more thing about what (in)courage has meant to me. Do you remember the story of Elijah in Kings? He was running from everyone that wanted to kill him. He ran into the desert and told God he wanted to die. God showed up to comfort him by sending angles that fed him. I have been in a place like Elijah where I wanted my life to end. Instead, God sent me (in)courage to comfort and feed me during a time of feeling raw and vulnerable. Thank you (in)courage for all the women that hear God’s whisper through your words.

  291. I have just been introduced to incourage. Thank you for encouraging me in my walk with Jesus while celebrating with other women with like minded struggles and successes.

  292. Incourage has been so encouraging for me! I have blessed by your community and in trickle-down fashion, so has my family!

  293. (In)courage truly is a source of daily encouragement for me! This is the only website that I subscribe to via email. The rest I read in my feedly account, but I look forward to this emails arrive. So many times, you ladies have spoken directly to my heart. What a God-thing!

  294. The past 5 years for me seems littered with heartbreak and lined with mistake after mistake. I would come to start to place my trust and path with God only to doubt and place hope in something else that would inevitably break my heart in pieces again and again. Yet He never left my side even when I left His. Through all my hard-headed mistakes I find Him beside me now shining light on every past mess to light up the places where my hope was always to be in Him only. And as I turn from my past to face my next 5 years I know that regardless He will be next to me and I pray my hard-head will soften as I listen to His ways.

  295. I think the part of (In)courage that has encouraged me the most is the “How can we pray for you” posts. To scroll through the comments and see someone hurting in some way, followed by another person, random, just pop in and pray for the hurt and need of the previous poster, then following up with a request of their own.

    That is truely what Christianity should look like.

  296. God used (in)courage to open up a community for me beginning a few years ago with the working moms group, and then the chance to co-lead the (in)couraging educators group. This past session I was so blessed and encouraged through our simple communications and community that we built, and I loved feeling a part of the registration team which was fantastic. I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years have for (in)courage!

  297. I am grateful that on days like today, when I am feeling discouraged, you are there to point me to the light that is the Lord. Thank you for the heart in your ministry.

  298. thank you for beautiful words and art of encouragement that daily point me towards Christ. congratulations on your first 5 years, and blessings in all the years ahead.

  299. I don’t have enough room to explain how God has used (in)courage to bless me! But one instance that sticks with me is encouraging me when I am very low about my infertility. Reminding me that it is not about me, it’s about God. Reminding me that I have a future and a hope in Him, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Reminding me that I am not the only woman to go through this struggle. So I thank you.

  300. Congrats on 5 years! I have been (in)couraged so many times from your daily blog posts and devotionals. So many of them seem to come at just the right time on just the right day when God knows I need those words of hope the most!

  301. Happy Birthday (in)courage! Like so many of the other posters, I have realized that I AM NOT ALONE OUT THERE!!

  302. My husband and I are separated, I have been blessed and encouraged by your website through out this year.

  303. It’s real, real life, y’all. And it can get ugly and dark. And these ladies brighten it up. And share their own messes with you so yours doesn’t seem so gross. Love that.

  304. I stumbled upon (in)courage in the Spring, not long before the Bloom book study started. I don’t even remember how I came upon this website, but I know it was not by chance!! The blog posts, community groups, and the one Bloom I participated in have impacted me greatly. I’ve been actively working to grow in my faith and become who God wants me to be, rather than the epic failure I had been to him before. The interactions and readings on (in)courage have been a blessing in my journey of growth.
    Thank you all so much for creating this wonderful little community. You all have made such a difference in so many lives!

  305. I found inCourage when I was starting upon a very challenging and unexpected path. I have found a great deal of encouragement and prayer here, and I appreciate it more than I can express. I am reminded when I am here to turn to God in these times and that I am not in control. That is a lesson I need to be reminded of often. <3

  306. What a phenomenal collection of faith-filled women. There are times in my schedule when attending a Bible study outside my home is challenging and (in)courage has been a constant source of encouragement, teaching, sharing, inspiration – the list goes on. What an exciting give-away. Looking forward to starting the new ebook Everyday Faith tonight.

  307. Incourage has reminded me that I’m not alone. Even in single momhood, there are others out there who love, encourage, pray, laugh and cry with me. There are stories of faith through brokenness and God’s love for us all shines through every post.

  308. So thankful for this sisterhood of God lovers that help draw others near to Him through their authenticity. So often I stumble upon (in)courage and the mess of the day is brought back into perspective, always that all is eucharisteo. Encouraged to be reminded I’m not in it alone. Overwhelmed with the love of this community.

  309. I am so thankful for the diversity in the writers on this site. So many have spoken directly to my heart, even those who live very different lives from mine. Each of you writes from her heart but points us toward God, our only source of hope and salvation. Thank you!!

  310. So thankful for all the (in)couragement this community offers and all the wonderful books suggested and used on your bloom book club. Congratulations on your 5 years and may God keep using your ministry!

  311. You can cross paths and be encouraged and reassured Gods word and feel his love through in courage ~ there’s always his love around

  312. The comfort of like minded Jesus followers and the reminder to “be still” and listen to God speaking in the everyday occurrences.

  313. In these five years, I have grown and changed from a newlywed and newly employed teacher to a stay-at-home mother of one, and then two, baby girls. With all those changes, this “getaway” has been there. I have sought encouragement, cried, laughed and felt understood through the words I have found here. Thank you so much for listening to the calling God put on your hearts.

  314. Thank you for the encouragement that you place out there in a very discouraging world. My husband and I have been chosen by God to run a mission for women and children in a small community and sometimes we are the ones who could use some spiritual encouragement.

  315. (in)courage has been a source of joy, love and blessings from the first day I came across your website and started receiving your emails. It has encouraged me to love myself and to give others a chance in my life!

  316. I love the stories. Many days it’s helped me feel not so alone in the trenches. Truly been an encouragement.

  317. So many times, I’ve opened my e-mail inbox and read an (in)courage post that spoke to me – just what I needed. Thank you, ladies, for sharing your lives and your gifts with us!

  318. Incourage has been such a blessing – the writers are so real with us, and it never fails that a post seems to be exactly what is needed for that day. Thank you!

  319. I have been reading (in)courage for a few years now and have invited everyone I know to join, the writers speak right to my heart!! Happy Birthday! I look for the FB posting everyday and if I should miss it, go to the page to seek it out. I don’t always comment, but like and read them with delight!! It excites me to see what the writers and our Lord have to share each day and how it coincides with my day and my life. Thank you for sharing your stories, scriptures, and welcoming us in without judgement!

  320. I can hardly believe it . . . 5 years. Goodness, 5 years ago I was 16 and so new to this online blogging world and facing so many new things in life as well. (in)courage has always felt like home, and the door has always been wide open. What a journey it has been and what a joy to walk the journey both as a reader and behind-the-scenes. I cannot imagine these few years without (in)courage. I learned to walk here, to allow community to heal what it had broken, and to trust once more. I learned to write by reading these pages and am forever changed by the grace, love, and hope found in such honest words day after day. In every sense, (in)courage has been home.

  321. I feel like that’s a question that needs a whole blog post to be answered adequately… but I’ll try to condense!

    God has used (in)courage to remind me of how beautiful community can be, to lead me to people and blogs and books that nourished my soul and lifted my heart, to open my eyes to ministries and causes that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise, and has been an all-around day-brightening encouragement! <3

  322. Acknowledging His control in my life when we have no home and no idea what is coming next and acknowledging it with gratitude!

  323. I just love the posts by Incourage. I find so many pearls of wisdom to use in my daily life and mostly they encourage me to be a more Christlike person. I find them also to be so helpful because they talk about every day struggles which we sometimes think we are having all alone. It is comforting to know others are going through some of the same things I am. Thank you and God Bless You!

  324. I am so very thankful for the gift of words our Father has given to you lovely women of (in)courage! I cannot tell how many times I’ve read a much needed word of encouragement at just the right time! To God be all glory! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Thank you for what you do. It is beautiful! Happy Birthday (in)courage! Here’s to many, many more!!!

  325. Grateful for family and friends giving me encouragement over this past year. Grateful for the words of encouragement and reminders of God’s hand in my lifte from this website.

  326. InCourage has been a huge blessing to me over the past few years! You guys always offer on time encouragement and hope-filled messages! Thanks so much for all you do!

  327. This site has been such a source of strength and encouragement for me to keep going. I have lost both my parents, have no siblings and are living through a separation. Never thought it would be me. The words on this site help my heart and my mind stay strong and intact. Thank you.

  328. Happy Birthday InCourage! You have been a go-to source for me everyday. Your words seem just for me…that’s God!…Wishing and praying for many more years of you doing what God directs you to do. Thank You

  329. The links to articles and posts by women I can relate to has been such an encouragement in my walk with the Lord. It is good to know I am not alone as I walk this journey to be more like Christ. Thank you for all you do.

  330. It is comforting to see that I am not alone in things that happen, and to read how other women are feeling and dealing with the same issues.

  331. You have touched my life in so many ways over 5 years. The most important is the community you’ve offered to me as I live in a rural area. The fellowship, love, grace and mercy has helped me tremendously.

  332. This site has meant so much to me during the past few years. Especially during trials but also during the “normal” busyness of life. You provide ways to get through everything with a bit more joy and a closer walk with Jesus! 🙂

  333. Through inRL it gave me a way to reach out to others without anyone feeling that they have to “perform” or keep up appearances. I’ve continually been blessed by by all of the words that have come from this site, whether through blogs or books.

  334. I love getting in courage in my inbox, so encouraging and uplifting to know there are other women out there that struggle with the same issues I have, and yet keep our eyes on Jesus.

  335. Incourage has been such a source of light to my year. My Husband and I moved to a new city, he’s been unemployed for the past year and I became pregnant. Though thankful for the sweet baby that we now hold, this year has been filled with stress, loneliness, discouragement and hard work. I have needed a source of encouragement desperately and you have provided a reminder of where to find Light on dark days.

  336. Your blogs have encouraged me in my walk with God and encouraged me to dig deeper into my relationship with God!

  337. I am filled with gratitude knowing our God listens to each and every one of us and that you have provided such a wonderful platform for us to share and read and listen as we grow in grace. Whoever wins your 5 year prize will be very fortunate indeed!

  338. We used the spring in(RL) simulcast the connect and grow closer as a mom’s group. Lots of sharing of our stories, and lots of ears ready to hear AND listen. I love all the honesty and vulnerability in find on the incourage site.

  339. So grateful for the hope I’ve found here over the last year. This is the beach house of brave — where everyone’s scared but doing brave anyway. Thank you for bringing down walls, for widening the circle, and loving so many so well.

  340. Incourage has helped me in my lowest times and brought encouragement to me through all my ups and downs.

  341. You have been an inspiration and encouragement to me during the good and the bad! Thank you!

  342. I love the facebook posts from this blog! It is so encouraging! I can feel God speaking to me through it!

  343. This site has encouraged me in too many ways to number! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried over blog entries that touched my heart, where I felt God speaking directly to me. I have felt connected with so many different wonderful authors, and have had them teach me, encourage me and help me grow as a person and on my walk with the Lord. I am so grateful to everyone connected to this site for bringing such a place to life.

  344. God has used (in)courage to help me through some lonely times, not feeling like I fit in anywhere. It reminds me daily to stay close to Jesus and keep my head up high. Thank you and congrats on 5 years!

  345. I so appreciate this site and how it blesses me and everyone else who reads it. I often feel compelled to share a particular message with a particular person. Just the right thing at the right time. God is so good! Thank you for your faithfulness. <3

  346. (in)courage showed me community. it’s the greatest gift, especially for an introvert like me searching for women who walk the same roads but with more wisdom than I have 🙂 Thank you!

  347. (In)courage has reminded me again and again that God has kindred spirits out there EVERYWHERE….sisters in Christ who pull me along with their humor and their wisdom! Happy birthday, (in)courage!!!

  348. (in)courage is a wonderful daily encouragement for me! Love the insightful quotes and blogs! It’s a great way to introduce others to Christ through social media! Grateful for your continued ministry!

  349. Incourage has provided a sorce of support for me as our family traversed some difficult times over the last year. It really helped me feel that I was not alone during that time.

