Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Yay!! WooHoo! Community groups are launching!! Jump on in and find us in life where YOU are and we will walk through this phase together!
    It may take more than one!! Although I’m blessed to get to co-lead {relatively}empty nesting, there’s a few more groups I want to join…like for being over 50…would someone pass the geritol please…. ; ).

    THANK YOU (in)courage for meeting us where we are, and letting all of us in on the beach party of life….

  2. I’m in the season where I need to be joining the inCourage your marriage group. Can’t wait to be part of a community! I don’t currently have one here where I am.

    • If you click on the group you will find details on how to join. Each group has a way to connect. They won’t all be the same. Hope this helps!

    • Hi JD, click on the topic you are interested in, and you will have options there to choose. I’m Diane Bailey from Empty Nests ~Full Lives, one of the communities, and I’m so excited that you will be a part of one of these communities!

    • JD!

      Perhaps next session! I know that there are some of us who are leading this session that are homeschooling mamas…maybe we’ll all have to link up for the next round 😀

    • JD,

      Our group isn’t specifically for homeschool moms, but I homeschool and so does my co-leader! You are welcome to join us there! I’m Erin Martin from {in}couragement for Mothers! God bless your day!

    • Hello my name is Cindy Bolt , I would love to invite you to the Group I am co-leading with Kelly Scott we would love to have you we can be found under Motherhood Our page on Facebook is Feeding Body+Soul . I am a homeschooling mother of 7 ages 18-7 and have homeschooled all their lives we don’t know any other way I would love for you to join our Motherhood journey.

  3. Woo hoo! I am so excited! Joining the Bible Study Gals group. It’s hard to choose, but I feel that strengthening my relationship with God and diving more into His word will positively impact the other areas (marriage, motherhood), and it’s where I feel led to go. Can’t wait…. Thank you (in)courage gals!

    • Hey Angela! There are several wonderful groups that will be studying God’s word along with other Christian materials. My group will be studying “Unglued: Making Wise Choices In the Midst of Raw Emotions” along with referencing the scripture. We’d love for you to join us! There are also other groups of fabulously wonderful women that you would be equally blessed to be among. Either way you go – we’re all so glad you’re joining us!

    • Yaay! There are a few groups studying some awesome books. My group, Rooted, is studying Jennie Allen’s “Anything.” We’d love for you to join us!

  4. Does my heart good to see the excitement here today! I am an (in)courager for (in) This Season community – praying that God leads you to just the right place for you. Welcome!

  5. We are SO excited to be a part of this!!! So glad that people are already connecting!! I’m one of the co-leaders for the Marriage and Mommyhood group, and we cannot wait to meet you!!

  6. I have joined with the “(in)couraging you in your pursuit of Proverbs 31” group. I am committed to making this a priority in my life. In the past, I’ve breen on-again, off-again with my focus. But, I’m ready for this to be a permanent part of my being.

  7. Woo hoo!!! I woke up before my alarm this morning, so excited for what God will do through these groups! I’m one of the co-leaders for the working new moms group (second group under Working Moms), and believe every working mom should ave their own personal cheerleader. I’d love to have you join us! 🙂

  8. Doing a happy dance for what God is and will be doing through this ministry. Praying for all those behind the scenes who have worked so hard, for our leaders, and today especially for those seeking to be (in) couraged. What an amazing God we have that he would place us together right now!

  9. I decided to join the (In) Perfect Balance group for those of us who are married and also have young children. One of the leaders has 3 boys under 3 and I am preparing to have my third child in 3 years myself (and a little frightened about it!) so it seemed like a good fit. I often feel that my marriage gets shoved to the side due to the demands of parenting children so I am hoping that through the group I can focus some lovin’ on my awesome husband and our marriage 🙂

      • I’m suggesting my daughter join this group…she will have 5, 5 and under! (I had 3 in 3 years too…and LOVED IT…ok, and MISS it…now that I’m {relatively} empty nesting!)

