About the Author

Chrystal Evans Hurst is the author of She’s Still There and co-author of the best-selling book, Kingdom Woman, with her father Dr. Tony Evans. She reaches a wide audience speaking at conferences, sharing on her blog and podcast, and teaching and leading women in her home church.

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  1. Very encouraging word Crystal. I will definitely be asking God to change my view of the things that I don’t like about myself. After all he said I’ve been fearfully and wonderfully made.

  2. Thank you for the opportunity to win this encouraging devotional! Some days we just need a pep talk. This will help us to meditate on the gifts God has given us and the gift that God created us to be!

  3. Isn’t it awful how we, at least I am, are so hard on ourselves? And as I think and say those critiques of myself, I know I shouldn’t it. Why is it so hard to see myself as a wonderfully made child of God? Others so often see what I don’t. Thank you for being honest. A daily pep talk is certainly a great way to start the day!

  4. Lately I have had the taunts of the enemy continue to put in my head thoughts of not being good enough …. not worthy, not talented enough… Lord calm my heart and give me the courage to surrender all to you. Use me as you would and flow in and thru me to do ‘the work’ you have planned for me, for my good your purpose and glory! Amen

  5. Wow thanks for this encouraging message. We all need to hear this. I am going to start praying just like you suggested about what I see as my flaws.

  6. Accepting that God has made me exactly who I am, especially at this midpoint of my life when my body is changing in ways I really don’t like, has always been a challenge for me. In some aspects, I have abounding confidence and in others, a stark self-doubt. I want to learn to embrace all of me with the confidence that God had in my creation.

  7. Chrystal thanks for what you wrote. God knew us before the beginning of the world. God knew who be our parents who type of person we be. There is lots in psalm 139 about how wonderfully we are made as you have already said. God knit us in our Mother’s womb God also knew then we would be born. We are unique beautifully made in God’s eyes made in him image God knew even before we were born what colour of hair we have what colour of eyes we’d have too. If we look like our Mum or Dad etc. God also when we got saved made us do what he wants us to that is show the world his love. I was told this by a Salvation Army Officer once that I am Daughter of the King. That King is Jesus and Jesus is our Father who loves me enough to go Calvary for me and the whole world. No greater love could Jesus have given me and the whole world by doing that for me and you. Like the kids song that says “He’s got the whole world in his hands. In his hands he got the whole world and he’s got me and you bother” How true that song is it teaches us that. Even though it people who say a song for kids. But I think it good even for us as Adults too. Like alot of the songs people say are for kids. They in my eyes are just as good for us as Adults too. Another one is ” Jesus loves all the children of the world red ♥️ and yellow black and white ” so true also. So with that we can know God loves us and made us we are precious to God he treats us with the love of a Father. I say Amen to that. Thank you again for this beautiful message Crystal. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  8. At my age (I’m retired), I find it challenging to know what gifts I could possibly have to offer to others. I’ve been following Crystal for years, and I’ve loved everything I’ve read or heard from her. This sounds like a book I would enjoy and that would benefit me and others.

  9. Yes, I’m interested in the hundred day devotional
    I’m just kind of wondering what the letter print is like
    I have a hard time reading, small print and I’m wondering if it’s a larger print and what the cost would be
    And please put me in for the free drawing

  10. This sounds helpful in learning to accept who I am. I have been working on this over the past decade since my divorce but it’s still very hard for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  11. Chrystal- thanks for the reminder that we are to love ourselves as God made us. I have several frustrating, though not life threatening, health issues. I don’t like that God made me this way and I question Him. Would love your book to learn to accept the challenges and love myself as God loves me. Thanks.

  12. Oh how this resonates with me! Most of my life I’ve felt imperfect, different and not good enough. Then 3 years ago I became involved with a women’s group that nurtures, loves and supports other women who have been impacted by incarceration. Through this marvelous ministry I have healed and grown spiritually in so many ways. Helping other women wade through their trauma has helped me heal and knowing Jesus is with us all has changed my life. I still struggle at times but my ‘tribe’ is always there for me.

    • Leann, I praise God that you have found a supportive community! That is so important. May God continue to bless your ministry.

  13. With the changes in my life and the world, I have been trying to discern who I am and the path God wants me to follow now. Taking the time to journal with God might be just what I need. Thank you. God bless you.

  14. This article was filled with such encouragement and great reminders. I resonate with this because of my cerebral palsy and some other health issues I’ve been facing more lately. It can be hard to find a balance and know that there is a purpose and beauty in it.

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