Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. I’m dealing with a lot of things at work these days. Decisions that are hard to reckon with and differences in values with my superiors. I’m also dealing with a lot of family issues since my Mom has cancer. I hope you can pray for my steadfastness in faith and that I may come to know the peace that surpasses all understanding.

    • Kathy I pray that God gives you the wisdom to deal with all these things you have going on at work these days. I pray that he gives you the peace of mind to beable to accept the value differences of your superiors and yours. I ask that God helps you through your Mom’s cancer and that he will will allow you to have the faith to trust Him and give you the peace that you need for all of this in the days to come. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen.

    • Kathy,

      Praying for wisdom to deal with all those issues at work. Holy Father give my sister in Christ the courage, wisdom & faith to deal rightly with her work issues.

      Father, also give her the strength & encouragement she needs to help her mother deal with cancer. Lord you know All things work to the good of those who believe in you and ask in your name. If it is your will loving father–heal her mother and make her into a testimony of faith!

      All this I ask in your Holy Name Amen!!

  2. i don’t have the wisdom to pray for you Kathy. You have a lot of difficult issues going on. The Lord can handle every detail and He is praying for you in a way that is too deep for words. To me that means His words are far wiser than mine could be. I pray for you peace and wisdom and thank the Lord for His sweet healing prayer.

  3. Please pray for my wonderful husband. We are trying to move but it involves him finding a new job and he is very fearful as he has me and 4 daughters to provide for. Please pray that he hears God’s leading and has peace that it is God who provides for us all.

    Thank you.

    • Lord,
      Please help Amy’s husband find the right job. Lead him where you want him planted & bring peace & comfort to this family as they move.

  4. Amy I pray that God gives your husband what he is looking for in a job that provides for your family in a move. May you be blessed sooner than later with this job but always remember that it is God’s timing that counts the most. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen.

    • Donna, I pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for the reasons which He already knows. I pray you find rest and peace in quiet times with Him, and in His word. May He be your strength and carry you through.

  5. My husband’s job has kept him away from home….18-20 hours a day for the past 3 months….there are two situations that cause this to be increasingly more difficult than theywould be if he was at home. We are thankful he has a job….but, we all miss him terribly and it places a strain on all of us. Please pray for God to give us rest and peace….and his knowledge in wisdom.

  6. Please pray that my faith and trust in God and His timing be strengthened. I know He hears my prayers, and I know He has a plan for me. It is hard sometimes to be patient and wait for His answer, and sometimes I get discouraged.

  7. Please pray that the Lord would provide a new community for me. My husband and I just left our church, I lost my closest friend, and I am lonely and aching for fellowship. Thanks! (Kelly—I am praying for you…for peace and grace during this in-between time…and that your trust in the Lord and His timing would be deepened. You’re right, he hears you, girl!!)

  8. My husband has been unemployed since last February – our severance pay runs out at the end of November. Interviews have been few and far between, but Praise God – he has one this coming Tuesday morning. Please pray that this would be God’s job for him. The location is great, the job description is right on, and we are praying that the pay scale is on target as well and that he gets the job – if it is what God wants. Also my 20 year old son walked away from God years ago, his relationship with his dad (my ex) is not good and he is not walking with God either. I’m praying for healing, restoration and most importantly their acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord <3

    Kelly, I am praying for a deepening of faith and trust for you. God's timing is perfect, though it is difficult for us to trust in at times. I'm praying for His perfect peace that surpasses all understanding <3 May you feel His hand upon you, His spirit within you and may you see Him directing your path <3 In Jesus Name – Amen!!

    • Lorraine R.

      Prayers going out for the interview Tuesday.–Most gracious Father please help this husband land the right job. If it is this one then make it known to him and give them peace.

      Lord Lorraine truly wants her son and ex to come back to you. I give them up to you and pray that someone or something would bring their hearts over to you and your gracious love and mercy.

      In God’s name AMEN!

    • Prayers for the interview! My family is there right now, too. My husband was laid off 3 years ago and hasn’t been able to find work either. I’m being laid off in 2 weeks, as well. We have reserves and are confident God will provide. We’re looking at this as a gift (leaving a HIGHLY stressful job), time to get healthy again, and focus on His plan for us. Still, it doesn’t hurt to have extra prayers and I would appreciate it. =)

  9. Jen you must have posted while I was writing my request.

    I pray that God’s love will fill the ache in your heart as He develops, leads and guides a new group of friends for you. I pray that He would lead you and your husband to a new church and that you would feel His presence upon entering and that you would just know that you were home <3 In Jesus Name – Amen

  10. Praying for you Lorraine that God’s will would be carried out in your financial situation and in your son’s life.

    I am a former self-injurer, but in moving to college almost a month ago, a lot of things have come up that have made it really hard to stay clean of SI. On top of that, my stress level has gotten so high that on quiz days I feel like I’m going to throw up starting a couple hours before the test…which isn’t very conducive to doing well, which then strengthens my desire to hurt myself. I also am not officially diagnosed with social phobia, but I know if I don’t have it that I am likely pretty close to it, so I really need some courage so that I can make some friends because it is really hard to make friends without talking to anyone.

    • I’m not sure have the right words for you but I do want to say that I’m praying for you to feel the strength of the Lord – our father – and His love from deep inside you. Philippians 4 is something I just finished studying and I’m seeing that the contentment of living a rough life can be achieved by turning to Him because He accepts us completely and wholly in our imperfections. LuvNHugz – SupportNPrayerz!!!