  350. Where do I begin? I was hurt almost 20 years ago. This turned into a long battle with unbelievable pain. At first, everyone was there. As the months turned into years the calls stopped. The visits stopped. Everything stopped. As I laid in my bed day after day I wondered if every church was like mine or if it was just horrible at taking care of someone with a long term illness. My husband and my children would go to church week after week as I stayed home. When people would ask about me or say they were praying for me he would say, “why don’t you call her and tell her that.” No one did. As the years went by, I would dream about how encouraging people could work. I had and have many ideas. Then I found this group of women. It did exist! I cannot tell you how much the groups I have joined and the ladies that write for this site have encouraged me. There just aren’t enough thank yous that could express my gratitude.

  351. I have been so blessed by the ladies who have shared truth with me through Incourage. It helped me weather some deep storms in my life and continually pointed me to Christ. There is nothing like a sister to wrap her arm around you when you are hurting and you all have done that for me. Sometimes when we hurt we feel so alone and think no one else has struggled like we are struggling. That causes us to isolate ourselves even more and brings more pain. Thanks for the vulnerable, honest writing which brought me so much encouragement. 🙂

  352. (in)courage has helped me seek other women out to befriend them. It has helped me understand that many women (including me) can often feel left out in a group and that we need to work to reach out and build relationships!

  353. I found (in)courage through Mary & Martha. I have not browsed the site much but have enjoyed what I have read. Love inspirational anything! Love how you help others grow in thier faith.

  354. I found (in)courage about a year ago. I’ve been touched and challenged by many blog posts. I’ve been encouraged by a couple of different community groups. I did a Bible study with one of these groups and have stayed connected to a few of the ladies and have moved onto other groups with them. I am thankful for the many ways God has used this community to strengthen my Faith and challenge me into Obedience! Thank you for all you do here! God bless!

  355. I don’t even know where to begin… I, like many others stumbled across (in)courage about 5 years ago. I looked forward (and still do) to the email popping up daily. You never fail to touch a place that needs some guidance, direction, or soothing.
    It was (in) courage who held my hand through a very difficult period of my life and through (in) courage where I found a friend and mentor in Bonnie Gray.
    God had been pressing into my spirit to start writing again and start a blog. Almost a year ago Forever31mama was born. I read this blog and look up to you all like you’re my big sisters (even though some of y’all are young enough to be my daughters).
    Blessings to you and Happy 5 amazing years!!! 🙂

  356. I was directed here through Ann Voskamp’s blog last year and have LOVED it ever since. Through all of you I find the realness and encouragement that I need to be the best me possible. Thank you all for you honesty, your vulnerability, and your never-ending striving to be women after God’s own heart.

  357. I found this through a friend a when I was at an extremely low point in my life. Five years ago my husband of 20 years up and walked out on me and our three kids. The only explanation that I ever received from him was “I’m done”. Needless to say it has been a long five years raising three kids by myself and with no job and little support from him (he hasn’t seen the kids since he walked out – his choice). When you have been a stay at home mom for 20 years it is very hard to find a job.
    I find encouragement on this site everyday – some days it speaks louder to me than others but it is my ‘go to’ right after the kids are off to school. (in)courage and a hot cup of tea — how I start my day.

  358. There have been so many life giving words of encouragement that offered me a ‘brave grace’ for the seasons I have experienced during these past couple years. Thank you!! Thank you that you all embody that powerful quote recently posted about encouragement building hope and hope building community. It is SO true.

  359. Where do I begin? It has touched my life and because I have forwarded so many of those posts, it has touched the lives of so many of my family and friends too! Something for everyone. I also found DaySpring which I have thoroughly enjoyed and joined the monthly card club so I can continue to encourage others. in(courage) is always right there when I need a “friend” and gives me the positive lift I need to make it through the day. Holley, Ann, Robin, Bonnie, Liz… and so many more I am just learning and feeling blessed through their blogs as well.



  360. It’s always so encouraging to read the posts on facebook & feel connected to the many women represented!

  361. I started blogging in 2006 and when {in}courage was born it was
    such a blessing to read and resonate the words of the contributing
    To me, {in}courage has been a sure and steady place to find hope,
    grapple with faith and to be always leave encouraged.
    Happy Anniversary and thank you {in}courage.

  362. Incourage is in all my feeds … My Instagram my Pinterest my feedly …
    You meet me right where I am at ! Your words of wisdom comfort me and I feel a bonding relationship with the writers as close friends who I go to for advice, comfort, community, friendship… Thankyou for all you do, your honesty and openness and time much love
    Alana xxxx

  363. This site has lifted me up on days that I felt the world closing in round me. It’s been such an encouragement in my life and I have tucked the words away in my heart. You understand just where I am as a mother, wife, and woman of God. Bless you ladies! And thank you!!

  364. I turn to (in)courage frequently for hope, inspiration and encouragement. It’s much needed, eh ;O)

  365. So many of your posts have led me away from fear & unbelief, & toward pray & counting gifts & trusting & peace. Thanks y’all, for putting your hearts to words.

  366. Always encouraged!! Love reading Gods wonderful word. The way He loves us, the way this sites just speaks to me on days that I really really need it. Thank you for taking the time to put all this together.

  367. (in)courage has helped me see that I am not the only one in the middle of messy-chaotic life and that God has reached and is continually reaching His hand out toward me. I have been encouraged, uplifted, brought to tears and to my knees in prayer. Thank you for your faithful witness of Him and His story.

  368. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read something here and thought, “I’m not the only one?” InCourage has shown me that I’m not the outsider I thought I was.

  369. I have been with (in)courage for about 3 years. Encouragement is not something I naturally do or naturally receive. This group has helped me be more encouraging to others. You see, I’m not the girl that sees the class as 1/2 full and I’m not the girl that sees the glass as 1/2 empty. I’m the girl that see that class and the spill waiting to happen. 🙂 (in)courage has helped me to learn to look beyond that…even though I must admit…I do still have some paper towels handy. Just in case.

  370. I have been blessed by incourage through connections made, guest writing opportunities, and encouragement to step out of my comfort zone, i.e. hosting an inrl meet-up, etc. Thank you for creating a space that welcomes and uplifts women of faith. Congrats on this lovely anniversary!

  371. I cannot begin to discribe what an encouragement (in)courage has been during a very difficult year. I have walked through the shadow of the valley not only once, but twice in the past year. Thank you for being a renewing reminder that God is GOOD, that there is Hope even when it seems all hope is lost.
    Lauren S.

  372. I read it almost everyday, and the days I don’t read it, I have the days saved up to read them. I am encouraged, and often it speaks to me right where I am. I run in streaks, I comment, other times I am just digesting taking in, and nothing to say, just pondering and mulling. Sometimes, it almost seems to sacred to say anything.



  373. This site has been a real blessing to me! Anytime I need an encouraging word, I will often find a post that will speak straight to my heart. Also the online (in)courage groups have given me the joy of fellowship that crosses borders without me every having to leave my house! Thank you (in)courage for the blessings you’ve bestowed on me and countless number of women!

  374. Given me the grace, patience and self kindness to love myself as unconditionally as He does. And from all of you. Our shared stories help us know we are not flying solo in this life. That it “isn’t just me” who feels that way. And that there is always another woman sitting next to us nodding in agreement. Yes indeed I have been there, and I am still here. Life is lumpy, but it’s always filled with grace.

  375. I can hardly believe it’s been 5 years…I remember the day that I read here for the first time. Have been very encouraged and found much blessing here. You have all did a great job over the years. Thank you for all the help and encouragement ?

  376. Happy 5 years!!! And many more! Your words have been to sooo encouraging!! In my darkest saddest moment seeing the post on facebook have given me hope!! They have lifted my spirits and given a smile to my heart! May God keep blessing every writer more more and thanks for giving!!

  377. Thank you for this site – I don’t read it everyday, but when I do read it, I stay for awhile. I love that you have made room at the table for all of us – and I mean ALL of us. Thank you for showing and doing what you write about and speak about. It is hope to see Christ in action in you.

  378. Happy Birthday! God is good to those who serve and your ministry has been a sweet service to my heart!

  379. Happy Day! You have pushed me from staying the same and being comfortable in a small circle to reaching and drawing in lovely new friends by sharing our stories.

  380. Your posts have encouraged me when I am feeling sad and overwhelmed. Your incouraging words have helped me keep my focus on what is important~ God, my family and today. 🙂

  381. (In)courage does just that …encouraging words at just the right time … God is like that isn’t He …all the variety of posts… Inspiring, fresh, relevant. Thank you and Happy Birthday!!!

  382. I am so thankful for the genuine community (in)courage has provided. The daily entries and posts encourage me and give me the strength to encourage those around me. Seeds have been planted and brought forth such holy places for women to gather and to love one another. I am so grateful. Happy 5 years!

  383. So thankful to have found this web site! It has been a source of community and spiritual growth for me. Blessings to all!

  384. You all have been a massive encouragement to me on a daily basis. I have thanked God for you and this ministry so many times. I have learned much through Bloom book clubs, and had the chance to co lead an online group this last year which brought a whole group of precious women into my life and so many more blessings. I’ve been blessed with community here, with beautiful Dayspring products, with opportunities to join in and give to a cause, with online friendships, and so much more. Praying now for favor for incourage and all the women serving together to bring us these gifts! 🙂

  385. I am just so thankful for the wisdom that comes in the writing shared here. I have been so inspired and encouraged in my walk with the Lord through the beautiful women that share here. Just the truth, vulnerability & praise woven into their words are such a testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness.
    So thankful for you ladies!

  386. I have been very grateful for the daily positive message that this blog has provided for me over the past 5 years. My husband and I have been through some traumatic events over these past few years, so it is just nice to have a place that I can go to for encouragement and hope.

  387. Happy Birthday! I discovered you a few years back and participated in an in courage meetup this past year! Such a blessing to meet other women and to share life with them!

  388. Happy 5th birthday!!! Remember when you were 5?? Life was all about seeing, with your eyes wide open, such wonderful things to see and do, at that age. Then opinions of others, influences come and cloud your eyes. Reading (in)courage daily is like eye drops… Soothing!!! Soothing for my eyes and soul!! Thank you to everyone who contributes to the blog. You are all simply WONDERFUL! God sure knows what he’s doing!!☀️

  389. Always thankful for the resources, blogs and scriptures shared by the (in)courage community. Never fails to uplift and strengthen my faith, no matter what the situation nor circumstance. Thank you ladies! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

  390. Happy Birthday! What an amazing blessing you ladies are! I am forever grateful for your daily words of inspiration and encouragement. You have been a lifeline to me and a wealth of resources. I wish I could meet you all! I will be praying for you as the next 5 years starts! Erin

  391. Every single day, I am encouraged and strengthened in my walk with Christ through the posts at incourage. Thank you, thank you!

  392. I am so glad I discovered (in)courage after reading “surprised by motherhood”. The online Bible Study group I was part of this summer was a wonderful way to meet other believers and grow spiritually. Thank you!

  393. There are times when it seems like the words on the page were just meant for me in that moment. Amazing how it can be perfect for me and for others as well. Thank you for blessing us.

  394. I love (in)courage & the daily messages from all of the gifted writers. Thank you for believing God can knit a community of women together no matter where we’re located.

  395. This site has been such a blessing to me!! A source of encouragement, strength, and wisdom just to name a few! Blessings!!!!

  396. 5 years has gone by so fast. We have loved, laughed, cried, ached, prayed and clung to each other in ways that amaze and astound me. This place has helped raise up generations of men, women, children and families right from the very heart of the women that hold them together. I have been beyond blessed to be a part of such wonderful things here. It has truly changed my life in ways I can’t even begin to talk about.

    Praying for many more years of gathering here… in this place… within these virtual walls with Family. For you truly are, no matter how big or little your steps here might be …FAMILY.

  397. Sisters encouraging one another, no judgment, encouragement to seek Jesus ~ all of it makes this blog a win! Blessings

  398. There have been so many days that I have felt so low, and read a post at just the right time. Thank you for that. Incourage has been a life preserver some days.

