Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. My husband recently told me that he falls in love with me all over again everyday. After 9 years of marriage(this week), infertility, his health issues through the years, and then adoption of our two precious kiddos – it’s awesome to know that I am loved and treasured and not just tolerated. He still takes my breath away too :-))

  2. Well, a shopping spree would be wonderful! I hope that an article shows up here sometime today.

  3. Thank you for offering an opportunity to win a special gift; and special it is. I had to think long and hard about the last kind words someone said about me. It must’ve been a few weeks ago when a Christian sister privately shared her innermost struggle with me. She said she never would’ve done that if I hadn’t opened up and shared my personal struggle that morning in Sunday School. It was a reminder that God can use our weaknesses when we let down our pride and let someone in see into our “real world”. Praise God He is faithful to see us through every struggle in life when we seek Him and His guidance!

  4. Well I don’t see a post either, but it appears some people are answering a specific question…maybe it shows in the email (which I don’t get until later in the day)?
    This giveaway is excellent, but I really look forward to the post as well.

  5. I also don’t see a post, but enjoy reading the posts here on a regular basis. I actually live in DaySpring’s home town I just recently moved here, but I have been following this blog since it started. It’s an honor to live in a town with such an inspiring company and it’s obvious that the influence of the company shows in the culture here. Thanks for the opportunity to win beautiful things for my home.

  6. I overheard my husband bragging about the Jr. Church lesson and activities I had carried out during our week as leaders to his brother yesterday. It was wonderful to hear that he appreciates my creativity and insight. It’s also a hopeful sign that maybe the kids we taught that day will remember some of the things we tried to convey that Sunday.

  7. One of the nice things someone said to me was when out of the blue the other day, my daughter left me a note saying “You are the Best Mom”! It so made my day!

  8. My mom told me I was a good mom. It meant a lot since we don’t have the greatest relationship in the world.

  9. Beautiful post! I am so thankful for friendships too. This past year I made some incredible friends and thank the Lord for bringing them into my life.
    Kindest thing someone has said to me: I recently received a beautiful thank you card from a “work friend.” It really touched my heart…”I’m so pleased you came to our school. You’re intelligent, witty, easy to talk to, care about kids, and a great example of how Christ’s light should shine through!” That last part really hit home…first time anyone from work has said that.

  10. LOL! I’m so glad you ladies did mention that there is no post…I thought I was losing it for a second.
    Happy Monday everyone!
    I hope you have a blessed day and a great week.

  11. “You’re the one I know will really pray when you say you will.” To me, this is the mark of lasting friendship – the ones you trust with your heart by entrusting them to our Father God.
    Great post! Such a fun way of viewing and writing about friendship =)

  12. Enjoy your thoughts about families and God. Nice to be entered in a Christian giveaway.

  13. The kindest thing someone has said to me recently is that they loved spending time with me because I was teachable! It is a lady a I look to as a mentor and she always ends up listening to me for hours…so I told her I was sorry for taking up her time so often and that was her response!!!

  14. “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To delare Your loving kindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night” Psalm 92:1-2. This is my reminder today that praising Him is the best response to every circumstance throughout the day, everyday!

  15. It took me FOREVER to get to these comments yet have enjoyed reading them.
    Love the black and white (Diana Camp) photo of Holley and friend! The Sepia one too.
    Here is what I found on my facebook comments last Fri. from a sweet cousin who I haven’t seen in 8 years after I posted my camera broke. Amy Brown: “Aah so sorry cuz you are soooo good with the picture taking, and seeing others pics, and the remembering everyone’s names, b-days, past and present accomplishments, failures (which you never mention), communicating in general – you’re the best. Don’t know how you do it!” It helped ease the pain of the broken camera.

  16. On Saturday I had some maternity pictures taken. At 37 weeks pregnant, I don’t feel all that pretty anymore, so it was so nice to hear my photographer friend rant and rave about how beautiful I am. It was such an ego booster, something I desperately needed.

  17. i’ve gotten a couple of random messages from people (one that i went to high school with and one that is a friend of my parents) telling me just how gorgeous i am. i hurt my back recently and haven’t been able to keep up in the gym and, as a result, have been keenly aware of the effects. its been such a blessing to have these little reminders from people that don’t even know what’s going on in my head!

  18. Today, the best comment of love and friendship I long to hear is from my Abba Father.. I am His, created as one of a kind by His loving hand…..set apart for a unique purpose….gifted and completely equipped, lacking in nothing.

  19. it really is important to stop and say something nice to someone, we all need it from time to time. i love all the posts here at (In) Courage, i’m so glad i came across the blog…
    Have a happy week! 🙂

  20. My first mate on The Old Schoolhouse review crew told me I was ‘a very talented, strong writer.’ That blessed me! I’ve been putting such effort into my writing and enjoy it so much. It was nice to know that someone saw that. It just affirmed where God has been leading me. I’d LOVE to win this GC!!! I’ve been eyeing some beauties in the store for a while! Thanks DaySpring!

  21. While shopping for a sofa in a furniture showroom (Bob’s..which has a coffee shop inside) I let my 9 & 11 year old go watch TV there and get a snack. When I was done I went to the shop to pick them up. A middle-aged couple was sitting having coffee, and the woman says “Excuse me…are those your children? Now my heart dropped and I said “Yes they are, why do you ask”. Then the husband says “those are the most polite and respectful kids Ive seen in a longtime. Great job and keep doing whatever your doing”. I wanted to cry right then and there. They proceeded to tell me how the children ask politely for what they wanted and thanked the clerk then cleaned up after themselves and sat and watched tv quietly. I think as a parent.. the biggest compliment in the world is when a complete stranger tells you how great your kids are. The best part is that I wasnt even near them, so they were actually naturally ‘well behaved’ lol Yay!! So having their names of my necklace would be a wonderful reminder of what great kids I have.

