Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Wow. Total awesomeness. Your perspective into the history lesson AND HIS STORY is breathtaking. May we never lose awe over our Father “raising Him up again so He could declare all the terms fulfilled.”
    Happy, Happy Easter to you, sweet girl. So thankful for you and your gifts!

  2. I have that book and haven’t read it in a while. I will definitely be picking it up again. Thank you for the reminder of God’s amazing love for us.

  3. wow that was amazing. thanks for sharing that. i physically bristled at the thought of someone hurting my children and nodded as i read the words “capable of doing terrifying things in return.”

  4. i love the way you tied such a poignant missions story in with the wonder of Good Friday.
    thanking Him for the peace offering of His Son…

  5. Great post! I read this book recently after Don Richardson spoke one evening at our Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class. Excellent.

  6. Oh, this twists me into tangled knots… Even though I only have a miniscule amount of understanding, He willingly gave His Son for me. I cannot even comprehend that magnitude.

  7. Thank you for this beautiful Rendition of the Easter story. God bless and Happy Easter. I so want the Savior to return and take us to heaven; so we can all have peace in our troubled lives and troubled world.

  8. All day all I can think about is a Father and His Son and how this must have seemed like the longest day in history to them. It’s a privilege to share it with you ladies!
    @Kristen: Can I just say how much I love anticipating your comments? I know that you will always be there to join me when I write and it is so profoundly comforting!
    @SouthernGal: It’s the most amazing read, isn’t it? The copy I grew up reading currently sits on my father’s bookshelf in South Africa. I definitely need to invest in a copy to keep with me in the States.
    @Jeannett: I can never get over the courage of the Father – how terrible it must have been to watch your Son suffer in that way. It defies the imagination. I am humbled by it now as a parent more than I ever was before I had kids.
    @Marsha: Amen, friend. Amen.

  9. @Alece: Yes, someone had written on my blog, “What if no one told me the story?” And it made my heart stand still and think; what if I didn’t know? What if I didn’t KNOW? So appreciate those who go and share the good news! {that means YOU!}
    @Amber: Thank you. Really. That means so much to me, since the story of Easter almost defies being put into words.
    @Ann Voskamp: Me too, Ann. Me too. All day today, no matter what we are doing, all I can think about is the Father and his Son and what they endured for this 24 hour period. It makes my chest tight and my throat close. How did they do it? And for me?
    @Kate: Thank you. So much.
    @Jenni: I can NOT believe you got to hear Don Richardson in person! Wow – just wow
    @Darlene: Me too, friend. Me too. My heart aches at the knowledge of what they did for me.
    @Glenda: Yes, what a true word. And what a true hope we have that it will come to be!
    @ToThink: I am living the Friday today, Ari. Can’t wait to share the Sunday with you. Waiting is always the hardest, darkest part.

  10. I read this book years ago and have never forgotten the likeness of the giving of the peace child to the giving of Christ. What a beautiful story.

  11. God’s love, beyond comprehension, takes my breath away. As do your beautiful words. Thank you.

  12. My word, you have brought to light how God’s Word and His plan is for every tongue, tribe, and nation. God speaks all of our languages. I am utterly blessed by this post. Thank you.