  399. (In)courage gave me the confidence to walk more boldly in my faith, and dream. I found wives and moms just like me writing posts that challenged me right where I was in my life, encouraged me, and inspired me. I even joined a community group and got to make connections with fellow writers. I absolutely love this community. Happy five years!

  400. I’ve made local friends through (in)courage and now can’t imagine not having them in my life they’ve been such a blessing.

  401. I am so blessed by the in courage group and all the great email postings! Anytime friends are hurting or just needing a word of encouragement, I hook them up with your site! Don’t stop showing God’s love!!!

  402. When seemingly dark or low times have come my way, inCourage has been a constant voice of truth and encouragement, reminding me of God’s presence through the words of others. In the good times, inCourage has added to my desire to love God and reach out to the community around me with His love. It’s hard to believe five years has passed.

  403. Just finding out about your blog. It is so good to support one another in our christian walk. 5 years…life, God’s blessing…his goodness…ups and downs. We are beginning a change in our worship, church situation. New starts, end of over 40 years in one church building…excited to see what God can do through His church…not just our church building.

  404. Maybe it sounds trite, but (in)courage has given me multiple free books that I could not otherwise afford through the Bloom Book Club Sponsored Copies program! I cannot tell you how much this has meant to me, how my life has been literally ALTERED by some of the words I have read in the pages sent to me. Emily Freeman’s book “A Million Little Ways” deeply impacted me and encouraged me to go for a few dreams I had smothered under doubt and fear. Thank you guys, for everything!

  405. I love receiving the emails everyday and the encouragement, strength, wisdom, and just knowing that I’m not alone on this journey of being a daughter, sister, mom, wife and friend! Thank you so much and look forward to many more amazing years… 🙂

  406. Living with chronic pain can be discouraging at times. I have enjoyed reading the blog posts and other sections of the website for encouragement and to refocus on God and what He is doing in my life.

  407. I love the work that (in)courage is doing, happy birthday! Through it, I have been able to discover and get to know authors and heard stories that help me believe that we really do have living God and he is encouraging us through each other.

  408. Although I don’t get to check in as often as I would like, I have felt encouragement and sisterhood through the computer screen. We all desire the messages. Thank you!

  409. (In)courage led me to (in)rl which exposed me to Lisa-Jo Baker. Her transparency has given me peace to be the radical spokesperson for the story of overcoming that I have in me. I am so ready to birth this story that I have carried for too many trimesters.

  410. So many days over the past five years I have come specifically to (in)courage — I have received much more than I have given back. Blessed beyond measure. 🙂 I am very thankful for this group and for the wisdom written on its pages and written in my heart. I pray that I still can find it 5 years from now!!! With thanks…

  411. Sigh..I could write a book..However, you don’t have enough room. I will just say that this website led me to my Life After 50 Group, and I have met many wonderful friends. Some that share the same problems I have. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing is one of my favorite songs, and my Ebenezer would be I am just grateful my daughter is alive, and I am here to see her live…

  412. I am thankful for the daily inspiration and (in)courage-ment which I find in the beach house every day. I have been visiting daily for more than two years, and it is such a blessing! Thank you for (in)courage!

  413. So often the picture, quote or write-up is just what I neede for that particular day! (In) courage NEVER fails to encourage me on a daily basis. Thanks for all the work that goes in to making it a reality and something I look forward to seeing/reading each day.

  414. (in)courage has helped me deal with stage 4 cervical and bladder cancer. I know that other woman are praying and the day where I need God most, He usually shows up through a post that I needed to read!

  415. I have been so blessed by the influx of encouragement, scripture, and positive thoughts shared on facebook. It’s like a drop of grace in the middle of what can at times be discouraging. The pain of the world shrouds us, but this has been a very real, sweet stream to me the past few months. Thank you.

  416. God has brought to me the (in)courage of faith and bravery. I found the strength to tell my husband how I felt and I wanted him back in my life..We both said we loved each other, then he suddenly passed away a month later. Thou I hurt, I thank God for the courage to tell him, and the happiness to know he felt the same…

  417. (in)Courage had given me strength with knowledge and made me feel less alone. Especially as a Mom! 🙂

  418. Oh (in)courage you had me at “beach house”. Love being even a small part of what goes on here and the amazing community that is growing and thriving and changing the internet.

  419. I’ve been here since the start. I follow incourage on Facebook and Pinterest and have enjoyed the words of encouragement, the beauty and the thoughtful posts. Now that I’m just starting a women’s ministry at my church, I plan to refer to this space often!

  420. Through the blog posts I have grown spiritually, been challenged, encouraged when feeling alone in the everyday struggles and then being shown that I am not alone. Through your words here I have learned that others struggle and have challenges throughout their lifetimes. You always point me to Jesus! Thank you!

  421. I have been encouraged by the beauty of in courage. I also have enjoyed the opportunity to share my faith when people compliment me on my redeemed necklace.

  422. The writers here at incourage have blessed me by teaching me to be transparent and honest in my own writing. You have shown me I don’t have to be perfect, which is huge for a recovering perfectionist like me :)!

  423. (in)courage helped me realize I wasn’t as crazy as I thought 😉 or maybe it helped me see that being broken was indeed beautiful. that God’s glory shines brighter on those with cracks and crevasses.

    (in)courage filled the need of being held while He did the healing.

    thank you.

    thank you.

  424. (In)courage has given me encouragement! Love the beautiful artwork you post on FB along with the scripture that often speaks to my heart at a time when I often need it. As a single mom raising 4 of my 5 children, I’m often weary in more ways than one. Thank you so much!

  425. One of my favorite hymns. I love that (in)courage gives me perspective each day & reminds me to live with the Purpose we have in Christ to encourage others around us and point them to His Love & Truth. To Freedom, Grace, & many more years of (in)courage’s ministry to the hearts of women!

  426. I am reminded here, of the strength and beauty of the women of God, and the blessing of community among those who belong to Him.

  427. The (in)courage blogs so often cover areas where I need encouragement in my own walk with the Lord or they provide me with great insights for encouraging others. They just always seem to help, in some form.

  428. I just want to thank you for being real, raw and honest. God is doing amazing things through women who are willing to step out in faith and share the good, the bad and the ugly….because we all need to know we are ok, though never perfect. Cheers to another 5 years of ministering to women of all wonky walks of life!!

  429. That we were designed to live in community…not faux friends, real friends – we can be better together, self sufficiency never drew anyone to Jesus but relationships sure have, flaws and all.

  430. This is a wonderful site. I can’t list every post that ever touched me there has been may. I enjoy the fact there are multiple posts per day. It helps me stay focused on what we are to live for every day.

  431. I am thankful for the honesty of women that things are not always “better” for everyone else. We all have our struggles. And I have learned that having a dream is good…pursuing it, regardless of failure, is even better! I will be finishing my university degree 14 years after I started because I learned here that God brings us through everything, hopes and dreams included.

  432. Learning to let go of all the worries of this daily life and trust in the One who has it all in His control!

  433. Incourage has sent me daily encouragement for the past few years now that have helped me navigate during dark and dry times, remember to celebrate the good times, reminded me I’m never alone and I’m not “the only one”…so thank you Incourage! I love doing life with you all!

  434. I have been encouraged by the posts, benefitted from the inspiration at Allume, and learned about what God can do through available women willing to come together and share a call and a dream. Well done!

  435. I only just joined…but love it already! It has brought joy and tears and those, say what? moments…thank you all!!

  436. Thankful for finding a community of women who’ve demonstrated love, kindness, encouragement, and hope in a time of my life where I was very discouraged with what “relationships in the church” were supposed to look like. Praying God would continue to use this ministry to bring healing and community to many 🙂

  437. (in)courage was one of the first sites I found (about 4 years ago now) that *really* spoke honest, real thoughts to my heart about faith as an adult. I’ve always loved the rawness and the welcoming arms here. Thank you all!

  438. I’m thankful for the constant reminders from (in)courage for living authentic faith in Jesus Christ, to be the me that God created, that God is with me on this journey of life.

  439. Your site constantly reminds me that with God I can do anything and that He does have a plan specifically designed for me. Happy Anniversary!!!!

  440. I found your site a few days ago and already feel blessed by your spirit, content, and joy. Today was a very hard day for me and this is the second time that Come Thou Fount was the center of a blog. I needed it. God sent it! Thank you all very much! God bless you the next five years! Many will come to know the grace and mercy of God through you all.


  441. Happy birthday, incourage!!!! Blessed beyond words by the beautiful friendship I have made, through the life giving words shared, through the love of Jesus so beautifully expressed and through the beautiful hearts that gather around. Love to all!!!

  442. (in)courage has kept me on track these last couple years and put me in touch with some wonderful, uplifting women!

  443. I discovered (in)courage at a time in my life when I felt like I was in a spiritual rut. Over the last two years, the daily encouragement to live out my Christian life with intentionality, has seen me gain a new appreciation of scripture and a renewed zeal for sharing my faith with others. I continue to feel so incredibly blessed to have so many faithful women imparting their wisdom and insight into my life through (in)courage everyday. Thank you all for being real!

  444. I’m thankful for this blog b/c God has used it time and time again to remind me of His presence in my life and to help me find Him when He feels far off.

  445. I am “incouraged” by every article and story and devotion- a a mom, a ministry leader, and a woman. Thank you

  446. I loved gaining perspective & God’s patience when life just seemed beyond me & too overwhelming.

  447. I love in (courage)! I’m especially thankful for the beautiful posts on Facebook throughout the day. They are a great quick reminder when I don’t have time to read the full articles. Thank you!

  448. I don’t know how I found incourage but I’m greatful that I did. It walked me through years of unbelief whilst managing to show me the hint of Jesus I was craving. I only pop by occasionally now but still enjoy reading-except this time with a belief in Him :o)

  449. Thank you for inspiration and joy to follow the path God has for me. The sisterhood of growth through all facets of life shown through sharing here helps me to be renewed and reach out to others! Bless you all for your answer to your calling.

  450. The encouraging truths shared here have been the most important. Every time I read I know I will be encouraged and (probably) challenged to grow. What a beautiful mix! What a precious gift to me. <3

  451. There have been so many posts that I know thousands of women have read, but that felt incredibly purposeful and just for me! I love that about our BIG AWESOME GOD!

  452. I found incourage a couple of years ago during a time of great loneliness as far as friends and community in real life goes. Through this organization… I found great friends, prayer warriors, and sisters who I cannot wait to meet in Heaven!

  453. Wow! Five years of being blessed by (in)courage. When I found (in)courage, I found friendship in a place where I was needed it most. I was going through a divorce at the time and more times than not, I found a scripture or a comment or a blog post or read a book that spoke directly to my hurting heart.

    I found community and ladies who understood my desire to be more like Him and less of myself. I’ve been strengthened in so many ways. Thank you for being a place to retreat and find home.

  454. You helped me see I’m not alone even when I may think I am. Such a beautiful place where the world doesn’t feel so big, where these virtual connections show us we’re not the “only one” going through something and can encourage others with each our own life experiences. Thank y’all! ; )

  455. I don’t even know where to begin…or end…and still be considered a “comment.” After a rough year and a half, I realized I needed something to help me live with reality, if understanding it was not an option. Faith had always been an abstract concept in the background…there but not much attention paid to it. As I began, what I call my “faith journey” as a “new believer” it began by finding inCourage, DaySpring and specifically…Ann Voskamp. One Thousand Gifts was the first book I read – which may seem a bit deep for one who knew of one bible verse (1 Corinthians 13)…and it was…it was deep and it was complex and it was real and it was….Exactly. What. I. Needed. From there I found Jen Hatmaker and was blessed enough to received a sponsored copy of 7 and I see her as my daily dose of “Real, Down-Home Christian Mom.” And so on….and so on… Thank you for being that to my life…and to others as well! Blessing!

  456. I love how God uses the words of others on just the right day, just the right time, for just the right situation going on in my life. What an encouragement!

  457. What an encouragement this blog is for me! It has been such a refreshing read each time. Bless each one of the contributors!

  458. Everyday I am faced with challenges and opportunities, some test my faith and some make it stronger. I am grateful to find a site like this that empowers women like me who continue to strive to live the way Christ would want us to live. I look forward to the insights and prayers that will continue to be a part of the faith journey that we will all take together as women and as Christians.