  22. My friend, Lety sent me this note:
    Lety wrote:
    “don’t know if I’ve told you lately, but I just don’t want you to never forget that I am so Blessed and so thankful to GOD for placing you in my life at this very perfect time. You have made a huge difference in my life. From teaching me about our AWESOME GOD to being the sister/BFF my heart desired. You, in all honesty, have made an Impact in my life and my families life. You are truly an angel sent from heaven. I love you and I will always treasure our friendship. GOD has been beyond good to me!!!”

  23. My husband told me some really sweet things on a date the other night. But I think I’ll keep them tucked away in my heart 😉
    Would LOVE to win this!!!!

  24. My friend said “your house feels like a big hug!”. Who could wish for more than that?!?!

  25. I was having one of those ‘want to jump off a cliff’ days with my kids that were pushing every button in the world….and my sweet 2 1/2 year old daughter put her little hand on my arm and says in the sweetest voice ‘you are a good mommy’. And then I promised her a Porsche when she was 18. 🙂

  26. I was given a compliment by a woman who said that some of the things I had mentioned in Bible study she had written down and would go back and re-read them!! It would be too much fun to win!

  27. Hmm . . . I posted a comment earlier but now it’s gone. 🙁 So I’ll post again. 🙂
    I was looking rather rough and scraggly one day after caring for the kids, homeschooling and cleaning up the house . . . I caught my reflection in the glass and said “I look . . .” and before I could say horrible my husband brushed my hair behind my ear and said “Beautiful.”

  28. Hmm . . . I posted a comment earlier but now it’s gone. 🙁 So I’ll post again. 🙂
    I was looking rather rough and scraggly one day after caring for the kids, homeschooling and cleaning up the house . . . I caught my reflection in the glass and said “I look . . .” and before I could say horrible my husband brushed my hair behind my ear and said “Beautiful.”

  29. “thanks much for doing this. you are an angel, the glue that holds us together… i appreciate all that you do, for all of us.” – Tyrone, a high school classmate, comments on my hand on the class reunion party preps.

  30. I told a friend recently that my husband and I are moving and she turned to me and said, “but you’re my best friend…” Is there anything kinder than hearing that you are someone’s best friend??
    Thanks! 🙂

  31. 2 days ago I shared a very deep regretful thing I had done with a close friend. Having only told my parents, I opened up and shared with my dear friend. She let me speak without a word and then when I was done, she told me she loved me and thanked me for sharing. I, in turn, thanked her for being so loving and compassionate and non-judgemental. This is a true friend, someone who loves you no matter what you have done. She is part of ‘my people’ and she is family!

  32. My parents just moved to my town and my dad told me that they wouldn’t have made the move as soon as they did if it weren’t for me working so hard to help them with all the details (connecting them with a landlord, looking up information on storage and moving trucks, etc.) and that it made things a lot easier for them. That meant a lot to me because I sometimes worried that I was pushing them to make decisions too quickly or to do things they didn’t want to do.

  33. This isn’t a thing that would mean anything to most but since I’ve felt more frazzled than usual lately, it meant so much to me. A mom from my son’s class referred to me as having “it all together” today. I actually did a double take to make sure she was talking to me because I sure don’t feel that lately!

  34. went to a conference 3 weeks ago and had this little hispanic family adopt me, they are so sweet, so loving and so ready to pray. They said they saw an eagerness in me for the things of God. and I am learning so much from them and of course I’m ready for God’s journey’s and helping others.

  35. exactly! wonderfully said and totally understood! this site has given me a new outlook…there are others who feel like I do, see things like I do and what to shout it out to the heavens!

  36. My sister in law, Kathleen, is going through a 100 days of seclusion after a
    stem cell transplant and we’ve encouraged her to write everything she has learned and experienced. I think she would really like the notebooks. We’re praying God would lead her in her writing and maybe this would help others – just one other cancer patient could benefit from Kathleen’s experiences. God Bless, Mary

  37. I pray that my husband & I can lead our children into the person that God specifically created them to be here on this Earth.

  38. The giveaways are cool but the encouraging posts are so much better than any products. 🙂 Thanks for making such an awesome place for those who like to write and share!

  39. The kindest thing that has said about me lately was from an old friend. She said that she loved how I am always myself and that loves my personality

  40. Today I went into the office I used to work in to say goodbye to a friend who is retiring and meet her replacement. My friend told her replacement “‘tricia’s fun, she makes you laugh, she listens and she has really large shoulders if you need to cry.” I needed those words of encouragment.
    It felt good to be considered a woman of trust and encouragement. Our family moto is: Love Beyond Words, Live Every Moment, and Laugh Outrageously Every Day! We try to practice Acts of Kindness to go MAD each day – Make A Difference in someone’s life.
    Thank you for your post today concerning friends- girlfriends – encouragers in our lives!
    Patricia Grable

  41. i just love what day spring has to offer .Love all the spiritual things,is’nt it wonderfull that ,”Our RedeemerLives.Day Spring,allways reminds us .Thanks also for yor beautiful cards ,I’ve used them many times to send to family and friends,through e-mail .Thanks Day Spring.