About the Author

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. She's an author and podcast host with a BA in Communications and an MA in Theology. She loves a good sandwich, obscure history, and wandering around New England antique shops.

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  1. Thank you for giving a name to this journey and for the encouragement in your essay. I see God’s kind, loving and protective fingerprints all over the difficult path I’m on right now, and the perfect timing of your beautiful essay is yet another gift. Peace be with you and with all who are experiencing their quiet quests.

  2. So well said! What a tremendous comfort we have in The One Who knows all & loves us best! We are walking this Quiet Quest right now with a dear friend and the reality of God’s presence in the quiet is tangible. May He be magnified in & through us in the quiet & out loud circumstances of life. Blessings (((0)))

  3. I woke up to this after a restless night, trying to find the next right steps in my own quiet quest. Thank you for giving a name to this path and reminding me that I’m not alone. I continue to be amazed at the way God shows up with just the thing I need.

  4. Thank you for these words….you have named a journey that has been difficult and it’s so nice to read about others being on a Quiet Quest too, realizing I’m not alone. Wow – your words really hit home today. Thank you!

  5. Melissa,

    This so well captures the sentiment of needing prayer, but not wanting to reach out that I had to share it!

    Sending you advent joy,

    Lisa Wilt♥️☦️♥️

  6. Thank you for putting a name to what I am going through. Now, instead of feeling so alone, I am on a Quiet Quest with God ( looking a lot like Don Quixote in my mind right now 🙂 )
    Wow, what a difference in view point.

  7. . . . so, in tears, feeling affirmed that I have been correctly discerning everything the Lord has been whispering to me, how He has been guiding me during a difficult and painful path. “Bear the pain,” has quietly resonated when I not-so-politely inform Him that bearing witness to another’s pain is just too hard. This concept of the quiet quest is new for me and has helped me to put my finger on what hurts, and helped me embrace part of the reason He has invited me on this particular path: another way to be His hands and feet.

    Thank you, thank you Melissa.

  8. This is a much needed reminder to be gracious and kind to everyone as we don’t know the hidden circumstances and struggles in their lives. Also it’s really not our business to know but to be that helping hand.

  9. Melissa thank you for what you wrote it spoke to my heart. We all go through things in life that we can wonder why us going through this. Why did this happen to us. Or we are exhausted from help do stuff for a Family member that needs our help because not well due to an illness. Or you have elderly one that needs the basics done like cleaning of the house and the washing so many days a week. They can be hard work if got the start of memory loss or dementia. It can be hard for family looking after them. When they have other in there own homes to look after as well. Plus the washing and cleaning of their home. Or a Family member ill and worry sent it as a serious illnesses. We hear a good friend her sister has lost her Husband suddenly at not that old an age. If they have kids it hard as they have lost their Dad and their Mum her Husband. They all worry about either. Ask in all these things why did Dad die and the wife why did he die so to young. All these things are not nice for any of us to go through. We all ask the question why did this happen to them. You if saved know people with going through things like this. You feel for them. Especially if not saved you pray for their salvation also so as they know I’m these difficult times Jesus is near. You let them know you are praying for them in all they are going through. You want to not feel they have to be quiet that they can talk to you about what they are going through. Showing them the love of Jesus. Letting them know Jesus knows what they are going through. That he loves them as we are all his Children. He is our caring loving Father. Like the kids song that is even good for us as Adults too. It is “Jesus loves all the Children of the world red and yellow black and white. ” Jesus is there for us. Also like the song What a Friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to had every thing over to him in prayer” Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx Happy Christmas to you all incourage andmy prayers are with you all.

  10. You name this beautifully, Melissa. I’ve been carrying a Quiet Quest for someone I love for a long time, something I can’t share about with others, and it gets weary to not be able to give voice to this struggle when I’m someone who finds so much support in community. I’m reminded that if Jesus is helping me carry this – and more importantly, helping this person I love – then that can be enough for now.

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