Jessica Turner
About the Author

Jessica Turner is the author of Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter and Thrive, and blogs on The Mom Creative. Every day is a juggling act as she balances working full-time, making memories with her family, photographing the every day and trying to be...

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  1. So excited to be the first to say what a blessing it was to hear Ann share about herself. I think I grinned through the whole thing, feeling like I was finally meeting a friend. Can’t wait for book club to start. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That was fun to watch. I agree with Melissa, it was like connecting with friends. I can’t wait to start the discussions!!!

  3. I am really looking forward to joining in this discussion. It was wonderful to *meet* Ann through this video. She is so sweet and humble and down to earth. Thank you all for your hard work in putting all this together.

  4. I had the pleasant surprise of seeing this video on youtube… yesterday. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was so good to see you, Ann :-), and all of you. Can’t wait for the rest.

  5. Hello,
    My book came yesterday in the mail! God’s timing is so perfect. So nice to see you all, and thank you so much for doing this! Really exicted for what all God has planned for each and every one of us..


  6. I am soooo excited to be apart of Bloom and looking forward to growing closer to our precious Lord …together! Praying for Ann, Jessica & Angie and the whole (in)courage team.

    Love & Blessings To All ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. What a pleasure to “meet” Ann this morning!! I am just starting Chapter 4 of One Thousand Gifts, and may I just say – already, already I have received a blessing from this book and sweet Ann.

    So excited to be a part of this!

  8. OH this is SO fun! I LOVE seeing all three of you in the video! So this is where ya’ll were during Relevant lol! I LOVE it! SO glad you did this!

    I have my book – I’ve read to page 81 so far and can’t WAIT to visit every week for the discussion.

    I posted the book trailer here on my blog: and on my facebook here:!/womenlivingwell/posts/104538599621427

    Many of my readers are buying the book and doing the happy dance with me when it arrives at their door!
    Much Love,

  9. I just ordered my copy & am about to go blog to spread the word. I am really looking forward to reading the book and joining in on the discussions. I have never been a part of anything like this before, and I can hardly wait! Thanks so much for providing this opportunity for us all! Y’all are such a blessing!

  10. I will try to get the trailer posted on Tuesday. I have been thinking about hosting a book club, solely for this book, since reading the first five pages.

    I need to take a closer look and see if we could do it and watch the videos, as well.

    Thank you so much!!

  11. Oh. My. Word. You Ladies are SO gorgeous and loving, joyful & inspiring already!! LOVE IT! I did NOT expect Ann to look so nervous… just makes me realize she is just as human as me (even tho she has an AMAZING book out!! hee hee). Thank you all SO much for this, for whatever you had to endure or give up for this to happen for all of us. You are kindred spirits and I look forward to the day we meet, even if I have to wait for heaven… but I hope I don’t…. ๐Ÿ™‚ THANKS!

  12. so awesome. i’m halfway through the book and my life is changed. it was exactly what i needed for a reawakening of my spirit…of His spirit within me. thank you ann!

  13. This is just awesome. I am so excited! I really began a journey ‘in earnest’ this year, and I am learning and growing, with more desire to be closer to God! Your blogs and websites have been the real (in) couragement I needed! Thanks and God bless you!

  14. Only repeating what so many others have said…what a special way to “meet” and hear Ann, the writer, who has daily been used of God to touch places inside of me that He wanted me to learn about.

    Crazy too to think this was video taped in Hershey/Harrisburg, PA…just minutes from my house!

    Still waiting “patiently” for the FedEx delivery to my door this week with the books I ordered! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. The book is wonderful, so looking forward to sharing it with others and hearing the authors input on the book! Thank you for such a wonderful website:)

    God Bless,


  16. That video got me so anxious for my book to come~it was shipped this morning via UPS. Maybe by the end of the week I’ll get it! It just looks like such a warm, enjoyable read. Thank you ladies for hostessing this! Excited to be a part of it~Lyn

  17. Could you help me? I’m new to this website and love it already. I’m going to get the book. When does the book club start? How does the online book club work? I’ve never done one before.

    Reading the first chapter online was incredible. I can’t wait to do this.

  18. just watched this twice…… twice.

    Cried the first time and listened MORE the second time….

    I am so thankful for this …

    when the three of you came up on my screen I felt like we were friends! I mean I know we are…. but FRIENDS… sitting together….

    Thank you. SO excited.

    much love….

  19. Ok, y’all…how absolutely adorable is Ann????? Oh my goodness…what a sweet angel. I just want to grab her and hug her up! Looking so forward to this journey with y’all through the book.

  20. You are all the cutest ever. And to think I know you all in real life? HOW did I get so blessed? Sigh. So excited about this book, it is a treasure.

    Much love to you all and lots of excitement about the book club!!!

  21. Can’t wait to get my book. Should be here this week. I really enjoyed the videos. You all are so sweet to make these videos to go along with the discussion.


  22. So excited to do my first book club with you ladies!!! Thank you for sharing your gifts & talents! I am loving the book so far…such a great read, I just feel it in my being while I’m reading…amazing! Thank you!!!

  23. Yay! When I put my picture up on my facebook wall, I found out two of my former students were reading Ann’s book and at least one doing the Bloom book club with me and all of you lovelies:) (as well as another co-worker in ministry!!)

    I’m writing a post now for my blog…and yes, I couldn’t wait to start either! So we’ll be doing the ‘special FIRST comb back through’ with BLOOM!

    I hope to get some more people in the book club before February 6! Hopefully, my twin!! Seriously, if I’m reading this and we are twins…identical twins…could she possibly miss out??!!

