Annie F. Downs
About the Author

Annie F. Downs is a bestselling author and nationally known speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her most recent books include 100 Days to Brave, Looking for Lovely and Let’s All Be Brave. Read more at and follow her at @anniefdowns.

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  1. Annie,
    I believe that God has called me to help with a grass roots campaign to build a Christian School in Pakistan. He has placed people in my life and keeps encouraging me to take the ball and run with it. Like Moses, I have come up with every excuse as to why I am not capable, able, etc. Why, Lord, did you pick me? This is not my comfort zone. But God keeps calling my name. I need to remember this morning that I AM brave and in Christ’s power I can do all things. Your reminder here this morning is just further confirmation…Thank you!

    • It’s amazing that this should be the first comment as I am facing a challenge to build a Christian school in India!
      The question is whether I am brave enough, considering my present health problems, to visit the situation in India to see whether this is what God really wants. I had been praying for such an opportunity and this seems that it might be God’s answer.

    • That will take so much bravery. God Bless You! When God is in it, you’re going to win it!

  2. My courage today looks like getting up before my family to get in a workout, and then spending the morning with my daughter at the library and the park πŸ™‚

  3. My brave is going into work every morning to help provide for our family when I would rather stay home. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s not a forever thing, so praise God for that as well as the HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT you bring us to be brave!

  4. my brave is to not join in with other neighbor moms who chose nightly to stand out front of their houses on our bay and gossip about others (badly ).my brave is to be known as the Christian and not to conform to the ways of this world just to fit in..

  5. Courage today for me is taking your brave book and God’s promises to heart and ACTING on all the dreams and plans he’s placed in my heart. It’s in making the decision to stay or leave a job that’s just a means to a paycheck or forge out a new path…a new career, a new mindset, a different pattern for my family.
    Thanks for sharing these words and stories from your life! Such Hope! And though I love the thought of a tattoo I’ll go with writing His words and tying them on my wrists, etc… because I am far too wimpy for all.the.needles…!
    P.S. I got your book on a whim on Monday and had to stop myself from reading the whole thing in one night…! Now I’m savoring the last 1/4 of it…! Awesome words of encouragement that I hope everyone will read and hold on to! Thanks girl!

  6. I don’t think there’s a better title on the bookshelves:) I need to practice bravery in so many ways. Thanks for the encouragement, Annie!

    • I thank you for such a inspiring message this morning I am really encouraged. May God bless you.

    • I will choose to be brave today too. It is one of the hardest things for me to do as fear rests like a blanket atop me so often. It’s with me even now. But I will take this message of being brave and that I AM brave (and I guess I just never knew it!) and cling to the truth of who I am in Jesus!

  7. I was brave in May of this year. I have never been outside the country and have never beenon a mission trip. My first mission trip was to Liberia. What an awesome experience. I am so glad God nudged me to put aside my fears and be BRAVE! My experiences have changed my life for the better.

  8. My brave is listening to what I believe is my most current call (besides work and family) and prepping for a girls’ study at church (including my two teens) on worship. . .

  9. I was reminded of this song when I saw your post:

    My brave is to step out and speak Truth to others, even if it sounds unpopular in the current cultural climate. My brave is to step out and proclaim the name of Jesus even when no one else does. My brave is to take time to hear words from the Spirit and give them to others to quench their dry hearts and to make their dry bones live again.

  10. Thanks Annie for this! It’s nice to have good God messages coming across the eyes like this – keep them coming! God bless you for letting us in on how you are encouraging yourself (taking us for the ride). I wanna be more Brave and walk truthfully, lovingly and confidently in my purpose. Thank you.
    I just listened to an Album by Moriah Peters – that recently dropped, it’s called – wait for it…..”BRAVE” πŸ™‚ – I like it – You should check it out. I also dropped a cd last year (shameless plug) – you can listen to some of my songs at
    Thanks again for sharing.
    Lots of love,

  11. My call to be brave today is to get out of bed (sometimes not easy), take my meds (sometimes not easy), and leave the house (never easy). Thank you,God.

  12. “God made you once and then He stopped with that mold because one of you is enough to fill His heart.” I love this! I need the reminder that God created me with a unique purpose and to be brave every day. Thank you, Annie!