    • Dear Anonymous-

      I have depression and live alone-on disability. I have been ill 8 years-have lost friends, am retired, so am basically isolated. Social phobia – if its like agaraphobia-makes me have panic attacks if I leave the house. But, I find if I just get close to one person-I usually enjoy it, Maybe that could help-and stay away from anyone who does not treat you well. I used to feel like you, still do, when my stress levels get too high. It is very hard to get others to understand. You are just really “starting” your life, and if you conquered SI-that speaks of your courage. I will pray for you, as this is a daily battle. God bless you and help you succeed in your endeavors . I wish I could talk in person to you. E-mails are too impersonal,

    • I’m praying for you! I remember getting sick before tests, too. Being a very serious student can be hard on you physically; I can relate. Would you please consider looking for an (in)courage (in)RL event in your area? That might be a safe place to make some friends.

  11. Our family is waiting by my dad’s bedside…we had to make the decision to pull him off life support three days ago and now we wait for him to go into the arms of Jesus. It is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I don’t even pretend to understand why God chose this path for him, but I do pray He will be glorified through it all. With each family member grieving in their own way, emotions are running high all around…dealing with my own grief is hard enough, but it is even more difficult to see the other’s…

    • Lord, I pray for peace that passes all understanding for Kim and her family. Help her to be able to rest in Your arms and know that in all things you still have a plan. I pray that you would be glorified through this and her faith would remain strong. Help her feel your presence in a real way Lord. Amen

  12. Please pray for my Mother-in-Law and for my husband. My MIL has been in a hospital in NJ for several weeks with fluid around her heart and difficulty breathing. She seems to be giving up and doesn’t really want to do the physical therapy to strengthen her. She needs a second heart valve replacement but in her weakened state she likely wound’t survive the surgery. I don’t know what God has in store for her but I know she’s in pain and due to depression, just wants to give up. She still young – only 71 and she could use extra prayers. My husband too could use them….this is very hard for him to see. thanks

  13. Please pray for my dad. He was healed by the Lord of Prostate Cancer and soon after was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. He is currently midway through chemo but has had several offsets due to low platelet levels. This not only forces him to cease chemo until the levels normalize, but prolongs the treatment. Please pray he is healed once and for all of cancer and that it does not show up elsewhere. He is a strong man physically and mentally and is growing in the Lord amazingly. We need him – my mom needs him. Blessings.

  14. Heavenly Father, I pray to you today for Hilda. I pray that you would lay a healing hand on her father and bring him away from the sickness of the disease that has been laid on him. Please bring him good health and enjoyment as he continues to live out his years with his family, they need him. Please work in his heart to draw him nearer and nearer to you and allow his life to bring glory to you. We are thankful that you have made him strong mentally and physically, allow that to help him make it through his treatments and have a swift recovery. Also bring peace to the family and allow them to see and feel you as their dad and husband continue to fight to get better. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

  15. I want to ask for prayer today. My husband and I desperately want a child. We have tried IVF, but it was unsuccessful. We have to start all over, but the cost is so high. We have been working to save up again for IVF and/or adoption, but have had lots of things get in the way. Then this week, my car died. We now have to use part of our iVF money for a down payment on a car. I am thankful that my husband and I have jobs, and had some money saved, but am losing hope of having the money to have a baby. Please pray for us financially, and that we would receive a baby someway. Also, for peace and comfort in this time of need and not to lose hope and faith in our Heavenly Father.
    Thank You!

      • Sorry Jill, that was my prayer request. But I was trying to write a prayer for you. I am praying Genesis 18:14 for you. I know God has heard you prayers. Nothing is too difficult for Him, nor is He hard of hearing. But you are His treasure, the Child in whom He delights; His words tells us this. Christ is interceeding for you before the Father. Your prayer has been made known. Lord your word says, “if two or more agree on earth, about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father woho is in heaven.” Matt 18:19. I agree with you Jill, in asking the Lord to provide you with children.

      • Diane, praying that you child will be wholly convicted the the Spirit and that he/she will come to knowing the healing power and forgiveness of Christ Jesus!

  16. I am currently 17 weeks alomg with my 7th blessing.Thursay at an appintment with my midwife we couldn’t find a heartbeat, so just to take precautions she set me up a sonogram for Friday morning. We did hear a heartbeat so our precious blessing is still alive, but that is where the good news ended. The Doctor (who is a fetal and maternal specialist) threw out four different terms: Cystic Hygroma, Fetal Hydrops (both of these have to do with swelling an fluid around the babies brain, lungs, heart… basically the whole body. Also thrown out were Trisomy 18 and Turner’s Syndrome – both of which are chromosomal defects. He said is is fairly certain that the prognosis is fatal and the baby won’t survive probably to term. We did an amniocentesis to try and get some more concrete answers. We are both pretty much a mess,and the doctor offered us no hope, but we know the healing and miraculous power of the Lord. We would covet your prayers and ask that you would join with us in praying for a miracle.

    • LuvNHugz!! Having three babes waiting in heaven for me I can understand the pain and frustration that you’re dealing with. I found great comfort and love in hearing Angie Smith’s story I Will Carry You. She is a contributor here, God is so good in all things and while there is an overwhelming amount of pain right now I’m praying that you’ll find comfort in knowing that He has it ALL under control. LuvNHugz – SupportNPrayerz!!

  17. Hi, my husband has been in the hospital for 31 days, the last 22 in the ICU with a very serious infection which required the amputation of his leg last weekend. He is very very slow to heal, and the wound is still open at this point. He is very young in his faith, so I am most concerned how he will deal with this once he is conscious again and faced with the reality of the changes that have been wrought in both his and our lives. His name is Jeff. We have a long road ahead of us. Thank you for praying.

  18. Heavenly Father, I want to life Chelsey and her husband up to you just now. Please comfort their hearts and minds as they face the news of their unborn precious baby. Lord, we know that YOU are the Great Physician, that you can speak miracles, and that you have complete control over the situation they are facing. Lord, give Chelsey peace and hope and comfort; help her to feel Your presence as this pregnancy progresses; help her to trust you with the outcome, no matter what it is. And Lord, if it would be your will, please heal this child in such a way that we would only be able to attribute the miracle to YOU! We love you and we give you all the glory. In your Son’s precious name, Amen.

