Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Very beautiful! I love when there is meaning behind the jewelry I wear. My favorite is the silver cuff bracelet.

  2. Beautiful meaning behind the jewelry and it is a hard choice between the cuff braclet and the turquoise necklace. I like all of the jewelry.

  3. what a wonderful testament and
    reminder of God’s power,
    in a Shield of Faith jewelry piece.
    i love them all but the
    **silver ring** is my absolute favorite.

  4. Everything is absolutely beautiful!! I love it all but the shield of faith pendant paired with the turquoise necklace is my favorite. Thank you for an awesome give away and the opportunity to win.

  5. On Gracewear’s site, my favorite, favorite would be the sterling silver Shield of Faith linked bracelet.


  6. Loving all of the silver collection esp. the cuff braclets and the ring and they compliment the turquoise so well….definaltly faves of mine. Tweeted and FB too:-)

  7. Absolutely love the things they stand for. I have to put on my shield of faith everyday to help me through the day. It is an honor to be able to represent my faith by showing that outwardly each and every day. As a sinner by nature wearing any of their pieces would serve as a reminder to myself and to others that I am “God’s work in progress” and he wants to bless us in all areas of our lives.

  8. Oh my it is all so pretty…..but I think my favorite favorite is the silver long link necklace!! 🙂

  9. LOVE the concept and the jewelry ~ I would have to say my favorite favorite is the fabulous fabulous cuff bracelet!

    Blessings to you and yours and on your business venture,


    • Whoops, I just put my email address in the website section in my first comment. My brain still must be overloaded with all that Tryptophan from yesterday’s turkey!

  10. I’m a fan of the silver line, but really love the turquoise necklace. I didn’t see a silver shield on turquoise (did I just miss it?) but if so, that would be my “favorite favorite”. Otherwise, probably the long silver necklace. 🙂

  11. They are all beautiful, and the best part is the story behind them…hard choice, but I think the ring is my very favorite.
    Thanks for the chance to be part of the story…stay blessed!

  12. I LOVE the combination of the pendant with the turquoise–very pretty.

    But, my favorite is the linked bracelet. I find bracelets invite comment frequently, and I love having stories to share with mine.

  13. I LOVE the turquoise necklace with the pendant!!! (I know that’s 2 things, but they are both beautiful!!!)

  14. I love the cuff bracelet, it’s gorgeous. The style reminds me of Wonder Woman, which makes me giggle…just imagine yourself holding it up to deflect the enemies arrows 😉 Beautiful jewelry & message. I’ve never heard of them before, thanks for sharing.

  15. The lovely, strong shield of Faith conjures for me an Amazon woman for God. O, how I would love to be reminded that HE is my strength every day, no matter what darts satan may send. Spiritually, I can see God holding up my arms, like David before Goliath, and declaring “Look, she is My Daughter! And I have already won the fight for her!”

  16. I love anything that serves as a tangible, visible reminder to keep Christ first and foremost in our lives at all times. Your jewelry serves this purpose perfectly. I like it all……

  17. I love it all! I think I like the long link necklace and the shield of faith bracelet the best … although the ring is beautiful, too! I love the symbolic reminder of Christ’s protection!

  18. My favorite is the ring…although it was really difficult to decide! But I’d wear the ring all the time…as a constant reminder of God’s grace and mercy.

  19. I like to wear jewelry that make people ask about it so I can tell them what it represents. My very very favorite is the cuff bracelet. It would make me feel like I actually have on some armor of God! Love it! Need it! 🙂

  20. I like the turquoise necklace with the sliver cross pendant. Lovely jewelry and wonderful way to minister. Thanks for sharing about this giveaway.

  21. Love the bracelet! But then I also love the turquoise beaded necklace and silver pendant!! Oh decisions, decisions!

  22. What a beautiful line of jewelry and the idea behind it transforms it for me. My favorite, favorite is the cuff bracelet. Just so bold and i love the statement it makes. Thanks for a lovely giveaway. Fondly, Roberta

  23. Lovely jewelery but the sterling silver shield of faith ring or turquoise bracelet calls me. Your story is especially sweet; stay true.

