About the Author

Becky is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, mom of three loud boys, and the Community and Editorial Manager for (in)courage. She loves writing about anxiety, motherhood, and the kindness of God. Long naps, shady trails, and a good book make her really happy.

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  1. I tend to feel “less than, never quite enough.” The line you wrote about the voice saying “you’re too much this, not enough that” connected with me on many levels. Thank you for the reminder that it isn’t God’s voice or how God sees me. He sees me trying to do the right thing, to be that better person .

    • Madeline, yes, God sees you! And He delights in who He made you. We are all on a journey of becoming… but God already knows and loves and is calling forth the truest, most whole and healed version of ourselves. Praying for you today as you lean into His voice and His ways.

  2. Becky,
    Your devotional has the inspiring and captivating power to open eyes and ears to God’s truth. I believe His might was working through you as you penned each word!
    The message is so clear.

    “But God looks beyond the facts of our lives to the identity of our souls.”
    This is so profound I keep rereading to absorb and embrace the comfort and assurances these words offer.

    In gratitude,

    • Kathleen, thank you for that affirmation and encouragement! I receive it. And yes, even re-reading these words today I can attest that it was God guiding my pen (or my typing fingers as the case may be). He is so faithful. Bless you, dear one.

      • Thanks for sharing your testimony of God’s voice in your writing. I actually recognized it because I have had a similar profound moment with writing a poem, which turned out to hold a very impactful message to many readers, just like your inspiration today. Only God…

  3. thank you becky! for a long time i’ve questioned so many things about who i am and how i should be based on what others have said. tbh, i still struggle with it :-\ thank you for the reminder that i don’t have to and shouldn’t wear the labels thrust upon me by others. as i continue to “fill my thoughts with His Words…they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of my being.” (pro 4:21-22 tpt) His Words provide the only labels I should wear.

  4. John Eldridge (Wild at Heart) wrote, “The Fathers voice is never condemning”. I thought of that when you wrote, “That voice sounds like shame. God’s voice sounds like love. That voice belittles. God’s voice uplifts. That voice stifles. God’s voice celebrates.
    That voice condemns. God’s voice calls.” Almost all of my 73 yrs I’ve heard the wrong voice of shame and still on many occasions hear it. John also in one of his devotionals, said to ask the Father like you did, “What is my name to you Jesus”? God did give me a name eventually and it is ‘Beloved’. This is very inspired, uplifting and encouraging writing Becky. Thanks, M

    • Beloved! Yes, that is your name, M. Praise God for who He calls you, the very core of who He made you. And I love John Eldridge and those quotes. Very timely. Thank you for being here.

  5. I really needed to read this today. I have been struggling lately with feelings of sadness and I’m sure it has to do with the loss of my husband a year and a half ago. We met in fall and were married in fall. I need to remember that God loves me and will comfort me through this period in my life. Thanks so much for your uplifting words! Bless you!

    • Karen, I’m so sorry for your tremendous loss. I can relate to the sorrow and grief that stir stronger in different seasons. (I lost my dad and his birthday is in October, Christmas was the last time I saw him, and he passed in January, so those are all hard months.)

      Be assured that God sees you and is with you — as close as your next breath. His love doesn’t take away the sadness but surely He is ready and willing to meet you in it. To strengthen you, comfort you, and give you His unfailing peace.

      Indeed, you are precious and loved.

  6. I needed to read this today! It resonates deeply within me as God’s truth! Thank you so much for sharing from your heart the encouragement to embrace who God created us to be!

  7. Becky amazing what you wrote in the devotional you wrote about today. I just find it so true alot of what you said. Which is the loudest voice in your life? I have to be honest I am one of those People. I have learning disability. I don’t think before doing something. I just do it. Like People say with me especially my Husband. Your to fussy you do far to much for others. Some appreciate it some never say they do. Some will say nice job but not really mean it. Then say oh good your hear to do the house. As I love helping people. Especially my Dad who needs help with doing his House he 83 and can’t do it. I don’t hear thank you that often from him. When I leave it tidy for him and it has annoyed me in the past my feelings have been hurt. But I said nothing kept them to myself. I go the next day and do it again for my Dad. For the Love of the Lord and the Love of my Dad. My Dad not saved I pray for his Salvation. That would be the best present my Dad could give me to know he is saved. When I do my Dad’s. I do extra things no one else would do. Things they not think of or ever do. I just do them because they would annoy me and go away say why didn’t I do that. If I do a job for anyone I have to do it persent. Half doing it now good to me. I see things they need doing that no one sees or things like cob webs in homes and mine. I have to get the duster and take them down. Even in my Dad’s too. I always been like that. My Husband says Dawn you do far to much for others. Then I say but I like it left right. When I over do it and tiredness sets it as I have done to much for others. I can and have done taken seizures. But my body has broke down. I hear God saying along with my Husband you have to think of your health and not do as much in the one day. The rest can wait until the next day. But no to me I like it done today and I know it left right. God has said to me in his voice Dawn slow down. Don’t feel you have to do as much in one day. Taken more time for yourself and more rest. I am beginning to listen to God and my Husband. But it hard when you like things left right and tidy. Love your message Becky it spoke to me so much. Thank you for it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

    • Dawn, I’m so grateful this spoke to you! Surely God looks on you with such tender compassion, love, and delight. First and foremost you are His daughter. Rest in that today, dear sister.

  8. Love what you have to say about God giving us our name and our calling. I’m known as “Sharon Baker Crazy Goat Lady” and it’s something I never really wanted or gave a moments thought to until it is what I became. You can Google or YouTube me to find out what I do, why I do it, when I started and believe me… ALL THE GLORY goes to GOD and Him alone. I’ve been given boldness I never had, courage I lacked before. God is GOOD, all the time. Keep encouraging others to find out what their calling and/or name is according to God because they won’t be fulfilled until it’s figured out. God bless you for helping others have wisdom in their life.

    • Sharon, okay, I can’t wait till I have time to google you! Praising God with you for His kindness to us. I love how Saint Irenaeus said, “The Glory of God is many fully alive.” Sounds like you are living life to the full for Him!! Bless you.

  9. I have also found myself thinking about tamping down my heart when I feel misunderstood by others, but then I realize I don’t want to lose that unique part of myself after all. Maybe they don’t understand where I am coming from, but I do and God does and He approves!

  10. Thank you so much for this (very timely) message.
    The day I was baptized in the Spirit, He spoke to me “be named daughter.”
    I was going through so much grief with the passing of both of my parents and feeling very much an orphan (even at the age of 45).
    I can now be at peace knowing that I am a true daughter of God.

  11. Thank you, Becky.

    This is just the perfect encouragement that I needed today.

    As I make take some BIG Midlife Steps, walking into new beginnings.

    Working through fear, doubt and surrender is scary.

    • Dawn, it’s so scary! But the fact that you’re aware of it and intentionally inviting God into it is significant! Surely His plans are good—even if the path doesn’t always appear straight. Sheep know their shepherd’s voice. Listen. He will speak. Trust what you hear.

  12. I printed out your beautiful words so I could reread them whenever I need to be reminded of His voice of love. Thank you so very much for your post-so uplifting and needed. God’s richest blessings to you and yours.

  13. Becky, thank you for affirming what we know to be true, but what society doesn’t want us to believe…..we are daughters of the One true King….made in His image and likeness….filled with His Spirit. May God continue to bless the good works He is doing in you and through you.

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