  19. Clelsey,
    I pray for that peace that passes our own understanding for you. I pray for your unborn child. There is so much that we cannot understand. This includes our Father’s love and the plan He has for all of us. Bless you. I pray for your comfort and peace as you journey through this experience.

    I ask for that same peace, particularly at work. I have so much to be thankful for. So very much. I ask to be an instrument of his peace and His love. The world is so full of lost and misguided people.

  20. We just relocated after the contracts on both mine & my husband’s job expired. We moved in with my parents for now. My husband has a good possibility of a job. Please pray that this will work out. I am not working for now. I have several health problems that were made worse by the area we lived (weather/humidity) and the stress of my job. I’m trying to rest and heal. Please pray that I can do that.

  21. Chelsey,
    I am so sorry for your family and all that you are facing. I pray that God will give you strength to face it all and that you will be able to feel His pressence in your life. God will carry you through the darkest days and His Love will sustain you. You have a multitude of friends who will be praying for you.
    I am asking prayers for my family this day. We live in Bastrop, Texas, where wildfires have destroyed over 34,000 acres and over 600 homes. We lost our home, storage building, and everything. We have not lost our faith and are all safe. While we may have lost things that we have stored up here on earth, we still are blessed. Please pray for the many families that have lost everything. The fires swept through so quickly, that many were lucky to escape with their lives. I want to thank God for the firemen, workers and law enforcement officers that have labored around the clock to battle this blaze.

  22. Prayers will be greatly appreciated for my family. My oldest son is dying from liver failure/heart mitral valve deterioration, and it is so hard to watch him plummeting downhill each day. My youngest son has become unable to swallow food/liquids, and is having difficulty getting the testing done that is needed, since he is unemployed and has no healthcare insurance. I know that my wonderful God is still in control of all our situations, but I have to keep reminding myself of that almost hourly.

  23. My current problems are so mild in comparison to many others. Though I have been through many of the same issues throughout my life mentioned by others,
    My current request for prayer is that God use me, teach me, and put me to work helping others.

  24. ‎”And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

    Jean, Lue and CC I am praying for you beautiful, strong women. The 3 of you have blessed my heart, with all you have been through you hold strong.

    My request is small, I am struggling a little in school this term, just praying for focus and a little of the drive I had when I first started back to school a year and a half ago. Projects and finals coming up. thank you

  25. Please pray for my upcoming move overseas. It has been the biggest nightmare of a PCS I’ve ever experienced, and we seem to be met with more things going wrong every day. God has made it clear that this is where He wants us, but there are a lot of things still not taken care of and we leave on Wednesday. I’m also 33 weeks pregnant, so please pray I’ll be able to make it over OK and there are no complications on our 13 hour flight.

    • Lauren,
      Praying that the peace of God would surround you as His provision and His glory are made evident in this move. Cast all of your cares upon Him for He cares for you.

  26. Our family and community have been displaced by the wildfires in Texas since last Monday. Please pray that the fires will be brought under control soon and we are able to return to our homes. Mostly, please pray for rain in Texas!

  27. Caryn, lifting you in prayer – I admire women who return to school, such courage. God bless you.

    Lauren, lifting you in prayer – for the move and a blessing with your child. God bless you and give you peace and strength.

    My prayer is for a new Church or peace in our current Church. My husband and I don’t know whether to leave or stay – obstacles are cropping up in every ministry I am involved in – but my husband helped to build this church and truly his blood and sweat are in it. I feel so discouraged.

  28. Becky, I pray that God will grant you and your husband peace and knowledge of His will in your life especially with regards to the church you should worship and serve in.
    May God grant you both serenity to accept things that cannot be changed,
    courage to change that which can be changed
    And wisdom to know the difference.

    May God comfort you and lift you up. may you feel His presence close to you. may He be the Lifter of your head.

    Please pray for me not to be inward looking. I have been feeling lonely and unappreciated. pray for courage to reach out instead. May my head knowledge diffuse into my heart and life. I know I am special in God’s eyes.
    Thank you!

  29. jean,
    I am so sorry to hear about what you and your sons a going through. I pray for God to work something out for your youngest son. I pray for your oldest son to know and walk close to God even in his last days. I pray for God to be your Comfort. I cannot even imagine how difficult it must be for you. Hang in there sister. God’s unfailing love for you is true.
    Psalms 94:18, 19
    When I said, “My foot is slipping, ” your love, O Lord, supported me.
    When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.


  30. Fonda,
    I am sorry to hear about your community being affected by the wildfires. I pray for rain and all who are tackling the fire, for good management. I pray for families affected and comfort as only God can provide..

    I pray for strength and peace as you wait.


  31. Celina – You ARE Special! I moved to my current hometown almost a year ago, and I feel so alone here. All of my close girlfriends are an hour away, and I don’t see them as much as I’d like. I live across the street from a church that I have never visited, and just yesterday, I reached out to a member there about volunteering and attending. I have been aching to become a part of this community and it is so hard to take that first step and reach out, especially in a small town. Please do not feel alone. I will be thinking of you and praying that you find that courage to reach out, no matter how scary it may seem… I am so glad I did, I will be visiting that church for the first time on Wednesday and hoping to find a new church home there! Again, you ARE special!!!

    With love, Courtney

    If you read what I wrote above, I have been in a very similar situation. Afraid to reach out to people in my new community. Afraid that this close-knit small town won’t accept me. Please pray that I find a new church home, friendships and fellowship with local Christian women, and the courage to step outside of the comfort of my home and get involved. I so want to DO something to make a difference in the lives of those around me.

    • Thanks Courtney. prayed that you will find a loving Christian community. In the meantime, you have this Incourage community and God.


