About the Author

Barb Roose is a speaker and author who is passionate about teaching women to live beautifully strong and courageous so that they experience God’s great adventure of faith and purpose for their lives. She’s the proud empty-nest mom of three and whenever possible, Barb prefers to eat dessert first.

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  1. Barb, that was so relevant to me especially these past 3 weeks. I know I have been off but this gave me clarity. No desire to pray, negative thoughts, complaining! I never made the connection of not wanting or being able to put words together in a prayer to my deadening spiritual battery. I appreciate these words.

    • Madeline, I’m praising God for today’s a-ha moment for you. I also pray you’ve had a chance to reconnect with God and begin receiving His strength and love for you. We’re so glad you joined us on (in)courage today!

  2. My husband & I teach/learn with the 5-6th graders at our church. They are boisterous & energetic until we ask for a volunteer to close us in prayer. Then the room goes quiet & still. We coach them that prayer is simply talking to God who WANTS to hear from them. They are becoming bolder in volunteering to pray out loud. It’s a smile inducing joy to hear what’s on their hearts. I imagine God smiling at every prayer brought to Him no matter our age or lack of boldness. The depth of the gift that The Creator of the universe waves us in for a conversation is more than astounding to me! Blessings (((0)))

    • Ruth, that’s a great story and I love how you’re teaching those precious kids that God wants to hear from them. What powerful truth you’re planting in their hearts and minds at an early age.

  3. Excellent!
    Thank you Barb.
    I so appreciate your suggestion for prayer to assist in “jump-starting” my prayers!
    God bless you!

  4. Barb an excellent word. To recharge our Spiritual Batteries. We need to spend time in Prayer and Reading God’s word everyday as follower of Jesus. It like rechargeable batteries we buy them to save us money on buying other batteries that are not rechargeable that they are deerer in the long run. But we have to after using them the rechargeable one after so long like the other batteries they that go dead and not work anymore remember to charge them up. Plus have spare batteries charged when the ones we are using go dead no life in them and don’t work any more then we can charge the ones that are dead no life in them to bring them back to life again so we can use them again. It is the same with our lives as Christians. We can go dead with no spiritual life in us if we don’t spend time reading God’s word then applying it to our lives plus praying and by praying we are talking to God. Doing this we keep our spiritual life well charged so we are lights that shine the love of Jesus from our hearts for all to see. Like a child’s toy that lights up with batteries in it that are well charged. It gives the child joy to see the lights in the toy light up. It put a big smile on there face once the batteries go in that are fully charged. But once they go dead you get the child cry as the toy doesn’t work and the lights on the toy no longer shine until new batteries are put in. Once they are put the new batteries that are charged the toy and the lights in toy light up again then you get a very happy child again because the toys works again . We are as Christians followers of Jesus. To make sure our spiritual lives shine and not go dead. Like the batteries that are rechargeable if we don’t keep them charged they go dead too. Then we find we can easily get into sin and do things that are not right as followers of Jesus. So to keep our spiritual lives alive and living as God would want to do and not die spiritualy. So we have to every day make time for Jesus in reading his word and applying it to our lives and not just reading it for the sake of it plus praying. Then are spiritual lives will grow and our lives shine for Jesus every day. We will not go dead spiritualy. I have found that in my life if I don’t take the time to read God’s word and pray everyday. I go dead spiritualy and my life does not shine as bright as it should it for Jesus. So true. Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx

  5. Thank you Barb. Your words/ prayers are just what I needed today to recharge my life.
    I will be sharing your devotional.
    Blessings to you.

  6. Thanks for the reminder that when we feel just a “little, tiny bit” drained, our Spiritual batteries may need a recharge RIGHT NOW. I also want to thank you for praying for all of us. I enjoyed today’s devotional very much.

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