Melissa Michaels
About the Author

Melissa Michaels is the NY Times Bestselling author of Love The Home You Have andΒ The Inspired Room book. Her blog, The Inspired Room,Β was voted Better Homes & Gardens Readers' Favorite decorating blog in 2014 and 2015. Melissa is a church planter's wife and a mom to three human kids and...

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Melissa, both you and the Nester do so much to make me feel competent at decorating. I so want my home to be warm and restful for my family, but sometimes I stumble in making what I want become what is. You really do help break it all down for slow-to-get-it me.

    I love these fall tips here…especially the one about removing some things so the fall goodies stand out more. I tend to just add my fall touches on top of everything else and then wonder why it doesn’t stand out! Your thought here is simple…but so brilliant! Thank you!

  2. Melissa, I always love your tips for decorating your home simply. You are an inspiration for me. In our temporary home, I’m still going to go through the boxes stored in the garage and find a few fall items. Even though it’s still hot in Phoenix, I can pretend right?

    Btw, I asked Amy Bayliss to give you a big hug from me at Relevant! πŸ™‚ I wish I were going but maybe next year?

    Blessings and love,

  3. Melissa,
    I so agree with you on keeping it simple and not bringing out all your Fall decor at once.
    That’s the way to keep things interesting. I must admit, I still have my house in beach cottage mode, but your post has inspired me to start bringing in Autumn!

  4. Great tips, Melissa! As a native and resident Houstonian, we are still in the throes of summer. I’ve wanted to transition my condo from summer to autumn, but it seems kind of artificial when there is no “fall in the air” here. I think your idea about gradually introducing fall elements, starting with less obvious pieces, seems most genuine to me.

    I’m inspired! And I can’t wait for everyone’s 31 Days series to begin next week!


  5. melissa–i love doing a chili dinner or an apple pie dessert night in the fall with our friends. we try to do it before it gets too cold so we can drag a table outside and eat outside and then come in and get snuggly and watch football. πŸ™‚ ahh, chili, pie, football…that’s fall to me. πŸ™‚ xoxo.

  6. Thanks for sharing your tips Melissa! I feel that fall is one season where it is easy to just use free items from my yard to decorate, and not have too many “fake” fall things around. I realize this is my taste and not for everyone, but I think fall is busy and expensive enough with school starting (one in high school, one in college!) to have to buy a bunch of fall items. So I guess I love simple too!

  7. Ahhh… I suddenly feel calm and cozy and I’m ready to embrace fall. I love the way you encourage us to think about the feeling of fall and textures we love, rather than fall decorations. Great post! I can’t tell you how excited I am for you to begin you series in October!


  8. I’m with you. Edit out a few things and add a little fall. I love to use rose hips which we have growing on our property and gourds etc. to add a little fall feel to the house! My daughter just received a candle as a gift from Yankee Candle. It’s called Farmer’s Market and smells so perfectly fall. I think I’ll have to go get one!

  9. This year, I’m wiring crystals in my favorite Fall colors, shades of amber, brown and russet, and creating “Pumpkin Bling” I can use year in and out. My style is contemporary rustic–a mostly white interior–so fall decor can be difficult. Thanks to your tips, I feel confident in adding a trace of my favorite Fall colors and texture to plain white pumpkins. The “Bling” consists of a ring, placed around the stem, with radiating beaded arms that can be spiraled, shaped like vines or follow the indentations of the pumpkin. For Halloween, I can carve out the pumpkins and add a little firelight to the sparkle! I use fresh produce/flowers for decor because in a San Francisco high-rise storage space is at a premium, but who can’t find space to store a few wires?

  10. I had been feeling more and more convicted to invite others to my home. We have only a small apartment, so I was always hesitant to do so. But once I started inviting, people have been coming over on a regular, sometimes even weekly, basis. I even asked if they wanted to meet at their place occasionally and was told that my place makes them feel more relaxed. I only do small changes seasonally, but try to keep it as homey and comfortable as possible. Maybe just some seasonal flowers and a scented candle. (Except for Christmas, where I do a bit more.) So I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter the size of the space, or the amount of decorations, it’s the attitude and love in the home that makes the biggest difference! πŸ™‚

  11. Wonderful, wonderful ideas! I really like the idea of approaching fall slowly, one decoration at a time. I picture dipping a toe into water, and slowly sinking in once your body gets used to it. πŸ™‚
    I included a link to this blog in a blog I’m writing about great fall decorating ideas!
    Happy Fall!

