About the Author

Quantrilla Ard, PhD, lives in the Atlanta area with her husband and three children. She is a dynamic speaker, multi-published author, and faith-based personal development writer for children and adults on various topics. Quantrilla also humbly stewards a grief and loss community named It’s All Grief to Me.

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  1. This is so good (and so true). Thank you for helping us see our need for Jesus today. He is the best view, no matter our current landscape.

    Blessings and hugs,
    Nikki S. White

  2. Oh how I relate!!! Glasses since 4th grade Ugh as in punch to my social well being & as in UGLY! Contacts in 9th grade only helped to clarify I wasn’t one of the popular crowd. BUT GOD used those years of searching for where I fit to sharpen my skills to be a better friend not just have people know who I was in the hallways. 40+ decades later I can testify when I keep my eyes on Jesus I weather the storms & disappointments much more smoothly. When I look at the distractions I lose my footing & get swamped by the hard of life. I’m going to have “Turn your eyes upon Jesus” & “Be Thou my Vision” running through my brain all day. And that’s not bad earworms at all! Thank you for your insightful words & encouragement! Blessings (((0)))

  3. I can so relate! I have not been focused in so long now…and I so need Jesus to help me out of this useless sadness. I am so blessed, I know I am, but I feel so empty and everything seems so out of focus. Please God, help me to focus my eyes and my heart, back on You.

  4. Quantrilla,

    I love this verse, and I love how you brought it to life and your devotional about your personal experiences! When we fix our eyes on Jesus… He fixes us!

    Sending you Valentine’s Day joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  5. Your story reminds me of myself. When I was in 4th grade, I needed glasses and me being so picky about how I look chose a blue pair of glasses with the wings. Please know that this was back in the 50’s when things were very different. The boys always laughed and teased me about these glasses so when I got to my 16th Birthday which was very important back then, my parents told me I could either have a big party or get contact lenses which were just coming out at that time. Believe it or not, I chose the contact lenses; however, to get back to your message. I have had difficult physical and emotional struggles through out my life and have lost focus on Jesus, but this last struggle I am going through for 6 years now and I am 77, have really taught me to NEVER lose focus on Jesus and the Lord and my Holy Spirit. It’s a wait as I don’t know what Their plan is for me, but I have learned to pray as often as I can. Jesus will help us and give us strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I loved your devotional and thank you for sharing it with us. My best to you and I hope your weather where you live is better than where I do. Lots of ice and snow. Take care and your words have really, I am sure, helped a lot of us….Betsy Basile

    • Aww thank you for sharing your experience with me Betsy! Praying is so important to keep our hearts in tune and connected with God, even if we don’t always understand the path He has us on. Keep praying, my dear. The weather here has finally warmed up a bit, but it looks like we’ll be back to cool weather next week! Hugs to you!

    • Dear El Roi, THE God who sees us, surround Betsy that she/we might lean into You and Your PERFECT vision for us and for Your glory. Enable us to keep our eyes on Jesus. It’s not a self improvement project but a gift from You. Expand the waiting times to be fruitful in deepening our faith roots and not be anxiety time fillers. Be tangible to Betsy that You hear her prayers, see her concerns & know what is best. Enable her to keep praying for herself and others that You might be magnified in & through her. Thank you that You do see each of us and You love us BEST. In the name, power, authority & affection of Jesus I pray. Amen! (((0)))

  6. Quantrilla,
    When I saw your title, my mind immediately started singing the refrain from the hymn, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. That led to investigating the origin of the hymn. Here’s what I found: in the 1800’s a musically trained woman named Helen Lemmel became blind from a tragic illness. After her husband left her because of the blindness, she kept her eyes on the Lord Jesus and continued to serve Him faithfully. She taught music at the Moody Bible Institute and penned over 400 hymns. One of them is the beautiful Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. Here are the lyrics:

    1. O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There’s light for a look at the Savior,
    And life more abundant and free! (Refrain)

    (Refrain) Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    2. Thro’ death into life everlasting,
    He passed, and we follow Him there;
    O’er us sin no more hath dominion–
    For more than conqu’rors we are! (Refrain)

    3. His Word shall not fail you–He promised;
    Believe Him, and all will be well:
    Then go to a world that is dying,
    His perfect salvation to tell! (Refrain)

    Loved your article and the encouragement and grace it provided. Thank you so much for sharing your heart.

    • Ahh, Susan!

      Here’s a secret! I was thinking of this song as I wrote! It’s one of my favorites!! I sang it all the time growing up. Thank you for sharing the background of the hymn and the lyrics here with us. What a testimony of how God can use us when we focus on Him, despite our circumstances. Hugs!

  7. This article was so relatable! Whew, I remember those struggles of not wanting to wear my glasses as a child and I often feel that same struggle to fix my eyes even now. Thank you for this encouraging reminder!

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