  13. My brave today: Praying for the children flooding our borders from Central America. Praying that God will move the hearts of Americans to welcome them and provide for them. Praying that there will be opportunities to open our hearts and our houses to these children. Praying for mercy for each and every one of them. Praying that they won’t be deported, but will be welcomed, taught, provided for, loved, and allowed to become legal citizens of this country if they choose once they turn 18. Lord all these things I ask in your precious son’s name. Jesus, who died for all of us, and would have opened His arms wide to welcome and rescue these children. Help us to do the same. Amen.

  14. My “brave” right now is daily (sometimes hourly) maneuvering the storms of midlife. I did not expect to be “one of those women” who had such extreme symptoms approaching menopause and for SO MANY YEARS. Annie, your write-up reminded my heart (and my body) that God did not make a mistake when He “knit me together in my mother’s womb”. Thank you!

    • Dear Julie, I also went through a real hard time while approaching menopause. God lead me through the holy spirit to be placed on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. I had a full blood panel drawn on me for the levels of my hormones, and indeed, I desperately needed the BHRT. Be encouraged you will make it to the other side with the help of our Lord. He brought me through, He will bring you through also. πŸ™‚

  15. “God made you once and then He stopped with that mold because one of you is enough to fill His heart.”

    Love this. I stay home (by choice) with our oldest son who has Down Syndrome. He is 28 years old. Many of my days are spent answering the same questions over and over and over…and trying to use logic with someone who does.not.understand.the.concept (you’d think after 28 years, I’d learn!). My days are also full of the ordinary becoming extraordinary, because simple things seen thru the eyes of my son…become beautiful and interesting and fun. Love him so much!

    Courage for me is planning for the future, but not worrying about it. Not gonna lie…it’s a struggle some days. I’m resting in the knowledge that while I don’t know what the future holds for Joshua…I know the One who holds him close to His heart.

    I’m loving “Let’s All Be Brave!” Thank you, Annie! You are wise beyond your years. πŸ™‚

    • May the Lord Bless you Marty, this is the best gift of all you can give your son, and yes it is hard, and you are brave, may you have tokens of God’s grace, good moments in your day, to help you day in and day out.


  16. My courage is to get up everyday, Thank Him for everything, and brave each day even though deep inside I’m struggling with so many things. I hold on to his promises and know that He is with me every step of the way and that Everything is going to work out and all for his glory.

  17. Courage today looks like me just resting in who God has made me to be and moving forward in my God-Sized dream with His boldness and confidence!

    Thank you for this Annie! Love you friend!

  18. I am waiting to have a biopsy on Monday. My brave moment came this morning when I read Acts 28 this morning and realized the snake can bite, but it has NO POWER!!
    I cling to one of my favorite verses …Isaiah 41:10 “Don’t panic, I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.”

    • god is sooo good all the time and thru a scare we learn so much about ourselves,he is in everything..have been there too. breathe..pray..learn

      • Thank you Polly!! I truly am learning and growing closer. I once read “pain is a terrible thing to waste” and it is true. We can learn from each other, and support each other!!

  19. Yes. Yes to all of this, Annie. I felt my throat catch while reading this- where you know it’s striking some chord in your heart that you didn’t quite know was there. Thanks for waking that up. I think my brave right now is being in the moment with my two littles, yet not giving up on deeply held, life-long dreams of mine.

  20. YESSSS πŸ™‚ I hear You, Lord. I’m BRAVE πŸ™‚ 9 days ago I started the process of going OFF…SLOWLY… a medication that wasn’t helping my illnesses BUT…giving me illnesses πŸ™ 8 years I’ve been on it and the side-effects are bad… I was shocked. ‘God’s WORD lights the path ahead’ He was preparing me for this journey of WITHDRAWING πŸ™ & πŸ™‚ My body is fighting me, my mind is fighting me, my SELF is fighting me and of course my enemy is fight… BUT… GOD IS ON MY SIDE… “I can do this” I cry out WITH God’s HELP, STRENGTH and POWER and TODAY, I FEEL that BRAVERY. Thank You, Father God <3 *You didn't GIVE me the spirit of FEAR… BUT Your Gifts of…POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND* This post is PERFECT TIMING <3 πŸ™‚

  21. Thanks for your awesome reminder to be Brave today. I am teaching a class tonight that I’ve never taught before in a field that’s new to me. I am going to do it afraid, but I am going to do it. I’m going to do my best because God put this dream in my heart and He has plans for me – plans for a future, plans to prosper me. Thank you for the reminder that He has a plan and a purpose for each of us; our part is to be brave and take that first step, show up and Rock this world!

