Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. He is here with us now but my husband is a veteran and we remember those who went to Iraq with him but didn’t come home.

    One of my mommy friends lost her husband in Afghanistan 3 yrs ago, I believe. (Justin Penrod)

    A hometown friend Marc Lee also lost his life in Afghanistan.

  2. I am an elementary school teacher on an army installation. All my parents and surroundings are military. I value my parents for every thing they do.

  3. Remembering my dad who served in WWII. My sister who was in the military too. I have a close friend who lost their brother. I have a 2nd cousin who’s husband is in active duty. Many many thanks to those who serve and have served for our country to be FREE!!!

  4. My father, Lt. Col. Lawrence Y. Conaway, USAF, was shot down in Vietnam May 3, 1970. I was 13. He was initially listed as MIA, and his remains were never recovered.

  5. Thanks for remembering alongside of us ….

    My brother Richard who fought in the Vietnam War and died in July 1986 from assisted sucidie and my daughter Ashley who will be deployed to Afghanistan in the beginning of 2012,

    May memories for others bring them comfort from the one who paid the ultimate sacrifice JESUS ….

    Remaining In His Arms Today, Beth

  6. hi my name is ginnie and i would like to honor and remember my dad who was a koren war dad was a wonderful and kind dad but he didn’t crap from me or my dad was a very good to our mom and he loved life,god and his dad died of cancer september 19,1994 he was only 61 yrs old and i miss him dearly everyday but i know one day i will see him again in heaven.thanxs dad for being a veteren i love you ginnie.

  7. I am praying for each of you sweet friends and those loved ones named today. I am thinking of and praying for so many friends we have in Iraq and Afghanistan right now, especially Ryan, Mark, Chase, Jeremy, and Monty. I also lift up my man who is serving on the homefront this season.

  8. I would like to honor my son, who is in the Navy and stationed across the country from us with his wife and new grandbaby, whom I have not met yet! I would also like to remember my dad who passed away last year and had served in the Korean war, and my uncle who gave the ultimate sacrifice on the beaches of NOrmandy. And thank you to all who serve!!

  9. I am remembering my wonderful Dad who was a retired Colonel in the MEDDAC of the Army who served in Vietnam and who passed away 3 1/2 years ago. Miss him every day but today is special.

  10. Brian McCarty – my nephew currently serving in the Navy

    Chris Hilton – a former student of mine who died from an unexpected illness while serving our country.

    My dad who served in the Coast Guard, my husband Ken who served in the army, my brother Jimmy who served in the Air Force, my sister JonE who served in the Air Force

  11. I would like to remember:

    My Grandfather, Charles Otis Everton, in heaven now, a veteran of the Korean War.
    My Pop, Henry John Storck, a 27-year-veteran of the USN, Vietnam Veteran.
    My Husband, Mark L. Hatcher, a 22-year veteran of the USN
    My brother-in-law, Joel Anthony Vargas, active duty USN
    …and, easily 75 extended family members, who have either still with us or passed on.

    May we all bless God each day, and may God bless our troops. ~ t

  12. My husband Mike served 20 years in the Navy, my son Brandon is currently serving in the Navy, and a friend, Isaac, is currently serving with the Marines in Afghanistan…

  13. I am remembering my Dad who served and was severely injured in WW11. His injuries were a challenge to him for the rest of his life. Thank you Dad for all you did/gave to help keep this country free. Also to my son, Chris who served in the navy for 11 years, thank you son you have always made me proud.

  14. My Grandpa, Henry…WWII service in the U.S. Army with the 35th Infantry Europe ETO
    The war did not take him, but God took him home on September 27, 2010.
    Thank You…..

  15. My Grandfather Hubert Hirst (1899-1965) was involved with the evacuation of the Dunkirk beaches and harbour. He was home guard. Many of those civilians who risked their lives to save others have no name on a memorial anywhere but yet they served willingly. I thank them.

    Robert Tennant (1889 – 11 Aug 1917) Buried at Baghdad war cemetery now Afganistan, left a wife and daughter
    Harry Sowden – 1917 France aged 24
    Verity Midgley 1890 – 1916 France aged 25
    Fred Hirst 1895 – 1940 France – left a family behind
    Norman Hirst 1894 – 1915 aged 19, ypes, belguim. They couldnt bring his body home, they couldnt find him.

    And there are others. When i stand at the war memorial in the city centre, I know why i’m there. WWI and WWII soldiers who died in battle didnt ever come home. Many of the headstones are just that …
    I thank you.

    When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn, until we learn to listen we never will.

  16. I’m active duty Navy. My first friend outside of boot camp was Chris Maurer. He was killed on Memorial Day, a few short months after graduating.

  17. My brother-in-law, Jose, is an active duty Marine Captain. He missed his daughter’s birth while deployed to Afghanistan and will miss her first steps while stateside for training. As always, we thank him (and his family) for the sacrifices they make for all of our freedoms.

  18. Remembering my dear husband, SFC James D Doster, KIA 29 September 2007 in Baghdad, Iraq. He left behind a wife who still can’t let go and two little daughters, now 7 and 10. One doesn’t remember him and aches because of it and the other does remember and aches. There will forever be a hole in my heart and our lives without you. I love you, Hon. You’re still my hero.

  19. My brother and dad served in Iraq for 18 months. Both came home, but I think there were 8 men serving with them that did not. One of them was named Bo, and I always think of him on Memorial Day even though I never met him. My sister-in-law went to his ‘Home-Goin'” – a phrase used in Arkansas for a funeral. I hope the Lord blesses his family richly for his sacrifice.

  20. I read, through tears, the other comments left and I prayed for each and every one of you, even if it was just initials! May God bless all the family left behind and I am so thankful to all the HEROES who fought for my family’s freedom.

  21. My brother, Chad Nordberg is in the Marines, currently serving in Afghanistan. My brother Wade Nordberg is in the Marines, currently serving in Japan!

  22. I feel humbled to read each of these. I have carried you in my heart today. Thank you is such a small word. But we offer it, nonetheless, with profound gratitude.


  23. My husband left for Afghanistan today, first time since our son was born. I’m grateful to know so many brave patriots, especially my husband.

  24. My cousin Nicholas- headed to the Middle East in June
    My friend Chris- currently on a ship somewhere in the Pacific
    My friend Scotty- currently on a ship somewhere in the Pacific
    My cousin Josh- awaiting orders to go overseas sometime in the Fall

    We remember and are indebted to the heroes and their families who paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free! Thank you and God bless you!