Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. ummmm. wearing my t-shirt right now. kind of yanked it out of the fed-ex man’s hands yesterday….i am really excited about meeting my on-line friend, amy sullivan and some new people, too. thank you for putting this together!

  2. I’m excited and can’t wait to see what grows out of this time spent together! Cause every time I hang out with great women who have vision…amazing things happen!

  3. For the life of me the map will not work and I can’t figure out what meet ups are in Iowa. I’d love to toss one together but actually am quite terrified to do it.
    Maybe I’ll just register anyway. Be with you in heart, mind and spirit that way at least.

    • Nicki, there is a search feature that you can use to find meetups in Iowa. You can type in the names of towns near you and see if a meetup group comes up.

      Also, if you are in northwest Iowa, maybe you could even join our group in southwest Minnesota! We’re meeting in Marshall, MN.

      I hope you can find an (in)RL group to join.


      • Yup, what Rachel said – you should be able to type in your state in the search box {top right hand corner} to find a meetup in your area. And whoot whoot if you step out and decide to host one 🙂

    • No one has a meet-up around me, close enough anyway, so I registered and we’ll see what happens!!
      I LOVE it here!!!!!!!


  4. I got my t-shirt yesterday, along with the pack of awesomeness (cards), in the mail! I am so excited for this conference! What a great day we are all headed for! Looking forward to the connection of hearts, through Christ’s love, made right here in Charlotte!

  5. super excited AND just love ALL the non STOP work 28 ladies in living 28 lives or less … have managed to do the most Impossible because … it’s so very evident to me that this it thing … this global conference thing … was simply LAID at HIS feet. Our church wanted to have a conference for women this year … but conference fees are high AND now because of (IN)RL … we now have one with T-shirts and we all love the t-shirts. Thank YOU

  6. Hi Lisa-Jo and others!
    Have prayed over my little conference in Meaford as to who would come, who I would invite ~ realizing that He wanted me to have a family girl time ~ and then inviting the 3 sister-in-laws and my sister and that would be my group here…Sister-in-laws have other committments, even though the invitation went out early with the date..I think it was fully intended to be quality time with my sister and her alone….God is answering my mother’s prayer up in heaven..She wanted nothing more than the two of us to spend real time together and become closer and now it’s happening..Can’t be anymore excited about that. It’s also my sister’s birthday too so the day/weekend is going to be extra special spending time loving on her..I want to register for her as it’ll be my gift. Can I do that? Also do I need to order the T-shirts and are they included in our register fee even though the price is quoted as $16??

    Getting close now –
    prayers and blessings to all

  7. I wish I could share in this weekend with women, but I will be attending a local conference in Colorado Springs. Volunteering and taking pics. I trust God will meet us all right where we are at.


  8. Getting more and more excited to bless my meet up group. The video is so real, so necessary, so meeting me right where I am at. Thanks for the hours of sacrifice put in to incourage us!

  9. Hello, my goodies came yesterday, but the shirt was not the size I ordered, it is five sizes to big. I am a small and it is a 2XL, I can’t make it work. I emailed customer service with no reply. Do you have another suggestion? Thanks!

  10. So excited. The shxirt is beyond adorable but will be completely sweaty when I get my Zumba on in it Friday morning. The cards are amazing!! I didn’t know they were coming. What a nice surprise.

  11. Reading through these comments, here in the last few minutes before midnight. The house is quiet and I am feeling SO blessed blessed blessed by the joy here! Goose bumps! Tears! Laughing out loud! Just love you all so very much!

  12. the tshirt and cards arrived Monday… was thrilled, but still haven’t tried it on… hoping it fits as it looks like it runs a bit smaller. The cards are gorgeous and I highly recommend them to all!

  13. Am I the “Roxane” that is listed as a winner? I know most Roxane’s spell their name with two n’s so I think it’s me, but I did not get an email about claiming the prize yet so I thought I would check here. 🙂

    • I was wondering the same thing about the “Kristal” that’s listed. I’ve only ever met 1 other Kristal who spelled her name the same way I do, all the others I’ve met are either with a “C” or a “y” or both…

      • Me too, ladies! I see a Courtney up there, but haven’t gotten an email so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that that adorable wallet is coming to this Courtney! Lol

  14. I registered as soon as it was announced and I still haven’t received my shirt. I did move but had my mail forwarded. Any suggestions?

  15. Has everyone received their winning emails? Guessing it was a different Courtney who won! Oh well… I’ve been blessed with lots of Dayspring goodies from incourage giveaways! I know all of the ladies who won this wallet will be blessed by it as well! Can’t wait for this weekend! WOO HOO!

  16. Was curious if I was one of the winners? I know it says we would be contacted by email however, I was on a cruise for my honeymoon that week and there was a glitch in my email and they all were deleted, every last one of them. Is there a way to know who indeed were winners? Thank you for your help 🙂