  22. Yes for me, the last couple of days, being brave is just about getting up in the morning. I’m going through a dark patch, fighting depression and being tired, tired of life. I have a good life. I am married to a wonderful man, we are blessed with what we have together and yet… I struggle. So today it is about getting up in the morning, trying to count my blessings and wait for it to pass because really, there is nothing I feel I can do anymore. I fight this season after season, I pray, I eat well, I get help… and I realize I can’t change it. It is God who needs to step in. So I am brave for I hope!

    • Hope,

      Prayers for you to fight this depression! May God bring His healing balm to calm your troubled heart, mind and soul! Please count-nay write out your many blessings and see how God has cared for you through out your life!

      Blessings and Healing!!

  23. My brave is getting up in the morning, putting God’s smile on my heart & face. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease about 7 years ago. I’m doing well but it is difficult to keep going when your body is failing. I feel called to keep God’s smile in place as a witness to others that even though I have a chronic disease, God is with me & He is carrying me through my difficult days. I have learned that the Joy of The Lord isn’t an emotion – it’s spiritual. The Joy is knowing Him & His love!

  24. I have an ongoing legal and tax issue caused by my ex husband that I have been losing sleep over and worrying about. Today I am going to be brave and get it sorted. Which ever way it goes God will look after me. I will not allow the fear to paralyze me any longer!!!
    Thank you for this message today it is perfect and in perfect timing. May God bless you all abundantly .

    • Dear Kristin . . .
      Keep in mind this world is not our home. We strive to do well and to represent Jesus our Lord and Savior well in all things. And this through Holy Spirit! Perhaps I can share with you some scriptures which help my brave. Remember, also, His word was given to us for nourishment, to edify and help keep us on His road to life. His Operator’s Manual, Guidebook and Roadmap. Spend as much time as you are able in His word. Here we go: 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice.” Proverbs 3:5,6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” There are many more, but finally: Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” He is our strength and our redeemer. Cling to Him in all things. His love, grace and peace be with you always!

  25. To be brave in this world of darkness is a feat that must place total reliance on God’s Spirit to lead and guide me. His light will shine through me as I choose to live out Christ in all my decisions, choices and words. Thank you for making this a reality as you write of how to claim the promise that God gives to me.

  26. Courage was fighting the fear I woke up with, taking medicine for a panic attack, and still taking my kids to the community pool for a day with friends. Trusting in community again.

    • I am right there with you. I have extreme anxiety, and am well on the way to agoraphobia-ville. My partner of many years and I have recently split up in an ugly, horrible way, and although it was a trying relationship to say the least, I am still beyond heartbroken and depressed. I am raising a teenager (also with anxiety/panic issues) and a 7 year old (not an anxious bone in her, she just wants to go go go, so hard for me and her brother). Most days it is all I can do to get out of bed, get them to school and get myself to work and make it through each day. Minute to minute most days. Constant struggle, fighting an unseen, little understood foe. Lately I break down and cry at the drop of a hat, re-examine everything, how did I get here? I was supposed to have a husband, and a traditional, happy family. It is all I ever really wanted. Now I am on 40’s doorstep, alone and barely moving. Serious health problems suddenly stacking up fast (in addition to the anxiety and depression) and no answers on how to fix them, have to keep going, working to support kids. Fought through so much all these years, and now everything is falling apart. Again.

  27. Courage for me right now in the mist of trials is doing afraid
    Choosing to hold on to Him
    Choosing to believe
    Choosing to make Him bigger than everything

  28. Annie,

    This post is so helpful to me. I have shed a lot of tears over the last 3 months trying to be brave after having to leave employment because it was not a good fit. My husband has been so patient & kind with this huge life-curve.
    Please pray with me – it has been good for me to pray these months unhurried, though. I just haven’t found comfort in asking for prayer concerning my situation, so this is a catalyst to my first step in it. Bless you all and thank you.

