About the Author

Jenny Erlingsson is a speaker and author of romantic fiction—like her debut novel Her Part to Play—and creative non-fiction who currently makes her home in both Alabama and Iceland. When she's not ministering alongside her Viking husband or mothering her adorably feisty kids, she can be found writing and reading...

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  1. Jennny thank you for sharing your beautiful story. It had elements of my own mother’s story that taught me how to walk through my own grief decades later. Your words were a beautiful reminder to me this morning! God bless you!

  2. Jenny my Mum was not saved. I don’t know did she get saved before she died. My Dad still alive. He not saved I do tell him from time to time I am praying for him and his salvation. He only goes to Church when asked if family thing or wedding or funeral. If you tell him about salvation he laughs at you say oh good you believe that. You know by the way he said it he doesn’t mean it. All I want from my Dad who is 83 now is to know he saved before he dies. I want nothing else from him. My late Mum said to me one day you don’t smoke or drink I used to like a Guinness. But not now I not touch it. But I don’t tell anyone else not to drink. Between them and the Lord. My Mum did smoke. She say you don’t smoke you go to Church read the Bible and say your prayers. I just replied to my Mum God has me hear for a reason. I thank my parents evening though not saved. For sending me and my sister’s to Sunday School. There we learnt about the love of the Lord in the Bible stories. I don’t have kids of my own. As not brave enough to have any but happy the way I am me and my Husband who is saved too. I glad I am leaving my Family as none of them saved nor their kids along with my Dad. That I live my life for the Love of the Lord in front of them and I pray for them. One day I had t-shirt one I was with my two Sisters. It said one it I am blessed with a scripture reading on the back of it. My sister the older one said what does the t-shirt say and what does the verse say. She was that keen to see what it said so looked the verse up in her phone. Said read it out in the shop. Said oh I see it says this to go along with the front of it saying I am blessed. I said yes I am. So are you. I then thought to myself it brilliant how a t-shirt can have that effect with something on it. I thank God for her reading it. As it made me smile. I am getting the gossipel into my sister’s they don’t know it. So I left that legacy and my Mum’s family not saved they know everything I do is for the Love of Jesus know I am praying for them and their salvation. Love all you wrote Jenny. Thankful my parents sent to Sunday School. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. Such a beautiful testimony! You have touched my heart! Thank you for sharing, may God continue to bless you and your family.

  4. I love the Book of Ruth. We are currently studying it in Bible study. Naomi’s commitment to Ruth and to God is so powerful. The experiences of strong women always encourage me. Growing up, my grandmother was that person. Thank you for sharing this.

    • Oh that’s cool! Ruth is such a hard but beautifully redemptive story. I’m thankful for the women we get to glean from. Thank you for sharing this with me!

  5. I am fascinated that this is today’s devotional. My mother passed away last week. Her funeral was Monday. The pastor’s message at her service was about her loyalty, even in hard times, to her family, church, community, & work. He told the story of Ruth & Naomi during the service. Your writing today is so timely & much appreciated.

    • I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I pray that you continue to feel God’s peace and cover in the midst. And isn’t it so lovely how the Lord reminds us that He sees us by dropping a few reminders along our path? I’m thankful that this was one of them for you.

  6. This is a beautiful story! I was a single mom with 3 little boys to raise on my own. I didn’t come from a foreign country but I moved away from my family to attend school so I could better support us. I left my support system behind and it was difficult. But I felt I had to go so my sons would have a better life. His was with me a those years! Without my faith and my lord I could not have persevered.
    I’m 74 now and retired. I’ve found new work as a volunteer in another ministry that helps women who have been impacted by incarceration. God is good!

    • Thank you for sharing your story! And thank you for all you did to make a better life for your boys. I’m sure they would say similar words to my own about the legacy you have cultivated for them.

  7. Jenny, this is so very beautiful and so encouraging. I am inspired towards greater contentment and more intentionality in my motherhood as I read of your mother’s example and impact. Thank you for sharing!

    • That is good to hear! I’ve been thinking encouraged by that myself. To not get discouraged by what I don’t have, but to remember what seeds I get to plant in my family. Blessings to you!

  8. Today would have been my Mother’s 100 birthday. Your story reminded me how my Mom lived her faith. Every night after dinner she was go to her bedroom, partially close the door, kneel beside the bed and pray quietly. We could hear her murmuring prayers to God.
    As a very young child I thought she prayed to get out of the job of doing dishes. As a teen & young adult trying to find my own faith I admired her faith, strength, and years & years of steadfast witness to our Lord. My mom was an unsung saint who raised seven children to love our Lord, to live life as a disciple, to love all unconditionally, to forgive and most importantly to remain faithful to our Savior. Happy Birthday Mom.

    Thank you for the beautiful tribute to your Mom.

    • Thank YOU for sharing about your mom and her legacy of faith. It is such a gift to have parents and/or mentors that show us authentic faith. Blessings!

  9. Your Mom and family have a special place waiting for all of you in Heaven. Enjoy the coming years on Earth as we watch God’s hand bring our World back to loving our One True God, Son, and Holy Ghost. What an enjoyable time that will be–praying it will be very soon.

  10. Jenny,

    What a lovely reminder that as mom’s our best is enough and we are enough. So often we pile “mom guilt” on ourselves wanting to give our kids “the perfect” childhood.

    Sending you autumn joy,


    • I receive that autumn joy, my favorite time of the year! And I’m also thankful for the reminder to be intentional with my kids and also not stressed over the things that I can’t do.


  11. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful words. It’s important to leave that legacy and we can learn from one another.
    Also, we know that He is something steady we can hold on to. I’ve had a lot of health issues recently and today’s tests that I had done might be a step in the right direction. So I’m thankful that He is with me and keeping me steady and strong.

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