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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Hi Lisa, thank you for your timely post. God has been gently encouraging me to enjoy the gifts he has gifted. The gifting of His talents. I’m chewing on your post. Chewing on the truth in your words.

    “Created to glorify him with my gifts…. IT’S ABOUT USING WHAT HE HAS GIFTED TO ME.”

    Thank you, Lisa.

    God’s blessings to you!

  2. Like what you wrote, how you wrote. With feeling, depth, truth. Glimpses of your heart through your words and your art. Beautiful.

  3. Beautiful words! This is how it is. We are our most creative and our most authentic selves when we rest secure in the arms of the One who created us and knew us before he made the universe. He designed us to be artists and to work as creatives for his glory. Thank you for sharing this wisdom! (P.S. Love the ink!)

  4. Lisa, I LOVE this post. I RELATE to this post! For years I was so hesitant to describe myself as an artist. I didn’t fit the mold I thought artists were supposed to fit. I didn’t think my work was good enough to be considered that of an artist. I have since learned to embrace who I am, who my Creator made me to be, and continue to grow and learn giving Him the glory.

    • Tammy,

      Sneaking in to your love note to Lisa to say how much I love that her personal message meant so much to YOU. Such affirmation to be BRAVE about the way God created us…and to share ourselves with one another.

  5. These words especially caught my attention, Lisa: “This act of creating. This is my worship to my Maker. And He smiles.” Oh, yes! I want my art to be a love-gift to my Heavenly Father, in appreciation for all He’s done for me. I want him to be pleased with the art we create together. I say “together”, because without him, there would be no art. And when his inspiration and direction come together with the talent he’s put within me, I certainly smile with pleasure. To think that he also smiles? WOW!

    Thank you for adding the dimension of worship to art!

  6. Your thoughts are beautifully describing all of us, me, you. women ago longed to paint their lives with art. It’s so wonderful
    to read and connect in a way that lets us know Alll things really are possible with God, he understands as we brush our Canvas..
    I so related to the longings and the deeping desire to know Him
    More, I see daily more & more the connection of Women of God
    It’s mind boggling, beautifying His Script. Thank you for you words. Mae

  7. Reading this book has encouraged me to start writing. I started with putting my journal entries on facebook. This the offering I felt God called me to make today:
    “I am truly thankful for the cold sore on my lip. The discomfort I felt at 3:30 am reminded me of how blessed I am to have sensation back when stroke victims or others with disease never recover. I guess that is one of the gifts giving to us in our pain: the awareness of blessings we have long taken for granted. I also pondered another gift found in our pain. It connects us with the rest of creation as we groan inwardly and look with greater intensity for that final and glorious freedom awaiting the children of God (Romans 8). It stirs our longing for the one who tasted death for us, whose presence fills the Heavens with such love and light that pain, suffering and sadness are forever vanquished (Revelation 21)! Then as I lay in bed beginning to envision my future hope, I became aware of the sighs uttered next to me. My husband lay there afflicted by a different kind of pain. As I prayed for him, God released truth to his mind that brought relief from the burdens of his day. We were ushered into a time of sweet fellowship and prayer together before we faded back into a peaceful sleep. Funny, I no longer noticed the pain in my lip. I guess that would bring me to one last gift I discovered in pain. Our pain can awaken us to the suffering of those around us and equip us to be agents of His love to others and result in fellowship and worship that I am sure brings a smile to our Father in Heaven. I guess it is His sovereign, gracious care and presence for which I am most grateful, even if it comes through pain.”