    • Caroline,

      Prayers that God will give you the job you need. He will provide for ALL your needs!!! πŸ™‚ It will happen only in His Timing!! Perhaps he wants to un rush you and allow you to grow closer to Him in peace and contentment!

  29. I recently shared my story of date rape many years ago. It has not only brought healing to my own heart to is encouraging others to seek after their own healing. God made me brave in that moment to share.

  30. Annie,
    We were made to be courageous, the song lyrics by Casting Crowns came immediately to mind when I read this. It’s amazing what can be done when we let God work thru us. God uses the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I appreciate this encouragement. I start a new job next week and I’m going to need a new kind of courage to do it. Thanks again! God bless you!

  31. Annie,

    My brave is two-fold. First getting up and going to a job that I dread. Where I feel useless and unwanted. I need change and know that with God’s help I can be brave and go for a complete job change in a different field.

    The second part of my brave is loving a hubby dearly through a job change-not of his making. He could have lost his job, but is doing same job in an environment he doesn’t like.

    We are going through a dark patch, fighting storms. We are truly fortunate to have each other and the many blessings God has placed in our lives. I know that with time and God’s help we will get through these trials and become stronger on the other side!

    Blessings to everyone going through trials!!!

  32. My brave is to get up tomorrow. Kiss my little one good bye and march off to work. Because that is where God has me. My brave is to come home dead tired and give a little more. Because that is where God has me. My brave is to eat healthy even though it requires more work. Because that is where God has me. My brave is to find ways to touch other’s lives even though I feel mine is enough work. Because that is where God has me.

  33. My brave is to work daily in a business to which God has called me, but is quite stressful and lacking in faith. To walk in faith, strong and steadfast, allowing Him to handle issues-without fear. My brave is knowing He has my 6 children’s lives in His Great, Safe arms, when I have made mistakes. He is greater than all my mess-ups! Thank you for this message today! I soooo needed it!

  34. Brave for me today is Knowing that in 45 days we have no place to live. Knowing God will provide.
    We have a house under short sale contract and it will be only by God’s hand and his will that this will work out.
    But I know his plan for us is to prosper us JR 29

  35. For me, especially in this day and time is never giving up on life. Knowing my hope is in Jesus Christ and not letting man’s actions deter me in anyway. Jesus is my hope and strength. Every day I choose to be brave and not fearful for my GOD is in control!

  36. My brave has recently been compounded. I work in an environment where those in charge “just don’t get it”, and decisions in the past several years have contributed to people leaving, putting more work on fewer people. I just hang on some days.

    On top of that, my oldest son(he’s almost 18), just moved in with me. He’s high ADHD and can be a force. He doesn’t like structure, but I know he’s capable of achieving so much. Being brave is to build trust, exercise patience and forgiveness, and be a father to him.

  37. I have been feeling sick and need to learn to have faith and trust God has healed me. Would you please help me in prayer? I love God and I know He is the perfect doctor. And He can help me control my mind against negative thoughts. I have my wife and my little son and I care and provide for them. Thanks
    Roy C

  38. I am working on a humanitarias project and some days I think it is too big for me. When I read this, you have given me courage to keep going!

    God bless you all and thank you! So my brave is to face every single day with a big smile, knowing God is helping me!

  39. Courage for me today is not to be too impatient with my daughter who seems to have a problem growing up and facing the reality that life is not a cakewalk. She’s undecided about whether or not to continue studying economics because she’s finding it too difficult. She seems to think things are not meant to be so hard and I told her to wake up to reality. Anything worth having comes with hard work. I don’t want to discourage her by being seemingly too hard on her. I want to be firm yet loving and understanding.

  40. My brave is to continue to face each day in this new job, trusting that God has me exactly where He wants me to be. My brave is presenting in front of others and trusting that God will never leave my side. Because in our weakness, He is Strong. πŸ™‚

  41. My Brave is remembering to ask God to carry me through today because I cannot walk through today, I cannot do it on my own.

  42. Even though I am retirement age, the Chinese government gave me a visa to teach in a university with 26,000 students! God is good!

  43. Thank you Annie, today I went to Church with a ministers wife who is so brave, she came back to our Church to face the congregation that knows her husband has gone off with another women…. from our congregation…. so brave, and all the brave people who came to hug her and strengthen her to give her strength in the coming weeks, months and years…….