    • Cathy!

      Thanks for popping over to our blog! I replied to you there, but wanted to do so here as well. Make sure that you send an email to thelinesinthesand(at)gmail(dot)com for the detailed information on where to go from here! I want to make sure that we’re not missing you! Grace! ~Erica

  10. If I weren’t co-leading the “New Moms” group I think I would want to join ALL the groups 🙂 Such wonderful women with hearts for God. Y’all have no idea the blessing these leaders have been to my heart since we started planning for this – praying for everyone to find the group God wants them to be in, where they are, right now 🙂 You’re welcome to kick your feet up on ALL of our couches, anytime!

  11. A big “thank you!” to (in)courage and all the (in)couragers. So happy to be able to join a group to make friends and connect. I’ll be joining the Single Gals Lady N Waiting group. Can’t wait to see all that will develop.

  12. I signed up for two groups because I couldn’t decide which one to join and I fit into both of them, Empty Nesters and Women Over 50. I hope that’s ok.

  13. I don’t know which group to join! I know I need the Bible Study group…I’m struggling to make the effort to spend time in my Bible on a regular basis. It’s a hard battle. I’m intrigued by the Artists group, but my art is dancing rather than any kind of crafts. I love to sew and crochet but I almost never have the time to focus on it. And the Motherhood group sounds so encouraging too – I have two young kids that I homeschool. Tough choice! They all sound so good.

    • Valerie, you will be blessed no matter which group you choose 🙂 And this is only the first session (Oct 2 – Dec 2), so you can try one now and maybe join another group in the next session!

    • You can join more than one group if you like. Even though I’m a co-leader of a group, I want to join them! This is an AMAZING group of women. In “Faith Without Borders: Everyday (In)couragement” we are studying the Christian book, “Unglued: Making Wise Choices In the Midst of Raw Emotions” along with referencing the ties to God’s word. We would LOVE for you to join us!

      • I agree that there are so many groups most of us could enjoy joining! I don’t think most of the groups are very demanding time wise, so if you feel you would benefit by joining more than one group, go right ahead!

    • Hi Valerie! I can completely relate to you! I’m an (in)courager for Rooted, where we will be studying “Anything” by Jennie Allen. And I really want to also study Unglued too with the Faith Without Borders group! So many amazing groups here. God is doing big things! You will be blessed by any of the groups.

  14. What a beautiful day to make new friends, wrapping elbows in elbows to encourage each other! I love seeing what all of you are doing and your pages are great looking!! Praying for each community to bless and be all that God has created you to be! I know He is excited with us!

    Thank you Stacey and Lisa-Jo! You are women with great vision that is exceeded only my your great heart for others! I’m crazy about you!

  15. I have been reading (in) courage for a couple of weeks now, really enjoy it, and saw where you could join a group, so I put it out there for Women over 50. Looking forward to connecting with wonderful ladies of faith. I have a great womens bible study class, and I’m always looking for others. I will be moving in the near future to SC from Maryland. I’m very excited to meet other sisters in Christ.

  16. Oh my, this is wonderful!!
    I’ve just taken a first look and they all look, well so encouraging.
    I’m leaning towards ministry wives, as that is one area that I don’t currently have outside support- and that feels so important!

    • I am one of the co-leaders for one of the ministry wives group, Melanie, and you would be MOST welcome!! We totally “get” that needing a place where you can let your hair down and not be “on”!

    • Oh, please do come join us. Send an e-mail to either me or Becky Daye (found in our posts) and we will get you into our Facebook Group. You are exactly why we wanted to start this group. We are listed under Women in Ministry. Our groupn name is (In)Couraged Flock.

  17. I am almost 33 weeks pregnant, so when I woke up to go potty (again) in the wee hours of the morning, about 5:30, I was too stinkin’ excited to go back to bed!! Couldn’t wait to begin praying for all the (in)couragers and for the women to be drawn to be apart of each group and connect without hindrance. <3 I've spent a couple of hours already today, with my partner Kayse Pratt, in the Marriage & Mommyhood group meeting the new women as they join. It's incredible!!!

