About the Author

Anna works full-time for DaySpring from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and four kids. Anna is the author of A Moment of Christmas and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, and she shares the good stuff of the regular, encouraging you to see the ordinary glory in your everyday.

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  1. Oh Come All Ye Faithful…. the chorus, tears every time. Oh Come Let Us Adore Him … I think of my daughter, sister, mom and dad adoring Jesus and someday me joining them! <3

  2. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I love the old ones but I do love Mary did you know. The words are beautiful and I have so many loved ones in a heaven that I look forward to singing with. My sweet husband for one!

  3. Thank you for sharing this! Yes, even yesterday I teared up with the hymn sang at the close of the service. What a wonderful way to praise our Maker. Love so many of the Christmas songs, but one of my favorites is, Mary, Did You Know?

  4. Oh holy night!
    I first heard this when I was just maybe 5 or 6, in the Pentecostal church in Grandin Fl, that I grew up in. It was around Christmas and the most beautiful voice I had ever heard, sang this in that church. Ever since then it has been my favorite song.
    I wanted to sing that song myself, but my gift was not the gift of a beautiful voice. I’m fine with that… I just listen to others sing it. I love the way Third Day sings it….

  5. Dear Anna……..I always get excited when I see you have given us the devotional and you certainly did not disappoint today. I did not know that Mary was the only one in the New Testament to compile a song. Wonderful news in this season. I would have to say that my favorite Christmas song is ” O Holy Night “. When I was in high school, many, many years ago we sang this in our yearly Xmas Concert for our parents and whoever wanted to come. It was kind of a solo with 4 students and I was picked as one; however, it was always a boy’s part as my voice is low and I sang alto with the girls, but there was not a boy that could sing the tenor part so there I was. At the time I was always sort of upset that I always had to sing a boys part, because my voice was not good enough to sing a girls part, but as a got older, I realized that I really was fortunate to be picked at all. Our music teacher told me not to be sad because your voice is what God gave you and I had never really looked at it from that perspective. I love the Christmas season, but not for all the presents, because as my friends and I feel that Christmas is too commercialized and soon they will be starting “Black Friday” and all the other Big Deals before Halloween. We all call it “Holy Days” not holidays. After all, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. It is not a contest to see who can buy the most presents for their children and relatives. Thank you Anna. You are so special to me for all you help me get through each day. My husband and son still do not communicate with me. My son has dismissed me as his mother and has not allowed me to see or speak to my 14 year old grandson. That is the only family I have left and I found out that my son and his wife intercept any card I send, rip it up and destroy it before he gets home from school. They tell him that see Gram doesn’t even care about you because she didn’t even send you a card. What a heartbreaking thing for me, but I continue to send him cards as I am in the process of writing a letter to only be delivered to him when I die and in it I will tell him how he has always been the love of my life. I haven’t seen him for over 2 years now so I don’t even know what he looks like or what he is interested in etc. etc. There is so much more to this story, but I have already bored you long enough. Anna, You keep singing and I am so happy you found a man who really loves you and your voice. Have a Blessed Christmas and you are right, “God isn’t really interested with how we sing, but that we do sing and He smiles at us.”. Love to you………..Betsy Basile

  6. Anna love everything you wrote in today’s devotion. To do with making a joyful noise this season. It makes me any time of year not just Christmas time want to make a joyful noise onto the Lord. There is a song I can’t remember all the words it says “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” The words go Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth. Then it goes on make a loud noise and rejoice sing praises! There are more words to the song all excellent. I love the kids version of it. That tell us to Make a noise to the Lord all the time. Two of my favourite songs this time of year that I love to sing my heart out are. 1: Away in a Manger. Some of the words go. Away in a manger no crib for a bed. The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The starts in the bright sky looked down where He lay. The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing. The Baby awakes. But little Lord Jesus. No crying He makes. I love you Lord Jesus. Look down from the sky. And stay by my side unit morning is nigh. Be near me Lord Jesus I ask you to stay. Close by me forever. And love me I pray.
    Bless all the dear Children. In your tender care. And fit us for heaven. To live with you there.
    Yes people say this is mostly a kids Christmas song. But I say no as it a song for Kids and Adults too. The words the story of Jesus in the manger. The rest are us asking the Lord Jesus to stay close to us and fit us for Heaven to live with Jesus there. The song say it all. The next one I like to listen to it and sing it when at home. You hardly ever would here it in a Church at this time of year. Yes you might get it played for to listen to. But I love it as it makes you think. Did Mary person know after giving birth to Jesus. It is called. “Mary did you know” some of the word are. Mary did you know. That your baby boy would one day walk on water? Mary did you know. That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
    Did you know
    That your baby boy has come to make you new?
    This child that you’ve delivered will soon deliver you. 2: Mary did you know
    That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man? Mary did you know. That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand. Did you know
    That your baby boy has walked where angels tried?
    And when you kiss your little baby. You’ve kissed the face of God. Mary did you know? This song I love it too. It makes me think did Mary know that her baby boy would do all in the song. I not know the answer until I get to Glory one day. Then I can ask Mary myself. They are two songs I love to sing anytime of the year. As words so true. Like other songs sung this time of year. So let us make a joyful noise unto the Lord not just at this time of year. But always. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  7. Beautiful Anna!

    “This Christmas, with our lives and our lips, may we all make a joyful noise for the One who is Emmanuel, God with us.”

    Amen to that!! I LOVE to sing, too. I always tell people that I’m a “blender” (my voice blends well alongside others) and not a soloist. I’m so grateful that Jesus encourages us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. What may be noise to others, may be the sound of sweetness to God’s ears. Thanks for this uplifting article!!

  8. O Come, O Come Emmanuel is one of my favorites, followed by several “normal” ones that have some really good verses [O Come All Ye Faithful, Joy to the World, O Little Town of Bethlehem, It Came upon a Midnight Clear] but also “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” – I love-love-love the songs that acknowledge, somewhere in them, that *things are broken* but that there is hope because God is here. (the verses to We Three Kings are also worthwhile, but often it’s just the first verse and then the chorus over and over, and… sigh, what a waste! 🙂 That “King, and God, and Sacrifice” line in the last verse: chills!!!)

  9. “O Holy Night” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem” are two of my favorites, as well as “What Child Is This?” which reminds of having played Mary in our living Nativity when I was 8.

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