  459. Deidra, I have enjoyed your posts since I met you this spring in Newburg, Oregon. So good to have met you and consider you a sweet sister in Jesus. Keep on encouraging us and living out your faith daily and sharing Jesus’ love. Hugs! Thanks for giveaway on your blogaversary. My blog is five as well!

  460. I think it’s already been said, but again, it’s such a joy to scroll through all the comments and see faces of so many women that I am now in community with. This space, this beautiful, blessed space, has been so much more than I imagined when I found it a few years ago. It is a place where my heart is encouraged and where I am then inspired and encouraged to go out and share that blessing – in community online and in real life. The friendships I’ve made here have been life changing. To find women with like-minded hearts and spirits; who love writing, books, and some of my favorite foods; who share faith and a heart for Christ – it’s beyond amazing. So grateful for where this has led and where it will be leading. Praying into the next five with you.

  461. incourage is this little jewel box that I sometimes forget about but love re-finding every time I do, and it’s the best kind of jewel box because the jewels come from God and his amazing words for our lives!

  462. I have fallen in love with women from across the states, because of connecting through (in)courage. These women have encouraged me, challenged me & stretched me to love in ways I didn’t know was possible. (In)courage pushes me out of “the kingdom of me” & into sweet community. I’m deeply grateful!

  463. I was so blessed by the simulcast that was done a couple of months ago- it’s so good to hear various voices and stories of what God is doing.

  464. I’m grateful for new beginnings, for love, for a son who is the delight of my days, for following the spirit wherever it leads, and for the gift of life.

  465. So much encouragement for right where I am. On the bad days I go through my email and take the time to read the posts and often even if it’s from weeks ago it will be exactly what I need right then.

  466. I love how my eyes are drawn to (in)courage beautiful post each day and how my heart responds to the encouraging words of Christ centered thoughts. So often the posts stay with me through out the day becoming whispered thoughts and lingering conversation with the Father- a spring board God uses to rebuild, restores and revives this world battered soul. Sometimes tears, sometime smiles but always touching -thank you! <3

  467. InCourage has been a huge blessing to me. I’ve been blessed to have been a part since it all began. From the pictures to the posts to the give-a-ways. It’s been a pleasure. I’ve learned and grown so much. To loosing fear and co-leading a group and even hosting a. In/RL this year. The ladies here have been so inspiring and kind. I’m a forever fan and will support all the projects because I’m an encourager and because I believe in community and in being real. I’ve learn to be a better listener and to communicate better. Thank you INCourage and may God continue to lead our leadership and mold us more like HIm!! Thank you.

  468. My God constantly reminds me that He is not surprised by my circumstances and what I consider happenstance. This has enabled me to truly TRUST HIM with ALL things through this year. I am thankful for His tangible love, peace and unending joy!

  469. Hi
    All these wonderful women who’ve decided to carry each other’s burden and have gathered to celebrate are so inspiring. I can’t however meet any of you since I’m in India and only come to visit America occasionally
    But on some days when i need to know He’s near, you speak about His faithfulness and I can lift up my soul to praise Him and my worries are not so worrying anymore.. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. His precious daughters are strengthening each other. Thank you for caring enough to speak out.

  470. This site helps me to know that I am not alone. No matter when I come to read, there is always something that God is using to speak to my heart through. I am so thankful for this community and for the way God strengthens my heart through the sharing of stories here.

  471. I sat alone in a coffee shop the weekend all the groups were gathered and found a place and women who reminded me my story matters. I needed that and am grateful for the inspiration!

  472. I love this site and all the encouragement it give to everyone. God bless everyone of you who take the time to do this.

  473. So many great testimonies here! Honoring the ministry of in courage. The part I especially like is the daily pics on Facebook…w quotes or scriptures on them. Simple but profound. I almost always share them to my

  474. I’ve been so encouraged by seeing all the women who love Jesus and are loving each other well. It does my heart good!

  475. Hi all,

    through inCourage I and I know so many people have been given essential truths, thus bringing encouragement and courage. Which we again can pass on to the people we surround ourselves with. It is so easy to lose zeal, lose sight of the truth, be prone to doubt, and lose faith – inCourage has helped me remind myself of truth about who I am and who God is. The most important thing. Thank you!!!

  476. Happy Birthday inCourage! You all lift my heart and fill my soul over and over again. God’s love through you gifted to us. Happy Birthday all

  477. (in)Courage has done fo9r me exactly what the name says – I have been (in)couraged so many times to not lose heart, to not lose faith, to keep moving forward. It is a safe place, where I’ve shared many prayer requests and have always known that many of the members have been praying for me. Thank you for this place of acceptance, love, grace and mercy!

  478. I praise God for (in)courage and His precious daughters through whom He speaks to me when I need to know I’m loved. He is faithful Hallelujah. The next time i visit America i hope to meet all of you but till then you’ve taught me about friendship and sisterhood. God bless

  479. Hi!

    Thanks to (in)courage I have met women who have travelled the same roads I have with their very own stories to tell. I thought I was alone in my anxiety, depression and sense of being lost. But the women online and in Real Life have shown me that my story matters and that investing in others brings forth God’s love and grace. I am so thankful to have known encourage for 5 years and more years to come!

    Thank you so much,


  480. You’ve taken away some of the “aloneness” – some of the feelings that it’s just me, some of the beating myself up. For that, many thanks!!!!

  481. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been a frequent, Avid follower, but there have been days that I read and it is just what I needed to hear! It was The Lord at work. I look forward to following more closely and thank The Lord for all you women at (in)courage and for your gifts and abilities to write and speak into so many peoples lives.

  482. I’ve been uplifted to hear that other mothers struggle with the early years of parenting and that not everyone lives in a picture perfect world that most people portray on social media!

  483. I recently found (in)courage right before a tough season of friendship loss. I joined one of the (in)courage groups and found perspective, encouragement, and understanding. Though the season of loss hasn’t passed, I am grateful that (in)courage has been a part of the journey.

  484. It was 5 years ago that we found out we were pregnant with our 6th baby. And while we were overjoyed, it was the beginning of a downward spiral of depression. Incourage has given me words of comfort and hope in the light of Christ’s love. Thank you!

  485. It is wonderful to know that I am not alone in this empty nest stage of life. Reading these blogs is like a breath of fresh air! Thank you!

  486. Rejoicing with you today in what God has done!

    There have been days when I have opened up the incourage page to find just the word of encouragement my heart needed. The Bloom book club has been amazing. And then inRL… during a time of transition when I really needed a space to meet up with some other women in my town, I was given that opportunity through incourage. It blessed my socks off to know I was NOT alone and to be face to face with other women that love Jesus.

    Thank you so much for your ministry in my life!

  487. Thank you very much for this wonderful site. I know I can always come and read stories of women who are walking the same path as me. Different places and situations but yet still we have common bonds. (In)courage is a blessing!

  488. (In)courage has brough words of encouragement, hope and peace to me so many times when even the words of friends didn’t help! Thank you!

  489. Thank you so much for this website. It keeps me encouraged and focused on my relationship with Jesus. I love you all so much and pray for always. God bless you!

  490. The Nester has helped me get over my fear of nail holes. 🙂 She and her sister also challenged me to sponsor an older child in Uganda.

  491. I’ve been encouraged to keep my head up and looking up as I navigate through parenting children with severe food allergies. Having posts and scriptures to read helps my fear and what if’s to be squelched. Thanks!

  492. Such wonderful daily inspiration to draw closer to Christ in a world that is overrun with devastation and destruction. On days when I struggle, the messages are there for me to continue striving to be more like Christ.

  493. We all can use encouragement and motivation as we go through our weeks! I am thankful to come across so much in this group and to see so much positive come through my FB newsfeed! Thank you for all your hard work!

  494. This site is a place of God’s calming words in a hectic day in an environment that is less than holy. Thank you.

  495. These daily words have, so very very often, breathed God’s grace into my world. Thank you

  496. Thank you, (in)courage for sharing God’s word for our hearts. Mornings are often tough for this mama, but I can’t tell you how many mornings, as I clutch my coffee and try to act “as if” but the lies of the enemy scream loud, I draw up this website and God’s love and truth washes over me in waves. On days when I feel like I surely must be at the end of God’s grace, you remind me that His grace is always, always, always enough for me.

    I’m pretty sure that was your intent five years ago when you began this journey. Thanks for being obedient. May God richly bless your continued journey!

  497. Where have you been all my life? Oh wait… you’ve been right here. It’s me who’s been missing out. So glad someone pointed me in this direction. And I’m so looking forward to being (in) couraged, as well as (in)couraging others along the way.

  498. So many days and words of encouragement through you all! God has blessed His daughters through your work, your tears and your praise. I love the honesty that you each share with us, making me, at least, feel a little more “normal” in my thoughts and struggles. I thank God for your faithfulness to His calling on you – in sharing your words, and His! 🙂

  499. I am so thankful I found this site. Reading these stories really touch my heart. They help me to remember that we all have our struggles in this life and we need to be more understanding of what other people are going through. The stories also give me encouragement for my own issues but also remind me of how blessed I am.

  500. I am so grateful for this site. God has used the words from all of the lovely writers here to challenge me, walk with me, encourage me and help me grow. I have also found community through (in)Courage groups and link ups through contributing writers. Thank you all for your faithfulness in taking that small step of obedience. It has changed my life!

  501. (in)Courage has introduced me to lots of bloggers, like my friend Becky Daye. I’ve participated in Five Minute Friday, thanks to Lisa-Jo and now Kate. I’ve read books I wouldn’t have heard about otherwise, and have discovered others that are still on my list. Holley Gerth, Kristen Strong, Emily Freeman, I’m grateful to you all (can I say y’all, even though I’m from the UK?) – thank you for your writing and the great resource (in)Courage is.

  502. I look forward to the emails that I receive from (in)Courage! Often times, an article arrives just when needed on a particular subject. I also enjoy sharing blog posts on facebook for my friends.

  503. I really appreciate this ministry. I believe every ministry’s heart should beat through encouraging others. My favorite article of all time is “Because There’s Nothing Wimpy About Being An Encourager.” Kristen Strong said it all too well for those of us who do desire to encourage everyone we contact. I believe it reinforced to me the truth in how encouraging others proves love to others. I printed that article out, keep it at my desk, and read it whenever I personally lose confidence in myself. I’m thankfor for all you do and how you serve others in such a giving way. I haven’t been connected to this ministry all 5 years, but I stumbled across this ministry at the perfect time in my life. God has encouraged a lot of growth through this ministry and all you offer.

  504. I am so thankful for this community of believers. You have been such an encouragement to me. I especially love the online conferences when I wasn’t able to afford to fly to attend real live conferences. I loved being in my pj’s and watching and listening and learning from others. Congratulations on your five year anniversary. I follow many of your writer’s blogs and love them.

    Blessings and love,

  505. This site encourages me by being here through the good, bad & ugly. There is little that is constant and faithful, the daily posts help me be strengthened in my faith. What joy to know there are women everywhere, united in their love for Christ and each other.♥

  506. I have not been with incourage the entire 5 years but I am so glad I joined. The messages seem to come at just the perfect time, if not for me then for a friend that I can pass along to and I love it when we all prayer for each other. I feel those prayers working. I look forward to my posts each day and will continue to pray for this work and the people that receive it.

  507. Thank for encouragement to learn to be content in life’s situations knowing it is all part of His plan not necessarily mine 🙂

  508. The celebration continues! Thank you, Lord, for this amazing ministry that has been such an amazing blessing to so many women! Praise the Lord for 5 years of (in)courage! Thank you for your service to the Lord and others! May the Lord bless you all! To many more years of (in)courage!

  509. I just discovered (in)courage a little over a year ago. I became a fast follower because of the encouraging words found in my inbox. One of my biggest encouragements was hosting an (in)RL conference this year. In that way, I was able to introduce the ladies of our church and community to (in)courage and we all grew together that weekend. I am so thankful for all those at (in)courage you are truly a gift from God. Thank you for following His leading and being brave through obedience! Happy 5th birthday!