  32. Tonya – I will hold your sister in my prayers and hope for her safe return (as well as all she serves with).

    As for me, please pray that I can greif and recover from my recent loss, but also that my relationship can become strong once again. Please pray that I am able to sucessfully stop holding back from my love and share the pain that is in my heart so that together we might be able to heal from it.

  33. Tonya praying for your sister that God will watch over her & protect her. I’m facing some tough decisions at work were its not a good environment & more than once I’ve been made to feel like I have no value. I don’t know if God wants me to
    stay at this job or find something else but
    right now I feel so very lost & alone. I don’t have a church home or a Godly friend to turn to so I ask for prayers to have hope in God & for a Godly friend.

    • prayed for a Godly friend for you and that you will have eyes to see the blessing God will send. prayed for patience and faith while you wait. may you also be a blessing and be found to be a friend. 🙂

  34. Cellina may God surround you with His love & may you feel the truth in every part of your life that you have great value. There is no one like you. You’re one of a kind.

  35. Hannah, I am so familiar with all you share, I definitely stand with you in prayer!! Father God, I life up Hannah to You. Thank You for knowing her, for seeing her. Father I pray Your guidance and influence upon her life. I do pray Hannah that you will turn inside and look at the fact that others can make you feel like you have no value. I know for a fact you do and I pray you will find it and embrace it, so no one will be able to make you doubt it. I also pray for God to give you friends, I know all to well what it’s like to be without. God be with you.

    For me, I have had some good weeks but I am still up and down with my emotions. Being single at 38 is hard but I started this single’s course at church today. I am still in the midst of making decisions about life regarding money making, jobs and schooling. I feel God telling me that I can’t decide wrong, still I pray I will end up on the right track. Thank you for prayers and this community.

    • Lord, I lift up MCH to You. I want to thank You for being our Comforter, which also includes MCH’s comforter as well. I pray You would lift her up, send others to encourage her in her walk with You Lord. Also, I thank You for being our ultimate Lover as well. Thank You for loving MCH, with an unconditional love that we may never comprehend. Give her wisdom regarding money making, jobs, and schooling. I pray she would hear Your voice and be still and that You would lead her in Your perfect will for her life.

  36. I am having some issues with my heart beating heavy and hard. Doctors think it is anxiety but I had blood work done to see if something else is up. So just prayer that God would heal this issue in my life. Also, that my husband would be able to come home early from deployment (big possibility right now).

    • Heavenly Father I lift up Hannah to you today. I pray that you will heal her body, if it is your will, and if it is not your will to heal her please give her courage and peace to be able to deal with whatever health issues she is having. I also pray for her husband, Lord please keep him safe and let him return to Hannah very soon. Lord please bless this family and help them walk through this tough season of their life right now. I pray all these things in Jesus name, Amen.

  37. Pray for healing from pain – emotional, physical, spiritual – for many people who suffer today (and everyday)…

  38. Please pray for courage for me and my family. I have been battling chronic illness for 3 years now and we finally received a diagnosis. It is a very scary diagnosis but at least we know what we are up against. It is genetic so we are about to get our 2 children tested to see if they have it. We need courage to face this and to accept what God’s will is for me, even if I don’t like it.


    • Oh Lord, I do pray for courage for Crystal, her husband, and her children. We thank you for a diagnosis and the peace that can come from having an answer, and we pray now for your peace, that passes all understanding, to carry them through this journey. May their love for you grow each day, and their love for each other be made new in each step they take. Would you strengthen Crystal’s marriage, surround them with people who love them, support them, can help with cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, laundry, and all the needs of daily life that may get lost in coming months. Your grace is sufficient Lord. We thank you. Amen.

  39. Crystal,

    I lift up your family in prayer and hope that you find the answers you seek and the courage and strength in which to deal with them. I ask all to pray for my family as we navigate the difficult uncertainty that comes with job loss, illness and the anger of our extended family over the loss of a family business. I pray for peace and comfort for all who have suffered loss and the strength to look toward the future with hope. –Sara

    • I am lifting you Sara and Emily up in prayer and pray that He gives you peace!
      Please pray for my husband and I as we are still having fertility issues; not as long as some, but still it is getting hard. Please pray that our marriage will stay strong and we will keep our respect for each other through this tough time.

  40. It seems as if everything I touch is a mess these days. My health, finances, family relationships…. the stress is unbelieveable. I just need…. everything.

    • Jesus, Angela just needs you. You are enough. Lord, I pray for your touch to cover all of the pieces of her life that seem a mess. Her health, her finances, her family relationships-none of these are beyond your vision right now. You are in it with her. I pray in each day and each circumstance she might be able to see a flash of light, a glimmer of hope. That every day she would see that your mercy is new! Oh Jesus, YOU ARE ENOUGH!
      Angela, please know that he is with you. I have been overwhelmed and have let it drag me down and away from the One who can take it all on his shoulders. I pray you can give it all to him. That you would offer each mess to Him in anticipation of the good he will work in it.

    • Lord, may You be with Angela right now. While the things she touches with her hands: finances, relationships, health, family, seem to all be a mess, You, Lord, are mess-resistant. In fact, You are the great cleaner of messes, Eraser of all things icky. You’ve promised, God, to make all things new. This is what Angela needs right now. She needs your comforting touch. May she release her stresses to You and leave them there. Give her the gift of Your peace. Rebuild her health, her finances, her family, her relationships. Be her Everything, Lord. May she find her beginning and ending in You and not in the temporal things of this life. Lord, You love Angela so deeply, so completely. Restore her. In the name of Jesus, I pray. May Your will be done. Amen.

  41. I’m going to step out in faith, and totally put myself on the line. I’ll list some of our requests below, in detail. I’m tired of not receiving because I didn’t ask…

    Please pray for a landscaping miracle. October 11 is the deadline for when our landscaping has to be completed, but we have no money for this right now. Pray for our finances–everything seems to be a big struggle. We have big needs (bigger, more reliable vehicle for our family of 5). We have smaller needs (computer & printer–vital for homeschooling! ; minor things in and around the home)
    Pray for our family as we’ve just started homeschooling this year, with our oldest child in Kindergarten. We want to do our best for all our children.
    Pray for direction with my writing. I want to use my talent to serve God. If my writing can help add to our income–it’d be a welcome bonus!
    And lastly, a prayer of praise for the way God has answered some prayers lately. He is there, taking care of my family.

