Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. I do not think it ever does end….it just changes seasons as our children fly and bloom.

  2. Absolutely beautiful, Lisa-Jo. I’ve known pieces of your story but never realized how many similarities there are to my husband’s — a story I am now learning and living.
    I am waiting eagerly to begin reading your story!

  3. Such vivid, inviting prose. I loved reading it. I’m so glad I ordered the book. As a new mother, I know the words will be comforting, encouraging, and real. Thank you.

  4. beautiful. can’t wait to get the book. my heart aches though because i never got to go in labor. i had 2 c-sections before i was able to go into labor. it haunts me and i hate that i’ve never gotten to experience it.

  5. Beautiful story! I find myself in the midst of this crazy, parenting four, trying to stop time because I don’t want it to end, either. My oldest, becoming a young lady…. My heart laboring over her, praying wisdom for her life. Thank you for your story. I look forward to reading the rest of it, too.

  6. I can’t even tell you how great this book is. I had some time to kill today and I went by the Lifeway in Little Rock, Arkansas. I saw your book there and picked it up. I had heard about it, but just thought that it might be more geared to younger moms, and I am an “older” mom. I did not intend to buy it because I took SEVEN BOOKS (and 5 children) on Spring Break like a nut…and, even tho the kids are all teens and early 20’s and fairly low-maintenance…I only had time to read ONE of them. But I sat in my car in the parking lot and read several chapters before I even realized it. It is so good. Your writing…it touched me in a way that I didn’t expect. I lost my Mom when I was 38 years old. I thought I had dealt with all of my thoughts and emotions, and that I was okay with it because I was all grown up. And I am. But your book brought back so many memories. Your words described exactly how I feel now about what all she’s missed and what WE’VE missed not having her here. It’s just so hard to explain it to other people. And while I always wanted to be a mom, I could SO RELATE to the words your mom spoke about not wanting it to end. That’s how I’ve felt about every stage of motherhood, but never really knew how to express it. Thank you!

  7. No – I never want it to be over – and I remember who they first were – even though sometimes they forget – and I know the love I have for them – though sometimes they don’t see it. I so enjoyed the first 3 chapters – your journey back to find the heart of your mother. I am on that journey, too!

  8. Lisa,

    Such a powerfully vivid picture you painted. Loved reading your story!! You have a way with words and I thank God you are sharing your story with the rest of us!!

    Blessings 🙂

  9. I would like to see myself more as God sees me instead of the imperfections, or what I perceive as imperfections and what the ‘world’ says is not good enough. We can’t all be a size zero, but we can be healthy. Self destruction, or even self sabatoge is a trick of the enemy, it’s hard at times, but not impossible to resist him. Through Christ we have strength and approval.