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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. In the Celebration of this time of year. I believe God would want us to do what Mary did ponter all these things in our heart. We are as the saved to do the same. Ponter why Jesus was born and why he then went to the cross. Keep all that in our hearts like Mary keep all in her heart. Thank God for the wonder of what he did because he loved us. By having his son born who would go to die at Calvary for our sins. Oh no greater love for our world. But we see as we read in the Bible. When Mary and Joseph went to look for somewhere to have the Baby of the world Jesus. All doors we shut. People said no room at the inn. That tells me like the world today they shut the saviour of world out of their hearts. God knew this would happen. As he had his son Jesus born in Stable with animals. To teach us we don’t need anywhere fancy. Or fancy things things in our lives. To be just thankful for what we have and what God as done for us. Like Jesus he didn’t need fancy things in his life just love. We are to have the same for all the world that know Jesus as their Saviour. Shine like the star ⭐ that took them in the story the Shepherds to see the best lamb of the world Baby Jesus Heavens perfect lamb. Who teaches us how to live for him in a dark world. Shine like the star so bright with his love. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co Fermanagh N.Ireland. Happy Christmas to everyone at incourage. Keeping you all in my prayers. Xx

    • Dawn, what wonderful insights you have written about Christmas and our Savior! Thank you for sharing your heart with us from ‘across the pond’. May your Christmas and the New year to come be filled with blessings from above!

  2. What a beautiful story you have told to us this morning of Christmas Eve. Yes it was just a little different than what we heard in church, but I think it helped all of us to really picture what happened that day. Thank you so much for your words. It truly touched my heart and even though I am alone today and tomorrow, I know that my Holy Spirit and Jesus and the Lord are here with me and I will not be alone with them around me with the angels whispering their songs in my ear. Thank you again (in)courage women who I know are very busy preparing for the next days . Merry Christmas and we should all pray that 2025 helps to straighten out our upside down world before something serious happens in our country. I love all of you for being my anchor and may peace, joy and love fill your days in this very special season………………….Betsy Basile

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