Annie F. Downs
About the Author

Annie F. Downs is a bestselling author and nationally known speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her most recent books include 100 Days to Brave, Looking for Lovely and Let’s All Be Brave. Read more at and follow her at @anniefdowns.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. I love hearing about your family of friends, Annie, every single time you share. And I’m joining them in praying and pushing for you right now. Sending a huge across the Atlantic (and, you know, half of our country and probably some of yours).

  2. Annie,

    I pray you enjoy Scotland – actually enjoy every moment of every day God has given you! It is to be treasured and held tight.

    Keep those picture memories – they last a lifetime!

  3. Ooooooooooooohhhhhh…….. I am SOOOOOO jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was born in Scotland (in Edinburgh, though I’ve never been back there), and though my family moved to South America when I was 5, I LOVE it. It is such a beautiful, gorgeous, slow-paced country. It’s in my bones.
    Enjoy it.

  4. Annie,
    I have a group of girlfriends I get together with every year… I have so many great memories. It is fun to share life like that! Your photo reminded me of them. πŸ™‚

  5. “The snapshot of lives well lived.”… I love that Annie. Beautiful captured! I hope you are having a wonderful time in Scotland!

  6. Prayers for your heart, Annie! My Mamma always says “Your future is as bright as the promises of God.” Claim it, girl. πŸ™‚


  7. I used to think I dind’t NEED close girlfriends.
    They are hard to make when you’re an adult – a mom.
    I now have a great group of Christian women that I call my best friends.
    They push me to be better, hold me accountable, and laugh and cry with me nearly daily.
    I wouldn’t want to be without them.
    I’m glad you have a group of amazing ladies too!