  510. I am so thankful for this place. Originally, I must admit that I had my hesitations. I thought “surely they won’t get me,” or “there’s no way that they could understand what my life looks like.” I didn’t want another community that seemed inauthentic or difficult to relate to. I was fresh out of college, newly married, and without a job when I finally took the time to read the hearts of the women here, and now, I can’t begin to imagine what my life would look like without the (in)courage community. It is incredible to see what the Lord has built here, and how he has blessed the lives of so many women through (in)courage. From the moment I read the first blog post, participated in my first Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo, and saw my first guest post published, I knew that there was a place for me. And if there is a place for me, there is a place for every single woman who is hungry for more of Jesus, who craves a community who rejoices and mourns together, and who appreciates her for everything that she is and everything that she’s not. This feels like home.

  511. Thank you so much for your encouragement and inspiration! So often your words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

  512. This blog has ministered to me over and over. So many quotes from very special women fill spots in my journal. Emily, Holley, Ann, Bonnie, Robin, Lysa….and the list goes on and on. Thank you Dayspring for hosting and creating such an inviting atmosphere for women to come and be filled with encouragement and hope.

  513. (in)courage has really given me the push I need to write. I see these women who are just like me, with schedules and messy homes and crazy kids, and I realize I can do what my heart desires, just like they have.

  514. GOD speaks to me through incourage….So thankful for all who have made these five years possible…praying for many more years…Happy birthday!

  515. Each morning when I see the (in)courage e-mail in my inbox, I am blessed. Before I even open the e-mail. Because I know that it will contain words of hope, faith, and wisdom that will encourage & uplift me in my daily walk with Christ, warts and all. Pointing me to Christ. To the truth. To the amazing potential of a life lived entirely for Him. Thank you for that! Wishing you a very happy 5th birthday, and looking forward to many more years of blessing!

  516. (in)courage is such a blessing to me. It’s amazing to me how often a post relates to what I am going through that day…it’s proof how God uses this ministry. Happy 5th Birthday (in)courage!

  517. I love getting the e-mails and being able to have a short encouraging break away from the world in my work day.

  518. Bloom! Robin Dance! The chance to read along and chat along and share scripture in the wee small hours before work. Angie! Jessica! Can’t wait till we can do this year round!

  519. I love that the women on here are “normal”. No pretending to be what they aren’t. This helps me in my faith – b/c I know I’m not alone!

  520. Happy Birthday (in)courage. My life has been so blessed day after day. Woman so open and honest about their lives, has (in)couraged 😉 me to open my heart and share. Thank you, and many blessings…Anna

  521. It has been so encouraging to read other women share the same struggles and joys as I do. The reminders daily that I am first and foremost God’s daughter and He loves me as He created me is so refreshing. Happy Anniversay to a super group of sisters in Christ.

  522. Life is filled with hurdles, struggles and pain ~ let’s face it ~ it is not all rainbows and roses . . . However we have the power to lift each other up, share our faith, our smiles, our hugs, our love . . . Proverbs 31 Ministries empowers us as women. They show us that we are not alone in those dark, sad, angry places AND they help encourage us and show us a path of light to get out of those places. Thank you. Each and every one of you. Not just the writers, but the women who share their love and light with others every chance they get and also for being willing to admit that they are not perfect. Thank you all.

  523. What I absolutely love about (in)courage is how wonderfully transparent the writers are about their struggles, joys, insights and experiences. It is so encouraging to know others face the same things I do and from their sharing I gain wisdom and insight.

    love you all!

  524. Love the online community of women building up and encouraging other women. Unfortunately, women can be terrible to one another, but this website is such and encouragement, provides great information and insight and has been a great blessing to me. Nice to know I’m not walking this journey alone.

  525. WOW how have I been blessed by this website. I have been so blessed that it would take a lifetime to tell it, but I will try to sum it up in a few words. I have felt God through so many of the posts, it was like He let people post comments on what I was going through and I didn’t feel alone anymore. It was so good for me and the ones around me. I have learned to lean more on His word, not just his words. Thank you so much.

  526. This is a great page and very encouraging. I think all of is go through some kind of struggles everyday. Some are fighting more then others but this is a great way to just brighten someone’s day. Thank for all the Ladies that have started this. I pray God will bless you as you have blessed millions of ladies.

  527. I am so grateful for all the ladies, all of the encouragement, the Hope, the scripture, the faith, the days that I got pulled through. The community that I met, the other communities that I was led to find. I was very new to social media, and I started a Twitter account, and. (In)courage was someone I followed, and it was because of you and a few other people that my faith started growing my walk started growing my relationship with Jesus, and church growing and in the past three years my life has completely changed. I have a new lifestyle, and a new outlook, a whole new way of living. Shoot even a new body, I walk 5 miles a day aprox, but 1 day I prayed for God to take off my weight and since then I lose 8-15 lbs a mo…. I’ve lost close to 200 lbs! At the moment a lot of my life is in shambles, but I know that God is doing something with me. And I’m involved in some many different things online and spreading the word there and I am GRATEFUL!

    Blessings, congratulations, & praying for continued growth,

  528. I praise God for all he does and for all of you awesome God-filled ladies!! For giving me strength to get through the new days of not being a homeschool mommy anymore. The kiddo decided to do normal public school and it’s taking some getting used to but getting through it with God’s help and all of yall’s.
    Blessings to you all:)

  529. The encouragement, the strength to keep on keeping on in the face of so many trials and hardships. I keep turning my face toward Him and feel His warmth and His covering. I fall into one of your beach chairs and am blessed and refreshed by the words of sisters who somehow know exactly what I need to hear. The words, the beautiful pictures, the connections all speak to my heart. God bless you all as you move forward into the next five years!

  530. I am grateful for the wisdom from the ladies on this site. God has richly blessed me with your ministry of encouragement. Blessings!

  531. love sharing life with (in) courage ~
    love love love our time spent @ (in) courage 2014 n Sacramento! Happy 5!!

    a grateful heart ♡♥

  532. I remember the day i stumbled onto this website and thinking what a blessing this is….I had no idea how much of a blessing you would truly be to me, in times of sadness, anger, happiness…no matter what was or is going in my life, the words you share with me daily always seem to speak to me and they are awesome! and I thank god for that stumble i took about a year ago! and I will pray to have many more !!

    thanks and god bless you all

  533. I’m blessed and encouraged by the blog, Facebook posts, and email messages from Renee. Thank you for your encouragement!

  534. I have so appreciated the Godly wisdom and encouragement. I can’t always keep up with reading lengthy devotionals and this blog has been absolutely perfect. A wonderful way to remind me of my focus and purpose. Thanks you!

  535. This site has helped me as a minister’s wife to not feel alone in lots of circumstances and in the Body od Christ! So thankful to have lots of sisters our there growing in their faith in God! I am so blessed.

  536. This blog has blessed my life. I started with heart to heart with holly then gradually through the entire blog. Each writer held up faith , courage , love , forgiveness , joy of sharing , beauty within ….. which encouraged every sister. God bless the entite team and may this celebrate many more birthdays bringing light to many more.

  537. What I love most is that by reading and posting, I know that God has surrounded me with sisters who share and experience some of the same burdens that weigh on me. And then I am lifter up by His love and care, and knowing I am no longer alone–or forgotten.
    May His blessings continue through (in)Courage-ment and bind our hearts together as we love to proclaim Jesus.

  538. wow. I had something in mind I was going to comment here, but as I read through the other comments, everything changed.

    I am so grateful to be able to plug in to such a fantastic ministry.

    God sure knows what he’s doing.

    Today, I needed this.
    I have been sad, unmotivated, and feeling useless.
    but, after reading these comments, I know that God is with me, no matter what. I’m going through this time right now b/c He is preparing me for something!!!!

    Thank you to everyone that shared their thoughts and feelings in these comments.

    excited at the chance to win, but, even more excited knowing we are all here to support eachother in our walk with HIM!!!


  539. I love the encouragement that I receive from “everyday” women. Some of you have gone through similar struggles that I am facing, and I have received a blessing from your advice and encouragement to keep on trusting God.

  540. This site has brought me hope! It has shown me about mercy and grace and there has been laughter too! I have learned about the joy of community and the peace of acceptance with grace and mercy as I learn and grow. Thanks (In)Courage!

  541. God has used your ministry to speak to my heart many times. I am thankful for the words of encouragement & instruction! Thank you!

  542. This web site has blessed me many times and many ways. One of the most awesome was when I guest posted. Truly amazing.

  543. Thank you so much for being a reminder of God’s mercy & grace in my life. Also thanks for your stories about being a mama and how challenging that can be at times. Your stories have made me realize “I’m not the only one that struggles with this”. I’ve come to remember when I miss the mark one day, God provides new mercy & grace to try again the next. It’s just baby steps to being who I want to become.

  544. God’s Word shared encourages me & uplifts from the sometimes hectic days. Shared stories of sisters in Christ give an extra needed sense of connection in a much disconnected world. Thanks for all you do!

  545. Praise God for you all! Thank you for all you with which you impart to us and with which you gift us. God continue to bless you all richly!

  546. I have laughed and cried and everything in between reading my weekly posts from (in)courage. I admire you and your dedication to the Lord and building His kingdom while staying connected and vulnerable not only with each other (a HUGE feat in itself!) but in front of all of us. Thank you for sharing your hearts! Blessings to you all!

  547. Some days are worse than others, and whether it is a good day, or one of those days…everytime I read a devo from InCourage…I am encouraged! God bless you all!

  548. Thank you for posts that share the difficulties that women face across age groups and God’s ever present love and plan for us. I have been encouraged so many times when I read a particular post, and thought, “that’s just what I have been struggling with.” Thank you for reminding me of my worth in Christ and God’s love for me.

  549. Just when I’m feeling like I am all alone and can’t go on, I find the most encouraging words on this site. They have encouraged me so many times and I have sent several friends the emails when I knew it was what they needed to here.

  550. I have only recently found the blog, but I love the encouragement of “real” women who are imperfect just like I am! You have blessed me so!

  551. (In)courage has helped in SO many ways. Outside of my regular morning devotion, I have a beautiful reminder of God’s love waiting for me at work: words of encouragement and wisdom that help me throughout the day and bring back my traversing thoughts into negative places. It’s also great to share with friends, to uplift them in times of good and bad. This has truly been an excellent source of peace and happiness in my relationship with God and in my daily life.

  552. I love the authenticity of the writers and how there are so many different perspectives (singles, moms, older, younger). It’s also been neat to be linked up to Dayspring because I got some great art through them to help encourage me in my home 🙂

  553. I just love how God works…. sometimes I can come to this site and read a scripture that I just heard about in my Sunday School class or during Sunday or Wednesday night service. It is great to see something positive and encouraging online…. so often there is so much negative stuff out there. Happy Birthday and THANK YOU!!!!!!

  554. Yall have been such an encouragement to me each and every day. It is such a blessing to read all of u ladies posts, books and study materials and know that yall have poured your heart into Gods word. Yall are an amazing group of ladies. Just wish i could meet yall just one time. I know it would be a blast.

  555. I look forward to the facebook messages you post. Many times I have shared them on with someone else that I think would also like to be encouraged in their daily walk like I am. Thank you so much!!!!

  556. Some of my favorite writets began to share on your blog around 6 months agoand that is how I found out about it .I am not famiiar with your website.
    I have found that the blog posts have been uplifting. Thanks!

  557. This site and the encouragement sent out daily has blessed not only my life but also the lives of the ladies I work with. We have a prayer group and their is always a need of a love one or friend and your love letters have been a source of comfort to many as I share them as I am lead by God. Please continue to share how God has used your life to bless so many. We have been drawn closer to God and each other as we see God answer our prayers.
    Thanks for being such a blessing.

  558. So thankful for the spiritual growth obtained and words of wisdom to help me get through work days and life gracefully and gratefully 🙂

  559. I like to encourage and be encourage! I am so thankful that God loved me and never once gave up on me. I have been blessed and want to be a blessing to those around me. I enjoy Bible Studies because they help me grow more and more in The Lord! I do not post often, but do enjoy reading what is posted.

  560. I think I put a comment in the wrong place! What I said, I enjoyed doing the Confident Heart study on here. I did it twice!! Then I went on to buy the devotional. Congrats and God’s blessings on 5 years!!!

  561. I just love the daily posts I receive in my email. Every day having something to look forward to from everyone here that shares God’s love is perfect!