    Thank you to for encouraging me to be brave to love one that has told me he does not love me…. and to carry on living with him in the hope that his heart will change.

    God Bless you and encourage you too.

  44. My brave in this season of life is to trust God with my daughter living in the USA and my two sons heading out close to 20 hrs. From where we live in South Central India, to a boarding school. Praise the Lord for His grace and strength and thank each of you ladies cor sharing… Great encouragement!

  45. Thank you for this message about bravery. You have encouraged me while I was feeling disheartened. Whenever I “stick my neck out for Christ,” so to speak, I often feel like I was too too much, or maybe overbearing, or going about it in the wrong way. I try to be gentle but at the same time, I want to be faithful to get the message of the Gospel out there. This morning I realized that I was being brave and I was just doing what the Holy Spirit was urging me to do. The enemy of my soul wants to discourage me so I’ll quit responding to the Holy Spirit’s leading. So thank you for this encouraging message today.

  46. Thank you….I really needed this today. On Tuesday I am having my second surgery for breast cancer. The road a head is challenging with chemo and radiation but my God is big enough for this. With Him by my side I can be brave. Have a wonderfully blessed Lord’s day. πŸ™‚

    • Julie, We will never understand “Why?” for so many things; but we can know for a fact that no matter what we face, God is right there with us. I had breast cancer surgery twice; chemo & radiation treatments so I understand how you feel. I am also 77 years old so bouncing back is mighty slow; but I am like “The Little Engine” that Could”.. You can do it. The Joy of the Lord is your strength! God bless!

  47. My belief is God did created each of of in as unique way. Giving us Courage, Wisdom and Strength. He’s with us, in all we do. NEVER LEFT ALONE.
    COURAGE: DEFEATING the odds.
    WISDOM: POWER without doubt.
    Life is like a book of matches. Flames can’t light with the cover closed.

  48. I am finding it harder and harder to be “brave” after finding out 3 yrs ago that my husband of 37 years at the time, broke our Sacred Marriage vows, broke our Lords Commandment, Thou shalt not commit adultery,,, and even though we are still attending a Christian Marriage help group, Retrouvaile, which are truly amazing dedicated couples helping couples like us, and even through all my Praying, and Rosaries, and asking our Lord and Virgin Mary to help guide my broken, pained Heart to heal, the betrayal I continue to feel, especially when I look at him, my Heart and Soul gets more and more crushed… I am finding it more difficult each day, I cry constantly almost every day, throughout each day… Please, my Heavenly Father and Virgin Mary, I Pray to You, Please help heal my Heart and Soul,, and bring Peace, Love and Faithfulness back into our home, especially for my sons.. Amen

  49. It’s interesting that I read this message when I’m supposed to rest for another hour before getting ready to church.
    I was fighting with the desire to kneel down and pray when thoughts where polluting my mind. I have to be in church after delivering to my pastor the invitation I received this week to go preaching in Uganda.
    I’ve hidden myself from the calling of God to the great commission. Day Spring with.the blogs Meet Me at the Meadow, InCourage,.Bloom challenged me with the in(RL) conference to invite friends to my home. Purpose and desire got me involved to maintain for 2 years a small group meet at home.
    I’m starting s new journey in my life and I certainly needed your message.

  50. This is so encouraging because I am facing a physical ailment and everyday is so hard to get up and go to work. Thank you so much that it lifted my spirit to keep on going because God made me for a purpose and I have to be brave.

  51. Dearest ones in Jesus Christ,

    This was so for me, but though I know it all in my head and heart, I can’t quit yet figure how I will be able to step out fearlessly and with great courage and strength.

    Every time I feel something is moving towards my being able to present an opportunity, or when I think things are calming down…once again, discord and arguments arise. And I feel totally helpless, as no one can understand me…for I’m yearning, praying and pleading WITH JESUS for them to see THE AMAZING GOD-GIVEN LOVE In a Future Husband HE HAS GIFTED SPECIALLY AND ONLY FOR me.

    I’m frustrated beyond tears.


    Thank you all.

    A sister IN CHRIST,

  52. Brave for me is continuing to trust that God has good in store when life just keeps getting harder and harder. My husband has Parkinsons disease and life is so confining and difficult for all of us (my husband, me and my two youngest children).

  53. Thanks for the encouragement. My brave is struggling with homelessness, while being a dialysis patient. Trying so hard to be brave and trust God to see me through!

