Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Half way through my copy, reading it slowly, enjoying it like the best piece of Oreo Cheesecake I have ever had. With whip cream.

    It is that good! Can’t wait to see the community here gobble it up!

  2. Read chapter 1 last night. I had to refrain from reading the whole chapter aloud to my husband! As I read him a paragraph, I wanted to keep going!

    A perspective of sin I had never considered–and it’s oh sooo true!

    Looking forward to Sunday!!

  3. my copies are on their way…can’t wait to read it and give it away. (purchased three of them)

  4. Beautiful review, Lisa-Jo!! here, here..

    I pre-ordered 2 books. They are sitting at the post office since I missed the door delivery, yesterday. I would be happy to gift my 2nd book to someone in this community. Feel free to email me a name and an address.

    be well.

  5. Am keeping my fingers crossed (and toes!)
    — i hope to get the complimentary e-copy… please!!!!

  6. Received and started reading today. Now, 100 pages in, I laugh from spontaneous joy, I gulp down the reminders of hard times, and I feel my eyes being opened in a new way. A way that is so clear I wonder how I have missed it all along.

  7. I’m ready to roll! One viewing of the video was all I needed! My book is ordered, I’ve shared it on my blog.

    I can’t wait to start on this mid-winter adventure …


  8. Hope I get a complimentary copy, but if not, I will find a way to get it! I’m coming to the end (I hope) of the hardest year of my life after discovering that my marriage vows had been betrayed, but God has been so amazingly faithful and I’m definitely on the path of healing. I can’t wait to get my hands on this love story!

  9. I don’t currently have my own internet service so I may not be able to meet Ann tomorrow, not having access everyday. The book sounds wonderful and I am one who requested a copy. Just knowing the efforts you are making to get the books to as many sisters as possible blesses my heart and I will be praying for you all

  10. I may be missing something, never joined a Book Club before, but this is one I want to join! Do I have to sign up somewhere or can I just view the videos from this site. I’ve spent much too much time searching the website. I feel like a preschooler! HELP!

    • Hey Robin –

      The videos will all be here on this page. They just haven’t started yet πŸ™‚ So, no worries, you’re not lost. First intro video with Ann will be tomorrow (Sunday 1/23)


  11. Trying hard not be jealous…Ann is a Canadian girl, living about an hour away from me – but I’m still waiting for the book to be released in Canada so I can get my copy!

  12. Subi, I’m the same, waiting oh so patiently to receive mine too. I pre-ordered it awhile back and am so anxious to receive it. How blessed we all will be once we have this wonderful treasure in our hands. Ann’s heart is so full of pure and honest God filled words, I just know it’ll be a keeper, a reference, a book passed on and on….Blessings, Heather

  13. Ordered five copies. Having followed Ann’s blog for long enough to know I’ll want to give gifts of her gift to us…
    Can’t wait for them to arrive. And thanks for your beautiful, descriptive words above, Lisa Jo. I’ll gobble up your book too, when the time comes!

  14. Oh my! Picked up my copy today and it is MORE than I expected. Touching my heart and soul and showing me my soul holes…and how to heal them . Ann has such a way of touching your heart. I can’t thank her enough for all her words.

  15. I was really excited about joining in for the first time with this book reading and club so I ordered the electronic version from zondervan and now I haven’t got the tecno saavy knowhow on how to view it with my I- touch?!!! Does anyone have any advice? The instructions on the websites that zondervan sent me to are so confusing to me πŸ™

  16. I also do not have my own internet service, but I’m so looking forward to taking this book in and learning from it. I can’t wait to read it and get to the book club when I can!!