Cara Coleman
About the Author

You can find Cara Coleman rambling on about His goodness at The Front Porch Ramblings. When she isn't writing she is usually hanging with the kids at the ball fields, the lake or in the garden.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. The truth of your words is convicting and encouraging. The transformation you talk of I’ve been privileged to witness and grow with you. Love you girl and proud of you!

    • Thank you sweet friend. We have surely grown together as we have walked and talked these things out!

  2. Thank you for touching my heart with these words. Keep it up sweet friend!

  3. You are so gifted, Cara. I always enjoy reading your blog and the message that lies within.

  4. This is an important post…you may not get tons of feedback because it hits us in a place we don’t want to feel…but I admire your courage in writing it and I’m reminded again of my heart’s truest desire…more than square footage or labels…to make a difference and be a blessing. To let God check my heart and make sure I’m willing to give away some of what He’s given to me.

    Thank you for sharing!

  5. Ouch (in a good way). I needed this reminder.

    What am I finding my worth in? And what am I making of more value than those lost and hungering (spiritually and physically)?

    I think I need to pray the prayer you shared at the beginning of the post. Thanks for being real!

  6. I love your words and the symbolism of the purse…While it can be quite literal, it can be figurative, as well. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts this morning.

    • I think the purse can just be a fill in the blank. We all have a “purse” that we need to look at and ask God what our motive was when purchasing it.

  7. So. Very. Good. Many of your sisters can relate. Thankful you were pliable in the Potter’s hands. Because you were, he’ll mold you into something more beautiful and useful for His Purposes. XO

  8. Great post! Spoke straight to me. Thank you for this. Inspired to sell some “stuff”. I often think about that verse “store your treasures up in Heaven, not in things of this world”. Things of this world are just things!

  9. What a blessing! It took me for weeping and sobbing as I went through sheets and drawers. How many R.E. things one can have! The “Seven” by Jen Hatmaker has become a tool for life at reach for me. Lord! Help me as I let things go. Thanks

    • Too many R.E. things for sure. Especially when most of the world lives on $2/day. When we look around us we begin to see how our “needs” are mostly just “wants”.

  10. Yay! I love you and have loved watching you over the last five years grow into your beautiful skin!!!

    • You have been a God send and a blessing to me! My “first friend” in this crazy place. God knew who I needed.