  562. I don’t usually post but I get so much out of those who do. Each devotion touches my heart in a different way. The Confident Heart study was what touched me so much and I plan to read the book again on my own. I have a low self esteem/confidence that it is what I need.
    One thing I really love about everyone is how you make the verses personal. I love that and am learning to do that to turn the negative thoughts into positive ones. Not always easy but we are all on a journey and learning is part of it. I am so thankful and grateful for this site to help me grow deeper in my faith. Thank you

  563. I was directed to your site through emails I receive from Renee. A confident heart. It has been do encouraging to connect with everyone and at times it really does help me to see my life differently. Its is so encouraging. God bless

  564. I want to say two things. First, the Day Spring “Praying for You cards have been a primary tool for me to send encouragement to my church leaders and others God puts on my heart. I listen to the prompt and send a card. They are wonderful. The second thing is that I was only introduced to incourage after seeing Mom’s Night Out. That movie meant so much to me. I absolutely felt like a failure in life. Never enough for my family, my friends. Always trying to measure up to some impossible standard. Through the movie’s message and my subsequent visits to incourage, Jesus has slowly unwrapped those expectations. Has given me the freedom to be the person he created me to be. And that’s enough. Thank you for your work!

  565. I so enjoy your encouraging words!!! It’s seems like there is always something I can relate to here!!!

  566. I love every single post here. They help me to get my day started off on the right foot. I read every morning when I get to my office before I actually start to work. Love it!

  567. While I haven’t been around for the entire five years what encourages me is that I’m not alone in my struggles!

  568. Happy Birthday and May God continue to Bless this wonderful place of encouragement at (in)courage!

  569. I love your blog!! Its filled with encouragment, that this Christian girl has been needing lately. God bless you all!

  570. In-courage reminds me that I am not alone. I am loved by Christ. I can continue on even when things are difficult. I can be an encouragement to others just by staying the course.

  571. I am so thankful for all the honest stories that have been shared over the past 5 years! My life has certainly had it’s share of ups and downs, and I am ever so grateful to see, hear, and read that I am not alone in this walk. It is so humbling to be encouraged from others who are not afraid to tell their stories so that so many of us can heal and grow…thank you!

  572. I’ve been so blessed by Holley Gerth and her words of encouragement and Renee Swope and her book A Confident Heart – I’ve read it so many times I should know it by heart!! They both have encouraged me when I really needed it!! Thanks for being obedient and sharing Holley and Renee!!

  573. I love starting my day with (in)courage to be ENCOURAGED by God’s grace and the wonderful writers who share their thoughts with us.
    God’s Blessings on each of you,

  574. I love this website. It is an incredible source of encouragement, Godly wisdom, pointing us all to The One who makes everything right with His plans, His purposes, His ways. It gives hope; the writers are transparent and share their ups and downs and how they still move forward in His Grace and trust His ways even when things are unclear, scary, stormy and waiting seems very long.

    Blessings to all of you and Happy Birthday. Looking forward to many more years of growth with you!

  575. Thank you so much for your ever encouraging words and uplifting messages. I,hope you are around all of the days of my social networking so that I can share your words with others.

  576. (In) courage has been a source of inspiration and encouragement to me. Thank you and I look forward to reading your words in the years to come.

  577. I am new to (in)courage and in a short time have seen a hope again in life and relationships with God’s gals. I am so thrilled because I really have had such bad experiences with unreal hurtful women and womens ministry that I had lost faith. Thank u.

  578. I started reading at (in)courage shortly after my second son was born. Being able to check in and feed my heart with truth during those middle of the night nursings made such a huge difference (I continue that pattern two years later with a set of twins). I’ve learned and grown and been drawn more closely to Christ through this community, and I’m grateful.

  579. (In) courage has been such a blessing over the past few years during different difficulties in my life. So excited you are celebrating your 5th birthday.

  580. I always read something for encourage right before bed. Gives me something to sleep on, especially when having a bad day. Lifts me up and praise God for his blessing!

  581. Happy Birthday (in)courage!! Thank you so much for sharing with me your words of encouragement. I absolutely love reading uplifting and real articles from other women who love to share the Word of God as I do. It gives my mind something to ponder while I am at work. God Bless everyone who makes this happen!!

  582. Happy 5 years!!! God led me to your blog a few years ago and I’ve found so many posts that relate to my life and what is happening it. I’ve found the courage to begin to accept the not so perfect parts of my life and continue moving forward. God is helping me to love who I am, including the imperfections. Thank you for the wisdom, the guidance, and the understanding.

  583. The encouraging posts always arrive when I need a lift! It is nice to feel connected to others who understand the struggles in life and look to a positive answer with God’s support and comfort!

  584. I’ve very much found encouragement, refreshment, and even fellowship by reading these blog posts. Thank you!

  585. Oh… what hasn’t God done? In August 2012 I was ready to end it all, and through one miracle after another, I am still here, still being (in)couraged every day by what I read and wear and use. The honesty, faith, and love I find in these words and blogs…. I’m so grateful to have found you.

  586. (in)courage has pushed me toward community–online and in real life! (in)courage has written words that reached me right in my mess and built up my heart!!

    The bloom book selections have been an awesome opportunity to dig in deep and learn even more!!

  587. the encouragement, the knowledge of others, the compassion of others, the fellowship with others because I know they are right there with me, doing what I am doing, maybe not that moment in time, but some moment, they read what I read, prayed all these prayers together, and we prayed for all these together. Most of all, though, knowing that there is always someone else out there in God’s eyes that is needing the encouragement that they seek from (in) courage, isn’t it amazing, that so many come together to find the courage that they need! That the same God that sits on His Throne of Grace for me, sits on His Throne Of Grace for You, and we can be encouraged by each other and being forever in His eyes
    Thank you Renee

  588. I have been lifted every day by the posts from incourage, since I discovered this place last year. It has been amazing to be joined with so many beautiful women of faith.

  589. I am so thankful for all the encouragement I get from the (in)courage site. We are facing many difficulties with raising my husbands grandson. Reading the blog helps me to focus on what is really important

  590. I am so thankful for all the encouragement & words of wisdom that i receive from the (in)courage site. I am uplifted and blessed. I look forward to reading everyday. I forward to my family & friends.
    God Bless

  591. I’ve been so encouraged to dig deeper into God’s word and to carve out time to spend with Him. Even if it is only a few minutes during the day. Thank you for sharing your gift of words. They are such blessing.

  592. The incourage community has been a place of encouragement and a source of blessings. To be amongst ladies who are real with their daily struggles helps to know we’re not alone. Congratulations on 5 years! Happy Birthday!

  593. I discovered the “online world” of community and the power of stories told, even (and maybe especially?) when told virtually… Which encourages us to share those stories in real life too!

  594. Real women showing realness in the sometimes messy struggles of life. Truly supporting! A wonderful Blessing to me.

  595. You have encouraged me to surround myself with God’s Word and have it be a part of my everyday life.

  596. I found you last year at a time when I needed some confirmation and comfort. I was definitely encouraged and the (in)RL Conference was inspiring! I love the daily uplifting that comes from all the amazing and real women who are here. Thank you!!!

  597. I’m always encouraged by what I read here, and it always seems to apply to what I’m going through that week.

  598. So many times God has brought just the word I needed just at the right time through (in)courage!! I am blessed daily by the writings, open and honest, spirit lead that come to my inbox. Thank you so much for bringing light into dark places and hope into our struggles!!

  599. Incourge has given life to me just as His Word is spoken only through His people going through real life circumstances. Just knowing I’m not alone and everyday realizing His Faithfulness is my song of praise to Him and to the incourage team! God Bless You All for sharing your lives and His Love!

  600. Great encouragement and a reminder that we are not alone. Holley’s books and words are great encouragement. Thank you all for all you do to inspire and encourage us each day.

  601. I came across this website after losing my daughter to cancer. These amazing, transparent, anointed women of God gave me hope and encouragement during the darkest time of my life. For that, I am grateful. Thank you for creating a safe place for me!

  602. The Bloom book studies have blessed me so much, especially after I discovered the archives. 🙂 I feel like Angie and Jess are my best friends and have come right into my living room to have a cup of coffee and talk about the latest great book I’m reading. I’m always touched by their insights, and feel welcomed by the openness with which they share their feelings and struggles as they process each author’s words. Thank you, Jesus, for the work you are doing through this wonderful website!

  603. (In) courage has been a swift gift in the morning or a close for the day reminding me I am not on this journey alone in life and that my feet walk a worn path by the women before me and we must all press on forward with our eyes on Christ leaning hard into His peace and extend ourselves through His joy. I am not one nor am I alone or forgotten. I am love and counted by Him and there are sisters in our community cheering us through, whatever our life moment is. Blessed and reminded and thankful so I pass on the encouragement to others.

  604. Women strong in faith and strong with each other. Your words are an encouragement to many and a reminder that we are “chosen” and He loves us unconditionally and showers us with Grace. Knowing that fills me with peace. Thank you (in)courage! Congratulations on 5 years!

  605. I’ve read (in)courage since pretty close to the beginning. I can’t remember how I first found all of you, but what a blessing it has been. Thanks and happy birthday (in)courage!

  606. As a single mom, there are many days I feel overwhelmed and like I’m all alone in the struggles I face …. the emails I receive from (in)courage are always just what I need to give me new focus and keep my eyes on the Lord, not on what’s going on around me. Thanks (in)courage for sharing from the heart, touching mine with each and every post!

  607. Through (in)courage, I have learned to be more open with my struggles in life and how my faith in God has helped me to grow. What a blessing to read the encouraging words of others that have or are going through similar struggles in this stage of life. It seems like those times are easier to get through, knowing that I’m not the only one out there that has those same thoughts or problems.

  608. This site has brought daily encouragement not only for myself but for my other friends in life that I’m able to serve with in a Godly fashion. It’s nice to have a place to go when you need a good word, other than the Bible! 🙂

  609. This is one of the websites I enjoy reading regularly to inspire me and encourage me in my walk with God, and it gives me inspiration to share with others!

  610. So many times in the last years this site has encouraged me and led me to other blogs that have encouraged me, too. I thank God for the ways He has used all of you writers and your words to minister to this mama’s soul – especially when I was on the mission field with my family and didn’t have very many friends around. Thank you, thank you!

  611. You will never know how much this site means to me. I struggled for many years with public speaking and group prayer. The Lord had been encouraging me to teach a bible study for the women at our church. I decided to give it a try. I was awful. I kept trying and praying. I continued to go back every week (surprisingly very few ladies left) but was humiliated and embarrassed beyond measure once I was alone in the car. When my husband asked me how it went I just gave a brief “okay”. Then the Lord showed me a post by one of your contributors that changed my attitude. I realized that I was not the only who has been through this. I printed her post, put it in my bible and read it every day. Slowly but surely I noticed small changes occurring each week and my anxiety, negative thinking and embarrassment improved. I am not there even now, but I am grateful for where the Lord has brought me thus far. I still read her post (though not every day now) and thank Him for giving me confidence and I thank Him for giving me her and for her reminding me that “Jesus loves me this I know….” There have been other articles on your site that have definitely touched my heart and I have saved them but this one I will always remember. Thank you. I know the Lord will bless you all with many more years.

  612. I’m not sure this qualifies as I haven’t been here five years….I recently discovered this site and group and have loved every minute. When opening my mail and seeing this it made me super excited. It’s amazing what God is doing through this ministry. I’ve found much needed encouragement, help, resources, joy and more to help as I battle severe depression and anxiety. Thank you for this! May God continue to bless you and work through you.

  613. The women (and their words) of Incourage have been like best friends to me. Over the past year, I have been in a very dark season of my life and God’s love and glory have definitely resonated through the stories, thoughts and hope the women of Incourage have invested into my life! Thank you!!!

  614. Your name says it all (in)courage. A community of women-sharing their stories-walking bravely forward to the life Jesus has called them. Here’s to five or many more years. Thank you for believing in us enough to share who you are everyday. Blessings!

  615. I just found (in)courage and look forward to being a part. Thanks for sharing with transparency–we need to feel we are not alone–no perfect–and one of the girls who love Jesus and desire to live for His glory.