  42. I pray for Sabrina right now. Lord you our provision for all we need, may you continue to meet Sabrina’s needs and give her the faith and encouragement she needs along the wayto see the miracles you have for her!

  43. My needs are tiny in comparison with everyone else. But I know God cares about even the small things. My request is that I have been struggling with loneliness as this year completed the circle with all of my single friends getting married besides my sister and I. I also just turned 30, and have been struggling with depression about my stage in life since then.

    • You are right… God cares about all our things, big and small. And really, I wouldn’t categorize yours as small Valleym9. And I so hear what you are saying. I am where you are at, just a little older. I will bring us both before the throne of God!! He sees us, hear us and tends to our needs!

  44. I am usually the one praying for others so I come humbly to a group of women I don’t know and have never met asking you to pray. I am needing encouragement as the battle rages all around. My teenage boys are needing employment. My husband is a painter and is needing more income to make ends meet. We live simply and are not in debt but the struggle to just get by is harder than ever, I have been unable to work PT due to degenerative disks and a flare up of inflammation in my spinal column. We are weary with the fight. Thanks so much for the offer of encouragement! Blessings on all of you today.

    • Dear God, Be with Juanita and her family! Help them to see you in each situation! Heal her back and help them be able to meet the ever rising demand for income! LORD, only you know exactly what we all need for each day! Be an encouragement to them today!
      In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

  45. Please pray that I can manage my time effectively and be the person that God wants me to be in my business endeavors. Thanks!

    • Father God you see and know every aspect of Heather’s life. You know intimately the cry of her heart. You are captivated by her. I stand with her and agree with you concerning her business and time management. Bring wisdom and light to the shadows . Bring efficiency and establish her priorities so that you receive the ultimate glory!

  46. I ask that you pray for me. My Dad passed away unexpectedly two days after Christmas and I am still having a very hard time. I was very close to him and the sudden loss is a shock. I had a special relationship with him and feel very alone now even though I still have my Mom, husband and two little girls. I look to God for answers everyday but sometimes feel I’m not getting them. I want to feel peace. My Dad was a Christian, so I know he is with the Lord, and I have the hope of seeing him again, but the sadness just overwhelms me sometimes.

    Dear Lord,
    Please be with Juanita and her family. Please give her wisdom and guidance as only you can. Provide a way for husband to make more money to keep their family sustained. May her sons find job opportunities as well. Please put your healing hand on Juanita as she struggles with health issues. Please help her to find encouragement in your word and to know that you are there. Give her the peace of mind that only comes from you Father. In Jesus name, Amen

    • Kim,

      I pray God comforts you as you grieve your loss. God will provide the answers you seek when the time is right, so please keep looking for them. Pray, watch, and wait. God bless.

    • Kim,
      My heart weeps with yours. Love grieves. I pray you know you are held in your grief. God is not impatient through this process. I pray that you abandon yourself to his strong arms. I pray that the God of All Comfort sustains you! May the peace that surpasses understanding grow and enlarge your heart. How deep the Father’s Love for vast beyond all measure…you are beloved!

  47. Oh, Kim! I know that must have been very hard indeed. I pray for you over the loss of your father, and I pray that you will feel God’s comfort and healing in your life.

    For myself, I would welcome prayer as my life is in the midst of many changes. My husband has a new job, we’re doing lots of work to fix up a “handyman special” house we bought, and I am transitioning home after working full-time (and then some). Peace, calm and wisdom as I explore new opportunities for serving God are definitely things I seek.

  48. Praying for you, Amy. I am asking for prayer on many levels. My husband was laid off last month, and I don’t know how we will make our bills. My son is per suing a relationship with an unbeliever, and he knows better and was raised so differently. My mother is in the hospital and I don’t know that she will recover. I am so stressed. I am not responding well to anyone, and I feel like my joy is lost.

    • Kimberley, I’m praying for you, too! I know that you are facing a lot of stressors, and I just pray that God would provide for you and your family, that He would be working in your son’s relationship and guiding him to make wise decisions, and I also pray that He would bless and comfort you as you go through this time of illness with your mother.

  49. I want so badly to go back to my ex-husband (we’re not divorced) but I am living with someone that I’ve been with for 11 years. I’m torn between right and wrong. My ex and I still love each other a great deal but the man I’m living with loves me too. I love him but am not in love with him. I truly believe that my ex husband is my heart and always was but I was young when I married him and my mother felt that he would never go anywhere in life so through her, she convinced me of the same and I left him. I’m so confused and torn and I’ve been praying so hard for a resolution to this but I’m crying so much that prayers can’t seem to come freely. Please pray I find the wisdom to do what’s right.

  50. I am a stay-at-home Mom seeking what God would have for me to do in this particular season of my life. After homeschooling my son and daughter for seven years, this is our second year in the public school system. My children are two weeks in to a new school year (daughter, new middle schooler in 6th grade and son, 8th grade) and I find myself with lots of time on my hands outside of my homemaker duties. I have applied for work outside of our home in an effort to take some of the burden from my husband as we come out of debt in this economy , however, nothing has become available. God has been so faithful! I am grateful the Lord directed me to Proverbs 31 ministries; I am currently enrolled in two online studies which is something I have never done before. I am excited to be a student and wonder if the Lord would just have me to use this time to draw closer to Him. Please pray that I would accept that perhaps He is calling me to be still; that I would allow Him to show me where He desires to lead me, and what He desires for me to learn even if it’s just to sit at His feet and worship; that I would hear with my heart what He is calling me to do. Thank you.