  24. i’m mentoring a young lady who is STRUGGLING with anorexia and an eating disorder. 12 weeks into therapy? nothing. we’re frustrated. she and i after some tough honesty tonight agreed to send each other “thankful for” lists every night on facebook. to try to recover joy. this book. it’s making me see new.

  25. i am so excited girls!!! you all just radiate a love for jesus and a desire to live fully in his word. ann– just got my book friday. read chapter one over the weekend and i am encouraged and challenged already. thanks so much for writing your story.

    i started by 1000 gifts journey on my blog today. already my perspective is being altered.

    thanks so much!

  26. OH this is SO fun! I LOVE seeing all three of you in the video! So this is where yaโ€™ll were during Relevant lol! I LOVE it! SO glad you did this!

    I have my book โ€“ Iโ€™ve read to page 81 so far and canโ€™t WAIT to visit every week for the discussion.


  27. I am an older woman but have loved teaching bibles studies to younger women for many years. I feel this book will help me to continue to understand your generation and how I can encourage those around me. When I saw the title of your book and saw your intro dvd…I ordered a book and its on the way. Looking forward to being a part of your bloom incourage book study.
    God Bless you all,

  28. Looking forward to my book arriving – and to joining you in this study. So sweet to see and hear Ann after reading her blog for three years or more.

  29. I ordered my copy the minute I found out about it a little while back so it shipped the day it was available. I was so excited to receive it and read it especially after hearing Ann speak at the Relevant conference.

  30. I ordered my copy the minute I found out about it a little while back so it shipped the day it was available. I was so excited to receive it and read it especially after hearing Ann speak at the Relevant conference. When I got it, I read it in one day. I couldn’t put it down so for the book club, I will read it again. Thank you for having this as the first incourage book club selection. It is a book that has blessed me and many others. I have done my Multitude Monday blog post with the links to incourage, bloom, a holy experience and also shared the book trailer. I want all my readers and followers to know about this awesome and inspirational book.

  31. Hello, Ann! I love your book so much….God is working in your words! These videos are going to be wonderful. I am looking forward to each one.

  32. I just saw the video now of Ann speaking to us and I am so excited to hear she lives in Canada!! I live in New Brunswick. I would love to know where in ON she lives. I am on Chapter 9 of One Thousand Gifts and am loving this book that I have on my ereader. Will be looking forward to the book club! I’ve already started my list!

  33. I just started reading the book – -and cried the whole first chapter. All of our journeys to “see” God are so unique. I’ve been on a hard journey this past year – – and my husband, daughter, grandson (whose 6) and I decided to practice gratitude — each day we name three things we are thankful for (we can’t copy one another and can’t say the same thing everyday) — and that simple practice of looking for the things to be grateful for has helped our hearts begin to heal . . .and, for me, is giving me more “forward” thinking. So, I am so thankful for Ann – – and I am really looking forward to this study!

  34. So glad the You Tube Closed Captioned Beta works with this video. Even though it isn’t perfect (President Sadat?? taxicab?), I was able to understand a wee bit better. Thank you.

  35. My book came in the mail today! On Friday I will be sharing Ann’s blog on my blog.
    If I hadn’t started a new book, I would begin today but it’s fun to let the anticipation build.

  36. Excitedly awaiting book club! Can’t wait to discuss the book with everyone here ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it will be a really nice outlet for me since I am at home all day most days with my 1 month old babe and being on the computer is one thing that is easy to do with one foot on a bouncy seat!

  37. I didn’t know if I would feel a part of the discussion watching a video, but after seeing this I know it’ll be great. I DID feel like I was sitting in the room with you. I’ve been following Ann’s blog for the last few months and have told several people about it. I love her writing and wrestling. Thanks for selecting One Thousand Gifts. My book should arrive Wednesday and I can’t wait to read it and join in the discussion.

  38. I love this book and many of my friends are reading it as well. We were hoping to have a coffee/chat about it when we finish. I was wondering/hoping you might have some discussion questions available for it??? I don’t think we can wait long enough for each video post. Hoping to meet in late Feb/early March. If this is available I’d so love to get my hands on them! Thanks!!! : )

  39. It was great seeing all three of you together! I’ve started the book and it is wonderful, I can’t wait to take this journey with everyone!

  40. Oh Ann, I love your purple shirt!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am so excited to be joining you for the book study. Can’t wait till mine arrives in the mail!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. I got my book yesterday and already the first 1.5 chapters have changed my life! For the first time in weeks, I slept through the night. What a huge gift from God! Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this the book for Bloom. I cannot wait for the rest of the videos and discussion!

  42. […] You can get your copy of this book at DaySpring, or Amazon or your local bookstore. Start reading the first chapter online and you will be hooked. She has such a way with words โ€“ it is like floating along, feeling her every nuance. There is even a book club at Bloom (In) Courage. […]

  43. “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’ ” C. S. Lewis…Glad to meet you! I’m Bev from ATX.
    God is turning my darkness into light (Psalm 18:28) but it is as Ann says: a process with a long “o.” Oh. I embrace my Darkness daily but I sometimes don’t know my own face. Rape, sexual abuse, family violence, betrayal, death, financial woes have left me lifeless at times. Ann’s words invite and intrigue and incite. And I’m alive. I read Chapter One…I’ll be back February 7! You three are a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. Hello new friends!

  44. […] never done anything like this before, but each chapter has a video and discussion with the Bloom Girls and the author Ann Voskamp.ย  You just click in and watch the video on Sundays and Wednesdays. ย  ย  If you decide to join us, […]

  45. I started reading your book last week. My daughter gave it to me for my birthday. It is a can’t put down book. I have started my journal of 1000 gifts. It changes the way I look at even in the mundane. I’ll be in the other room and see or think of something I am grateful for and have to run to my desk and write it down. A day of gratefulness becomes a day of joy.