  616. In 2007 I tragically lost my husband to suicide, then my mom to undiagnosed lung cancer, followed by my dad also passing away from a broken heart/massive stroke. This year was so devastating but I wrapped my arms around God and never let go. He guided me through this horrible time. Now I have the career I have always wanted and the husband of my dreams. Along with that came an added amazing set of in laws. Life has definitely turned around and I wouldn’t be at this point if it was not for my never ending faith in God. I am truely blessed and grateful for what he has done for me. Praise God.

  617. (In)courage was there in time of need. I lived in Holland, felt alone and missed community, friends and words of encouragement. I found it here. The Sunday How can I pray for you? gave me such comfort. And battles came and went. When I was doing a little better I didn’t find me here as much. Returning always when I was struggling. Nowadays I am here regardless. It is no longer depending on me having a need. I love being here and supporting others now.

  618. I am in couraged and inspired when I read your blogs and when I feel less than. You give me courage to press on and stop listening to the lies from the enemy. I want to be all that God wants for my life, but fears leaves obstacles that you guys help me to overcome by your realness and love for our Lord. Keep up the Good work . May God bless your future.

  619. Lord, the days here can be so tough. I long for the world you intended. Until your kingdom comes to earth I am thankful for a place to cheer and encourage my weary heart and soul. I am thankful for shared stories and prayers. Thank you for the provision of (in)courage!

  620. A dear friend pointed me to your site a few years ago when I most needed it. It’s been there for me in my highs and my lows. I love getting the daily emails each day, it’s my break and my chance to take a breathe in my day when things are going faster than I want them to.

  621. I am so thankful to have found incourage in the past 2 years. Being in France and not knowing many believers, it helped me to develop my relationship with God. An intimate relationship. I also learndt to trust Him in my daily life and to feel that I am not alone. Really, I was feeling that I was right in the way I wanted to relate to God, but I could not find answers around me in France: I found them here , on this site and I am so so thankful for that. I am a better woman and a better mama even I am a mess and broken in many ways! MERCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  622. Love your site. It has greatly encouraged me on fb and introduced me to so many great authors and blogs and devotionals.

  623. Love reading the encouraging words…but love reading about the real life issues & finding God in these times…thank you…it makes me want to write…blessings…

  624. I love the encouragement and community here at incourage! And I love that it helps me to continue to grow in my faith.. your site is such a blessing!

  625. Happy Birthday, incourage! I found incourage through Lisa -jo Baker’s blog post at a time I was the loneliest I had ever been. We had moved away from home, a small town in Northern California (the real north) to a island in the middle of the pacific ocean. I thought I would be fine, but found myself so lonely, with a young son who challenged my every thought about parenting. Lisa-jo and the group at incourage offered such heartfelt, much needed encouragement. Love you all!

  626. Happy 5 years! I love how every time I need encouraged the Lord sends what I needed to hear! You guys are fantastic & keep inspiring!

  627. I have followed and been a part of the Incourage community for about 4 years now, and I never cease to be encouraged. I love how God has used so many of your posts and beautiful contributors transparent words to touch my heart and speak to me right where I am. It’s a beautiful thing to know that we all serve the same amazing God.

  628. I have been so uplifted when I am down hearted..this site has brrn so helpful and very encouraging..Thank you all so much and Happy 5Th Birthday!!!

  629. Incourage makes me feel less alone. It’s wonderful knowing that there are other women out there who love Jesus just as much as I do. So grateful I found this community!

  630. What I am so thankful for (in)courage for is the encouragement that I get it. It amazes me that I can get perfect words just when I need them. This ministry has truly lifted me up when I have been at my weakest. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do!

  631. these articles have so often challenged me, been an encouragement to me as I learn more of God’s love and learn to believe it. Thank you so much for being used by God and I’m glad to be influenced by you all.
    on a recent note… in the midst of feelings of condemnation and does any one care, while at a ladies retreat… God used a friend to say… “come, sit with me…” He is ever so gently and carefully wooing my heart

  632. I am filled with the love of God’s mercy and love each day. He is a constant source of guidance, love and reassurance in my life. The posts I read each day inspire me as a Christian to appreciate my family and friends in new ways. When I find life’s direction sliding I turn to the posts here and am renewed. Thank you lovely ladies for the time you take to speak to each of us and for sharing your stories.

  633. Being a part of this community has changed me. Watching you all be brave and real and love God through obedience has helped me do the same. Thank you!

  634. When I am lonely and looking in the wrong place(FB), (in)courage has helped me remember that God is always here. The blog posts are encouraging and insightful. I like that I can go to (in)courage and find good resources to grow my faith. Thank you to all the women who contribute to this community.

  635. Over the years, God has given me this wonderful place to come where I can find support, encouragement, ideas, and a connection with others who believe what I do – that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life! We are all in this walk together and to be able to come to this site and read real stories that I can relate to and be inspired by is such a life changing thing. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who is involved in running this site. You are reaching people with the love of Christ, and it makes a difference! Abundant blessings to you all, including those who come here to share, or just glean something special they are in need of at the moment. 🙂

  636. I see the everyday grace and mercy. When ever I am struggling, need some inspiration or motivation, I just check in to (in)courage and there is always something that helps me or speaks to me. Happy Birthday and thank you so much!!

  637. Incourage is that espresso needed to finish the day! It’s company, friendship, a compass , a blessing!

  638. God nudged me to join the Explore the Writing Life group through (in)courage and write about a challenging time in my life. It was very beneficial for me to write about my perspective and now I will always have those memories and remember how God was with me during that time. Thank you.

  639. I found this site thru reading Holly’s book You’re already amazing which led to 50+ women seeing themselves, accepting themselves and growing their spiritual gifts, skills and abilities to how God wants them to. This is a place of encouragement when life gets hard and points us in the direction of our loving Creator where we can sit and rest in His absolute and unconditional love for us. THANK YOU!

  640. The daily posts are such an encouragement and so uplifting, even when I think I don’t need it.

  641. First, gypsy mama which led me to incourage, then Proverbs31, then Club 31, then a slew of blogs I follow, then Good Morning Girls, to incourage conference, to leader of an incourage group, and participant in online bible studies. You are a Godsend for us introverts!

  642. I was introduced to incourage by several bloggers on twitter. Once I signed up for the devotions I couldn’t believe I had been missing out on this gold mine of love, acceptance and encouragement. I quickly jumped into the community groups, help lead a community group and just connected with so many beautiful souls that have spoke truth and life into me. Thank you for giving us a safe place to just belong.

  643. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I admit, I don’t read every post. But every one that I read is always just perfect for the time. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus as you reach out to encourage others. And thank you, each of you, for being real.

  644. Truly a place to come home to my heart has yearned so long for this
    Thank You Lovely Sisters in Christ!

  645. The past 5 years have brought 3 adorable and challenging little boys into my life. Parenthood has been 100x more challenging and rewarding than I ever dreamed and it has been so nice to know that I am not alone. Thank you.

  646. I Love this site for courage and encouragement! This site has given me the comfort to know that I am not alone in my struggles and pains. Thank you for being there.

  647. Having a site to go to with confidence that I will leave feeling so wonderful and basking in His love. Thank you!

  648. Through this website I have made lifelong friendships, found a community of sisters I was desperate for, and received more encouragement than I can ever begin to give back. This is my go to site everyday.

  649. Congratulations on 5 years! (In)courage has encouraged, challenged, affirmed, and blessed me so many days and in so many ways with just the right words I needed to hear for various seasons of life I’ve encountered. You help us in so many ways and are such a blessing to all of us! A BIG “Thank you!” to each and every lady for hearing from God and using your talent and being transparent and honest.

  650. I am always thankful to read post that speak to my heart. Sometimes they make me laugh and sometimes they make me cry. But always they make me really think on what I read and they encourage me to go on.
    monk5 at charter dot net

  651. I love reading the daily incourage messages on facebook and found my favorite online Bible study through your site. You all have been like sisters and friends to me even when I have felt most alone. Happy Birthday! May God continue to richly bless your ministry as you serve Him.

  652. This site is truly a blessing in my life. Thank you girls for all of your beautiful posts, thank you for being real, thank you for touching my life. And congratulations on five years!!!

  653. Happy birthday!!! I love reading these beautiful and encouraging posts, I am new to the blog as I have been a long time follower of proverbs 31 ministries and followed Renee and Lysa over here. The posts get me through messy moments from the ordinary to the more challenging times and keep me believing that he is never finished with us and can use our everyday for his glory, anytime he chooses 🙂 Keep sharing!

  654. In this season of my life I need a lot of encouragement and Incourage has provided an abundance of encouragement. I love the blog posts and I try to read them daily. Thank you for all the encouragement you have provided these last few years.

  655. I am just a few days “new” to (in)courage as I first heard of this group via Holley Gerth and her new book, What Your Heart Needs on the Hard Days. I can’t believe what I have been missing! 🙂 Happy Birthday! I do look forward to celebrating the next 5 years with (in)courage!

  656. I am thankful to have a place to come to and read encouraging words that pick me up when I am down. Words that often remind me of who I am in Him. Praising God with you for five years!!!

  657. I’ve been so encouraged by (in)courage. It is such a privilege to have gotten to know your sweet Kaitlyn and through Proverbs 31 I’ve been blessed by Ann Voscamp as well as others.
    Thank you especially for your media page of encouragement. I cannot tell you how many times that has come up as a picture when I just needed a word of refreshment or hope.
    Happy Birthday to a group of women that have blessed me greatly since January, when I was first made aware of your page!

  658. Happy Birthday to a group of women who have blessed my life beyond words! I have been touched by (in)RL and (in)courage and I am so grateful for this ministry. Thank you for the ways that each of you have allowed God to use you to bless and encourage women! I have read several books by many of the authors. I am extremely grateful for Holley Gerth and the deep words of encouragement that she has shared with so many women. Keep letting the light and life flow into this new year of ministry! God bless you all!!

  659. It’s been a comfort to know that as a woman, a wife, and a mom, I have a safe place to share. I can be me flaws and all, and find encouragement in the writing of others who face all the struggles and joys I do. Precious gift to us all. Thank you for sharing Christ and exuding His love to us all.

  660. This site has blessed me through the daily posts and sharing (in)RL with friends… the book club… so many ways!

  661. Thank you thank you thank you for ministering to me in so many ways through this site! Your words encourage and challenge me!

  662. (in)Courage has blessed me with prayer in situations where I had to learn to lean on God and depend on him to take care of the situation in his own time and not my time. I have never lost my faith in him. To know that WE are the Daughters of the All Mighty King of Kings is such a blessing within it self. We have a Father who Loves us unconditionally and laid down for us. I have faith there is nothing he can’t or won’t do for me in his own time and his own will.

  663. Fond memories of doing the saturation conference at my old home in case with a few close friends to dig in as we watched the videos over waffles. Thanks be to God.

  664. Fond memories of doing the staycation conference at my old home in ca with a few close friends to dig in as we watched the videos over waffles. Thanks be to God.

  665. You all have given me ‘courage’ to keep going…day after day…following hard after Jesus.

  666. (in)courage helped to re-awaken the gifts of God within me, gave me a safe place to share my voice and begin to dream dreams that had been dormant too long. I’ve found encouragement, friendship, truth, community and the Love of God reflected in many kindred hearts.

  667. Though I have only been receiving (in)courage posts in my e-mail for a short time, I appreciate the writings of the several women who contribute such honest spiritual truths. I look forward to beginning new friendships with others who love our Lord and desire to live for Him and encourage others as well. Wow! You’ve been blessing women for 5 years! Happy Birthday! May your ministry continue for many years more.

  668. How wonderful to find such an encouraging site amidst the horrors of the media and social networking. Bless you for every word of building up in faith in Jesus.

  669. I am grateful to God and to every woman who has obediently followed God’s call to obedience in sharing their gifts with the world through this community with honesty and vulnerability. You have all encouraged me in good times and challenging times to cling to the God who loves me so. Blessings to you and your families.

  670. I’m truly grateful for (in)courage because of how it has spoken His whispers into the depths of my heart.

    My path and my walk have been devoted to Him over the last few years, but when I discovered the online community of (in)courage and (in)RL, life changed. I was inspired. I was filled with hope. I was changed by the sisterhood of the online community, and I was motivated to get into actual community with other sisters in Christ.