  51. Father, I pray that you would strengthen and give courage to Sally at this moment, to give her clarity in mind, body, and spirit, to show her your light and truth in a situation that has been going on in her life for years. I pray that she would sense a wisdom that comes from you and providence in how to walk the next steps in what direction would be pleasing to you. Above all, that she would feel the warmth of your presence and your love.
    I lift you up, Wanda, in your requests to rest at the feet of the Lord, and take time to listen to His voice. God, I pray that you would show her what pursuits you may be asking of her at the moment. I praise you that you are making a way for her passions and that you are continuing to show her your faithfulness. Please make known to her your path for her.
    Today, my heart is heavy as I think on what still creates a bridge for many of us in this world, and I am continuing to trust that God will use us as He sees fit to bring people to Himself in all different places and even just to share how we have moved from death to life…even sometimes with people right among us. I pray that I would be bold and as I have the chance, at a time I pray would come soon, to be able to talk about Him in a more real and open sense with some Muslim friends of mine that I have known and loved for many years. I don’t just pray for this because of today – because of tension or angst, but of a deep sadness in my heart and a continued hope for renewal. I need prayer that these type of friendships, even if they are at a distance, would be one of openness, even when it’s difficult sometimes…and that God would work in providing a way to bridge gaps between family and friends when it’s hard.

  52. There are so many prayers to be asked and answered, I don’t have time to comment on them all, but know that I’ve lifted up a prayer for all of those who have posted today. God bless you all.

  53. Hi. My name is kaitlyn. I am struggling with my self-image and how I view myself. I see a nutrionist, and have conselours, but honestly, I feel so low. Like nothing can pull me out of this pit. I need to heal- get better. I want to live again, but I feel so lifeless and empty. I know God is there, but at the moment I am kinda mad. Mad at Him. Mad at me. My mother is also ill. Watching her is as hard as trying to fight for my own health… Someone help please.

    And God, I ask that for all the women who have come together to lift up prayer requests that you meet them all in accordance to your will. Grant wisdom, peace, and patience. Cover these beautiful ladies in your love and surround them with your being. Amen.

    • You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul know very well.
      –Psalm 139:14
      Father God who has made a marvelous work in Your beautiful child Kaitlyn, open her eyes to all that you have made her to be. Let her see herself as you see her: precious in every way.

      The Lord your God…will REJOICE over YOU, Kaitlyn with gladness. He will quiet you with His love. He will REJOICE over YOU, Kaitlyn with singing. –Zeph 3:17

      Loving, gracious Father, I also ask for healing for Kaitlyn’s mother. Fill both their hearts to overflowing with Your love and Your peace which passes all understanding. I ask in the name of Your son Jesus. AMEN
      Kaitlyn-When I prayed for you I asked God what you needed to hear. The words He gave me are: Beloved Precious Beautiful Whole. With love in Christ! Tracy

  54. Lord, I lift up Tracy’s loved ones. That they would feel your kindness, mercy, and love and find them irresistable. That they would see you as more lovely than anything else. That today, Lord, they would take a step towards you. That you would give people words to say to help them on their journey towards you.

    For me, it’s another month later and we’re still not pregnant. Still trusting God. Still waiting for healing.

    • Praying God’s peace would sustain you through this time of waiting and disappointment. That you would see Him and his care for you in tangible ways during this time.

    • I pray favor over selling your home! I pray the Lord will bring the perfect buyers into your lives and that He will bless your endeavor in selling your home.

  55. Please keep our close family friends in prayer. The father passed on Saturday night and his wife and son are having a hard time. Please lift them up so that they will be comforted by our Father of Comfort! 🙁

    • Nicole: I pray for your neighbors’ loss. May God’s love, comfort, peace and provision be upon them. I pray that God send people to love them and help them now and in the coming months. Sometimes people are not around after the initial loss. This is when the shock begins to wear off, and you feel truly alone and filled with grief. I went through this with my husband who left to be with the Lord over 6 yrs ago. It is important to love them now and later as time goes on.

  56. Have been battling depression for over 30 years. Unemployed for over 9 mths and without means of support. I am seeking God’s healing and direction. Thank you.

  57. Too many would know my name if I put on here today and I just cannot openly shed light on our shattered family yet. It’s been over 25 years of getting to where we are, and our marriage is barely hanging on by a thread. We are faking it good by outward appearances. We are getting Godly counsel, but it’s at such a fragile state. I personally want to run from it all, but won’t because of my children. I am seeing more and more of the manipulation I’ve put up with for too long and it’s sucking life from me. There’s so much pain and I am trying to let a lot go instead of covering up for my husband. My children are just seeing some of it and he tries to win them over with being passive. I am so broken hearted with all that is transpiring. Please pray for divine intervention in our marriage and home.

  58. I am in chronic pain and want it to end so I can have my JOY back. Please pray for healing for my body. Pray my current therapy works! God can heal me, of that I am certain. 52 is too young to be racked with pain!

    We have our house for sell also & I am seeking The Lord’s favor and blessing in that!!


  59. Oh Bless you, God knows your name and every detail of the pain and brokeness you feel.

    Oh Holy Father, you know this child, because she is YOURS and you love her and care deeply about every detail of her life. I ask Lord, that you would heal her broken places. ind up her heart with your warm, filling Love. I ask you Dear Lord to intervene in a miraculous way in her heart, her marriage, her life, her home. Healing can come from you that can wipe away all the negative thoughts,hurts and feelings….please heal her and her relationship with her husband. All this for your precious Glory , oh Lord. We thank you for what you are going to do. Praise your Holy Name, you are so good to us.

  60. I also lifet up Irene…..heal her body,soul,mind & spirit Jehovah Rapha, our Great Healer. Give her real, solid direction as she seeks a job….guide her steps. You are a caring Father.

