Angela Nazworth
About the Author

Angela Nazworth is a shame-fighting storyteller who writes mostly about the beauty of grace, faith, friendship, vulnerability and community. She is a wife and a mother of two. Angela's also an encourager, a lover of good books, coffee, girl's night out, sunshine, and waterfalls. In the 15 years since she...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Ha – I was so intrigued I had to go take the quiz! Apparently I’m a question mark and I’d get o just great with you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I think there are moments in my life where I want to be a period. Everything is going well, it’s a beautiful season of life. . let’s just stop right here.
    But more moments of life I am happily a comma, a list, an incomplete work. Thank God. I need that comma!
    In the darker, more difficult times. . . a question mark. Why? What next?
    And when a truth is revealed more clearly and my walk feels closer than ever. . a great big exclamation point! Yes!
    Maybe I’m the whole grammar book?

  3. I absolutely love this post!

    I’m totally the comma, all the way! Waiting and anxious for the “more” that is yet to come.

    • Thank you so much for posting that picture. Gorgeous! I am not sure if I saw it before or not…but I probably have and the message stuck somewhere in my mind. Gitz owns the most beautiful heart, doesn’t she?

  4. Not sure … I guess I will have to take the quiz …. but I do like to over use the …

    and this was an awesome, entertaining, down to earth, fun post with a powerful message at the end.

    Thanks Angela

  5. Angela,

    Guess what, I’m a comma also. I loved the part about being unfinished!! I don’t think I’ll ever be finished & complete until I reach Heaven!!

  6. Angela,

    Guess what, Iโ€™m a comma also. I loved the part about being unfinished!! I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll ever be finished & complete until I reach Heaven!!

  7. I would love to say that I am an exclamation point. Not meaning that I am finished in anyway whatsoever, but that everything that I say or do will exclaim CHRIST LOVES YOU!!!!!!

  8. Ok, Angela, when I read the first part of the first line, I was sure this was Lisa Jo talkin’ about chocolate; how fun to see your post unravel in another direction.

    I was surprised to see I, too, was a comma! On most of the five questions, I had a tough time choosing between two of the answers (in one case I wanted to answer all of the above!!), so I wonder what mark I would’ve been if I had gone with my (apparently) second choice.

    How precious to consider we’re works in progress, with God at work in and through our circumstance. I’m thankful for that….. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • The (in) sisterhood bond is pretty tight…I think I channel a little bit of everyone from time to time. As I wrote this post, the thought that others would be seeking this little personality test never crossed my mind. I love it that so many took it just for fun along with me. And I love even more how God is found in everything, even the silly. Thanks for your encouragement, Robin!

  9. Oh, this post is so witty, entertaining, and thought-provoking, too! I never considered what punctuation mark I’d be, but as a fellow writer, I must find out! I hope I’m not an ellipsis…

  10. First of all, I would like to thank you for the stellar and informative entry. I have to

    admit that, I have never heard about this information. I have noticed many new facts for

    reasoning. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful and attractive information. I will be

    waiting for other interesting posts from you in the nearest future.

  11. rove youโ€™re a person (not a spam script), type the security word shown in the picture.

    Click on the picture to hear an audio file o

  12. Hi Angela

    I just stumbled upon your post and wanted to send you a quick note to tell you about your ‘Comma” and my style of painting – I call it ‘Commism’.. it is an abstract figurative art form made using the Comma as the building block. Please take a look. Hope you find it interesting. Your interpretation of Comma and my own interpretation is similar.


    Sumit Chowdhury