About the Author

Laura Kelly Fanucci is an author, speaker, and founder of Mothering Spirit, an online space on parenting and spirituality. She has written 7 books on faith, motherhood, & grief. Laura lives with her husband & 5 sons in MN, where she earned her master of divinity-and hates winter.

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  1. I appreciated what you shared with us. I am thinking about my internal scars. I hadn’t thought of the hurt I was feeling as a scar but it is such an accurate description.

    • You’re so right that our internal hurts bear scars, too. Isn’t it ironic that they can be the hardest ones to bear – the scars that no one can see? Praying for you, Madeline.

  2. Dear Laura………..As we enter Lent, this was a very uplifting devotion for me. I have physical scars too many to count and I have so many emotional scars that some of them still haunt me to this day. I know that Jesus suffered them too and I know He is with me as well as my wonderful Holy Spirit. The one thing that I do struggle with is the wait. Most of these emotional scars have been going on for years with no resolution or improvement. Your words today have reminded me in such a way that I know is right and I know that I must continue to wait until one day, something will happen. It is difficult as I am alone. I am 77 years old and all my close relatives are gone. My husband has the violent dementia and attempted to kill me and is in a facility that I cannot see him. My son has disowned me as he said I was not telling him the truth about his father and to top that off, my one grandchild, he has told me he and his wife will never let me see or even hear from him ever again. That is the most painful scar that I can’t seem to forget. My grandson was 11 when this all started and will be 15 this year. I don’t even know what he looks like. Sometimes I fear that this will not get resolved before I leave this Earth. That always makes me cry. There is so much more to this story, but it is too long and complicated. Thank you Laura and I will keep reading your devotion every day, and I am sure that will help me to have hope and hold on. My prayers go out to you and I hope you are well. My love goes to all the (incourage) women who to me are angels sent to help me understand things and do the right thing……Betsy

    • Dearest Betsy, I have prayed for you many times and have prayed for you again just now. May the Lord Jesus bless you with healing inside and out! May He restore your son and grandson to you for He is our God of restoration. May He comfort you and bless you with His wonderful Presence. You may feel alone, but you are not! He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. May you feel His love surrounding you always! God’s richest blessings be yours today and always!

      • Dear Donna…………You are so very kind to pray for me and I do so appreciate it as most of the residents here where I live do not even know what I have been going through. I am normally the one here in a Senior Residence that tries to help as many people as I can, but Donna, it is so hard for me to help myself. I pray and I am aware of God’s timelines, but it is my grandson that really upsets me, how my son could do this to me. He was not raised like that. My love to you for giving me your words to really help me and you don’t even know me. I think one of my favorite words is GRATITUDE for your thinking of me…………Betsy

    • Dear Betsy, you hold fast to such deep faith in the fire. Your story reminds me of how I learned that scar tissue is some of the strongest in our bodies. So even in the places where we feel weakest, God is actually strengthening us the most, even when we cannot feel or see it. I pray that this strength will bring healing both for your heart and for those who are touched by your testimony. Peace to you in this season of Lent.

  3. As I read your poignant post I pictured Jesus explaining His scars hold my name. Oh the wonderful healing on every level His scars for me provides! It also brought to mind my beautiful Mom who had the body criss cross scars from breast cancer but the beauty of Christ shone through her just as He does you! Thanks for sharing! Blessings (((0)))

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