  61. Father, I lift Terry up to you. Heal her body that she might run with joy and serve you in body and soul, pain free. I know that you have a purpose for her life and that you will use her in special ways Give her patience and peace that she might follow your plans in your time in your good and perfect way. Father, I ask also that Terry’s house might sell quickly too and that she would follow your plans in that also. In your holy and precious name I pray, Amen.

    Please pray for our finances. It is hard, hard, hard.

  62. Lord, please guide Crystal and her family with their finances. Bless them with widsom. Guide them. Please, Lord, fill any needs and gaps.

    Friends, my husband my have an amazing blessing in front of him (in the form of a job) that could be a crazy journey for our family of five and take us thousands of miles away. I pray for clear, concise guidance as to whether or not to move forward with this, as it would take us away from grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I pray I can open my heart to this if it’s God’s will, or that we would have the knowledge that we should stay where we are. And I pray my DH would turn to the Lord for answers.

    • Heavenly Father, please bless Michelle & her family with the guidance & wisdom they seek during a time of such difficult decision making. Please bless them that their hearts & minds will be open to the guidance they seek & that whatever transition is made, it is smooth & comfortable for them. Bless them with needs met, love in their hearts, honor in their choices, and openness of spirit.
      In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  63. Heavenly Father, I pray that you might bless Crystal & her family with a resourcefulness in finance that might afford new opportunities & avenues for saving & surviving. I ask that you bless her with comfort of heart, to know You will protect her & see to her needs. I ask for a mind able to remember the strength that can be found in faith. And I ask also Heavenly Father that you bless Crystal with all she (and her family) needs to survive comfortably. Please ease her troubled mind, tired body & weary soul Heavenly Father. I ask these things, humbly, in the name of Thy son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    I too, ask for prayers to ease financial burdens. Just as soon as we began feeling comfortable with our situation again, as though this next coming pay check MIGHT be enough to catch us up to where we need to be, our washer went out. Quite a spendy fix that we can’t currently afford. We are blessed with giving friends, who GAVE us a new washer that had a minor repair to be made. As it turns out, it’s not quite as minor as we thought…Still it is however, $40 cheaper than our old washer fix would have cost. We have to take the new one apart & MAY be able to fix it at no cost out of pocket (possible debris clogging the drain assembly) but we won’t know until we dig in.
    It would be so great to feel as though we can stand tall financially for a bit. …To be able to afford ALL of our bills in a month without having to sacrifice on our groceries or put off a bill in order to buy milk for our youngest. This last month we ran out of EVERYTHING. We were hours away from needing to look for local food donation places, had my husband’s check not come through the next day as it was supposed to.
    I know so many are so much worse off than we are. So I ask that if you pray for me & my family (something I would greatly appreciate!) could you please also take a moment to extend your prayer to those in greater need than even we are?

    Thanks. Prayers to you all.

  64. I have never commented before, but I am in need of prayer. I am 20 years old and graduating college in December. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and am so confused. This part of my life has been a challenge because there are so many unknowns. It is scary . I have also grown apart from God in the last year, and just feel that my relationship with Him is a struggle – all the time. You can only talk to someone for so long without hearing anything in return. I am a happy, positive person and don’t usually discuss my struggles, but I am just tired of keeping it all inside. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.


    • Justine, I will pray for you, I ask God to touch you in a way that you know it can only be him. I pray that he places a special Christian friend in your life whom you are instantly comfortable with and who will hear your heart, both your joys and your struggles. May God lead and guide you on the path he has planned and may you count the blessings along the way.
      My favourite scripture that always helps when I don’t know where I am heading to next is the scripture from Jeremiah – ‘I know the plans I have for you, plans for hope and a future, plans not to harm you.’
      God bless, your friend in Christ

  65. Friends – I have recently gone through a restructure where my position was disestablished. I am now in a very unpleasant working situation and have been applying for many jobs with no luck. I am considering training as a life coach and starting a business, but will still need a job in the meantime. Please pray that the right job comes a long.
    Thanks so much. Blessings,

    • Lord, I ask that you would provide for every one of Jemma’s needs. Guide her and direct her as she considers her future. Bring her work in the mean time.

  66. On Friday the 16th, I am scheduled to give birth to a baby girl via C-section. At 19 weeks (back in May) we were told she would never live she had a huge cystic hygroma, a heart defect, and other things wrong. We watched as God week after week, prayer after prayer, continued to sustain and at some points even heal her. I am terrified… terrified for myself as well as her. Her diagnosis is unknown at this point, we will have more information after she is born… she has mystified the doctors that she is even still with us. I have had unbelievers tell me that they don’t even pray, but they are praying for her. It has been a terrifying yet amazing process. Please pray for me as I undergo surgery on Friday at 8 am, and for her uncertain future. Please pray that she will not need any immediate surgeries. Please pray for my husband and my 4 year old as well… this is a week that will change my family forever. Thank you!

    • Hi Sarah, I’m praying for you. I’m praying God will strengthen your faith and that he will be very near to you. His love is everlasting and his wisdom is unsearchable.

  67. Dear Ruthiey, I will pray for your brother and for you. The woman I work for is not a believer and I pray for her every morning–sometimes that is all we can do. Be kind as our dear Lord has shown us and pray.
    My dear sister in law is having radical breast cancer surgery tomorrow–can you plaes pray fro her. And I also need prayers for my daughter Natalie–my family has stepped in and taken her 3 year old daughter –until Natalie can care for her–it is a very sad situation. Natalie is pregnant by a boyfriend who abuses her–please we need your prayers Thank you and many blessings,Barb

    • I life Barb’s sister in law to you Lord. We ask for healing. Your will be done. Guide the doctors. May things turn out better then they could ever have imagined. May she find health and wholeness again.

      For Natalie, we ask for your freedom. That she would grasp Your grace in a way that would free her from this sad situation. Protect her by Your hand. Comfort her little girl as her daily life changes and she misses her mom. Thank you for family.

