About the Author

Kayla Craig is the author of “To Light Their Way" and "Every Season Sacred" and creator of Liturgies for Parents. A former journalist, she’s adamant about paying attention and staying curious. She writes the popular "Year of Breath" devotional newsletter and lives in Iowa with her husband and four wild,...

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  1. Kayla,

    I shared your devotion because GLIMMERS are powerful pointers to God so much so that I wrote a devotional named Glimmers Of Glory: Discovering God Moments in the Gloomy!

    Sending You Autumn Joy,

    Lisa Wilt

  2. Kayla love what you wrote in today’s devotional. In a dark world notice the glimmers too. We can be followers of Jesus wrapped up in our own worlds thinking of our own things that we have to do and get done before in our own worlds. We can forget about the world around us what going on it. That we can forget those who are hurting in it. That we forget those in our community around us that are hurting and in other parts of the world. Even if we know someone in our community that is hurting. Say to ourselves I have enough of my own things to do with my Family. Someone else can see if they are ok. What would Jesus want you do? Like the story of the good Samaritan in the Bible be one or leave them and walk away like some did in the Bible story. Expect for the Samaritan who showed Jesus love to the person. I think Jesus would want us especially that are saved to be a good Samaritan. To the person that is hurting. They could only want us to call see them and give them a hug. Tell them especially if saved Jesus understands your pain and what your going through. Let’s pray to him. Then if you can help them if got free time to do it. If not got much time still go to see them anyway and let them know you will be praying for them. All these little things in there lives can help them give them that glimmer of hope. Yes there are people out there who care and ones that don’t. Even we care by going to see them giving them a hug and That can make them feel better even if doesn’t take the pain or what they are going through away. Just to know you cared can make that big difference in their lives because you called to see them. Even if the person not saved you can do the same. Letting them know you are praying for them. Give them a hug and tell them Jesus understands and cares. You never know all this could make them see Jesus in you want what you have that is Jesus to be their saviour too. You can be that person that gives them the glimmer of hope. When they probably thought there was none. That is what Jesus love is all about helping people giving them a glimmer of hope knowing you cared. I often done that with people that are saved and some not saved. By telling them Jesus understands knows your pain and what your going through. That your praying for them. Even the people in other parts of the world that we see on news on TV that are living through things we will probably never experience like wars killing and bombings. Some loose loved ones which is sad. We can pray for them and the people doing this that they will find Jesus and stop what they are doing. People going through all this will know Jesus is with them. They might never know we are praying for them. But Jesus knows. We will be rewarded in Glory for praying. If don’t get when on earth. By doing all this we are bringing glimmers of hope in a dark world. That what Jesus would want us to do. As Jesus prayed and showed people that he cared when he walked earth. If we care especially if saved we are to do the same.
    Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx

  3. Such a timely reminder for me! Just today I was watching my granddaughter’s expression as she was playing and noticed the precious way she focuses when she is very intent on something.

  4. I love this reminder going into a new season! And it’s amazing how paying attention to glimmers not only aligns our heart towards God AND it’s actually good for our health! Love all you shared in here on paying attention to our nervous system. Thanks, Kayla!

    • Yes! It is so fascinating to me that modern science is undergirds so much of what we see in Scripture! Thanks for reading, Bethany!

  5. Hey Kayla!
    I’m on a bike ride in my neighborhood and a slight breeze came with it bringing the scent of pine trees and fall y’all!! It was amazing. I truly felt the presence of Gods glimmer. I’m so appreciative that I can still ride my bike cause I’m 69 years old.
    Thank you Kayla!

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