    Thank you, (in)courage for encouraging me … gently, yet firmly … to “do life” with others in His Name and in His ways.

  671. I have truly been blessed by the (in)courage daily blogs. They speak to my heart so many day like they were written just for me! Thank you so much for this site.

  672. I have been blessed with encouragement via the incourge site. Many days the facebook feed will pop up at just the time I am feeling discouraged. I love the little pump up!

  673. I get the daily emails from (in)Courage and God has used so many of them to speak to where I am on that day. I have received encouragement and healing for my heart in so many different areas! Thank you so much!

  674. I love that (in)courage introduced me to Lisa Jo, whom God has used to speak right into my soul. Thank you!

  675. This site is incredibly encouraging for me. Whenever I need to read something uplifting, I think of this place and come visit. I also have found some of my favorite authors here!

  676. I’ve already commented, but after watching Moms’ Night Out tonight, I was reminded of something… I am enough. I am enough, and there have been many days that I have not felt “enough” and this beautiful space on the internet has reminded me. So, thank you, incourage, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🙂

  677. I didn’t realize how long ya”ll have been around! So Happy, Happy Birthday!! I just know the almost 2 years I have been reading your blogs and getting to know your authors has made a big change in my life. Really!! You should see my bookcase, my special one! They’re amazing and I feel like I know them now. Having a place where there are just women, and women who love God! Here’s a big THANK YOU from me for being in my computer and my heart! Love you ladies and stay here so I can continue to hear from you and all the beautiful women who come to you for the same reason I do.

  678. A friend recently forwarded me a note from your sure because I was needing encouragement because I just found out I had a mass that might be cancerous. I have found so much encouragement here. I love your words & insight. I read daily. I just had surgery and the mass was non-cancerous. PTL!!! Keep up the great work God has called you all to do!

  679. The (in)courage site is a great inspiration with just the perfect thoughts and words I’ve needed in times of discouragement and loss. Thank you for your ministry! God Bless!

  680. (in)courage has helped me immensely tho I’ve only been here just a couple of months, and I’ve grown spiritually!

  681. Happy birthday (in)courage! I really enjoy reading your encouraging posts in my email every day. Thank you for your inspiration and opportunity to enter the contest. I love the variety of authors and the beauty of their words. Looking forward to the next 5 years!!

  682. (In)courage was a divine find from God exactly in His timing to help me find a confirmation on God’s calling for me to join Him in his work! I feel my ministry is with women and will be leading a small group of women this fall.

  683. I don’t always tend to get online every day, but God uses the days I do and the times I catch up on the (in)courage blogs to bless me! I always here exactly what I need to, when He needs me to hear it. And I am so blessed by all of the open honest words shared by other imperfect, God-loving girls! It reminds me that I’m not alone in my struggles or blessings. Thank you so much for all you ladies do for me! Happy Birthday 😀

  684. I have found words of encouragement, words of wisdom, precious words from God to get me through my everyday. I have copied down in a small journal and carry in my purse when I need some support of some kind. Sometimes hope, sometimes love, forgiveness, taming of the tongue, etc.
    Through this I have a much stronger, closer relationship with my Heavenly Father who is most awesome!

  685. (in)courage is my favorite site to visit when I need a pick-me-up. It seems like the messages come through my inbox at the perfect times. Thank you to the entire (in)courage team! You’re such a blessing to me. 🙂

  686. I recently discovered (in)courage and I am so blessed by all the words that feed into my life from it. So thankful for this site!

  687. I love the devotionals and the Bloom Book Club. I have found so much encouragement through every season of life in the incourage content. It is wonderful to hear from such an amazing community of women!

  688. These devotionals and post are very encouraging!! It is good for women to have an outlet where they can come to get refreshed!! Thank you all for what you do!! God bless!!

  689. I thank God for stumbling onto this site. It has always been a place where I’m amazed at the honesty and brokenness of each sharing, and God has used this place to speak to me on many occasions, often with my heart so touched and broken at the end of it all…cleansed by His love for me. I’m incredibly thankful for the work that all of you have put into this. Thank you so much for pouring out His love to many around the world, including Singapore. 🙂 God bless all of you, and may God bless the works of your hands even more in these coming years!

  690. The blog is right on… The content refreshing, encouraging, challenging, and so delightfully transparent. I often find myself reading it with thoughts of a friend who needs to hear that specific message. Thanks so much!

  691. Thanks be to God for your wonderful site. I am always inspired by what I read, and I have used many of the posts as “guidelines” for my teaching lessons. Keep up the good work.

  692. I’ve been blessed by your site, your daily emails are so encouraging!! Many blessings to you in another 5 years!!!

  693. May our Awesome Lord bless (in)courage for these wonderful five years and many, many more to come. Thank you for your time, your dedication, and for every word written that has lift us our spirits, and has helped us keeping going one step at a time. .

  694. Every time I receive new words in my inbox I am blessed. There is not a week that passes that I am not challenged, encouraged, and in some way renewed after reading the week’s posts. As a mother, wife, and care giver I am often in need of encouragement. Thank you for being that for me!

  695. Thank you for being an encouragement when days feel dark and parenting is daunting and you feel like you are all alone. Thank you being here.

  696. I just found this blog today and I’ve already been encouraged. I am a missionary in Haiti and this looks like a wonderful place to connect with others. So, I thank the Holy Spirit for leading me here!

  697. Blessed!! Each morning I so look forward to reading your words of encouragement, wisdom and sharing God ‘s Word. My family and I are on a healing journey of restoration. Precious (in)courage Ladies, your heartfelt words have helped give me HOPE. Truly a blessing and gift in sharing all of You with other precious women in my life! Thank You…Prayers of Blessings overflowing!!

  698. He has shown me that there are others that don’t have it “all figured out” too – and that He loves them (me) anyway.

  699. (In)courage has encouraged me countless times when I I thought I had nothing left to give. I’ve been reminded time and time again about God’s grace and his unwavering love!

  700. This site is such a blessing. It’s always been a cool refreshing drink of water for me when I feel as if I’m dry and parched.

    Thank you so much for all that you share, for all that you give. 🙂

  701. (in)courage has been a blessing to me from day one. Thank you. During a very difficult time of my life when I felt I had lost most of what I thought were close friends in Christ you were there for me. Being unable to purchase books form the the books used for discussion you provided them through the benevolence of other sisters I gained through your connections. Not having internet at home I was unable to join in for online discussions but I always read and saved many of your printed articles which I share with others and often used to spark discussions in the womens’ group at my church. HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY! Praying you have many more and when you are no longer able to continue that you pass the torch on so the next generation will have a sisterhood that will uplift and encourage them to be all God has created them to be.

  702. Happy Birthday (In) Courage! I look forward to reading this everyday. It’s so helpful and encouraging. It’s nice to know there are so many others out there going through the same things in life as I am. Thank you for all you do! May you have many more birthdays to come…. : )

  703. Thank you, God for the (in)courage ladies! I have only been part of the (in)courage community for the past several months. I had no idea what I was truly missing out on! What a great place to hear the hearts of other women who, though they all come from different walks of life, come together and remind us of a God who is greater than our situations, but still also small enough to speak to us in the tiniest little things in life. There is something truly inspiring and hopeful amidst this sacred community of women who long after God through both the mundane and the chaos. Thank you!

  704. Because I have had to fight fear all my walk with Jesus, I am indebted to the (in)courage sisters who cheer me on my pilgrimage. I am thankful for every word that puts courage into my heart and a sense of kinship with other women fighting fears. The Kingdom of God is BIG!

  705. (In)Courage has done just that-given me courage in my faith and a place of fellowship with other likeminded women. Long may it continue!

  706. I am thankful for how (In) Courage encourages me to slow down and mediate on God’s goodness, even when I have trouble seeing that goodness. I am thankful for the reminder to find rest for my soul in God alone.

  707. I’m thankful to God for (in)courage, because He’s helped give me more confidence about myself, and the authors (especially Holley Gerth) share with me how to deal with life, no matter what’s thrown my way. I am very encouraged by this blog.

  708. I am thankful for (in)courage and the emails that share, inspire, and help me refocus on God’s word. Congratulations on your 5th Birthday!

  709. Thank you so much for the encouragement every time I read a post. I enjoy the authors who write here and the books that are suggested. Congratulations on five years.

  710. When you are a leader of a women group you often need refueling, joy and strength. Great place to stop and refuel, gain strength and have my joy renewed. Priceless. Thank you.

  711. (in)courage has helped remind me of so many imporatant things – it has connected me to amazing women who just about daily share their heart and extend grace and open their hearts.

    It has helped me believe i am enough – that I am forgiven and that I matter. It has reminded me to SLOW down and to find beauty no matter what!

    Thank you – I can’t believe its been 5 years!!!! I remember clicking over from Angie’s blog and then finding so many lovely ladies. Thank you all!!


  712. I have been blessed by all the wonderful posts, being able to attend one of the conferences, and by being part of the Create and Encourage facebook group. It’s a wonderful community of sisters in Christ!

  713. For the last 4+ years I have struggled against a multitude of storms in my life, including depression, grief over the loss of my Mother, the breakup of my marriage, and so on. I confess that there were many days that I begged God to just take me now…days when I felt I could never put the pieces back together…and who really cared anyway. I thank God for placing your site in my path over and over and over again. I’ll never forget reading my first word of encouragement and how it immediately made me feel less alone. Until you’ve been brought down so low, you really can’t know how bad is feels. The incourage family has been a source of tremendous comfort and has helped me to see that God loves (even) me and that He is not done with me yet. I’ve rededicated my life to God and have made the choice to actively seek His will first in everything I do. You friends had a big part in that and I’m thankful beyond words that you chose to start this “little community.” I love each and every one of you sisters in Christ and pray that the next 5 years are BIGGER and BETTER than anything you could imagine!

  714. The posts here have been encouraging me through a difficult diagnosis and two recent surgeries. I always find something in the posts that seems to be written just for me. Thank you to all the ladies that share their experiences here and provide so much encouragement to their sisters in Christ. Congratulations on 5 years and here’s to another 5 or more!

  715. (In)courage has given me the priceless awareness that I’m not alone. Being a pastor’s wife can be isolating. I can BE here.

  716. I stumbled upon this blog during one of the most life altering times of my life. I say I stumbled, I know He pointed me in this direction. I am so very grateful to all of the women who open up their hearts to minister to ours. You have been a blessing beyond words, and I am grateful for each and very one of you. I am grateful for your answer to His calling, and grateful for your willingness to be real, raw, and just what my heart needs on more days than not. Thank you all. Kimberly

  717. I don’t what I would do without (in) courage in my life each and every day! The wonderful way I feel after reading (in) courage, how thankful I am , and how blessed I feel to be a part of such an awesome gathering of Christian sisterhood.i always come away feeling great after reading this blog! I always come away with an awesome lesson learned. I thank God for (in) courage! Here’s to another five years!

  718. This community has been such an encouragement to me in my walk as a Christian, a mom, a wife, a friend, and a woman. I have been challenged, reassured, and entertained. Thank you for 5 great years!

  719. I can’t begin to tell you how greatful I am for In courage! I look forward to it every single day! It has encouraged and blessed me so much! When I was last out of the country on a mission trip I used some of your words when I was speaking! Thank you so much for following the leading of Jesus!!!!

  720. God gave me a place where my passions were flamed and a support group of sorts when I feel like I am alone in what God has called me to.

  721. I have enjoyed all these blogs over the years. In courage has really been a blessing for me. It has encouraged me alot and made me realize im not a lone I’m not the only one out there going through things. I look forward to more of in courage.

  722. I am not even sure how I found incourage except that I know God put the site in my path. I have read and been inspired by so many women like Lysa Terkeurst, Renee Swope, Holley Gerth, Ann Voscamp, even from heaven Gitzen Girl speaks. There are so many ladies who faithfully share their journey and so many others who are inspired by them. Thank you for all who give their time and love. You make a difference and you make disciples. God bless you!

  723. Happy birthday! I’ve enjoyed all the new authors and books Incourage has introduced me to over the years. My Kindle overfloweth!