We have put together a downloadable 54-page gift for you that includes the entire books of Romans and Esther, taken from the (in)courage Devotional Bible.
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There is so much blessing and goodness tucked within the pages of this Bible:
- There are 312 devotions written by 122 writers with stories from women in all seasons of life.
- The devotions are organized into 10 themes, and each theme has a distinct color and design in the Bible.
- Each theme also has its own reading plan to guide you through a beautiful experience of Scripture.
- There are 50 Women of Courage featured with biographical profiles throughout the biblical text.
- Each of the 66 introductions (one for each book of the Bible) is original to draw you into the overarching biblical narrative.
There are many more custom features — each one like a sweet surprise waiting for you!
The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible is available in four different covers at a variety of prices. This beautiful devotional Bible for women is available wherever books are sold.