About the Author

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. She's an author and podcast host with a BA in Communications and an MA in Theology. She loves a good sandwich, obscure history, and wandering around New England antique shops.

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  1. Sounds like you learned a lot in that short time, and I’m sure you touched some others in that time in a way God wanted. You were there for a reason and a season and now it’s time to move on. He’s still right there with you. You’re in the prime of life with so much to do. This is the attitude we all need to have— what is God doing with us in this season?
    I’m 72 and retirement doesn’t look like I expected, but God is still right here and I want to walk with Him and do what He gives me to do, trusting Him for the strength to do it.

  2. I like your list!

    I will say I have often had to remind myself that even when my plans fall through, God still has a plan! He’s working what we cannot see but can believe by faith.

  3. Melissa,

    I listen every day to this podcast then share it. Today my heart wants to encourage you. When I look back at my 34 years as a pharmacist, working in the pharmaceutical industry, I can see God‘s hand. Once he moved me from one company to another and at the time, I didn’t understand it, but now I can look back and see how he blessed me. Sometimes it takes years for His perspective. As I listened to your devotion this morning, I can’t help but to know that he has something wonderful in store for you. Wouldn’t it be so great to be able to look back and give God all the glory, knowing that He had your best interest in mind all along. He always does!

    Sending you New Year’s joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  4. This is such a Godwink for me as I’m trying to shift my perspective on some situations in my life. Thank you for being so raw and real about your life.

  5. Dear Melissa…………I really loved your words today. I am 77 years old now and have been retired for quite awhile, but I will tell you that I had the same kind of experience that you have. I started to work when I was 20. I was cleaning houses for women and they liked my work and told their friends about me. So, more work, but my family needed more money as we had a baby. I decided that even though I was appreciative that these women liked me, I needed to find something else. I had 6 jobs in between, but they still weren’t what I wanted. I questioned God about this and He told me to be patient and just be observant wherever I was. I wasn’t quite understanding this at first as I just wanted to give up. Here is where I am sure he stepped in. It had been 20 years since I began cleaning and all of a sudden, I had a call from Human resources about a resume I had sent them at least 6 months ago and she asked me if I would be interested in a position that was open in this very large company. I said yes and went for 2 interviews on my lunch break from the job I was currently in. Much to my surprise I was offered the job and it turned out to be my “Dream Job” I had been waiting for. I ended up working there for 35 years and became a Manager in Customer Service, but all of a sudden, it popped into my mind that this was what God was telling me. Yes, it took me almost 20 years, but I had observed at all my other jobs, things that I call “Life Experiences” which in this job was very valuable for my success, so even though sometimes I had gotten impatient; but now I knew all these things that I did in all the different jobs, I remembered and I was very successful because of it. God had come through for me and I prayed so hard to him to with much gratitude and asked Him for forgiveness for not realized what He was trying to tell me. So, Melissa, your words were so relateable to me and you reminded me to be patient as now, at my age, I face a very serious and complicated problem that I have been facing for 3 years. I still have my days that I feel very confused and hurt, but then I just go back to prayer. I hope that you have a Blessed Week and I send you my love for your very wise words……….Betsy Basile

  6. Melissa, I am so sorry you had to suffer this disappointment. Surely God has something wonderful down the road, just for you. And you are so wise to see the good! And I know you will live your life well in the in-between!

  7. Melissa, this is so helpful paul and encouraging. Though I’m in different circumstances, your learned insights fit perfectly to my season. Thank you for sharing with us. I consider it a timely gift from God ~

  8. Thank you for this article. I worked at DDS for only 6 months with good pay and it is different to not to think should I have stayed but GOD lead me back to the job I love with not so good pay.

  9. I had a kind of loss that wasn’t a job. Not my divorce, not anything like that. It was the loss of my valuable last viable years I feel like I completely wasted on the granddaughter I raised from birth to age 18. The loss of my best last years of everything. From 50 to age 68 after a terrible divorce in my early fifties. Raising and adopting a difficult grandchild as a single, older parent post divorce. She turned out to be terrible with promiscuity from age 15 and rebellion. I tried, I prayed, I cried and I finally gave up. She had sincerely embraced the Lord as a younger person in our solid church and then just failed when high school came along.

    I honestly cried and asked God a couple of weeks ago-what was that all about because in my eyes that was a waste of time and of my life that is at the end. WHY did you allow that?? What even was the purpose of any of that other that being a waste of time??? I thought that was your will to do this!!It apparently amounted to nothing!! And now I am old and I wasted my life on nothing!

    Through reading the article, I was reminded that God does something beneath the surface and maybe He is working something for the good even though this is not good. Today I needed this. This granddaughter I have invested my very soul in, she does have a faith in God, and that is everything. It is fierce and even though she struggles with mental issues, and terrible judgment because of that, her faith will prevail. And for myself, I think that God is doing something underneath the surface in my own life that I hadn’t even realized.

  10. I love these ten points so much. I work full time and can totally relate to them. And to think the Lord used 4 months to teach you all that. I am sorry this ended the way it did but grateful for your example.

  11. This happened to me last year. I been in my previous job 9 years and an opportunity became available and I prayed and contemplated and fasted and I believed it was for me. I took the job and it was great the first 6 months I ended up needing surgery and thats when the issues started. by the next january I was let go with the opportunity to resign. I was devistated where was God in this? I needed my job, I was also taking care of my terminally ill father along with my mother. I was so ashamed I didnt tell my parents for a whole 2 months. I could not find anything else. My father passed in August, my world was shattered. I had to look back on it and I was grateful that I spent the last 8 months of my dads life with him. I continued to look for a new job and still nothing came. In October I was given the opportunity to interview for a position with the agency I left but in another department. The day of the interview 30 minutes before, unbeknowst to me I suffered a mild heart attack, drove through downtown traffic to the interview, interviewed and met old friends and drove home. I still didnt feel well and my husband took me to urgent care, then to one hospital then to another hospital. The Drs descovered I had a mass – myxoma- on my heart that needed open heart surgery for removal. I stayed in the hospital for 21 days. I thank God that he covered me all during last year, it was a life changing year for me. I still am unemployed and recovering, I am praying for doors to open for me. Like you I am still looking for new perspectives with my new normal. Thank you for reminding me to continue to do so.

  12. Melissa,

    This hit straight at my heart. Years ago, in 2002, my last day of what I thought would be a dream job was my first wedding anniversary. I kid you not. It was like, “Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.” A false offer to help with finding a job. A false offer of sympathy. It stank. And yes, I was out of work for five months. Fast-forward to November 2006 when I finally found my forever home in terms of jobs. I wandered a path, but God led me. Fear not, friend. He’s got you in the palm of His hand.

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