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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I really appreciate this reminder today. Over the years, 38 for my husband and I, we have used the phrase “we have to agree to disagree” on this or that. Unfortunately many times we don’t remind ourselves of that until after the explosion of fireworks Good perspective… thank you.

  2. This was wonderful! I have learned over the past few elections to smile a lot when someone is explaining their position; to listen; and, to respectfully say “I hear you, but that is not how I feel.” I lived in a house divided with my husband for a number of years- occasionally it was about politics- sometimes we were in total agreement and other times not; but more often than not it was sports that was the great divide! My husband was from Massachusetts and I am from New York- you get the picture. But I think if we focus on our commonality it can help. That is not to say I don’t get riled up or angry or disgusted at times, but I no longer blow like the volcano. Mind you, I am 70+ so it has taken years to get here. I pray that we can all come together and no matter our views to be respectful and accepting of each other.

    • Madeline, I appreciate the calm approach you share in saying, “I hear you, but that is not how I feel.” Far too often, we think that screaming and shouting at people is somehow going to convince them to chance their minds. I’ve found it causes people to dig their heels in deeper and start shouting back.

  3. Your wisdom here is so rich and relevant, Jennifer—for election season of course, but far beyond that. For all my husband and I do have in common, many days Enneagram 9s and 8s feel like polar opposites. We’re both far better for the ways we’ve had to push against our grain into growth. This story is one of my favorites of yours!

  4. I applaud your ability to reach beyond the one note differences. When I came to Christ I was the only one in my family who believed. It created a canyon of divide because my lifestyle and desires changed overnight. I was very alone in the physical realm but very comforted in the Spirit. It’s been a long road but I kept my convictions and tried to live out my Christian walk to honor God. It’s His will and Word that have to direct our actions, whether in the voting booth or the world.

  5. Jennifer I love your reading today. One person told me years ago after I got married who is in Glory today. Those who pray or read God’s word together stay together. Plus who put Jesus first in their marriage. Don’t forget before you go sleep to tell either they love together if have a row forgive before you go to bed. As you don’t know if you will see the next day. I know that too well with my Auntie who Husband went to bed and never woke up again. Plus a friend of mine sister who husband too a heart attack and died. So it has taught me and my Husband to do all these things I just said and we do. We are 31 years married. Everything we do is about putting Jesus first in our lives especially in our marriage. We don’t always agree and see eye to. Nor do we with our Families and people we know. But in all we still love them like my marriage agree at times to disagree and let our Families and all we know have their thinking like they let us. We say to either this one we both have different points of view on this. We leave it like that. As if we said to either but I right and they said they were right. We have disagreement and we fall out. That is last thing we want. So we have to remember in life we never always agree with everyone even married. But learn to love them like Jesus does no matter what. That is important and not get angry because they thought the way they did and thought they were right. You thought oh yes I am right. You went away angry but didn’t let them know it or see your anger. As you didn’t want them to see you are angry at them not agreeing with you. So we have to control our anger like Jesus would not let get the better of us that we say something not right behind their back. Which Jesus would not want us to do. Thank you again Jenifer for your reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  6. Jennifer,

    I feel like an outsider at work. So many young people. They tend to live however they want. No thought of eternity. One co-worker actually said “I’m not religious”. It is so hard to be around those kinds of people daily when you know where they are headed. All I can do is pray for them. Let God be the ultimate judge.

    As for politics I don’t discuss that subject unless someone brings it up. No need for heated debates-especially in a hospital. I’ve learned to agree to disagree with people. In the end God will have His way.

    Blessings 🙂

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