    • Good idea! There will be others starting up down the road, this is the first wave…
      Is there another one that fits you for this season?

      • Hi, Ebony! Although our group is not “military wife” specific, we do have a Military wife participating. You can find us under “Motherhood” and we’re “UnMasking Motherhood”.

        We’d love to have you!

  18. What a great idea!

    What if you don’t “fit” into any of the groups listed or perhaps aren’t looking in the correct place. I’m early 30’s, married, working, no children (yet, praying soon). If someone could direct me to groups that I might fit into, please pass along the info. I would love to be a part of this great community!

  19. I was thinking about joining the over 50 group, cause that’s where I am. But then I clicked over to the special needs group, because I have a son with ADD. I’ve been exchanging stories with other mamas who are walking through the same hard kinds of things I am. We’re learning that conventional parenting wisdom doesn’t apply with our extraordinary kids. And we’re learning we need each other. Thanks so much for doing this.

  20. Thank you for all the hard work that has been put into this endeavor! I’m still going to have to think and pray over what group(s) I might join.

  21. Love all of these comments!!! So exciting to see it in action after we’ve been keeping it under wraps for so long. Single girls of all ages—Julie and I would LOVE to see you over at Lady N Waiting and Good Girl Style…. links: and Have a great day and praying you all find a group for your hearts to be encouraged!

  22. I’m a regular reader here, but one of those annoying ones who never comments. ;o)
    I’m thinking of joining a group… and if I do it will be the women in ministry one. Reading the description gave me chills! Being stuck between home and the mission field on indefinite medical leave, and all the stuff that has bought up, and having nowhere to share it.
    Thanks for setting this up!

  23. Wow….these groups are amazing!!! I’m so looking forward to joining–I’ve never done anything like it before! I hope it’s OK if I join two! Many thanks to everyone who put these groups together and who is running them!

  24. This is awesome! An exciting venture. I second the motion for a military wives/moms group. Those often doing the parent thing solo and many times in new places. So thankful you all have taken the time to do this!

    • I wholeheartedly agree, as a military wife/mom myself. Praying that they might consider adding one. Not just the moving and parenting alone, but not being a single parent, which is a unique situation, but also the fear/frustration/trust issues with deployments too.

        • my need is the same as yours, Laurel! Not so unusual (unfortunately). The fear/frustration/trust you talk about are second nature to us, aren’t they? Having our hearts and minds at home… and across the seas ~ at the same time.

          • Exactly. I wonder how many of us there are here on in(Courage) and if they’d consider starting a military wife/mama group the next time around? There are some wonderful groups to join, but right now, that’s where my focus is in terms of areas I need to grow and have support in.

  25. Just signed up for Graceful Oaks inside the Bible Study Gals community. Thank you, thank you for being prayerful in putting this together. It truly is an answered prayer.

  26. I connected with the Special Needs group (in)able and already I’ve been blessed in sharing my heart with other women who get me! Thank you incourage for this beautiful concept, this beautiful community.

  27. Empty Nesters! a whole new season of life 🙂 i will love talking/visiting/getting to know others in this stage. itsa hard one, just sayin 😉

    • Hi Julie! You may have already found us on Empty Nests ~ Full Lives, but if not — Join us! The first semester is the most challenging – hang in there!

  28. I have joined the depression group…. and am determined to overcome it!! I also identify with several of the other groups, but it’s probably best to try one first and see how it works. Thank you so much for doing this, it is much needed.

  29. I’ve never chatted on twitter before, but I do have an iphone and twitter. Will try to do it this evening. Anyone have quick instructions on meeting on twitter?

  30. Ah, what a JOY to read through all of these comments and know that God is hard at work- already knitting hearts together in the way that only He can. Continuing to pray that God will lead you all to exactly the place that you need to be- and you can absolutely join more than one!