  68. After work today I’m picking up my best friend I haven’t seen in two years. We have three whole glorious days together. I’m asking that God’s blessing would be on our time to truly encourage each other as only best friends can.

    • May your time together generate new hope and inspiration for each other that will overflow to others around you in the coming weeks. May God Bless every moment you have together that not a single special moment be lost.

  69. Pray for my family…My father in law is right now having a colonoscopy and endoscopy for what the doctors believe to be intestinal bleeding. He also has advanced stage emphysema which complicates things. My sister is undergoing surgery on Wednesday to remove her spleen and 70% of her pancreas due to a mass. Her husband is still recovering from a stem cell transplant he had in April….so much illness in my immediate family. Pray for the wisdom and skill of the doctors but more importantly for God to have His hand on my family members and to heal them. Thank You!

  70. Leslee,

    I will indeed take time to pray for your family this week. I’m so sorry to hear about all of the medical needs your family currently and recently has had. My mom often prays for “health” (Survived a tumor in her head 12 years ago). I smile every time I hear her pray it. Tomorrow I will shed a tear for your family’s deep need in this exact request . . . “health.”

    As to my request, I need prayer for my broken heart. I stood up for truth a couple of months ago and to this day, I continue to deal with loss in my CLOSE friendships because of it. Everything is awkward, and “community” has been lost as well. My heart aches for encouragement from my sisters in Christ. We have all been close for up to 5 years now, sharing EVERYTHING, even from afar. Because of an issue that the Lord probed me to speak on, I am left feeling very alone. Thanks so much for the prayers. I know that it is not the end of the world, I’m grateful just the same 🙂

  71. Lo Clement- Praying for Papa’s great waves of grace and peace to surround and engulf you even now

    Some of you know I live in Sudan… I am in the middle of a typhoid epidemic on compound with 1/3 of my kids infected. Really would love and appreciate your prayers for the total eradication of the source of the infection and their healing. And minor detail, I have Monday deadline for my second book. There is such grace, but the three hour nights are kind of getting in the way of the creative juices. LOL. I think we are over the worst of it. 40 kids sick, 10 in the hospital: it has been slightly intense. If you’d like more details…
    Love you all and so appreciate your prayers! Michele

    • Michele,

      Thank you so much dear one for your prayers regarding my broken spirit. After reading your reply, I have researched your ministry and have delved a little into what seems to be your heartbeat in it. Bless you for your life of service. I wanted to send you a praise. I feel as if I wrote these words as the last straw on this issue. My God has been evidently romancing my heart this week and as of today, I can truly say that my joy is full. I have been restored. I know I will have moments with feelings of loss still but He is so faithful and I thank you for your reminder in that. Praying for you and those you hold close there in Sudan. My heart for foreign missions is strong and yet, you have gone. Bless you. Love you.

  72. Michele,
    prayed for God’s healing for those that are sick, protection for those that are well. pray that the infection would stop at source. I pray that through all these, His glory would shine through and more would catch a glimpse of this Loving God of ours. God of all things good and beautiful, please sustain Michele and help her write, grant clear mind and mental and physical strength.

    you are a wonderful, warm hearted special lady Michele!

  73. Cellina ,
    I pray for you and your beautiful spirit who focuses on the needs of others may you feel the support and loving arms of GOD. Amen.

    prayer request-
    For the total physical and emotional healing of my teenage son after major invasive surgery which has left him with physical pain and fear. Please pray for acceptance that he is changed and that he can shift and embrace and move forward in this journey.

  74. I just switched universities to finally be able to graduate from Law school; with a long distance relationship, my breast cancer survivor mother as my only family and a full time job my life has lately gotten into a closed and depressing hole of possibilities. Please pray That God will fill my heart with Joy and peace and will show me how to be patient and to hope for an exciting future but that at the same time He’ll lead me to enjoying every second of this present.

  75. Masiel, I am praying for you for your school situation and your faimly, and that God helps you to see the joy and peace he creates for us each day.

    I am one year out from my husband having an affair. We are still together and in some ways stronger now than before the affair. I struggle with trusting him, and sometimes with a sadness over what happened. We are now at a point where we can attend church together (previously he was working weekends while I worked during the week). Please pray for complete healing for both of us from the effects of the affair, for us to find a church that is a good fit for our family, and for us to follow the paths that God makes straight for us. We have a number of large decisions to make in regards to our future and don’t want to make the wrong decisions.

  76. Melissa, I prayer is for you and your husband. That healing and restoration of your marriage strengthens everyday I pray for the church that will open their arms to you both with warm embrace. I also ask the Lord that he brings to light the right decisions for you and your family to make.

    Today I come with a pray of healing. On my 27th birthday I lost a piece of my heart that I can never get back. My grandma died and went to be with Jesus. I have cared for her the last four months as her lungs started shutting down from pulmonary fibrous. For two days I laid by my grandma on her bed as she started her journey towards heaven. Jesus decided to take her home on September 12 2011. So now as I celebrate my earthly birthday she celebrates her heavenly birthday. I pray for restoration and healing from this pain that won’t leave me. It hurts because she not just a grandma but a mother to me. I love you Miss Myrtle Whiddon and cherish the relationship I was blessed to have.

    • Hi Kiersten,
      I am praying that the pain is subsiding in your heart. I truly know what it is like to lose someone you love dearly – I lost my dad, and it still hurts. I will be praying for you.

  77. Hi,
    I would really appreciate your prayers. I quit my job yesterday – I was so stressed out, and today I feel truly horrible, I don’t know if I can make my life work anymore. Thank you for thinking of me.

  78. I have made such a mess of my life, and they made it impossible for my relationship with my sons father to continue, i pray that iam able to fix myself so i can be a better mother for my son and i hope one they there will be a chance for my relationship with his father to become a family