  54. Thank you Annie! I’ ve felt SO fit on this. My call to be brave today ( and all days of my life) is to endure life against all circumstances that insist telling me it’s not worth.
    Blessings from Brazil!

  55. I needed to see and hear this, TODAY. A very complicated set of circumstances requires me to be brave, compassionate, and Christ-like. There will be pain, a lot of pain. Please pray that I can be strong and brave with God’s help. Thank you for your help.

  56. My brave is to just get up and continue to live in spite of chronic illness and depression. Some days I’d really like to check out, to go Home, to be done here. But He has kept me here, He has His purpose for me (whatever it is — sometimes I can’t really see it), so I continue to get up every morning, do what little I can do to take care of my family, and just refuse to quit, no matter how seductive that siren song can be. I forget how much courage that takes sometimes. Thanks for reminding me that it’s not just the Big Things that take courage. Sometimes it’s just putting one foot in front of the other.

  57. My brave is taking the first step toward completing the assignment God has given me, this assignment requires that I move out of my comfort zone completely. That’s why I was so moved that this was in my mailbox today of all days, it was confirmation to a prayer. I am a Minister and struggle with admitting to myself, friends and God that everything is not “all good” all the time. I’ve been running from this God sized assignment allowing the enemy to tell me that I am not educated enough, talented enough or just too old (I’m 55)enough to do it. However, I serve a God that is “more than enough” to accomplish anything that He wants to as long as I am willing to surrender myself(mind, soul and heart) to Him. I will pray for each and every one of you, who like myself, are preparing to do the bravest thing that you ever imagined yourself doing. I pray that all of us will go forward armed with the knowledge that we are not alone He is there with us. We are all: Blessed

  58. He created me to be brave, because I WAS CREATED IN HIS IMAGE! Being reminded me of this fact even makes me braver! Amen?

  59. I am 51 and have been divorced for 3 years. It was not by my choice it was his. After 22 years he had started being unfaithful!! These past 4 years(separated for a year before the divorce) have been so hard emotionally for me cuz I now suffer from separation anxiety and I battle the hardship of fighting loneliness!!! God gently reminds me this battle is not mine to fight!! I struggle giving it over to him!!! Last summer I met a guy…claimed to be a Christian but in the end he turned out to have a horrible criminal past of DUI and Domestic Violence among other things!! I realized that God had told me many months prior to meeting him that His plans were to prosper me and not harm me and that my plans would not prosper me and they will harm me. After the break up I was told that I possibly had Uterine cancer then thru the grace of God it turned out to be endometreosis. After all that, I did get a tatoo on my wrist. It says, >##< it reminded me of something that happened when I was a lil girl. We found a lost pony and while waiting for the owners to come claim it my dad borrowed a saddle and bridle!!! I loved horses and dreamed of having my own one day. My dad put me on him and he ran me under the first pear tree he could find! I got up all cut and scratched up crying and my dad told me to get back on. Reluctantly I did but this time that pony found a barbed wire fence and ran me under it! I was cut deep down my back. My mom cleaned me up and of course my dad got in trouble but after my mom went back inside he told me to get back on. I cried and said I would never do this again!! He said if you want to be a cowgirl get back on him or you will never ride again. I did and rode for many years! The tatoo reminds that I am beautiful. I am courageous, brave and strong…I am a cowgirl!!! And the barbed wire on there reminds me that love hurts but it does eventually heal!!! I thank God each and everyday for my trials, because they make me stronger and his blessing keep me humbled!!!

    • Dear precious Cathie . . .
      Still reading and rereading these powerful testimonials. Just when one would think one is all alone, there are precious people enduring some strong battles. Perhaps these two verses will empower you. Was reminded of these while reading through your post as you remembered the Lord had promised good things for you. These have become a beacon and banner for me. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and a hope.” Then, Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you have not known.” Receive all who pass your way, if it is possible, to share with them your light and love. Share peace, joy and help as you can. Listen to and trust Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, keeping you from harm. In his Life Principles, Dr. Charles Stanley says living the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us. Grace, peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ever and always.