  12. I especially *LOVE* your points….keep it simple, let the seasons evolve and most of all invite people to your home.
    For me…it’s having people over that makes it all worthwhile. I’m so blessed when friends tell me how peaceful or relaxing my home is.
    Thanks for your very INSPIRING words!!!
    I’ll be sharing on my FB page…Longaberger Products Online – Diane Miller

  13. A lovely read about my favorite season, Melissa. Thank you.

    We live in New Zealand now (and it’s Spring here) but I grew up in the deep south – in New Orleans and in MS – and Autumn is my favorite season of the year! And it’s because of the wonderful earthy smells and the kaleidoscope of colors sent to us in the fall.

    When my daughter was young we always celebrated the colorful parade that Autumn is by going on a treasure hunt. We were scouting for beautiful leaves to bring home – it was a true treasure hunt for us and we’d both run around like young spring lambs, gathering leaves from Oaks and Elms and other gorgeous giants of the earth.

    We’d drive all over and when we saw leaves we liked, we’d hop out of the car and dash around like wild women, gathering up the colorful gems which had fallen to the earth.

    The hunt usually took all afternoon (often we’d take a picnic to enjoy by the lake) and we’d stop many places, gathering more and more yellow, orange, red, brown, and purple leaves for our basket.

    Then home we’d go – to enjoy a Russian Tea and to arrange our beautiful leaves around the house – scattered here and there – our internal world now fused with the beautiful symphony of Autumn treasures God had sent through the trees.

  14. Your pictures and tips make me wanna redecorate and clean-up right this instant.
    You make it much more attainable. I’m not great at decorating, but your tips totally encouraged me! Lucky for me, my husband loves projects like these. This is so great!

  15. Fall is my absolute favorite as well! I love that you let each season evolve – what a great way to take the pressure off and make decorating a process! You are so wonderful!

  16. This was simply beautiful. I love the fall – it is my favorite season. Ur tips are so real and so freeing – instead of giving u more pressure to be ur best. love it.

  17. It’s so hard to get in the fall mood when it’s 100degrees here this week…but I am going to put the seashells under the sink and and starfish away till June!

  18. Wonderful tips Melissa,
    I am filling my freezer with lots of unbaked items, ready to bake off any time I need. We made chocolate/orange soda bread for our tea (and extras) today xoxo Clarice

  19. Melissa,

    I love your suggestions—I’m gearing up and hope our Southern California weather will cooperate. After an unusually cool summer we’re are in the 90’s as we approach the 1st of October. πŸ™‚

  20. Melissa, these are wonderful tips. I loved what you said about not going overboard with decor, and most importantly, having time for the guests!

  21. I love to look for fall decorating inspiration in my yard. It’s amazing what beautiful decorations you can find. For example, the winter squash and corn stalks from my garden spend a little time decorating my front porch in early October. And a little fall pruning yields material for a great fall wreath.

  22. I know it’s fall when I start burning candles again in the kitchen – I know it’s a tiny bit of warmth – but it symbolizes something larger to me.

  23. I love the idea of clearing out reg stuff so your fall things stand out. I’m physically challenged so I put my stuff out in Sept & then it’s done for 3 mo. In Nov. I change out scarecrows for Pilgrem theme with turkey stuff. That way I can enjoy for 3 mo. & know it’s taken care of. Thanks for your ideas.

  24. Time for homemade applesauce. Lots of cinnamon smells and orange, green, and red decorations. I don’t feel ready yet, but as I clean the house for my friends fellowship dinner with whatever recipe from Niequist’s repertoire I’ll spread lightly some of my small pumpkins.
    Thanks for reminding me about it. I’ll keep reading your list.