Adelle Gabrielson
About the Author

We are all meant to shine! Adelle writes about living an abundant, shiny life with a little grace, a little humor, and great shoes.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Wow.


    I love the close inspection of the story. It makes me see things like I have never seen them before. This inspection of the story prompts another inspection. One of self.

    How many times have I not asked God for what I needed, or been vocal about it in front of others in an effort to dodge embarrassment. Obviously, God knows what I need. He is God. But if I was going to be honest with myself, other probably do too. Although we humans are complex creatures we are seldom able to mask the ailments of the soul.

  2. I never looked at it this way, but you are so right. I always pictured it would be easy for a blind man to yell out way back in that time, or a prostitute or whatever. But if anyone of us (present day) had to yell out in front of *all of our peers*, “Jesus help me, I am an alcoholic!” Or “Jesus help me, I had an abortion!” Or “Jesus help me, I robbed my company!” It would be humiliating, and most wouldn’t be able to do it. Sometimes reading these stories from the Bible seem hard to picture as anything other than a *story*, but your post brought it to current day for me. I am so relieved we can call out to Jesus in our hearts, and he hears us. 🙂

  3. Love the quote you put in this post by C.S. Lewis : God’s love is not wearied by our sins and is relentless in its determination that we be cured at whatever cost to us or Him…especially that God’s love is not wearied by our sin. For I find myself very wearied many times by my own failure to give out the same grace given to me…wearied by my judgemental spirit, wearied by not being slow to speak, wearied. It’s when I try to love others with my human love and fail I get so wearied in my spirit and it shows in my contentant.

    This prayer rose up in me:
    God give me the courage of Bartimaeus to face my failures and without thought to anyone except Jesus open my mouth and speak those same words…Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me. Everyday new mercy waits to hear just those words from all His children. Thank God Thank God for new mercy and thank you Adelle for a very thought provoking post I think must have come through a teachers heart for it is laid out so well all would have to place ourselves in the story. Great inspired writing.