  60. What I want to do is hide in my bedroom. What I need to do is take my youngest child whom I have always taught at home, to get her school uniforms, as this year we decided to send her to school. I am having a difficult time with this. I also need to make decisions on fixing my van, that my husband normally makes, but he is leaving up to me, and I am afraid I will make mistakes. And for whatever reason, when I write this out here, it seems like such small things, but to me right now feel huge.

  61. Thank you, Annie – God just gave me wonderful and much-needed encouragement through you! Thanks for being brave for all of us and reminding us that we are also uniquely brave! Have a great week!

  62. Annie, you are such a sweet ray of light. We are called to shine a light in a very dark world while proclaiming His Truth to help guide those into His light of life. Thank you. It is difficult to be brave until we recall that we are in the midst of a great war – spiritual warfare. Your posts have touched me deeply. While no trial reaches us except they pass through our Father’s loving hands, they can leave us drained, tired, extremely worn. Yet, we are given His joy, strength and that wonderful peace. Also, much of this warfare comes from our adversary. Remember Job? Right now I am travelling through my own valley, very tired and very worn. For three generations my family and I have battled on. We do not quit, but it is rather wearing to continually start over and over. This will be the eighth time being possibly driven from my home; fourth time losing our possessions. This includes what my parents had to endure in relocating because there was no work or someone wanted their property. As a writer, I have my ministry and calling. Three items in process with many more waiting. Since this work is structured to help, encourage and bring some amusement to those in need, spiritual warfare has become a full-time occupation and was never absent Mom and I used to put on our armor (Eph. 6) in the morning before rising and at night before bed. As you move forward in your work for His kingdom, expect backlash from the darkness. The adversary will always be out to steal, kill and destroy. We are well armed, however, in His strength, power, with help from His ministering spirits (His angels) through that wonderful faith in grace by His Spirit in Jesus’ name. Will I make it through this latest battle? Stay tuned for the book;-) Grace, peace and love to all in Jesus’ precious Name!! All of you have encouraged me. Again, Annie, thank you and may God’s face continue to shine on you.


    • Hello again, everyone.
      Had to share something from my study in 1 Corinthians 16:13, 14 today:

      “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be BRAVE, be strong.
      “Let all that you do be done with love.”

      Till later, be safe and do well in His precious Name.

  63. I am strengthened by all your notes, sharing experiences, encouraging others while
    still undergoing challenges, heartbreaks, etc. For me, myself, I am 80 years old, raised nine children, by God’s help. Been through the thick and thin of life’s hard
    knocks, still able to look around and see where it could have been worse.
    Right now, I am battling a decision to return to my homeland where I could be of
    much help (there is so much need, and some). I would, however, miss my children
    because all of them are in the U.S.A. At this stage of life, when the physical trials
    want to sometimes overpower me (I suffer from chronic bronchitis), I thank God for
    the many advances made in this area, and I am greatly relieved, able to get up everyday, go for walks, lookafter my home, always encouraging my children and
    others in their trials. Paul said “when I would do good, evil is ever before me”
    so even when I know about the battle we believers face, the “field” is always changing, and we are floored when faced with new situations, sometimes from
    children, or whomever. There will always be something- the enemy gets desperate.

    We have to keep our eyes on the prize! Just when we feel ourselves sinking, call
    out to the Lord “Fill my cup Lord, …fill it up and make me whole” and He will.
    What a mighty God we serve. I will be brave and sally forth, knowing He goes
    before me. ” I can do all things in Christ, who strengtheneth me.” Its all fr His glory.
    Meanwhile, for all of you “encouragers”, again my thanks. You are doing a great
    service, and one day you will be rewarded. You will never know how many hearts
    you have uplifted. Your Father in heaven will reward you, as only He can. Praise His Holy Name.

  64. My brave is going through radiotherapy today and every day for five weeks with Our Lord beside me. Please pray for children and their families who have cancer and going through chemo and radiotherapy.

  65. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. You will think that I have no faith and no courage when I tell you that I had to meet with an attorney yesterday because I am afraid of my brother. I do not want to tell the confidential details of my meeting but the attorney did say that my brother is a bully. I am completely estranged from my siblings and their families, and I have no one to lean on except my friends and God. God is good to me, and he will provide but I really wish I wasn’t so meek and mild. My medical doctor thinks I should move to another country preferably India. (smile) LET IT BE, THERE WILL BE AN ANSWER. You know the song. Adieu.