Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. YAY! So exciting! Wish that I could have joined in the the twitter…got the msg after the time – unless it’s going to be on Friday night… in which case, count me in! 🙂

  2. I’m in! This is exciting! I so hope that I will be able to attend.

    Thank you so much for all of your planning and hard work that is going into creating this (in)courage conference. And a big thank you for thinking of everyone and bringing the conference to each of us. Those of us who are homebound or unable to travel won’t be left out. (in)courage is such a great community to be a part of.

  3. I am REGISTERED! CANNOT WAIT! We will be hosting a meet up here in the Shreveport/Bossier City, La area! (And count me in for the Twitter party, too…assuming it is on Friday night!) 🙂 WOO HOO!

  4. I am very excited, and am looking forward to getting our group together. I haven’t been a part of (in)Courage but just a few weeks now, but you all bless me everyday with your
    words of encouragement and just pure emotions, and love! THANK YOU!

  5. This sound so exciting and encouraging. I can’t wait to hear more about it and am definitely registering. My online friends have become so important to me that I would love to have a conference in whatever manner you decide to lead out on!

  6. Simply Amazing!!! Thanks for always being there to [in] courage, [in] spire, & [in] trigue us! I’m elated to see two of my photos in the intro =]. Thanks for making my heart SMILE big 🙂

  7. I tried to register, but can’t figure out how to do it. Is it only open to those in the US? We are currently stationed in Spain. I have an FPO address, but the registration page wouldn’t support it.

  8. Ok, so I want to join… so bad. But I am wondering… you guys probably don’t carry a database. Joining this conference would be most fun if it’s not just me sitting on the couch. But I am allll the way in Holland. Know of others who are in Holland who I can contact so we can curl up on the couch together and do this? (I know I am going to feel so lonely otherwise.)

    Blessings with this!

  9. Wow – what an awesome idea! Your efforts of outreach and inclusion are truly inspirational. I can’t wait to be involved.

  10. This is so exciting…a retreat to meet IRL and no packing! Will miss the really meeting IRL….but, still think this is a wonderful idea! Ticket(s) purchased…and hope to make it to the twitter party tonight! Thank you!

  11. That’s cool, though I can’t help but be jealous of all you fabulous women together now at a REAL beach house in Hilton Head! I live in Germany, 6 hours ahead of EST. I know of at least one other woman here who reads (in)courage and could probably find a group from our MOPS group to get together for the April “conference.” But, is it all in real time (which could be in the middle of the night here), or will you offer the sessions to watch later?

  12. You girls totally ROCK! Fabulous idea and the planning on my end for a in(RL) slumber party is already beginning! Thank you for always allowing God to lead!

  13. Sounds like so much fun! I hope to be able to sign up. Just need to free up that $10 in the budget and put the dates on the calendar.

  14. Well done, (in)courage crew! Lovin’ your song on the video. And won’t it be like that one day? All of us in one great big House in heaven, with lots and lots of room?

    Thanks for making room for everyone here on earth — a sort of rehearsal for the party we’ll have in Heaven someday. 🙂

    • Amen! 🙂 It’s the local church, local body of believers gathering together, and it’s got Jesus’ heart — where everyone is invited, if they’d like to come to the feast — and I can’t stop smiling! A glimpse of heaven indeed, Jennifer! 🙂

      See you at a rehearsal party, sister! 🙂

  15. Very excited to be involved in a RL Conference ~ marking the date down and signing up today ~ looking forward to tonight……What a great community!!! I’ve been with you since it’s inception and have just loved every minute of it!! You ladies have such beautiful hearts ~

  16. Oh wow so this is great news such a great ideal. Has to be a God ideal to be able to bring all in. I am excited can’t wait to see how it all works out. I so need to connect. Looking forward to it. See you all there 🙂

    • Yes! A God idea! That everyone is (in) and the body of Christ gathers all over the world, in real community that can support and grow and be real together! Isn’t this so of Jesus’ heart?! Thrilled with you! 🙂

  17. […] community. That means women like YOU were on our hearts and minds the entire time! {In fact, today (in)courage launched a sweet, sweet surprise that will bring the beloved beach house to YOU! I tell ya, the beach house is exploding with the […]

  18. Party on!!! How stinkin’ fun and innovative and exciting!!! My only little glitch…baby #2 is supposed to be making his/her grand entrance into the world on the 28th!! What to do, what to do….pay the $10 and risk it?!?! No offense would be taken if I was laboring for the bulk of my time at the conference IRL right?! 😉 Hmmmm……

  19. This sounds just amazing. I am leaving for Hilton Head tonight, so I would love to see you all there. What a crazy coincidence. 🙂 And looking so forward to April. If I can help you all this weekend in anyway , please let me know. 🙂 Now I am off to pack my family for the beach!:)

  20. […] Lisa-Jo at Five Minute Friday. And have you seen the fabulous IRL-ing she’s cooked up at (in)courage? Did you enjoy this post? If you want, you can subscribe to my blog updates via email. Or if […]

  21. This sounds wonderful! I love connecting with people online, and to develop those into “real life” friendships would be fantastic.

  22. I had a feeling it would be a conference but I love how accessible you’ve made it! I’m in a friend’s wedding that weekend so I won’t be able to participate this time, unfortunately. But I hope you’ll schedule another one after that!

  23. Cool!! And… Can I just say how jealous I am (esp as an SC girl) that ya’ll are enjoying HHI, and I am sitting in the soggy DC area!… but this kind of makes up for it 😉

  24. OH, btw…What does being a host involve? I’d love to, but am wondering if I need to run the idea past my family (who shares this house with me) first!

  25. So excited for this!! What an amazing way to connect women! Would love to host and can’t wait to hear more details!

  26. I cannot believe there was a site chosen in Porirua New Zealand 5 mins away from where I live. Completey amazing. I never thought there would be anyway I could be involved but maybe I can. I’m just hoping there are some other Kiwi ladies who might be keen to join me. I would love to meet some new faithful women who are trying to be the best they can whilst encouraging and inspiring others.

  27. Discussing logistical type details with a local Raleigh, NC (in)courage friend. Between the two of us, one will host, and we are thinking about seeing if we could even use a projector and meet at the church if there are enough other (in)courage girls in the area. Either way, God willing, there will be two of us beaching it up down south, y’all!

  28. […] And we think you would like that too which is why (in)courage is planning something big for next year and it’s all about getting together (in) REAL LIFE. […]

  29. This is wild wonderful- I was reading Ann V’s blog for todaysnd thought those beach pictures look like Hilton Head…then read on and saw they were at HH. I am reading this while on the beach in Sea Pines, HH right now. How exciting to know that this is happening here right now.

  30. Ohh, so love this idea!!! I know it will be such a beautiful thing–so beautiful that I hope it can be an annual thing. My husband and I are serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators-Maritime Services in Papua New Guinea and I’m looking forward to furlough after next year so maybe I’ll host one in 2013! I’ve been a lurker for so long but you have no idea how much of a blessing you all are to this oftentimes lonely, missing family and friends, but still trusting missionary mama. I was thinking though of just registering for next year just so I could meet the girls in my NC (near Charlotte) hometown community before we return. Any thoughts?

    • Hey friend,

      I prayed for you yesterday but couldn’t get my silly computer to cooperate with my comment. I kept being kicked off (internet in Papua New Guinea is a blessing so I shouldn’t complain!) but I was a bit frustrated and then thought that maybe the devil didn’t want me praying for you. So I prayed even more!