About the Author

Jenny Erlingsson is a speaker and author of romantic fiction and creative non-fiction, who currently makes her home in both Alabama and Iceland. When she's not ministering alongside her Viking husband or mothering her adorably feisty kids, she can be found writing and reading in the margins.

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  1. Thank you!!! I am in favor of people knowing when to nap, when to self-soothe, and what things refresh or relax them, but also advertising suggests that really you ought to buy *this* or *that* as self-care, and… eh. Sometimes self-care is a job well done; a clean kitchen sink; a bath that doesn’t even need any “products”; a walk around the block; a nap; putting the good music on; sending a thank-you to a friend.

    And while there is definitely “… our bodies need to be taken care of, too” in the Bible – see Elijah in despair asking God to let him die, and God prescribing rest and food and providing both – what Jesus tells the disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane to do – watch and pray that you may not fall into temptation – is counter to my “they are super tired, if they get a nap they’ll probably be better at withstanding temptation” general assumptions. Presumably there is a time for “self-care” and a time when other things take priority (Jesus actually interrupts his self-care to take care of people sometimes), and the more tapped-in we are to God, the more we’ll know that rather than either assuming God wants us to busy-busy-busy ourselves with “Christian work” into an exhausted mess or assuming that us trying to do everything we can think of to take care of ourselves is more important than anything else (sometimes! see Elijah! and Jesus feeding people! and going off to pray sometimes even when other people wanted attention! but that was after some things and before other things, not all the time?).

    Pointing out that self-care can be an idol and a way of trying to control our situations is also valuable to me – thank you!

    Now to see if I can sort out where my foundations need some help…

  2. Jenny,

    My current favorite Bible verse one you quoted from Zephaniah. God sings lullabies over us! Having a grandson, this speaks to my heart!

    I’ll share your devotion!

    Sending you warm JOY,

    Lisa Wilt

  3. Wow Jenny, this is so powerful. 2024 brought new and difficult challenges, and I struggled with wanting the feelings of anxiety and regret to leave quickly but this was not possible. The remedy didn’t happen quickly. It took months before I started to feel I was on the other side of my trauma. I could not have gotten through it without the Lord.
    I love that you used the story of Jesus napping during the storm, I never looked at it from a self-care perspective! Thank you for this.


  4. Jenny,

    My self care impulse can be buying myself clothes or earrings. For the last four years my self-care routine has included a day of relaxing with hubby and taking naps between chores. God wants us to quiet our souls & rest up for the challenges that face us. Each weekend, I get 3 days, includes some Bible reading, listening to Christian music while praising Jesus and slowing down to enjoy the life given me.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. I love the idea of laying your head on Jesus and listening to his heartbeat. We have an old clock in the back of our even older church. When it gets very quiet, and the pendulum swings and ticks off the seconds, we’ve often said it’s like listening to God’s heartbeat. So soothing.

  6. My typical self care goes with naps and watching tv. But I try to work in some form of Jesus quiet time before doing any of those things and this may be in the form of reading my Bible, prayer, reading a devotional, etc.

  7. Dear Rachel……So sorry I am so late with my reply, but I have been sick now for 10 days. I have a hunch that I got sick so that I would have to rest and relax. I am the type of person that feels like I should be helping others and I lost sight of myself and I was always just running. My job as a manager in a very large company for 35 years expected us to solve problems ASAP. I did end up being very good at it and they called me “their trouble-shooter”. Meanwhile my husband and I had big problems which didn’t help my multi-tasking. He expected me to come home from work after 10 hours and make supper right away. I tried to do that, but it didn’t suit him. He was home hours before I was and could have helped me. We had 1 son and my Mother-in-law lived with us for 16 years, but that is another story for another day. I had to evict my husband from our house of 40 years as he tried to kill me. He has the violent form of dementia He was in total denial and would not take any of the meds or stop his heavy drinking which they said was the first thing. My son would not listen to me and said I was a liar. It was old age, but it wasn’t and my son at 54 is right at the age where it very likely can begin. My husband’s grandfather, uncle and many others that came from Italy died from it, but at that time dementia and Alzheimers was not even diagnosed yet. I ended up selling the house and did it myself as all the relatives were gone. Our house was big and I donated thousands of dollars to others as I was moving into a facility 1 bedroom apartment. Besides this situation that makes me cry almost every day. Where I am living, all but 1 manager either left of their own accord or were fired leaving us with 1 manager for over 100 people. I have been trying to help her as all the years of my working, I had seen almost everything that could happen. So now I have myself in another complicated problem which caused me to have no time for me and at my age, I am weary, alone and very depressed. These people here were depending on me to help all of us out of this mess. I got sick and I had prayed and prayed for Jesus to help me, and He did. I finally recognized that it was on me due to not taking self- care of me. This illness that I have has grounded me now for almost 2 weeks, but when I read your devotional today, it really took me by surprise and I know I have to take better care of myself and pace myself. Ican’t solve all the problems of the world.. Thank you Rachael for your words that reminded me what I needed to do and I will do it as I will be 78 this year and it gets harder when you get older. I send my love and best wishes for a blessed weekend. I need a nap now so I must sign off………………….Betsy Basile

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