  24. What an awesome line of boldly artistic jewelry for ladies! The story behind it is even more dramatic! The pieces just call out to those who can relate to the women of the Bible.

  25. As I have recently stepped up in Faith, to become a “woman of valor” in the shadow of the Almighty God, I see that I can not fight the storms in my life without HIS ARMOR!
    God is my Strength, my Shield, my Buckler. I find that Prayer is my weapon , as I pray the Word of God! The Word is the Sword of The Spirit, and as I pray it to God , it cuts the enemy assunder. So I like the Shield of Faith cuff! Why? It reminds me of being clothed in strength and dignity, as the Proverbs 31 woman is. It will remind me of keeping my arms strong in LOVE to reach out and help the needy, such as to hug others or to reach up to heaven with my hands folded in prayer interceding for others. I loved the blogs about forgiving and letting go. I loved the blogs about the storms of the past years, and those in our own lives. I loved the honesty of these ladies sharing secret hurts and trials. I have a trial of my own right now. A prodigal daughter gone for almost 2 years. My heart is breaking, but I am finding strength in the LORD by praying for others, and learning to write about my trials. I am seeing now that God will use my pains and sorrow to encourage other mothers of prodigals in the fact that God is more powerful than the enemy! And we need to carry our Shield of Faith and pray to the LORD who will fight this battle and shew us the salvation of the LORD!
    So the piece of armor I need to show other is the Shield of Faith! And as I reach out to hug or hold another , they will see the cuff on my wrist and I will be able to share FAITH with them.

    “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt…..” ” …and her daughter was made whole….” Matt. 15:28
    I am praying in Faith that God will bring my daughter back , from darkness to His light, made whole again.

    “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for Me?” Jer. 32:27

  26. Every piece of jewelry is truly beautiful and God inspired!
    But I must say that my eyes are drawn to the elegant Shield of Faith linked bracelet.
    Ahhhhhh…..sigh …..just so pretty! 🙂

  27. The sterling silver ring is my favorite. It’s so unique and a great way to show off your faith in Jesus.

  28. I love the idea of having a shield of faith. This has been a very hard year for me, with cancer & separation from my husband. But I know God is with me & will see me thru it. I love Him and His grace! I also love the Silver Plated Long Linked Necklace!!

  29. I’ve always loved those strong verses from Ephesians. What great verses to use as a basis for this product. I particularly like the silver plated long linked necklace.

    Thank you for this opportunity.

  30. Turquoise necklace and shield of faith pendant. It’s hard to choose only one piece–earrings and bracelet are beautiful as well.

  31. Wow this set of jewelery is beautiful! I love it and I’m thinking it would make a great Christmas gift for my wonderful mom 🙂

  32. The cuff bracelet and the long linked necklace – definitely those are my favorites..but there are lots of close seconds, including the turquoise necklace!

  33. Love the story behind the line of jewelry. Makes wearing it that much better. My faves are the turquoise necklace and the ring. Gorgeous pieces, all!

  34. Amazing jewelry and story! My favorite is the Silver Plated Shield of Faith Cuff Bracelet. Thank you!

  35. I can’t pick one!!!! I love the turquiose necklace because I LOVE TURQUIOSE!!! I love the pendant because it it placed over your heart and “shields” your heart. The cuff braclet is a band of armour! The pieces are all beautiful, but the best thing about these items is not the beauty, but the meaning. The shield all women need on a daily basis…, joy, balance, etc. Without God and our faith, our daily living is worthless. With HIM it is everything, and still we face daily battles……having a shield of scripture around us daily is what makes us successful in our daily lives.
    Your work in BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  36. The shield of faith small dangle earrings are especially my favorite. I would love to win the bracelet. I am constantly praying about being a warrior and letting my faith trump my fear. What a visible reminder this would be for me!

  37. Oh My! How do we choose just one? When one LOVES jewelry….well if I must…I have to say the Silver Shield of Faith Ring is tops, but the Sliver linked Shield of Faith Bracelet is in a close running with it.