  31. I am going to try to be part of the Social Justice group. I am a missionary mom working on building chaples for the poor, starting a women’s artisan cooperative in a local and an indigneous community, teaching art at an orphanage and taking 31 Days of Action Against Human Trafficking on my blog. Today I cried for the loneliness of feeling like no one is here to fight along side me, like no one else cares. Grateful for the chance to interact with other women passionate about justice.

  32. I am thinking about joining the artists group because I only recently decided I’m a wanna be artist. I started junk picking and recrafting old stuff into new treasures. At the same time, I became trained as a women’s life purpose coach, and I see a great parallel between taking the junk of our lives and making it into something beautiful, just like God can do with the other kind of junk from our lives. He can make beauty from the ashes, ladies, and I am on fire to share that message with those who need a fresh word of hope. Perhaps my attempt at “trash turned treasure art” could be just the avenue to do that, and I’d love a community of like-minded sisters to lean on for encouragement. It’s been lonely trying to “figure it out” where God’s leading me these past few years since I retired from teaching (only half way thru my career span), so (in)couragers might be a great answer to prayer! Looking forward to connecting!

  33. I joined the Moms of Teens group but I really want to join the Marriage Mentors group too! I am passionate about marriage but I have teens…oh the conundrum!

  34. Could you add a group for divorced moms next time around? That is where I feel the biggest need in my life and I know I’m not alone. Forced into divorce by another’s choice is a very lonely place to find yourself as a Christian. I have so few people in my life who understand this deep pain.

    • I would like to second that. Every.single.word. although I am “only” separated, not legally divorced (it has been nearly two years). This is so hard for anyone to understand.

  35. This is just so fantastic! I’ve joined the artists group and am very excited 😀

    Would you consider a group for students or recent grads in the next session? Navigating the ‘what’s next’ path – trying to follow God’s plan, but not quite sure what you’re doing or where you’re going – definitely has its tough days.


  36. […] you all are awesome! Holly and I are in awe of the response you gave us yesterday during the Incourage communites launch! I know that there are some of you that are following along with our blog here that are not […]

  37. These groups look great, although I haven’t picked one yet! I am in the process of adopting my first child from China, so I don’t feel like I fit in the new mom group as of right now. I would love to see an adoption group next time. 🙂

    • Lindsey, Mary Beth & I would LOVE to have you in our “new moms” group if you’d like to join! We have a lot of expecting moms and you would fit right in 🙂

    • Lindsey I am a China adoptive mom our group has a lot of adoptive moms in it! You are very welcome there! I’m at {in}couragement for Mothers.

  38. Hi. Thanks for organizing all of this. I just joined one of the Marriage Mentor groups and the Moms of Special Needs kids group. Are they just blog posts or is there going to be some kind of book study? It looked like some of the groups were going to dive into the bible and/or some kind of book. Just curious.

    Thanks! Heather

  39. I’m praying about which group to choose but thought I’d throw out some info and ask for input as well! I’m a 45 year old mom of 3 adult children. I babysit a 2 year old 2 1/2 days a week. I enjoy women’s Bible studies and will be leading a small group of ladies through Lysa TerKeurst’s “Unglued” soon. I’m passionate about my marriage and it grieves my heart to see Christian marriages falling apart! Where should I plug in? So excited to have found these groups!

    • So I thought if I clicked on a group I would automatically be put in that group! NOT SO! I checked out several I thought would fit for me and found THE one! I’m joining in the Empty Nests ~ Full Lives with Diane Bailey and Susan Stilwell. SO excited! 🙂

  40. I’m not sure which one to join. I wish there was a married without children group. I don’t seem to fit with all the moms or the empty nesters or the single gals either.

  41. I would love to join the (in)perfect balance marriage group. I clicked on the facebook link to join the group. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do. I am so excited about having a community group since I don’t have one where I live.